Thanks Obama-voters

LOL, you seem to be backtracking. Are you stating that all or most of those stocks you bought in 2009-10 are in the tank? Were you "thanking " and blaming Bush when the market and financial disaster happened and some people were too old then to "get it back"?
No. I said I went on a shopping spree when things were cheap and the reason I had the money is because I bailed in 2006. please catch up.

Bush didn't cause the housing crisis. You really need to find out what's really going on if you intend on investing any time soon. It might protect you a little better.

After saying this in a previous post.

All I've made with Obama is a big bag of nothing I sincerly hope YOU wind up holding.:D

Please try to keep your story straight. Or maybe you are just making it up as you go along.

See, again, I caution you not to try and talk about things until you understand them. How well has that shopping spree done since then? It's done next to nothing. I haven't really lost but I haven't gained anything either. See? If you had a clue we wouldn't have to have this conversation. . .AGAIN.

And how do I know you know nothing about investments, other than a possible IRA? Because if you did know you'd be FURIOUS right now.
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You really aren't aware of how that market thing works , are you? Take a class, see how bad it really is and then we'll talk.:lol:

I know how it works just fine. Your problem is that you're talking out of both sides of your mouth and have been exposed as a liar.

Oh such drama Ace. Watched Casino one too many times, have we??

Now you can't even discuss the point and you continue to attack me. Thanks for admitting you are full of shit.
I know how it works just fine. Your problem is that you're talking out of both sides of your mouth and have been exposed as a liar.

Oh such drama Ace. Watched Casino one too many times, have we??

Now you can't even discuss the point and you continue to attack me. Thanks for admitting you are full of shit.

Well since you know NOTHING about the topic at hand, why not have some fun with it??:D
LOL, you seem to be backtracking. Are you stating that all or most of those stocks you bought in 2009-10 are in the tank? Were you "thanking " and blaming Bush when the market and financial disaster happened and some people were too old then to "get it back"?
No. I said I went on a shopping spree when things were cheap and the reason I had the money is because I bailed in 2006. please catch up.

Bush didn't cause the housing crisis. You really need to find out what's really going on if you intend on investing any time soon. It might protect you a little better.

After saying this in a previous post.

All I've made with Obama is a big bag of nothing I sincerly hope YOU wind up holding.:D

Please try to keep your story straight. Or maybe you are just making it up as you go along.

After saying this in the op

Im just sitting here this morning watching my assests evaporate as all sections of the stock and bond markets tank again today.

Candy Slice - get your various stories straight.

BTW, stocks were UP today.
I'm not scared, Im young enough to get it back plus I bailed in 2006 and went on a spree in 2009-10 when stocks were on sale. I worry about those that lost everything and are too old now to get it back.

LOL, you seem to be backtracking. Are you stating that all or most of those stocks you bought in 2009-10 are in the tank? Were you "thanking " and blaming Bush when the market and financial disaster happened and some people were too old then to "get it back"?
No. I said I went on a shopping spree when things were cheap and the reason I had the money is because I bailed in 2006. please catch up.

Bush didn't cause the housing crisis. You really need to find out what's really going on if you intend on investing any time soon. It might protect you a little better.

Ok, but that doesn't change the fact that you made no money under Obama, then went on to do ok under Obama. :) Have those stocks that you bought cheap appreciated or depreciated as a net value under Obama's first term? Yes or no? :)

Where did I state that Bush allegedly caused the housing crisis?
Im just sitting here this morning watching my assests evaporate as all sections of the stock and bond markets tank again today.
And it's not really me Im saddest for. It's the people that are too old to recoup anything, the ones the Democrats don't care anything about, that make me most unhappy.

Thanks for NOTHING Obama Drones. My only consolation is it'll hit you too.:D

Don't worry Obama is going to help them, By raising their Cap gains, and Dividends taxes.
No. I said I went on a shopping spree when things were cheap and the reason I had the money is because I bailed in 2006. please catch up.

Bush didn't cause the housing crisis. You really need to find out what's really going on if you intend on investing any time soon. It might protect you a little better.

After saying this in a previous post.

Please try to keep your story straight. Or maybe you are just making it up as you go along.

After saying this in the op

Im just sitting here this morning watching my assests evaporate as all sections of the stock and bond markets tank again today.

Candy Slice - get your various stories straight.

BTW, stocks were UP today.

LOL, what's so funny is that it's typed not voice so none can say that people misheard them. :lol:
moron... they did that when shrub was president.


I made money with Bush. Hell I made money with Clinton. All I've made with Obama is a big bag of nothing I sincerly hope YOU wind up holding.:D

Just remember, when you lose money in the stock market someone else is winning... probably those elitists whom liberals hate so much. So just be glad that you are adding to liberal anger and hatred of corporate elitists.


PS that is not actually true, it just sounded funny. However, a market that falls is in fact bringing about good buys for the future when the market turns around. Also, remember that you have not lost a dime anywhere except for on paper unless and until you sell.
No. I said I went on a shopping spree when things were cheap and the reason I had the money is because I bailed in 2006. please catch up.

Bush didn't cause the housing crisis. You really need to find out what's really going on if you intend on investing any time soon. It might protect you a little better.

After saying this in a previous post.

Please try to keep your story straight. Or maybe you are just making it up as you go along.

After saying this in the op

Im just sitting here this morning watching my assests evaporate as all sections of the stock and bond markets tank again today.

Candy Slice - get your various stories straight.

BTW, stocks were UP today.

They weren't at 11:30 when the OP was posted.

Im just sitting here this morning watching my assests evaporate as all sections of the stock and bond markets tank again today.
And it's not really me Im saddest for. It's the people that are too old to recoup anything, the ones the Democrats don't care anything about, that make me most unhappy.

Thanks for NOTHING Obama Drones. My only consolation is it'll hit you too.:D

Don't mention it.
LOL, you seem to be backtracking. Are you stating that all or most of those stocks you bought in 2009-10 are in the tank? Were you "thanking " and blaming Bush when the market and financial disaster happened and some people were too old then to "get it back"?
No. I said I went on a shopping spree when things were cheap and the reason I had the money is because I bailed in 2006. please catch up.

Bush didn't cause the housing crisis. You really need to find out what's really going on if you intend on investing any time soon. It might protect you a little better.

Ok, but that doesn't change the fact that you made no money under Obama, then went on to do ok under Obama. :) Have those stocks that you bought cheap appreciated or depreciated as a net value under Obama's first term? Yes or no? :)

Where did I state that Bush allegedly caused the housing crisis?

And AGAIN, they've pretty much stayed where they were when I bought them. STALE, GET IT??:D
I figure once people get desparate enough to start name calling, cursing and calling someone a liar they are pretty much on the ropes.
Case closed.:D
No. I said I went on a shopping spree when things were cheap and the reason I had the money is because I bailed in 2006. please catch up.

Bush didn't cause the housing crisis. You really need to find out what's really going on if you intend on investing any time soon. It might protect you a little better.

Ok, but that doesn't change the fact that you made no money under Obama, then went on to do ok under Obama. :) Have those stocks that you bought cheap appreciated or depreciated as a net value under Obama's first term? Yes or no? :)

Where did I state that Bush allegedly caused the housing crisis?

And AGAIN, they've pretty much stayed where they were when I bought them. STALE, GET IT??:D

Jan 23, 2009 - Dow: 8077
Today: 12,588
+ 56%

How did you fail to make money when everyone else did?

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