Thanks President Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
I just thought maybe a non-flaming thread to the outgoing guy might be good. I'm out of here for Thanksgiving shortly.

I'm not a cheerleader for any former President of either party elected from 1948 onward, and only see HW as a guy who walked the walk so to speak. Obviously I think Trump is personally …. not a good person, and I expect he'll put himself above the country in the coming years, so I'm not singing kumbaya, but I suspect everyone has concerns about how an outgoing President has and will affect the country (Nixon and his campaign to restore his reputation and W's elective wars that are like the proverbial tarbaby, for example). But no President is all good, or bad.

1. Illegal immigration and open borders is not a position either party can pursue.

2. Getting the fcok out of Afghanistan, or telling people why we're there and why its necessary for the US as a nation.

3. China is NOT our friend. It is an enemy of any nation, socialist or capitalist, that believes in the right of individuals to insist their governments only govern by the consent of the majority, with the right of the minority to not fear political retaliation. China views trade and economic expansion as a tool to secure the acquiescence of its citizens, rather than a activity free people choose to follow for their own, and their fellow humans', benefit.
In a non-flaming way, I truly appreciate Trump's failed coup. Democracy is strong, resilient, and capable of withstanding immense pressure from within.

1. I concur; we should have borders strong enough to facilitate legal entry into the US (full stop)
2. Afghanistan withdrawal is long overdue, however, it has to be done in a way to not force us to go back.
3. China truly is evil - a smiling assassin

The power of change truly falls to the citizens of our country.
Yeah, thanks for everything. Now...

I just thought maybe a non-flaming thread to the outgoing guy might be good. I'm out of here for Thanksgiving shortly.

I'm not a cheerleader for any former President of either party elected from 1948 onward, and only see HW as a guy who walked the walk so to speak. Obviously I think Trump is personally …. not a good person, and I expect he'll put himself above the country in the coming years, so I'm not singing kumbaya, but I suspect everyone has concerns about how an outgoing President has and will affect the country (Nixon and his campaign to restore his reputation and W's elective wars that are like the proverbial tarbaby, for example). But no President is all good, or bad.

1. Illegal immigration and open borders is not a position either party can pursue.

2. Getting the fcok out of Afghanistan, or telling people why we're there and why its necessary for the US as a nation.

3. China is NOT our friend. It is an enemy of any nation, socialist or capitalist, that believes in the right of individuals to insist their governments only govern by the consent of the majority, with the right of the minority to not fear political retaliation. China views trade and economic expansion as a tool to secure the acquiescence of its citizens, rather than a activity free people choose to follow for their own, and their fellow humans', benefit.

I don't think TDS people will miss Trump until after a year or so of the Biden administration. He will reverse all of Trump's great work and then we'll see how good this country is then, especially if we don't hold the Senate.

The price of fuel will rise. The stock market will stagnate or reverse. The economy will quit growing and maybe go in the other direction. If he packs the court and makes DC and PR states, it will insure that we will never see Republican leadership again, and take us down the path of disarming law abiding citizens.

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