Thanks to obama....christians are being CRUCIFIED by muslims in egypt..

Aug 22, 2012
WND - A Free Press for a Free People

We once had a partner,and ally,in HosniMubarak in Egypt.
Jews once lived there. Even had a long established coptic christian community.
Now under obongo implanted islamofacism..

Savage muzzies are crucifying christians in front of the parliament building in cairo.
These people were doing life in jail for doing acts of terrorism.
Under a secular regime..

And this garbage is what the DNC has at its convention???
I thought Oblama was doing it in person, ohhh, I see you think that Obama asking the dying Mubarak to step down because of his crimes was a bad/ Well you know that democracy is a democratic process where those that live there make a choice, and they made their choice, now what happens socially will happen no matter whom is in power.
WND - A Free Press for a Free People

We once had a partner,and ally,in HosniMubarak in Egypt.
Jews once lived there. Even had a long established coptic christian community.
Now under obongo implanted islamofacism..

Savage muzzies are crucifying christians in front of the parliament building in cairo.
These people were doing life in jail for doing acts of terrorism.
Under a secular regime..

And this garbage is what the DNC has at its convention???

The crucified christians will be at the convention or the murderers?
Retarded tribal monkeys.

Shit like that happened in Spain after the defeat of the Moors.But it was the christians killing and burning Muslim stuff and people. The usual tit for tat during war.
Why the fuck does such behavior happen? Doesn't make any sense.

Who ever that thinks islam is a'ok makes me sick.
Lakhota supports terrorism what a piece of human shit.
If you are really native,youre an insult to the medicine ways.
you didn't seem to have problem when christians took over Egypt and killed people.
Gawd thought it was a most excellent idea for his own son(sun).What's the problem ?

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