That’s Bidenomics! US Leading Indicators Decline For 22nd Straight Month, Back To March 2006 Levels


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

That’s Bidenomics! US Leading Indicators Decline For 22nd Straight Month, Back To March 2006 Levels

I don't know anyone that is comfortable with this economy, especially retirees.
After 22 month in economic decline and yet we are not in a recession? The only way that is not possible is the invasion of millions of illegals given federal benefits, undermining Americans, forcing up rental costs, food costs, fuel costs, etc.
The liars that speaks for Biden says there is no inflation, and no unemployment. Prosperity is just around the corner, a chicken in every pot, and Peace in our time...Oh yeah, and my favorite, no crime! Just declare all felonies every time. Figures never lie, but liars figure.
Meanwhile the idiots in power,including the Alzheimer's inflicted president continue to print money to hand out to rich and illegal alien parasites. The ONLY ones getting screwed, ONCE AGAIN, are the middle class productive working people.
The party that likes to fuck kids says we should be happy with the part-time jobs that have been arranged for us after they collapsed the entire economy with a fake pandemic. I made my nut years ago, but I'm sure I'd be happy working 20 hours a week at a Staples clearing $270 a week.... salivating just thinking about it.

"Lower your standards" is their motto.

bidenomics definition.png
The economy has been living off of massive borrowing. The dollar is already being devalued by investors. What happens when we can't afford to pay them real interest?
All net jobs January 2023-Januray 2024 were part-time.

More than 90% of the jobs added in the Obama administration were part time or temporary jobs with little or no benefits. If Obama is actually running the country now--and there's a lot of smart money suggesting he is--why should we expect anything different now?

That’s Bidenomics! US Leading Indicators Decline For 22nd Straight Month, Back To March 2006 Levels

I don't know anyone that is comfortable with this economy, especially retirees.
After 22 month in economic decline and yet we are not in a recession? The only way that is not possible is the invasion of millions of illegals given federal benefits, undermining Americans, forcing up rental costs, food costs, fuel costs, etc.
The liars that speaks for Biden says there is no inflation, and no unemployment. Prosperity is just around the corner, a chicken in every pot, and Peace in our time...Oh yeah, and my favorite, no crime! Just declare all felonies every time. Figures never lie, but liars figure.
Meanwhile the idiots in power,including the Alzheimer's inflicted president continue to print money to hand out to rich and illegal alien parasites. The ONLY ones getting screwed, ONCE AGAIN, are the middle class productive working people.
This shit is comical. First, it clearly reveals the absolute dearth of economic intelligence of the damn Trump supporters.

There is the report for you, and to be blunt, it is looking pretty damn good. For instance,

“While the declining LEI continues to signal headwinds to economic activity, for the first time in the past two years, six out of its ten components were positive contributors over the past six-month period (ending in January 2024). As a result, the leading index currently does not signal recession ahead.

22 months ago, inflation was just beginning to heat up. And 14 months ago, damn near every economist was predicting a recession.

How do you prevent a recession, you cool an overheated economy off to fight inflation, but you keep enough fuel in the tank to power through without a recession. Dude, that is a tough ass needle to thread. The BIden admininstration, and the FED, have managed to thread that needle.
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Banks are carrying a shit-load of bad CC debt right now and it's coming to a head.....People have overextended themselves due to real inflation caused by Bidenomics and and lack of personal austerity to the point that they can't even make minimum payments.

Credit card delinquency rates jumped across the board, the New York Fed and TransUnion found. Credit card delinquencies surged more than 50% in 2023, the New York Fed reported. According to TransUnion’s research, “serious delinquencies,” or those 90 days or more past due, reached the highest level since 2009.


Bidenomics Strikes Again! US Existing Home Sales Disappoint As Price Hits Record High For January (Mortgage Rates UP Over 155% Under Biden)​

US existing home sales disappointed in January jumping 3.1% MoM (vs +4.9% MoM exp). Quite a different picture from the non-seasonally-adjusted rise of just 0.3%…

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