That's My Democrats For Ya! :)

Who wrote it?

The Senate Finance Comittee, of which he is a member.

Senators do not write the laws they vote on, their staff does. And Senators are provided an executive summary as most laws are too long and too technical for a non expert to fullly understand. A single Senator is not expert on Health Care, Defense, the Environment, and the hundreds of other techinical issues with their esoteric language that is a part of every years legislation.
Of course when a senator offers an honest answer there are those who demagogue the issue and make it solely partisan. For those who don't believe me, simply scroll up to see propaganda 'troll style'.
Who wrote it?

The Senate Finance Comittee, of which he is a member.

Senators do not write the laws they vote on, their staff does. And Senators are provided an executive summary as most laws are too long and too technical for a non expert to fullly understand. A single Senator is not expert on Health Care, Defense, the Environment, and the hundreds of other techinical issues with their esoteric language that is a part of every years legislation.
Of course when a senator offers an honest answer there are those who demagogue the issue and make it solely partisan. For those who don't believe me, simply scroll up to see propaganda 'troll style'.

So their staff, who actually wrote the bill, can't translate what it says? Is it better for the senators to just not bother them and to just vote on something blindly?
The Senate Finance Comittee, of which he is a member.

Senators do not write the laws they vote on, their staff does. And Senators are provided an executive summary as most laws are too long and too technical for a non expert to fullly understand. A single Senator is not expert on Health Care, Defense, the Environment, and the hundreds of other techinical issues with their esoteric language that is a part of every years legislation.
Of course when a senator offers an honest answer there are those who demagogue the issue and make it solely partisan. For those who don't believe me, simply scroll up to see propaganda 'troll style'.

So their staff, who actually wrote the bill, can't translate what it says? Is it better for the senators to just not bother them and to just vote on something blindly?

Of course they do, in executive summaries, in staff meetings, in day to day conversations, in memos, etc. etc. And these dialogues are on-going from day one. Bills go through many, many iterations as questions are asked and answered, ideas are vetted, lobbyists inform (and sometimes bribe), favors are earned or paid and 'logs are rolled'.
Senators do not write the laws they vote on, their staff does. And Senators are provided an executive summary as most laws are too long and too technical for a non expert to fullly understand. A single Senator is not expert on Health Care, Defense, the Environment, and the hundreds of other techinical issues with their esoteric language that is a part of every years legislation.
Our method for choosing leaders has a Darwinian result of leaders that are expert at one thing - getting votes. To expect otherwise is illogical; if we want leaders who can understand diverse topics we must attempt to formulate a different selection method which will apply the appropriate Darwinian force.

The "Public Healthcare Crisis" might be handled by having each state offer a "group" insurance policy wherein they collect from members and use those funds to subcontract to private insurance agencies. Keep all the funds completely separate from all other state income and you have a much simpler system than attempting to create what amounts to an insurance business policy backed by the force of law. By keeping it separate in each state we avoid the Brobdingnagian specter of the entire US as a group allowing a clever insurer to gain a huge upper hand in the entire national market.
Despite our inferior selection method it still surprises me that no one ever seems to come up with these sort of solutions.
No wait I just lied; it does not surprise me at all - I always expect the lawmakers to always act to increase their authority, prestige and personal power.
Sure hope nobody calls me names for that little misstep.
Can anyone find where the administration has put the text of the latest Senate Commitee approved "Health Care Reform Bill" online for public scrutiny and analysis? I am not finding anything put Dem Lib apologists saying DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!!!!

Link anyone?

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