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the 10 wackiest conspiracy theories ever

In my opinion, the "wackiest" conspiracy theory of those on the link in the OP of this thread is:

  • Government mind control via mass-media manipulation.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Government deployment of chemtrail super-weaponry for nefarious purposes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • FDR's active role in allowing the attack on Pearl Harbor to galvanize US support for WWII.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Furtive, forced population control by the US government on its citizens.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Barack Obama is The Antichrist.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • International elitists are pushing world totalitarianism under the cloak of a "New World Order".

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I thought the "we have never been to the moon" would be on that list.
There's a thread here about JFK getting shot by his driver, that's pretty wacky. My favorite remains the, Obama was born in Kenya and forged his birth certificates, conspiracy.
I thought the "we have never been to the moon" would be on that list.

I forgot about that one myself.

The folks over at Rant did IMHO brainstorm a pretty nice list to give impetus to a good debate, though.

Some others they also forgot:
  1. Who killed JFK — Oswald alone, The Mob, the Soviets, the CIA or some other bunch of frick'n weasels?
  2. Who killed Princess Diana?
  3. Who killed Brittany Murphy?
  4. What was Stanley Kubrick trying to tell us in his 1999 film Eyes Wide Shut? Why did he die just one week after its release?
  5. What the hell was afoot in the late madman Aleister Crowley's Boleskine House when Led Zeppelin recorded "Stairway to Heaven"???

Are the messages that some of us hear in ^ that ^ a mere concidence?

Are they the deliberate acts of evil spirits?

Are they a hoax?
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A few more:
  1. Who really killed Yeshua the Christ?
  2. Who really killed President Abraham Lincoln?
  3. Who really killed US Gen. George S. Patton?
  4. Did Hitler really die in his WWII bunker?
  5. What's up with the Bermuda Triangle?
  6. What's afoot with Bigfoot?
  7. What the hell is the Loch Ness Monster?
  8. Who's makin' the weird-ass crop circles on my uncle's farm?
  9. Was Michael Jackson murdered?
  10. Did the officiating crew for Super Bowl XL take bribes to fix the game?
  11. Who really killed Julius Caesar?
  12. Are Jay-Z and Beyonce devil worshipers?
  13. Why was Jay Leno pushed to retire from The Tonight Show?
  14. Is Vladimir Putin the Antichrist?
  15. Who let the dogs out?????
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After the Boston Bombing I went to my local comic shop and got myself this game;


The world is too crazy NOT to know what is going to go down. lol :ack-1:




You can only cast one vote?

Wacky but true. . . . :eek-52:

For the record, I am only thanking you for your post because I am glad to see someone else besides me is interested enough in the thread to provide information in it — NOT because I agree with what you say about the events of that day's being true. :thup:

Well of course. I don't care what a person's point of view is. To each their own. lol Heaven forbid we live in Russia or China. We aren't there yet. When we do, that would be the tenth wacky conspiracy you listed. :eek-52:
After the Boston Bombing I went to my local comic shop and got myself this game;
The world is too crazy NOT to know what is going to go down. lol :ack-1:


Let's use this to try to make a list of at least 50 conspiracy theories.

Counting the 10 in the article, we've named 20 so far.

Some more:
  1. Is the legitimization of gay marriage a scheme by globalists to curb the world population rate?
  2. Are the writers and directors of the 2012 film The Cabin In the Woods trying to warn us about the malevolent schemes of a New World Order?
  3. Who killed Jimmy Hoffa?
  4. Did O.J. Simpson kill his wife and Ron Goldman?
  5. Did the late Ted Kennedy kill Mary Joe Kopechne at Chappaquiddick?
  6. Was JFK Jr.'s plane crash mere coincidence, or was he murdered?
  7. Did the CIA plant crack in America's inner cities?
  8. Is Britney Spears an Illuminati sex slave?
  9. Is the US Secret Service covertly working against President Obama?
  10. Was the late spiritual leader (I can't bring myself to call him "the Reverend") Jim Jones a CIA pawn?
Some more:
  1. Where is the Holy Grail?
  2. Where is the Holy Lance?
  3. Where is the Ark of the Covenant?
  4. Is there really gold in Fort Knox?
  5. What the hell's goin' down at the H.A.A.R.P. in Alaska?
  6. Did a covert group within some branch of the US government use H.A.A.R.P. or some other secretive weapon to trigger Hurricane Katrina?
  7. Is the Rev. Billy Graham a Freemason?
  8. Is Vladimir Putin a Freemason?
  9. Is Prince Charles the Antichrist?
  10. Is Prince William the Antichrist?
  11. What the hell's afoot at the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility tangent to the University of Kansas State?
  12. Were the rumors about the brass at Procter & Gamble's having been satanists at one point in the company's history really true after all?
  13. Was the late fashion designer Liz Claiborne a satanist?
  14. Why are there no black kickers in the NFL?
  15. Who shot J.R. Ewing?
  16. What really lies at the center of a Tootsie Roll pop?
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1. United Nations International Treaty that will take away your guns.
2. The world was created 6,000 years ago and God planted the Dinosaur bones on purpose.
3. UFO's abduct people and give them anal probes.
4. It was a missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11.
Was close between global warming and antichrist. :) But since I can't prove he isn't, opted for global warming.
Whadya mean? Can't prove any of 'um aren't true. That's sorta the point. :cool-45:

Key word I thought was wackiest. We have time-lapsed before and after satellite photos of global warming's effects. Can't offer up any proof of a Christ let alone an antichrist. :)
Government mind control via mass-media manipulation.

Wouldn't callit 'mind control' as much as 'mind influence.' But it's irrefutable it happens. Though not for the benefit of the government as much as corporations.

Government deployment of chemtrail super-weaponry for nefarious purposes.

People like to play dumb when a plane flying quickly through mosit air leaves a wake and say it's a purposefully ejected gas or something. Morons.

The CIA created AIDS to control the population of undesirables.

Wasn't CIA...;)

FDR's active role in allowing the attack on Pearl Harbor to galvanize US support for WWII.

Didn't allow it as much as due to no satellites and primitive radar simply didn't notice the Japanese fleet crossing the Pacific.

Anything associated with Area 51.

Area 51 exists only on geosurvey maps. ;)

The events of 9/11/01 were a fraud designed by a cabal of elite, international special interests.

Which part of the videos of planes flying into the buildings and the buildings crashing down was the fraud part?

Furtive, forced population control by the US government on its citizens.

Uh ya, because secretly controlling our own population makes more sense then controlling India or China's say.

International elitists are pushing world totalitarianism under the cloak of a "New World Order".

Completely true.

Only outliers then being the antichrist and global warming. :)
This is by far the greatest and most profound conspiracy. All other conspiracies track back to this one and pale in comparison. You name it, they all go back to keep propping this one up. Once the fiat currency collapses? I don't think there will be any need to lie, or make any other conspiracies ever again.

The folks that perpetrated this one mock the population by throwing it in the faces of those that don't know. Other than the ten dollar bill (Hamilton,) every President that appears on our currency was opposed to the Central Bank and are the ones that are on our fiat currency that is issued. Likewise, "tax day" is on the day that made the FED possible. . . the day the Titanic went down, April 15. Greatest conspiracy EVER. Titanic/Jekyll Island/Establishment of the Fed. So when you think about filing your tax return, remember they had to kill John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus to steal your wages! Tax day is the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Sick bastards, aren't they?

Just like 9/11, this conspiracy was predicted in popular media was well.

Futility or the Wreck of the Titan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan is an 1898 novella written by Morgan Robertson. The story features the ocean liner Titan, which sinks in the North Atlantic after striking an iceberg. The Titan and its sinking have been noted to be very similar to the real-life passenger ship RMS Titanic, which sank fourteen years later. Following the wreck the novel was reissued with some changes, particularly in the ship's gross tonnage.[1]

It doesn't get any wackier than that folks!!!
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Was close between global warming and antichrist. :) But since I can't prove he isn't, opted for global warming.
Whadya mean? Can't prove any of 'um aren't true. That's sorta the point. :cool-45:

Key word I thought was wackiest. We have time-lapsed before and after satellite photos of global warming's effects. Can't offer up any proof of a Christ let alone an antichrist. :)

Precisely man. You can't prove that there WASN'T a Christ either. Nor can you prove that all that warming isn't completely natural.

So go stick where the sun don't shine. Precisely. Wacky man. Wacky.

The belief in a magical, invisible, prone-to-tantrums sky fairy who resides on a cloud, cuckolded an itinerant carpenter, fathered a son only to kill him to save the world, made the dead son rise from the dead, break out of a cave, gave the son magical powers that, like his father, he uses in "mysterious ways" but mostly to hurt and harm his followers, killed everyone in the world with an enormous flood, put a drunk in charge of saving two of each animal, had the drunk screw his own family to repopulate the world yadda yadda yadda ...

By far, this is the wackiest and most successful theory ever. Ditto most other major religions.


Oh yeah, and Obama is the antichrist.


Or maybe he's really ...

There are 3 categories of conspiracies.

The first is a genuine conspiracy where a small group of people set out to do something and then killed themselves so that is impossible for anyone else to know what they did. There is no trace of this kind of conspiracy left so it is just pure speculation that any of these types of conspiracies have ever occurred.

The second conspiracy is similar to the first but the details leak out and everyone ends up knowing what was done. These are the least interesting type of conspiracy because they are well documented and there is no mystery.

The third is the "cock up conspiracy" where there are a number of unlikely coincidences actually occurred just by accident. Since this was never a conspiracy in the first place it is just a breeding ground for whackos to invent their own "conspiracies".

99% of all "conspiracies" fall into the 3rd category.

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