The 1980s are calling, they want their foreign policy back...right?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Obama was controlled by Putin. Romney said Putin was bad, and Obama blasted him for it.....MEMBER?

he said russia is our #1 geopolitical enemy so the terrorist Trumpnazis who want nothing more than to detsroy america took that to mean they should ally with russia
Flexibility after the election.... That seems to indicate a side deal for Crimea and a Uranium mine.
Crimea has never been a Ukrainian territory until 1954 when Khrushchev arbitrarily attached it to Ukraine as an administrative action during the Soviet Union era.
he said russia is our #1 geopolitical enemy so the terrorist Trumpnazis who want nothing more than to detsroy america took that to mean they should ally with russia
Look out... there is a Russian under your bed right now. Run!
he said russia is our #1 geopolitical enemy so the terrorist Trumpnazis who want nothing more than to detsroy america took that to mean they should ally with russia
Look out... there is a Russian under your bed right now. Run!
hes not muslim is he?
Muslim Russians, like the ones that killed all the kids? I hope not.
"like the ones that killed all the kids" lol fucking Rhodes scholar aint ya?
Flexibility after the election.... That seems to indicate a side deal for Crimea and a Uranium mine. Pay attention.
Flexibility after the election.... That seems to indicate a side deal for Crimea and a Uranium mine.
Crimea has never been a Ukrainian territory until 1954 when Khrushchev arbitrarily attached it to Ukraine as an administrative action during the Soviet Union era.
So for 60 years it has been the Ukraine....?
It had a Tatar and Russian population and still has. It has been the home of the Black Sea Fleet and still is. It belongs to Russia. The inhabitants want to belong to Russia. It is a Russian territory. Crime was a gift to Ukraine by Khrushchev during his dictatorship.
Romney says Putin is Bad = Bad
Trump says he would like to be able to get along with Putin = Bad

Romney says Putin is bad = BAD
Hillary says Putin is Bad = GOOD

Obama tells a Russian diplomat on a hot mic that he will have more flexibility after the election = GOOD
Trump Cabinet member talks to Russian Diplomat = BAD

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