The 2016 Fall Presidential Debates Date and Site schedule has been set.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013

2016-09-023 Presidential Debate Schedule for 2016.png

More information here:

Commission on Presidential Debates

With great pride I can say that one of those four Universities is one of my Alma Maters!


More details on the exact times for the debates will be published as soon as they are released.
All four universities have announced this at their respective websites. Here 4 screenshots:

2016-09-023 Presidential Debate Schedule for 2016 - WSU logo.png

2016-09-023 Presidential Debate Schedule for 2016 - Longwood logo.png

2016-09-023 Presidential Debate Schedule for 2016 - Washington U logo.png

2016-09-023 Presidential Debate Schedule for 2016 - UNV logo.png
Still no democrook debates?

Not that I would even want to hear a soundbite of it.

Still no democrook debates?

Not that I would even want to hear a soundbite of it.

This thread is not about the Democratic nomination debates. For that, there are other threads.

Are you brain-damaged?
Do you lack the ability to read?
Or are you just a worthless RWNJ troll?
It's called logic stupid. Your talking Super Bowl and have NOT even made the play offs.

WHY is the DNC avoiding their debates? Are they hiding something? Or does that party figure it has so much control over the people they are not needed?

Does the DNC see this country as the USA or USSR?
It's called logic stupid. Your talking Super Bowl and have NOT even made the play offs.

WHY is the DNC avoiding their debates? Are they hiding something? Or does that party figure it has so much control over the people they are not needed?

Does the DNC see this country as the USA or USSR?

You are obviously already brain-dead.

Regardless of the results of the primaries, these are the dates for the 2016 Fall presidential debates. The Committee that decides this always puts out the calendar about a year in advance. These dates have absolutely nothing to do with the primary process. Now, can your neanderthal brain comprehend that?

This thread is actually not a partisan thread at all. The only people trying to make it a partisan thread are asswipes like you.

Decent people would have simply thanked for the useful information.

Try again, this time, with talent.
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No stupid, what I see is a party agreeing to and jumping ahead of a series they are supposed to compete in. Why is that? How can they agree on general debates set so far out and not theirs?

Here they want to set up shop and run a country and they cannot even set their own debates? That says a lot about their ability to get anything done.

Here they have their Super Bowl tickets and have not even agreed to go to the play offs. That is NOT how things are done. So they have to be avoiding something. Health issues? Criminal issues?

Thread is fine as far as it goes but it LACKS the substance as to WHY there are no inter party debates. So WHO is avoiding WHAT and WHY?
Why do braindead extremist rightwankers lack the basic comprehension to understand that these things need to be planned out in advance in order to ensure that not only are the facilities available but that they can be secured adequately given that one of the people there will be the next POTUS.

Why do braindead extremist rightwankers lack the basic comprehension to understand that these things need to be planned out in advance in order to ensure that not only are the facilities available but that they can be secured adequately given that one of the people there will be the next POTUS.

Why do braindead extremist rightwankers lack the basic comprehension to understand

One word: Inbreeding
Why do braindead extremist rightwankers lack the basic comprehension to understand that these things need to be planned out in advance in order to ensure that not only are the facilities available but that they can be secured adequately given that one of the people there will be the next POTUS.

Why do braindead extremist rightwankers lack the basic comprehension to understand

One word: Inbreeding


The shallow end of the gene pool has a lot to answer for IMO.

This isn't rocket science and the OP is merely reporting on the facts relating to the upcoming GE as determined by the nonpartisan commission.

Why the extremist right doofi need to turn everything into a rant about the Dems says volumes about their lack of comprehension.
Why do braindead extremist rightwankers lack the basic comprehension to understand that these things need to be planned out in advance in order to ensure that not only are the facilities available but that they can be secured adequately given that one of the people there will be the next POTUS.

Why do braindead extremist rightwankers lack the basic comprehension to understand

One word: Inbreeding


The shallow end of the gene pool has a lot to answer for IMO.

This isn't rocket science and the OP is merely reporting on the facts relating to the upcoming GE as determined by the nonpartisan commission.

Why the extremist right doofi need to turn everything into a rant about the Dems says volumes about their lack of comprehension.
They have become a parody of themselves and react like Pavlov's dogs.. Deep down they know their kinds time is coming to an end

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