The 2016 "Godzilla El Nino".So Jerry Brown?Global Warming Again?Just Like With Your Drought?

i am thinking of buying s
:banghead::argue: If the predictions are accurate, California is in for it this winter! Yup, and when LA and/or SanFran is under 12-36 inches of water/snow, who will Jerry Brown blame next time? He is already blaming Global Warming for the drought and fires, so will he pull a 180 and blame the winter floods on Global Warming too? Anyone here just can't wait for January? Yah, lets just see how many illegals run back to South America if the 2016 El Nino causes never ending chaos in LA next winter.:scared1:
I was in LA back in 1969 when houses were floating down the streets. It gets bad there sometimes.
yes, a few years before "It Never Rains In California" hit the airwaves.
i am thinking of buying stock in canoes and kayaks in the fall.
Given that mere fire is not up to the task of cleaning up California I guess it's OK to let floods give it a shot.
:banghead::argue: If the predictions are accurate, California is in for it this winter! Yup, and when LA and/or SanFran is under 12-36 inches of water/snow, who will Jerry Brown blame next time? He is already blaming Global Warming for the drought and fires, so will he pull a 180 and blame the winter floods on Global Warming too? Anyone here just can't wait for January? Yah, lets just see how many illegals run back to South America if the 2016 El Nino causes never ending chaos in LA next winter.:scared1:

You do realize that global warming predicts more extreme weather, yes?
well, Jerry Brown has a good 6 months notice on upcoming floods, so is he going to do anything to keep the water in the state? or just let 70% of the rain flow back into the Spacific Ocean again?
Now Mr. Taylor, ever try to plan and build a dam in six months? Do you have any idea of the geological investigations building a dam requires? And what about the people living where the water that the dam backs up? Very easy to play partisan puke and make nonsensical accusations, a lot harder to actually consider what to do in a case like this.
I cant wait to see the photo's of Nancy Pelosi on her arc when el nino floods her neighborhood. and I guess we will also see her holding a sign while sailing in her arc reading,,"Bush's Fault".
My landlord came by yesterday. 3rd time he has actually driven the 3 blocks to his own house in the past 10 years so I knew something was up. He worked for the state of California, environmentalist, worked for the government amongst many titles he carries.
When he pulled up, my immediate thought was "uh oh. He wants his house back", but that was not why he came over. He said every 100 years, we get a whopper of a winter...and with Godzilla El Nino, he wanted us to be sure we are prepared. He said nobody REALLY knows what is going to go down, but its safest to be prepared for the worst. Water is way too warm, sea life is dying in our area due to that, and this El Nino is going to dump a shitload of rain...maybe. So....we are to let him know if the roof is ok, water cannot back up into the house, etc. I told him I think we are ok since we are on a hill but not quite at the top, however we have not flooded in the 10 years we have been here but yes..we will check everything out before fall.
Point is, when HE is worried..there is something to be worried about.

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