The 47% don't pay anything myth


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Truth Detector said:

About 60% of wage earners pay about 2.6% of Federal taxes.
That means about 40% of wage earners pay about 97% of Federal taxes.
This is not a sustainable economic model.
As usual the fucking LIBs want to take even more from the 40%.
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There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
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Very well stated and impossible to refute. Thank you.


The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
And that is why Obama got reelected. A majority didn't believe the myth.
Truth Detector said:

About 60% of wage earners pay about 2.6% of Federal taxes.
That means about 40% of wage earners pay about 97% of Federal taxes.
This is not a sustainable economic model.
As usual the fucking LIBs want to take even more from the 40%.
Click to expand...
There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
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Very well stated and impossible to refute. Thank you.


The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
And that is why Obama got reelected. A majority didn't believe the myth.

Yepp. Practicality ruled the day.
I still don't understand why I have to pay a higher % than the top 1%. And this at a time where my wife lost her benefits and went on indep contractor status with the great recession. No taxes are fair. And I just thank god I'm not in a lower quintile. But, I feel like I'm paying .... there's blood in the street coming up with the taxes when the wife hasn't paid withholding ... but I'm not complaining or saying there are "takers." But for fkcs sake we have a deficit even with increasing tax revenues. Does the gop want to make a case to me why someone making a million dollars can't cough up the same % I do?
I still don't understand why I have to pay a higher % than the top 1%. And this at a time where my wife lost her benefits and went on indep contractor status with the great recession. No taxes are fair. And I just thank god I'm not in a lower quintile. But, I feel like I'm paying .... there's blood in the street coming up with the taxes when the wife hasn't paid withholding ... but I'm not complaining or saying there are "takers." But for fkcs sake we have a deficit even with increasing tax revenues. Does the gop want to make a case to me why someone making a million dollars can't cough up the same % I do?
They will probably say that the millionaire works harder than you.
How is it possible for someone making 20k a year to pay more in state taxes than someone from the 1%?
I know I give far more money in taxes and I spend far more in goods and services than someone making 20 grand.
How is it possible for someone making 20k a year to pay more in state taxes than someone from the 1%?
I know I give far more money in taxes and I spend far more in goods and services than someone making 20 grand.
Around here 20 grand is close to the top out...We is land rich, but money poor....
Truth Detector said:

About 60% of wage earners pay about 2.6% of Federal taxes.
That means about 40% of wage earners pay about 97% of Federal taxes.
This is not a sustainable economic model.
As usual the fucking LIBs want to take even more from the 40%.
Click to expand...
There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
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Very well stated and impossible to refute. Thank you.


The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
And that is why Obama got reelected. A majority didn't believe the myth.
allowing 1 prercent to have fifty percent of the wealth and therefore power isn't sustainable or just or smart you fucking grand ol party morons. you are a bunch of slaves like in egypt long ago. when so many work so hard for a rich scheming few take it easy ruining this world with their idles hands and unchecked power it's time to blow the world up and start again. can't you see that's what's happening? they are gonna try to run and hid but this time they are gonna have to find a deep hole for a long time. hope they don't make it to see the light of day.
How is it possible for someone making 20k a year to pay more in state taxes than someone from the 1%?
I know I give far more money in taxes and I spend far more in goods and services than someone making 20 grand.
Around here 20 grand is close to the top out...We is land rich, but money poor....

You need to spread that wealth you hoarder!!
I'l take a couple hundred's only fair.
Truth Detector said:

About 60% of wage earners pay about 2.6% of Federal taxes.
That means about 40% of wage earners pay about 97% of Federal taxes.
This is not a sustainable economic model.
As usual the fucking LIBs want to take even more from the 40%.
Click to expand...
There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
Click to expand...
Very well stated and impossible to refute. Thank you.


The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
And that is why Obama got reelected. A majority didn't believe the myth.
allowing 1 prercent to have fifty percent of the wealth and therefore power isn't sustainable or just or smart you fucking grand ol party morons. you are a bunch of slaves like in egypt long ago. when so many work so hard for a rich scheming few take it easy ruining this world with their idles hands and unchecked power it's time to blow the world up and start again. can't you see that's what's happening? they are gonna try to run and hid but this time they are gonna have to find a deep hole for a long time. hope they don't make it to see the light of day.

You should consider doubling your meds.....
Truth Detector said:

About 60% of wage earners pay about 2.6% of Federal taxes.
That means about 40% of wage earners pay about 97% of Federal taxes.
This is not a sustainable economic model.
As usual the fucking LIBs want to take even more from the 40%.
Click to expand...
There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
Click to expand...
Very well stated and impossible to refute. Thank you.


The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
And that is why Obama got reelected. A majority didn't believe the myth.
allowing 1 prercent to have fifty percent of the wealth and therefore power isn't sustainable or just or smart you fucking grand ol party morons. you are a bunch of slaves like in egypt long ago. when so many work so hard for a rich scheming few take it easy ruining this world with their idles hands and unchecked power it's time to blow the world up and start again. can't you see that's what's happening? they are gonna try to run and hid but this time they are gonna have to find a deep hole for a long time. hope they don't make it to see the light of day.

You should consider doubling your meds.....
great answer. you fucking moron.
from the compost.

I wouldn't take anything they say as THE TRUTH even if it came notarized on their dnc lapdog asses
I still don't understand why I have to pay a higher % than the top 1%.

What are you talking about? Do you understand graduated income tax rates? Or are you talking about something else? If so, please specify with actual examples.
I still don't understand why I have to pay a higher % than the top 1%.

What are you talking about? Do you understand graduated income tax rates? Or are you talking about something else? If so, please specify with actual examples.
i think hes talking about the same loop holes warren buffet speaks of you aholes seem to think it's o.k. for billionaires not to pay taxes on their assets like stocks and bonds cause they create jobs. lol. how stupid you fucking republicans are
Truth Detector said:

About 60% of wage earners pay about 2.6% of Federal taxes.
That means about 40% of wage earners pay about 97% of Federal taxes.
This is not a sustainable economic model.
As usual the fucking LIBs want to take even more from the 40%.
Click to expand...
There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
Click to expand...
Very well stated and impossible to refute. Thank you.


The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
And that is why Obama got reelected. A majority didn't believe the myth.
allowing 1 prercent to have fifty percent of the wealth and therefore power isn't sustainable or just or smart you fucking grand ol party morons. you are a bunch of slaves like in egypt long ago. when so many work so hard for a rich scheming few take it easy ruining this world with their idles hands and unchecked power it's time to blow the world up and start again. can't you see that's what's happening? they are gonna try to run and hid but this time they are gonna have to find a deep hole for a long time. hope they don't make it to see the light of day.

You should consider doubling your meds.....
great answer. you fucking moron.

What is this..Family Feud?
Hey Richard Dawson is that you?
Truth Detector said:

About 60% of wage earners pay about 2.6% of Federal taxes.
That means about 40% of wage earners pay about 97% of Federal taxes.
This is not a sustainable economic model.
As usual the fucking LIBs want to take even more from the 40%.
Click to expand...
There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
Click to expand...
Very well stated and impossible to refute. Thank you.


The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
And that is why Obama got reelected. A majority didn't believe the myth.
Obama won by depressing the conservative vote, hampering fundraising through the IRS, and busing in hundreds of thousands of illegals in battleground states registering them and illegally voting multiple times. Also he used "Vote farming"registering invalids in state hospitals and voting for dead people. Every non-battleground state Obama could only get a max of approx 30% of the vote. He was being clobbered in every state that wasn't rigged.
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Truth Detector said:

About 60% of wage earners pay about 2.6% of Federal taxes.
That means about 40% of wage earners pay about 97% of Federal taxes.
This is not a sustainable economic model.
As usual the fucking LIBs want to take even more from the 40%.
Click to expand...
There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
Click to expand...
Very well stated and impossible to refute. Thank you.


The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
And that is why Obama got reelected. A majority didn't believe the myth.
allowing 1 prercent to have fifty percent of the wealth and therefore power isn't sustainable or just or smart you fucking grand ol party morons. you are a bunch of slaves like in egypt long ago. when so many work so hard for a rich scheming few take it easy ruining this world with their idles hands and unchecked power it's time to blow the world up and start again. can't you see that's what's happening? they are gonna try to run and hid but this time they are gonna have to find a deep hole for a long time. hope they don't make it to see the light of day.

You should consider doubling your meds.....
great answer. you fucking moron.

What is this..Family Feud?
Hey Richard Dawson is that you?
guess you think you are funny? that's funny. if you wanna reply do so. if you wanna play play with yourself
Truth Detector said:

About 60% of wage earners pay about 2.6% of Federal taxes.
That means about 40% of wage earners pay about 97% of Federal taxes.
This is not a sustainable economic model.
As usual the fucking LIBs want to take even more from the 40%.
Click to expand...
There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
Click to expand...
Very well stated and impossible to refute. Thank you.


The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
And that is why Obama got reelected. A majority didn't believe the myth.
allowing 1 prercent to have fifty percent of the wealth and therefore power isn't sustainable or just or smart you fucking grand ol party morons. you are a bunch of slaves like in egypt long ago. when so many work so hard for a rich scheming few take it easy ruining this world with their idles hands and unchecked power it's time to blow the world up and start again. can't you see that's what's happening? they are gonna try to run and hid but this time they are gonna have to find a deep hole for a long time. hope they don't make it to see the light of day.

You should consider doubling your meds.....
great answer. you fucking moron.

What is this..Family Feud?
Hey Richard Dawson is that you?

I couldn't make heads or tails out of it. so I just gave

but it's from the WashingtonCompost you know it's some BS propaganda.
I still don't understand why I have to pay a higher % than the top 1%.

What are you talking about? Do you understand graduated income tax rates? Or are you talking about something else? If so, please specify with actual examples.
i think hes talking about the same loop holes warren buffet speaks of you aholes seem to think it's o.k. for billionaires not to pay taxes on their assets like stocks and bonds cause they create jobs. lol. how stupid you fucking republicans are

Truth Detector said:

About 60% of wage earners pay about 2.6% of Federal taxes.
That means about 40% of wage earners pay about 97% of Federal taxes.
This is not a sustainable economic model.
As usual the fucking LIBs want to take even more from the 40%.
Click to expand...
There is no economic model for Government theft. But it appears that 47% of Americans have become so brainwashed by media leftist koolaid they actually believe in redistribution schemes from dishonest corrupt professional politicians.
Click to expand...
Very well stated and impossible to refute. Thank you.


The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
And that is why Obama got reelected. A majority didn't believe the myth.
allowing 1 prercent to have fifty percent of the wealth and therefore power isn't sustainable or just or smart you fucking grand ol party morons. you are a bunch of slaves like in egypt long ago. when so many work so hard for a rich scheming few take it easy ruining this world with their idles hands and unchecked power it's time to blow the world up and start again. can't you see that's what's happening? they are gonna try to run and hid but this time they are gonna have to find a deep hole for a long time. hope they don't make it to see the light of day.

You should consider doubling your meds.....
great answer. you fucking moron.

What is this..Family Feud?
Hey Richard Dawson is that you?
guess you think you are funny? that's funny. if you wanna reply do so. if you wanna play play with yourself

Hold up dont tell me..hmmmmm...let me guess.
The Dating Game with Chuck Woolery?

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