The 57 most outlandish, outrageous and offensive lines from Trump's Michigan rally

46. "There were 32,000 people. I finished speaking at 1:00 in the morning on Election Day. Thirty-two thousand people."
The rally Trump is talking about was in Grand Rapids on the night before/early morning of Election Day. There were 4,200 people there. Not 32,000.
He would be talking about speaking to over 32,000 people on his final day on the road.
And damn, he is just flat out anti-American and he's damn dumb.

7. "We have the worst laws anywhere in the world."
... Says the President of the United States.
8. "We don't have borders."
... Says the President of the United States.

And, more lies about his idiotic wall.

9. "I said, 'Let's not do it there. Let's let them put pressure on Gov. Jerry Brown. Moonbeam.'"
So: Trump says San Diego is begging for the wall. And the money for it has been secured. But that maybe he won't do it to force a political opponent to feel some pain. So, OK.

Scary that the so-called president of the US cannot speak in complete sentences or hold on to one subject for longer than a few words. Not to mention the constant lies about our "depleted" military just so he had give more contracts (money, our tax dollars) to the 1% war profiteers because the little shit "loves war" and "loves debt" and has said he wants to use nukes. That's why he and the Rs want Iran to have nukes.

1. "Big areas don't want sanctuary cities. They want to be safe. They don't want them. We had to fund our military. Our military was depleted."
This is not edited. These sentences followed directly on one another. Stream. Of. Consciousness.

More wacko nonsense.

16. "We are doing things that are good."
I like good things. And doing good things.
17. "Whatever happens, happens."
[Nods head knowingly]


Nominates himself for the Nobel even though he hasn't done anything to earn it. Sure nuff, the ignorant base loves it.

18. "They were saying, 'What you think President Trump had to do with it?' I will do you what. How about, everything -- I will tell you what. How about, everything?"
Nothing irks Trump more than not getting full credit for things he believes he deserves full credit for -- which is all things. He's specifically referencing the talks between North Korea and South Korea over the past week.

Gawd, he just blathers on and on and never actually says anything except the same old lies.

He obviously believes we can't read and there's no such thing as video. For his base, that's true but normal people can read and remember.
For context you really should attend one of the President's rallys. They are lots of fun and inspiring. Every spoken word you are reporting makes perfect sense set in the conversational style of Trump giving a speech. The man speaks for one and a half hours without a TelePrompTer. It's from the heart, never mean-spirited and parts of it is tongue in cheek.

The man has our best interests in mind. Don't be such a jackass.
46. "There were 32,000 people. I finished speaking at 1:00 in the morning on Election Day. Thirty-two thousand people."
The rally Trump is talking about was in Grand Rapids on the night before/early morning of Election Day. There were 4,200 people there. Not 32,000.
He would be talking about speaking to over 32,000 people on his final day on the road.

No - Don't really think so .. check the link if you haven't already

Donald Trump holds late-night rally in Grand Rapids

"There were 32,000 people. I finished speaking at 1:00 in the morning on Election Day. Thirty-two thousand people."
Just tell him to please stop lying. Thanks in advance
First you need to point to the lie...any lie will do....I've been asking for you to prove your assertions before with no luck....

You're kidding right? There were a couple dozen of them in the OP link, but if you need more ...

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

5.6 of them a day - Let me know if this is enough :)
347 days. 1,950 misleading or outright false claims. 1 Donald Trump. - CNNPolitics
OH gee.. Uber liberal media claiming the President lies. Untrustworthy source. No secret they want the President impeached and remove from offic.

Yes we know - It's all "Fake News" :rolleyes:

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