The Adventure Dianetics


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Something explored in the timeless old-world journey-courage novel/story the Odyssey (Homer) is the natural human fascination with travelling and contours between imagination and paranoia.

Modern-age comic book stylized storytelling represent a civilization focus on the real-world impact of governance/leadership decision-making. We see stories of modern urban environments and/or geo-political landscapes made complex by strange economics and even stranger (perhaps nuclear) weaponry.

The modern world draws our attention to ambition-related 'dark energies,' and perhaps no comic book realms present such paranoia better than Hasbro's G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (paramilitary fantasy-adventure) and Transformers (robotics fantasy-adventure).

It is therefore interesting to note changes in 'paranoia-storytelling' between the time of Charles Dickens and George Orwell...

How does our capitalism-subjective President Donald Trump (a baron or a diplomat?) fit into this 'alienation schema'? Such a question reflects modern-age media marketing of populism-sentimental belief-systems such as Scientology, which has the loyalty of 'pedestrian celebrities' such as Tom Cruise.


Snake-Eyes (the heroic helmet-wearing soldier of the patriotic 'G.I. Joes') and Storm-Shadow (the unpredictable wily ninja sometimes working for the super-terrorist organization 'Cobra') were n Nepal working together (for a change!) trying to uncover the secret location of a special nuclear weapon hidden by aliens visiting Earth a long time ago. The two warriors suspected that the aliens hid the device somewhere in the Himalayas, and on one rainy day, they encountered a strange troop of intelligent robots who did not want them to continue searching.

Snake-Eyes woke up in a strange fortress to find himself next to a strange and beautiful blue-skinned woman named Mara who told him that the aliens were sophisticated robots from a distant planet called Cybertron and that she was an under-water 'nymph' from Venus kidnapped by the robots and brought to Earth for a secret operation involving Cobra (the rival of the G.I. Joes!). Snake-Eyes realized that the robots wanted to 'gift' Mara to Cobra Commander and gain his trust and then use Cobra's resources to destroy Earth and kill the G.I. Joes to begin their invasive dominion on Earth.

Snake-Eyes made a crude radio with his somewhat durable transistor-set hidden in his pocket and used the broadcasted signal-frequency to send out a Morse SOS code which he hoped would reach the G.I. Joes. Two hours later, a strange robot named Street-Wise showed up in Snake-Eyes' cell in the strange fortress. Street-Wise explained, "I work for your robot friends the Autobots who contend with the evil Decepticon robots who are planning this nuclear invasion of Earth using Mara as a hostage and token." Snake-Eyes and Street-Wise then planned how to bail Storm-Shadow and Mara out of the fortress and subvert the Decepticons' hideous plan.




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