The American Dream v. The Liberal Dream.

The Heritage Foundation would think that the American Dream id alive and well. Unfortunately they are wrong. Even the GOP candidates for prez including Romney recognize that fact.


The Loss of Upward Mobility in the U.S.

Read more: The Loss of Upward Mobility in the U.S. | Moneyland |
Economic mobility is becoming a more prominent issue in the 2012 Republican presidential race, and will likely be widely discussed in the general election. The GOP’s remaining top-tier candidates — Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich — have all sounded the alarm about American decline, promising to restore the “American Dream” and make the pursuit of happiness seem like more of a worthwhile endeavor (as Romney as consistently hammered on about recently). But what’s shocking is that rather than focusing on the American Dream these days, politicians and academics seem to be talking more about the European Dream.

The New York Times reported today on the lack of upward mobility in the U.S., specifically citing comments made by presidential hopeful Santorum that movement “up into the middle income is actually greater … in Europe, than it is in America.” National Review, a conservative weekly, and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) have made similar remarks about economic opportunity in Europe.

Read more: The Loss of Upward Mobility in the U.S. | Moneyland |

I remember reading an opinion piece of the Heritage Foundation that workers wages weren't flat because wages hadn't gone down! Heritage is a rightwing think tank who is clueless about the real world. Something like Mitt.

Romney: 'Middle-income' is $200K to $250K
Romney: 'Middle-income' is $200K to $250K- MSN Money
Silly and childish - I don't understand these "See how dumb I can be!" threads at all.

There is nothing silly or childish about a side by side comparison of liberal ideology to that of a traditionally American one (conservative one) on a political blog.

Yes, I do see, how apparently dumb you can be- just sayin'
You are full of shit if you think any conservative believes in that american dream part...Now TRUE conservatives like Ron Paul do but Willard Romney,Paul Ryan,Mitch McConell,Bush etc etc no way in hell.
Clevergirl -

Can you perhaps explain WHY it is that you believe that approximately 50% of the people in the world all think and act in exactly the same way?

I Pondered this theory of yours for a bit last night...

It's not that liberals believe the same way at all. It's that many are all willing to give up many things they believe in for the one left leaning thing. For Example:

1) Girl gets knocked up as a 16 y/o and has an abortion to prevent her from "ruining her life". Even though, she is conservative in MANY MANY ways. That one mistake now defines who she is. Because she obviously struggles with accountability and responsibility, she could never admit that she made a poor choice and she is now forever condemned to support all the other wacko liberal ideals.

2) Black Christian man - Again, very conservative, in EVERY way, but because of his race and the prejudice in his social culture he believes the ALL OUT LIE that the GOP hates people of color, he will vote against all his beliefs based on one lie that he was raised to believe.

3) Gay guy business owner - again mostly conservative in every way except his sexual orientation. President O says he is for gay marriage even though he would NEVER take that issue off the hands of states. So this guy will vote democrat even though the dem party will NEVER do anything to support the one cause that this conservative man feels "defines" him.

4) The pot smoker - He just wants to do his job and be left alone. Hates that the gov't take so much of his check in taxes, preventing him from being able to save for the future and his retirement, or to even be able to buy a home. Doen't think it's fair that his money goes to take care of people who refuse to work. Still, based on some faulty concept that the dem party is going to legalize his pot, he will sell out all of the CONSERVATIVE things that really difine his life based on social lies told to him by his liberal anarchist friend that he has known his whole life. Even though his knows his friend is a jackwagon, it's basically the only thing his friend has ever said that makes ANY sense whatsoever --- even though it is, once again, a liberal lie!

The basic truth is that the vast majority of Americans are conservative in most ways. The liberal dem party sells lies to them based on their one weakness or difference - convincing them that that weakness or difference defines them - and that they need to show solidarity for all the other weaknesses and differences that the dem party claims to support. Dems are the party of racial separation, claiming they support the differences - when in reality they are the ones keeping race issues alive for political gain. It's really pathetic!!
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I think the only dream that matters is the dream each one of us has. Call it the dream of the individual.

There are as many visions of the best dream as there are people. A concern I have is when a group of people want the same thing and have the power to make it happen. I'm not talking peace and freedom, I'm talking about the stuff the "builderberg" talk about in their private meetings. The group that rules the world.

How do I know that this 1% doesn't want the world for themselves and their 500 million family members?
I think you fairly much disproved your handle with this thread, didn't you?

It's not a comparison of liberal ideology with a "traditional" one, it's a comparison of trite cliche, half-truths and deliberate mistatements.

Seems pretty spot on to me!

Yes, it would do.

But for anyone who understand that there are more than two political schools of thought, it is meaningless.
To one, me, that understands what the founding fathers wanted, that is pretty spot on. This administration along with a lot of libtards have no clue what freedom means.
I expected something better from someone with the name clevergirl. What's actually interesting is how many pages this thread has.
The only dumb asses in this thread are those who call others names

Wait... Don't tell me. I can figure this one out for myself. So if there are others calling people names and you call those people 'dumb asses' then you are a... No. Sorry, just couldn't figure that one out for myself. Ow. My head. :blowup:

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