The American South's relationship with Education and Development


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
My sister asks me why the Education system is so bad here in the South.
Well, I told her that its because the South is an agriculture economy, everything they ever needed came either out of the ground, or out of a clitoris...

And put it into perspective, a Lion, Chimpanzee, a Orangutan, a Macaque, a Bush Baby, a Dolphin, is a lot smarter than a crop, or a herbivorous animal.
So it takes absolutely NO kind of an Education to be a "farmer".

And that's what these people's heritage is... farmers.
These people don't know anything about Education.

In the northeast where people had to engineer things, and build things and face stiff competition both in business and employment, they had to go to school and learn because it was the only game in town.
And even the few who were farmers there had to obey the laws about education made by the majority who were not farmers.

And even then, up until 1865 the South's agriculture economy didn't have employees, it was slave based.
And in 1865 they lost their agriculture economy based on slaves, it now had to be based on hired labor...
They didn't know how to manage voluntary, hired labor, at that time.

That's the reason why the South hems and haws about every single step forward for the rest of America, because they're stupid.
I think you're right about the rural and agrarian mindset, but I don't think they own stupid. I have only lived in cities and there's stupid people here. Red state thinking is from having different concerns and ideas about what the government should be up to. The stupid part is assuming that these concepts translate to urban conditions.

Urban politics translates fairly well to suburban and rural, however. There's hundreds of years of track record there, and that's probably what seems so stupid about southern politics. Nice if not nicer people, though. They deserve equal representation in the senate, but are probably overrepresented in the house.
My sister asks me why the Education system is so bad here in the South.
Well, I told her that its because the South is an agriculture economy, everything they ever needed came either out of the ground, or out of a clitoris...

And put it into perspective, a Lion, Chimpanzee, a Orangutan, a Macaque, a Bush Baby, a Dolphin, is a lot smarter than a crop, or a herbivorous animal.
So it takes absolutely NO kind of an Education to be a "farmer".

And that's what these people's heritage is... farmers.
These people don't know anything about Education.

In the northeast where people had to engineer things, and build things and face stiff competition both in business and employment, they had to go to school and learn because it was the only game in town.
And even the few who were farmers there had to obey the laws about education made by the majority who were not farmers.

And even then, up until 1865 the South's agriculture economy didn't have employees, it was slave based.
And in 1865 they lost their agriculture economy based on slaves, it now had to be based on hired labor...
They didn't know how to manage voluntary, hired labor, at that time.

That's the reason why the South hems and haws about every single step forward for the rest of America, because they're stupid.

You apparently know very little about the South. There really are very few small farmers actively growing crops in the South. Most successful farms in the South now are huge farms and are operated with scientific methods. Atlanta is one of the most modern cities in America. Mobile is one of the biggest ship building and repair centers in America. and is home to that British aircraft company's American arm. Pascagoula, MS. is one of the foremost ship building centers for military vessels in America. Huntsville, Al has long been at the forefront of modern rocket technology. Cape Kennedy is a major home of NASA as is Houston. Tx.

The University of Alabama has probably turned out more cardiology teams than any other university in America. Many southern colleges such as LSU and Tulane turn out their fair share of respected attorneys and medical professionals. St. Jude's Children's hospital is in Memphis, the Shriner's hospital for the Blind is in Houston as is a huge Cancer Center of America.

Perhaps you might do some more research?
Education budgets are usually based on population :thup:
also what human said.
Maybe the OP should consider his possible irony when making threads about ignorance.
Education budgets are usually based on population :thup:
also what human said.
Maybe the OP should consider his possible irony when making threads about ignorance.

Gotta love when progressives go with the "Me so so smarter than them dummy repubs!" line. It would be quaint if it wasn't so sad.
Nasa is in the south because of the South's weather being most appropriate for the space rockets, however the engineers are not educated in the South.
The medical care in the south is horrible.
I think it's more about population density. In places like Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago, a dense population made it possible to establish colleges and universities which would never lack for students. The South was almost unliveable in Summer before the advent of cheap air conditioning, and the sparse population made relatively large tracts of land available at low cost or no cost. Few universities could survive with the sparse population, so the families who could afford it (the 1%-ers, if you will) sent their kids to northern universities if they thought it worthwhile.

And as said above, the agrarian economy did not require much formal education for relative success in life. Education in the South has grown more important as the population increases and more northerners move down there. Thanks to air conditioning.
My sister asks me why the Education system is so bad here in the South.
Well, I told her that its because the South is an agriculture economy, everything they ever needed came either out of the ground, or out of a clitoris...

And put it into perspective, a Lion, Chimpanzee, a Orangutan, a Macaque, a Bush Baby, a Dolphin, is a lot smarter than a crop, or a herbivorous animal.
So it takes absolutely NO kind of an Education to be a "farmer".

And that's what these people's heritage is... farmers.
These people don't know anything about Education.

In the northeast where people had to engineer things, and build things and face stiff competition both in business and employment, they had to go to school and learn because it was the only game in town.
And even the few who were farmers there had to obey the laws about education made by the majority who were not farmers.

And even then, up until 1865 the South's agriculture economy didn't have employees, it was slave based.
And in 1865 they lost their agriculture economy based on slaves, it now had to be based on hired labor...
They didn't know how to manage voluntary, hired labor, at that time.

That's the reason why the South hems and haws about every single step forward for the rest of America, because they're stupid.

Yeah...thats why the South holds both NASAs.
And you want to talk about stupid people.....
Nasa is in the south because of the South's weather being most appropriate for the space rockets, however the engineers are not educated in the South.
The medical care in the south is horrible.

So MD Anderson sucks huh? You're a complete dolt.
My sister asks me why the Education system is so bad here in the South.
Well, I told her that its because the South is an agriculture economy, everything they ever needed came either out of the ground, or out of a clitoris...

And put it into perspective, a Lion, Chimpanzee, a Orangutan, a Macaque, a Bush Baby, a Dolphin, is a lot smarter than a crop, or a herbivorous animal.
So it takes absolutely NO kind of an Education to be a "farmer".

And that's what these people's heritage is... farmers.
These people don't know anything about Education.

In the northeast where people had to engineer things, and build things and face stiff competition both in business and employment, they had to go to school and learn because it was the only game in town.
And even the few who were farmers there had to obey the laws about education made by the majority who were not farmers.

And even then, up until 1865 the South's agriculture economy didn't have employees, it was slave based.
And in 1865 they lost their agriculture economy based on slaves, it now had to be based on hired labor...
They didn't know how to manage voluntary, hired labor, at that time.

That's the reason why the South hems and haws about every single step forward for the rest of America, because they're stupid.

Yeah...thats why the South holds both NASAs.
And you want to talk about stupid people.....

Nasa is in the south because of the South's weather being most appropriate for the space rockets, however the engineers are not educated in the South.
The medical care in the south is horrible.

Yes, Compared to Temple University, Penn Medicine, and Drexel University, MD Anderson is very insufficient.
My sister asks me why the Education system is so bad here in the South.
Well, I told her that its because the South is an agriculture economy, everything they ever needed came either out of the ground, or out of a clitoris...

And put it into perspective, a Lion, Chimpanzee, a Orangutan, a Macaque, a Bush Baby, a Dolphin, is a lot smarter than a crop, or a herbivorous animal.
So it takes absolutely NO kind of an Education to be a "farmer".

And that's what these people's heritage is... farmers.
These people don't know anything about Education.

In the northeast where people had to engineer things, and build things and face stiff competition both in business and employment, they had to go to school and learn because it was the only game in town.
And even the few who were farmers there had to obey the laws about education made by the majority who were not farmers.

And even then, up until 1865 the South's agriculture economy didn't have employees, it was slave based.
And in 1865 they lost their agriculture economy based on slaves, it now had to be based on hired labor...
They didn't know how to manage voluntary, hired labor, at that time.

That's the reason why the South hems and haws about every single step forward for the rest of America, because they're stupid.
Calling the south stupid is really kind of stupid because it shows how little you know of US history--all of our history. You have to remember that the colonists were doing what was the norm from mother Britain, which was slavery. You also have to understand that plantation owners were the equivalent to Lords--even our Congress was made up of "Lords," land owners and businessmen. It took Britain over 1100 years to break the cycle and establish equality. Now, you say the North was more advanced--the north also used slaved labor called the working class. Many people died from bad working environments, lost fingers, hands, arms, feet--were permanently maimed or, if they were lucky, they were killed and not left to be a burden on their wife and kids. You forget why we established child labor laws--ages behind Britain. Slavery is about abuse of people--taking advantage of people who had no other choice or right. Shackles, chains, and whips come in many disguises. In addition, some of the industrial revolution machines were invented in Europe, used in the south, perfected in the south, and then moved to the North because of its lack of commerce. Yeah, the government forced industry to move to the north to balance the economy. The North eventually had railway production and then ship building because of steel. Plants were built where the resources were located, not because northerners were smarter than the average fifth grader.
The real problem people in the US have is not realizing that the US is actually a young country going through the phases and stages that some European countries went through over thousand year periods. Our issues will not be settled or stopped over night or because a law says so. Our issues have to be bred out--evolved out, just like mother's did. Many people on here post things without actually doing their research first. That is a given.
My sister asks me why the Education system is so bad here in the South.
Well, I told her that its because the South is an agriculture economy, everything they ever needed came either out of the ground, or out of a clitoris...

And put it into perspective, a Lion, Chimpanzee, a Orangutan, a Macaque, a Bush Baby, a Dolphin, is a lot smarter than a crop, or a herbivorous animal.
So it takes absolutely NO kind of an Education to be a "farmer".

And that's what these people's heritage is... farmers.
These people don't know anything about Education.

In the northeast where people had to engineer things, and build things and face stiff competition both in business and employment, they had to go to school and learn because it was the only game in town.
And even the few who were farmers there had to obey the laws about education made by the majority who were not farmers.

And even then, up until 1865 the South's agriculture economy didn't have employees, it was slave based.
And in 1865 they lost their agriculture economy based on slaves, it now had to be based on hired labor...
They didn't know how to manage voluntary, hired labor, at that time.

That's the reason why the South hems and haws about every single step forward for the rest of America, because they're stupid.

Yeah...thats why the South holds both NASAs.
And you want to talk about stupid people.....

Nasa is in the south because of the South's weather being most appropriate for the space rockets, however the engineers are not educated in the South.
The medical care in the south is horrible.

Yes, Compared to Temple University, Penn Medicine, and Drexel University, MD Anderson is very insufficient.

For the space rockets?
You sound like an ignoranus.
My sister asks me why the Education system is so bad here in the South.
Well, I told her that its because the South is an agriculture economy, everything they ever needed came either out of the ground, or out of a clitoris...

And put it into perspective, a Lion, Chimpanzee, a Orangutan, a Macaque, a Bush Baby, a Dolphin, is a lot smarter than a crop, or a herbivorous animal.
So it takes absolutely NO kind of an Education to be a "farmer".

And that's what these people's heritage is... farmers.
These people don't know anything about Education.

In the northeast where people had to engineer things, and build things and face stiff competition both in business and employment, they had to go to school and learn because it was the only game in town.
And even the few who were farmers there had to obey the laws about education made by the majority who were not farmers.

And even then, up until 1865 the South's agriculture economy didn't have employees, it was slave based.
And in 1865 they lost their agriculture economy based on slaves, it now had to be based on hired labor...
They didn't know how to manage voluntary, hired labor, at that time.

That's the reason why the South hems and haws about every single step forward for the rest of America, because they're stupid.

Yeah...thats why the South holds both NASAs.
And you want to talk about stupid people.....

Nasa is in the south because of the South's weather being most appropriate for the space rockets, however the engineers are not educated in the South.
The medical care in the south is horrible.

Yes, Compared to Temple University, Penn Medicine, and Drexel University, MD Anderson is very insufficient.

For the space rockets?
You sound like an ignoranus.
Ask Nasa, They'll tell you the same thing as to why they're in Florida and Texas.

I asked a representative of Nasa when I was there in Cape Canaveral.
They're all from the Northeast and California.
My sister asks me why the Education system is so bad here in the South.
Well, I told her that its because the South is an agriculture economy, everything they ever needed came either out of the ground, or out of a clitoris...

And put it into perspective, a Lion, Chimpanzee, a Orangutan, a Macaque, a Bush Baby, a Dolphin, is a lot smarter than a crop, or a herbivorous animal.
So it takes absolutely NO kind of an Education to be a "farmer".

And that's what these people's heritage is... farmers.
These people don't know anything about Education.

In the northeast where people had to engineer things, and build things and face stiff competition both in business and employment, they had to go to school and learn because it was the only game in town.
And even the few who were farmers there had to obey the laws about education made by the majority who were not farmers.

And even then, up until 1865 the South's agriculture economy didn't have employees, it was slave based.
And in 1865 they lost their agriculture economy based on slaves, it now had to be based on hired labor...
They didn't know how to manage voluntary, hired labor, at that time.

That's the reason why the South hems and haws about every single step forward for the rest of America, because they're stupid.

Yeah...thats why the South holds both NASAs.
And you want to talk about stupid people.....

Nasa is in the south because of the South's weather being most appropriate for the space rockets, however the engineers are not educated in the South.
The medical care in the south is horrible.

Yes, Compared to Temple University, Penn Medicine, and Drexel University, MD Anderson is very insufficient.

For the space rockets?
You sound like an ignoranus.
Ask Nasa, They'll tell you the same thing as to why they're in Florida and Texas.

I asked a representative of Nasa when I was there in Cape Canaveral

I did a lot of work for NASA and there's nothing a mental midget such as yourself can teach me about the space program and their "space rockets" otherwise known as a Spacecraft.
My sister asks me why the Education system is so bad here in the South.
Well, I told her that its because the South is an agriculture economy, everything they ever needed came either out of the ground, or out of a clitoris...

And put it into perspective, a Lion, Chimpanzee, a Orangutan, a Macaque, a Bush Baby, a Dolphin, is a lot smarter than a crop, or a herbivorous animal.
So it takes absolutely NO kind of an Education to be a "farmer".

And that's what these people's heritage is... farmers.
These people don't know anything about Education.

In the northeast where people had to engineer things, and build things and face stiff competition both in business and employment, they had to go to school and learn because it was the only game in town.
And even the few who were farmers there had to obey the laws about education made by the majority who were not farmers.

And even then, up until 1865 the South's agriculture economy didn't have employees, it was slave based.
And in 1865 they lost their agriculture economy based on slaves, it now had to be based on hired labor...
They didn't know how to manage voluntary, hired labor, at that time.

That's the reason why the South hems and haws about every single step forward for the rest of America, because they're stupid.

Yeah...thats why the South holds both NASAs.
And you want to talk about stupid people.....

Nasa is in the south because of the South's weather being most appropriate for the space rockets, however the engineers are not educated in the South.
The medical care in the south is horrible.

Yes, Compared to Temple University, Penn Medicine, and Drexel University, MD Anderson is very insufficient.

For the space rockets?
You sound like an ignoranus.
Ask Nasa, They'll tell you the same thing as to why they're in Florida and Texas.

I asked a representative of Nasa when I was there in Cape Canaveral

I did a lot of work for NASA and there's nothing a mental midget such as yourself can teach me about the space program and their "space rockets" otherwise known as a Spacecraft.

The meth and booze does wonders for making people like you believe they are things they're not qualified for.
My sister asks me why the Education system is so bad here in the South.
Well, I told her that its because the South is an agriculture economy, everything they ever needed came either out of the ground, or out of a clitoris...

And put it into perspective, a Lion, Chimpanzee, a Orangutan, a Macaque, a Bush Baby, a Dolphin, is a lot smarter than a crop, or a herbivorous animal.
So it takes absolutely NO kind of an Education to be a "farmer".

And that's what these people's heritage is... farmers.
These people don't know anything about Education.

In the northeast where people had to engineer things, and build things and face stiff competition both in business and employment, they had to go to school and learn because it was the only game in town.
And even the few who were farmers there had to obey the laws about education made by the majority who were not farmers.

And even then, up until 1865 the South's agriculture economy didn't have employees, it was slave based.
And in 1865 they lost their agriculture economy based on slaves, it now had to be based on hired labor...
They didn't know how to manage voluntary, hired labor, at that time.

That's the reason why the South hems and haws about every single step forward for the rest of America, because they're stupid.
Pure unadulterated bigotry. Sour grapes from the failing and failed northeast in this case.
Good schools need good funding . South (red) states ain't throwing money at nuthin!
My sister asks me why the Education system is so bad here in the South.
Well, I told her that its because the South is an agriculture economy, everything they ever needed came either out of the ground, or out of a clitoris...

And put it into perspective, a Lion, Chimpanzee, a Orangutan, a Macaque, a Bush Baby, a Dolphin, is a lot smarter than a crop, or a herbivorous animal.
So it takes absolutely NO kind of an Education to be a "farmer".

And that's what these people's heritage is... farmers.
These people don't know anything about Education.

In the northeast where people had to engineer things, and build things and face stiff competition both in business and employment, they had to go to school and learn because it was the only game in town.
And even the few who were farmers there had to obey the laws about education made by the majority who were not farmers.

And even then, up until 1865 the South's agriculture economy didn't have employees, it was slave based.
And in 1865 they lost their agriculture economy based on slaves, it now had to be based on hired labor...
They didn't know how to manage voluntary, hired labor, at that time.

That's the reason why the South hems and haws about every single step forward for the rest of America, because they're stupid.
Pure unadulterated bigotry. Sour grapes from the failing and failed northeast in this case.

The Northeast isn't failing.
Its loaded with evil rat motherfuckers that need to be in prison.
But the economy isn't driven by those.

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