Climate capitalism and the rise of synthetic foods

LOL..Even the conservative Wall Street Journal is not disputing that anthropogenic climate change is real. You and your children are going to pay for climate change one way or another. The longer we wait to deal with it, the steeper will be the price tag. Enjoy your synthetic coffee and chocolate. It is coming to a store near you.
The WSJ isn't remotely "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore)....They throw a few measly rat bones on the op-ed pages, and that's as far as it goes.
LOL..Even the conservative Wall Street Journal is not disputing that anthropogenic climate change is real. You and your children are going to pay for climate change one way or another. The longer we wait to deal with it, the steeper will be the price tag. Enjoy your synthetic coffee and chocolate. It is coming to a store near you.
We build in areas that weather threatens to cause more damage. And there are a lot more people in those areas. It is easy to show videos and mess with technologies to scam us. Organizations we respected have a lot less now as they are compromised and even have a percentage of DEI bringing down the quality of their work.
I either won't drink coffee at all or I'll pay more and have it shipped from another country.

I believe the story's point is that environmental issues will create the case that growing of coffee beans will be unprofitable. Corporations and consumers have faced this type of situation before. The one I'm most familiar with is the demise of the Big Mike banana which was what our country was used to consuming until the 1950's. Due to disease the industry switched to a disease resistant variety. I'm putting my hope in capitalism to come up with a non-synthetic solution for I too see the synthetic remedy is one I can do without.

The story behind ‘Yes, We Have No . . . Bananas’
I believe the story's point is that environmental issues will create the case that growing of coffee beans will be unprofitable. Corporations and consumers have faced this type of situation before. The one I'm most familiar with is the demise of the Big Mike banana which was what our country was used to consuming until the 1950's. Due to disease the industry switched to a disease resistant variety. I'm putting my hope in capitalism to come up with a non-synthetic solution for I too see the synthetic remedy is one I can do without.

The story behind ‘Yes, We Have No . . . Banana
Most coffee is grown near the equator and climate change is the factor. The warmer it gets, the more the beans ripen too fast.
This article is nothing but propaganda for a globalist new world order.
I am sure some leftist will immediately shout: CONSPIRACY THEORY.... but it's amazing how often yesterday's conspiracy theory becomes tomorrow's FACTS.

Note to leftists everywhere: Leave your control freak hands off of my beer and off of my coffee, and we'll get along better.

you will drink it. With Pedro living on one side of you and Juan on the other.
“Your typical morning cup of coffee is a social and environmental disaster—but you’ll soon have the option to start sipping something less harmful: synthetic coffee…

The intense demand for coffee has driven mass deforestation, poverty wages for farmers who see little of the rising prices for their commodity, and substantial carbon emissions due to both production and long supply chains. Research suggests that around half of the land best suited to growing coffee will become unsuitable for that purpose by 2050, thanks to climate change. In Brazil, that figure reaches 88%.….

If these companies reach enough people, it will be a classic case of what economists and climate capitalists call the substitution effect: As traditional coffee becomes scarce, and more expensive, consumers will switch to these cheaper and plentiful alterna-brews.

And coffee is just be the beginning. Already, Voyage Foods sells a nut-free, cocoa-free Nutella alternative nationwide at Walmart. The company says its spread is comparable in price to “real” Nutella, and is also the lowest-cost allergen-free spread available at the big-box chain…

Since we’re messing with the life-support system on planet Earth by filling the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, it makes sense that someday we might produce more of our food the way NASA has proposed growing food for space stations and moon bases.

Bioreactors—basically, big steel vessels—have been used for decades to manufacture pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food additives. Any plant cell can be run through a process that makes it possible for it to grow in a bioreactor, subsisting on nothing but sugars,…”


So says the WSJ. It really doesn’t matter whether you deny the science of climate change because the real world effects are occurring whether you like it or not. Companies are preparing for the day when arable land becomes less productive. If we (by we I mean the world not just the US) had started years ago to earnestly battle the effects of climate change we would not be in this situation. This is the inevitable outcome of climate change and environmental degradation. Though I guess synthetic food is better than none at all.

Fuck with our coffee and we go to the mattresses
Make Note to Self!

Start buying more cans of my favorite coffee to add to my, "when shit hits the fan" preparations!
Or, just keep farming coffee the way they have for the last 500 years which has succeeded in making coffee one of the most popular and ubiquitous beverages in the world.
And that's the problem! The great demand is world-wide, with advances in technologies over the century to preserve it, to ship it, to process it, so everyone can get their fill, no matter where they are in the world.... The only area of the coffee industry with no advances, seems to be, we still have to deforest the earth's rain forests to grow it...?
Who the heck wants synthetic food, but when the climate becomes inhospitable to coffee or other crops, what other alternatives are there.
You do know that plants breath CO2 ? During the Triassic period the CO2 levels where 5 times higher than they are today and both plant and animal life was flourishing.

How about we hold off on the scare mongering bullshit and use responsible land management practices.
You do know that plants breath CO2 ? During the Triassic period the CO2 levels where 5 times higher than they are today and both plant and animal life was flourishing.

How did humans fare during that time?
Or, just keep farming coffee the way they have for the last 500 years which has succeeded in making coffee one of the most popular and ubiquitous beverages in the world.

Just about everything on the planet has been improved upon over the last 500 years, why should we not do anything in regards to how coffee is grown?
What difference does it make life flourished under those conditions.

some life forms flourish better in different conditions than others.

The fact that other life forms were able to flourish does not mean that humans could.

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