The Anthropocene


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
Sounds odd, but when you pick it apart, there are some interesting ideas here...and evolution of world consciousness is occurring.

‘A Reckoning for Our Species’: The Philosopher Prophet of the Anthropocene

The Anthropocene is not only a period of manmade disruption. It is also a moment of blinking self-awareness, in which the human species is becoming conscious of itself as a planetary force. We’re not only driving global warming and ecological destruction; we know that we are.

One of Morton’s most powerful insights is that we are condemned to live with this awareness at all times. It’s there not only when politicians gather to discuss international environmental agreements, but when we do something as mundane as chat about the weather, pick up a plastic bag at the supermarket or water the lawn. We live in a world with a moral calculus that didn’t exist before. Now, doing just about anything is an environmental question. That wasn’t true 60 years ago – or at least people weren’t aware that it was true. Tragically, it is only by despoiling the planet that we have realised just how much a part of it we are.

Morton believes that this constitutes a revolution in our understanding of our place in the universe on a par with those fomented by Copernicus, Darwin and Freud. He is just one of thousands of geologists, climate scientists, historians, novelists and journalists writing about this upheaval, but, perhaps better than anyone else, he captures in words the uncanny feeling of being present at the birth of this extreme age.

go back 100 years, getting communications / info across town was a challenge. the challenge today is it comes faster than we can process and we've not learned to "filter" yet.
You don't have to believe in global warming to understand what the Anthropocene era is about. It is a change where homo sapiens are almost an infestation of the earth, or an invasive species.
We pollute the oceans with huge islands of plastic and micro plastics that are now a part of the aquatic food chain. We strip mine and decimate forests for agriculture. We poach endangered animals almost to extinction.

I first understood the concept around 1982 when the film Koyaanisqatsi came out. It is Hopi for life out of balance. I don't recommend you watch all of it unless you are in the right mood of the slow pace of the beginning and like the mesmerizing music of Philip Glass. However this segment, part 6 of 9 parts, is fast moving and better illustrates the point. Be sure and use full screen mode.

You don't have to believe in global warming to understand what the Anthropocene era is about. It is a change where homo sapiens are almost an infestation of the earth, or an invasive species.
We pollute the oceans with huge islands of plastic and micro plastics that are now a part of the aquatic food chain. We strip mine and decimate forests for agriculture. We poach endangered animals almost to extinction.

I first understood the concept around 1982 when the film Koyaanisqatsi came out. It is Hopi for life out of balance. I don't recommend you watch all of it unless you are in the right mood of the slow pace of the beginning and like the mesmerizing music of Philip Glass. However this segment, part 6 of 9 parts, is fast moving and better illustrates the point. Be sure and use full screen mode.

oh my god - i watched this eons ago, (at least 15 years) and over time i could never remember the name of it, but i think this is it, or at least part of it. it was very different drunk (as was i 15 years ago, usually drunk)

things like this - cleaning the planet, i can get behind. but all the WE'RE DOOMED IF WE DON'T ACT NOW pushes people away cause it's been done far too many times.
i'll snag it and watch. it reminds me to a point, the celestine prophecy. not 100% the same topic but i think the same journey to self-awareness.
oh my god - i watched this eons ago, (at least 15 years) and over time i could never remember the name of it, but i think this is it, or at least part of it. it was very different drunk (as was i 15 years ago, usually drunk)

things like this - cleaning the planet, i can get behind. but all the WE'RE DOOMED IF WE DON'T ACT NOW pushes people away cause it's been done far too many times.
I think it is what you are looking for because there was nothing like it back then. Yeah, it is more awesome when you are stoned. I spent the last half hour rewatching part 6 three times. There are two more follow-on films. I saw Powaqqatsi (1988), which was not as good, but I never saw the third film.

I do agree we pollute the earth. Too much. That's something we KNOW we cause and something we could ACTUALLY fix.
You don't have to believe in global warming to understand what the Anthropocene era is about. It is a change where homo sapiens are almost an infestation of the earth, or an invasive species.
We pollute the oceans with huge islands of plastic and micro plastics that are now a part of the aquatic food chain. We strip mine and decimate forests for agriculture. We poach endangered animals almost to extinction.

I first understood the concept around 1982 when the film Koyaanisqatsi came out. It is Hopi for life out of balance. I don't recommend you watch all of it unless you are in the right mood of the slow pace of the beginning and like the mesmerizing music of Philip Glass. However this segment, part 6 of 9 parts, is fast moving and better illustrates the point. Be sure and use full screen mode.

Using such hyperbolic language to describe human beings leads to a couple of things, one mass murder because infestations need to be weeded out, and secondly, a wholesale destruction of the gains that man has worked so hard to achieve. For millennia, man has toiled under a system where a small ruling elite controlled everything. Finally after three centuries of hard work, and terrible sacrifice we live in a world where some countries the people are free. Your language though, encourages slavery.

I suggest you educate yourself some more, because what you believe, is patently untrue.
i'll snag it and watch. it reminds me to a point, the celestine prophecy. not 100% the same topic but i think the same journey to self-awareness.
I looked it up on Amazon. I will put it on my reading list.
Using such hyperbolic language to describe human beings leads to a couple of things, one mass murder because infestations need to be weeded out, and secondly, a wholesale destruction of the gains that man has worked so hard to achieve. For millennia, man has toiled under a system where a small ruling elite controlled everything. Finally after three centuries of hard work, and terrible sacrifice we live in a world where some countries the people are free. Your language though, encourages slavery.

I suggest you educate yourself some more, because what you believe, is patently untrue.
I have educated myself on this more than you would know. You certainly have a Western way of generalizing what our planet and people are about. It is not a black and white problem.

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You don't have to believe in global warming to understand what the Anthropocene era is about. It is a change where homo sapiens are almost an infestation of the earth, or an invasive species.
We pollute the oceans with huge islands of plastic and micro plastics that are now a part of the aquatic food chain. We strip mine and decimate forests for agriculture. We poach endangered animals almost to extinction.

I first understood the concept around 1982 when the film Koyaanisqatsi came out. It is Hopi for life out of balance. I don't recommend you watch all of it unless you are in the right mood of the slow pace of the beginning and like the mesmerizing music of Philip Glass. However this segment, part 6 of 9 parts, is fast moving and better illustrates the point. Be sure and use full screen mode.

Using such hyperbolic language to describe human beings leads to a couple of things, one mass murder because infestations need to be weeded out, and secondly, a wholesale destruction of the gains that man has worked so hard to achieve. For millennia, man has toiled under a system where a small ruling elite controlled everything. Finally after three centuries of hard work, and terrible sacrifice we live in a world where some countries the people are free. Your language though, encourages slavery.

I suggest you educate yourself some more, because what you believe, is patently untrue.

you are talking about a singular - or ie, like today in an environment we created.

this concept is more global in nature and not anchored in any specific event. mankind has always longed for more, which leads to all the religions we have in an effort to understand ourselves and place in ... well everything.

people speak the way they know how. to expect people to speak in my own terms in itself seems pretty limiting.

we do pollute our oceans.
we do strip mine
we do decimate forests for $ gain and our use

but yes, to only focus on the negative is also a one way street. we do a lot of good things also but right now we seem to ignore our impact on the planet. of that i agree is dangerous. but i don't believe we're all dead in 12 / 24 / 36 years.

a focus on cleaning up after ourselves and creating more environment friendly way of doing things would go a long way to helping. what isn't helping is thinking you can pass laws to outlaw plastic straws and force behavior. that adds to, not resolves, the issue to me.
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You don't have to believe in global warming to understand what the Anthropocene era is about. It is a change where homo sapiens are almost an infestation of the earth, or an invasive species.
We pollute the oceans with huge islands of plastic and micro plastics that are now a part of the aquatic food chain. We strip mine and decimate forests for agriculture. We poach endangered animals almost to extinction.

I first understood the concept around 1982 when the film Koyaanisqatsi came out. It is Hopi for life out of balance. I don't recommend you watch all of it unless you are in the right mood of the slow pace of the beginning and like the mesmerizing music of Philip Glass. However this segment, part 6 of 9 parts, is fast moving and better illustrates the point. Be sure and use full screen mode.

oh my god - i watched this eons ago, (at least 15 years) and over time i could never remember the name of it, but i think this is it, or at least part of it. it was very different drunk (as was i 15 years ago, usually drunk)

things like this - cleaning the planet, i can get behind. but all the WE'RE DOOMED IF WE DON'T ACT NOW pushes people away cause it's been done far too many times.

I remember movie too, it keft a huge impression on that continues today.

What concerns me though, in environmental matters including climate change, is where is the tipping point?
I remember movie too, it keft a huge impression on that continues today.

What concerns me though, in environmental matters including climate change, is where is the tipping point?
I have no idea. You can read what IPCC says. If there is a tipping point and if it is in a couple decades, it doesn't matter, we will reach it, and for those concerned, there isn't much they can do because carbon usage will probably not go down.

You don't have to believe in global warming to understand what the Anthropocene era is about. It is a change where homo sapiens are almost an infestation of the earth, or an invasive species.
We pollute the oceans with huge islands of plastic and micro plastics that are now a part of the aquatic food chain. We strip mine and decimate forests for agriculture. We poach endangered animals almost to extinction.

I first understood the concept around 1982 when the film Koyaanisqatsi came out. It is Hopi for life out of balance. I don't recommend you watch all of it unless you are in the right mood of the slow pace of the beginning and like the mesmerizing music of Philip Glass. However this segment, part 6 of 9 parts, is fast moving and better illustrates the point. Be sure and use full screen mode.

oh my god - i watched this eons ago, (at least 15 years) and over time i could never remember the name of it, but i think this is it, or at least part of it. it was very different drunk (as was i 15 years ago, usually drunk)

things like this - cleaning the planet, i can get behind. but all the WE'RE DOOMED IF WE DON'T ACT NOW pushes people away cause it's been done far too many times.

That's it exactly. I hate the fact that the Oceans have become dumping grounds and plastics are entering the food chain. Air pollution is horrendous I can't imagine living in a city where the sky is brown and your throat burns everyday. So clean it up! Simple as that. Don't make the alarmist leap to doomsday scenarios for your global power grab! Just fuckin clean it up!
You don't have to believe in global warming to understand what the Anthropocene era is about. It is a change where homo sapiens are almost an infestation of the earth, or an invasive species.
We pollute the oceans with huge islands of plastic and micro plastics that are now a part of the aquatic food chain. We strip mine and decimate forests for agriculture. We poach endangered animals almost to extinction.

I first understood the concept around 1982 when the film Koyaanisqatsi came out. It is Hopi for life out of balance. I don't recommend you watch all of it unless you are in the right mood of the slow pace of the beginning and like the mesmerizing music of Philip Glass. However this segment, part 6 of 9 parts, is fast moving and better illustrates the point. Be sure and use full screen mode.

Using such hyperbolic language to describe human beings leads to a couple of things, one mass murder because infestations need to be weeded out, and secondly, a wholesale destruction of the gains that man has worked so hard to achieve. For millennia, man has toiled under a system where a small ruling elite controlled everything. Finally after three centuries of hard work, and terrible sacrifice we live in a world where some countries the people are free. Your language though, encourages slavery.

I suggest you educate yourself some more, because what you believe, is patently untrue.


Well said

Using such hyperbolic language to describe human beings leads to a couple of things, one mass murder because infestations need to be weeded out, and secondly, a wholesale destruction of the gains that man has worked so hard to achieve. For millennia, man has toiled under a system where a small ruling elite controlled everything. Finally after three centuries of hard work, and terrible sacrifice we live in a world where some countries the people are free. Your language though, encourages slavery.

I suggest you educate yourself some more, because what you believe, is patently untrue.
I have educated myself on this more than you would know. You certainly have a Western way of generalizing what our planet and people are about. It is not a black and white problem.


I would hazard a guess I am far more versed in the subject than you. My business WAS cleaning up environmental disasters. Mankind can, and does, do tremendous damage at the local level.

However, to equate mankind with a virus is asinine. Technology has elevated mankind out of the depths of poverty. You people preach about "sustainable" economies, but they don't exist. If you are merely managing a sustainable lifestyle the first natural disaster that comes along is going to wipe you out.

Technology reduces birth rates. Western civil society reduces pollution. You want to see terrible pollution? Go to any third world country and it will be right in front of you.

This AGW horse poo has done real damage to the conservation efforts of anti pollution groups worldwide because instead of investing in real solutions, the money goes to groups working to enact socialism worldwide.

You need to wake up.

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