The arrogance, policies and actions of the Left

caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

How's the old nub hangin', Softee - you fucking eunich?? Did you forget how presidential elections are decided in OUR REPUBLIC - you classless brain dead lemming? The fact that you increase your vote by allowing illegal immigrants a franchise in certain states was thwarted by The Founders.

Learn to love it. The Blue Wall is gone. Just like Hellary and many of Barry's actions, policies and legislation.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.

They didn't, you didn't get Bernie Sanders because Hillary and the Democratic Party shafted him in the Primaries, it was stacked against him from day one.

The Sanders voters hate Hillary, well most of them do, they'd been commenting for a few months when interviewed that they still hated Hillary and would either stay at home or hold their nose and vote for Trump.

The latter especially happened in Michigan, the majority of those White Blue Collar voters from Counties that had voted Democratic for near 60 years, they were the Sanders voters and they overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

Remember who won the Michigan Primary, Bernie Sanders hammered Hillary.

All of that is true, except Bernie voters voting Trump. There is zero evidence of that, the man is 100% antithetical to what Bernie voters believe in.

I repeat:

The latter especially happened in Michigan, the majority of those White Blue Collar voters from Counties that had voted Democratic for near 60 years, they were the Sanders voters and they overwhelmingly voted for Trump.
It isn't so much the policies of the dimocrap party and their supporters that piss me off. I can talk to anybody about their political beliefs..... socialists, National Socialists, communists, State Directed Capitalism (China), even totalitarians and Monarchists. They ALL have at least some good in them

Except for dimocraps.

I can't talk to them. Know why?

They lie. They lie about -- EVERYTHING.

dimocraps wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying. It's what they do all day, every day, 24/7/365

dimocraps are the lyingest scum to ever infest the surface of the Planet. Not even close.

They lie, deceive, corrupt, betray and renege -- On everything. All the time.

Remember when the total scumbag Harry Reid got on the Senate Floor and LIED about Mittens not paying taxes for ten years? And remember how the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media ran with it like it was stratight from God's mouth to their ear?

When Harry Reid was exposed as the lying dimocrap scumbag we all know him to be.... Know what he said when asked if he regretted saying it?

He said, "No, Mitt Romeny didn't get elected, did he"

the dimocrap party is a criminal organization of diseased scum that needs to be obliterated from the Planet's surface


There is no place for them among civilized people

What you may not know is that Senators cannot be sued for anything they say on the floor. That is why he ONLY talked about it there...a safe zone.

Outside he deflected when questioned with statements such as "That's all you're getting out of me". It was an orchestrated lie and after the election when challenged he said "It worked didn't it?".

SCUM, PURE SCUM - the whole lot of 'em.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

How's the old nub hangin', Softee - you fucking eunich?? Did you forget how presidential elections are decided in OUR REPUBLIC - you classless brain dead lemming? The fact that you increase your vote by allowing illegal immigrants a franchise in certain states was thwarted by The Founders.

Learn to love it. The Blue Wall is gone. Just like Hellary and many of Barry's actions, policies and legislation.

Simmer down, little doggy. Sheesh, all I did was ask you a simple question and you fly off the handle. Rabies?

Why are you so angry? You should be out celebrating, pissing on fire hydrants and taking huge, steamy shits on Hillary voter front yards.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.

As I told you on more than one occasion. Just sayin....
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.

As I told you on more than one occasion. Just sayin....

Well, you were right. Look, the Democrat party is gonna have to take a good look at themselves and decide who they want to be and why. Until they get that part sorted out, they're basically fucked.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Illegals in California did.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.

As I told you on more than one occasion. Just sayin....

Well, you were right. Look, the Democrat party is gonna have to take a good look at themselves and decide who they want to be and why. Until they get that part sorted out, they're basically fucked.

NO, no, no, NO! The DNC needs to stay the fuck away from picking and choosing. That's WHY we got to where we are now! THEY choose who we get. Those days are over if they have any fucking brains at all. Let the PEOPLE choose who is running, support that person, and let the electorate do their job. This ham handed way of controlling every aspect of the political spectrum has screwed over too many middle class families. They need to stop that shit.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.

They didn't, you didn't get Bernie Sanders because Hillary and the Democratic Party shafted him in the Primaries, it was stacked against him from day one.

The Sanders voters hate Hillary, well most of them do, they'd been commenting for a few months when interviewed that they still hated Hillary and would either stay at home or hold their nose and vote for Trump.

The latter especially happened in Michigan, the majority of those White Blue Collar voters from Counties that had voted Democratic for near 60 years, they were the Sanders voters and they overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

Remember who won the Michigan Primary, Bernie Sanders hammered Hillary.

All of that is true, except Bernie voters voting Trump. There is zero evidence of that, the man is 100% antithetical to what Bernie voters believe in.

I was a Bernie supporter and I voted trump. MANY of my neighbors, who were likewise Bernie supporters did likewise. You can believe whatever nonsense you want but those are the facts.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.

As I told you on more than one occasion. Just sayin....

Well, you were right. Look, the Democrat party is gonna have to take a good look at themselves and decide who they want to be and why. Until they get that part sorted out, they're basically fucked.

The Democrat Party has been, and always will want to be good little worshippers of Karl Marx. They just have to invent new ways to hide that fact from average people so they can con them into voting for them.
Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.

As I told you on more than one occasion. Just sayin....

Well, you were right. Look, the Democrat party is gonna have to take a good look at themselves and decide who they want to be and why. Until they get that part sorted out, they're basically fucked.

NO, no, no, NO! The DNC needs to stay the fuck away from picking and choosing. That's WHY we got to where we are now! THEY choose who we get. Those days are over if they have any fucking brains at all. Let the PEOPLE choose who is running, support that person, and let the electorate do their job. This ham handed way of controlling every aspect of the political spectrum has screwed over too many middle class families. They need to stop that shit.

I don't disagree. Bernie won the popular vote in the primary by 22 percent, so the people DID actually choose him, but the Democrat party fucked them.
Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.

They didn't, you didn't get Bernie Sanders because Hillary and the Democratic Party shafted him in the Primaries, it was stacked against him from day one.

The Sanders voters hate Hillary, well most of them do, they'd been commenting for a few months when interviewed that they still hated Hillary and would either stay at home or hold their nose and vote for Trump.

The latter especially happened in Michigan, the majority of those White Blue Collar voters from Counties that had voted Democratic for near 60 years, they were the Sanders voters and they overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

Remember who won the Michigan Primary, Bernie Sanders hammered Hillary.

All of that is true, except Bernie voters voting Trump. There is zero evidence of that, the man is 100% antithetical to what Bernie voters believe in.

I was a Bernie supporter and I voted trump. MANY of my neighbors, who were likewise Bernie supporters did likewise. You can believe whatever nonsense you want but those are the facts.

BULLSHIT. I never once heard you say you were a Bernie supporter.
Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.

As I told you on more than one occasion. Just sayin....

Well, you were right. Look, the Democrat party is gonna have to take a good look at themselves and decide who they want to be and why. Until they get that part sorted out, they're basically fucked.

The Democrat Party has been, and always will want to be good little worshippers of Karl Marx. They just have to invent new ways to hide that fact from average people so they can con them into voting for them.

No. They need to have a paradigm shift and realize that you need a healthy mix of left and right wing philosophies for a economy to do the best for the majority of its citizens. That is a lesson that the right wingers need to learn as well.
Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.

They didn't, you didn't get Bernie Sanders because Hillary and the Democratic Party shafted him in the Primaries, it was stacked against him from day one.

The Sanders voters hate Hillary, well most of them do, they'd been commenting for a few months when interviewed that they still hated Hillary and would either stay at home or hold their nose and vote for Trump.

The latter especially happened in Michigan, the majority of those White Blue Collar voters from Counties that had voted Democratic for near 60 years, they were the Sanders voters and they overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

Remember who won the Michigan Primary, Bernie Sanders hammered Hillary.

All of that is true, except Bernie voters voting Trump. There is zero evidence of that, the man is 100% antithetical to what Bernie voters believe in.

I was a Bernie supporter and I voted trump. MANY of my neighbors, who were likewise Bernie supporters did likewise. You can believe whatever nonsense you want but those are the facts.

BULLSHIT. I never once heard you say you were a Bernie supporter.

Well, then you should have been paying more attention. Clearly. This is the farthest back I can go to show you a link to one of my statements of support for Bernie, but EVERYONE who interacts with me on a regular basis knows I was from the very, very beginning.

The Best Unofficial Trump Campaign Ad
Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.

They didn't, you didn't get Bernie Sanders because Hillary and the Democratic Party shafted him in the Primaries, it was stacked against him from day one.

The Sanders voters hate Hillary, well most of them do, they'd been commenting for a few months when interviewed that they still hated Hillary and would either stay at home or hold their nose and vote for Trump.

The latter especially happened in Michigan, the majority of those White Blue Collar voters from Counties that had voted Democratic for near 60 years, they were the Sanders voters and they overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

Remember who won the Michigan Primary, Bernie Sanders hammered Hillary.

All of that is true, except Bernie voters voting Trump. There is zero evidence of that, the man is 100% antithetical to what Bernie voters believe in.

I was a Bernie supporter and I voted trump. MANY of my neighbors, who were likewise Bernie supporters did likewise. You can believe whatever nonsense you want but those are the facts.

BULLSHIT. I never once heard you say you were a Bernie supporter.

Well, then you should have been paying more attention. Clearly. This is the farthest back I can go to show you a link to one of my statements of support for Bernie, but EVERYONE who interacts with me on a regular basis knows I was from the very, very beginning.

The Best Unofficial Trump Campaign Ad

lol, wow, you were a Bernie Supporter all the way back to October 26th? Amazeballs.
They didn't, you didn't get Bernie Sanders because Hillary and the Democratic Party shafted him in the Primaries, it was stacked against him from day one.

The Sanders voters hate Hillary, well most of them do, they'd been commenting for a few months when interviewed that they still hated Hillary and would either stay at home or hold their nose and vote for Trump.

The latter especially happened in Michigan, the majority of those White Blue Collar voters from Counties that had voted Democratic for near 60 years, they were the Sanders voters and they overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

Remember who won the Michigan Primary, Bernie Sanders hammered Hillary.

All of that is true, except Bernie voters voting Trump. There is zero evidence of that, the man is 100% antithetical to what Bernie voters believe in.

I was a Bernie supporter and I voted trump. MANY of my neighbors, who were likewise Bernie supporters did likewise. You can believe whatever nonsense you want but those are the facts.

BULLSHIT. I never once heard you say you were a Bernie supporter.

Well, then you should have been paying more attention. Clearly. This is the farthest back I can go to show you a link to one of my statements of support for Bernie, but EVERYONE who interacts with me on a regular basis knows I was from the very, very beginning.

The Best Unofficial Trump Campaign Ad

lol, wow, you were a Bernie Supporter all the way back to October 26th? Amazeballs.

No, I was from the BEGINNING of his run. If you care to look you will find I was a vocal supporter way back. I just can't do a search quickly to find them (as I already told you). I'm not a good necro thread hunter. Ask Dottie. She seems to be good at that.

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