The Art Of What Deal?

Once again we see the Donald have to walk back a statement by claiming he "misspoke". Chris "tingly leg" Matthews undressed the man who would be king twice in their sitdown. Once about using nuclear weapons in EUROPE. Trump said he wouldn't take that card off the table. Huh? :disbelief: And then about "punishing" women who have an illegal abortion. I'm curious how that would work in trade negotiations?

I've spent my career in sales and as any salesperson here will tell you, a poorly worded or simply stupid comment and see ya.... You rarely recover from alienating your customer by saying something weird. It's happened to all of're leaning toward buying something and all the guy has to do is shut up....but he doesn't and ticks you off. I'm betting China's trade negotiators are considerably tougher than the MSLSD goofball.

So how many mulligans does Trump get anyway? When will his lack of understanding and preparation on the issues start to register with his supporters? Maybe it already has. Here is a site I watch because it's a gambler's poll where the art of the deal is putting your money where your mouth is....and the Donald is getting his wrinkly old ass handed to him by guess who? :eek-52: Election Betting Odds

It starting to think that his hair is the way it is from being wrapped in tin-foil
Well obviously, if what I was saying doesn't pertain to you, then I must not have been talking about you. And me, I never supported Trump.

Can you say that anything I posted was wrong?

Others here tend to rip on us for criticizing Trump by assuming we're a leftist. I was a Rubio supporter...hardly part of the occupy wall street crowd (although there is a stockbroker I'd like to take a tire iron to). No harm, no foul. :eusa_angel:

Ironically Rubio was my first choice as well.
It's too late. No one cares. Look around. It's all over this forum, the media, the country.

Trump had a very bad week...if that factors into him losing in Wisconsin, panic will set in and he's not responding to pressure very well.

I have little hope. If Trump fails, I fear Cruz will get the nomination, and I don't care for him either.

Regardless it doesn't matter if Hillary is nominated, I'll vote for whoever has a chance of preventing that scum sucking criminal trash from winning.

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