The benny hinn scam

Guno, if you cannot find the charges I can take everything you've written here, make copies and send it to his ministry and I'm sure his lawyers can contact you to let you know exactly what is what. If you are posting things that are libel and distributed to destroy his reputation - they will most definitely let you know about that too.

You cannot just make things up about Ministries and then post it as if it is a fact. As I have not followed his ministry in over 20 years now I can tell you I never heard about any arrest for wrong doing.

Either you have evidence of crimes committed and guilty verdicts or you don't. Which is it?
And still people who can least afford it send him money and some have died thinking he has some kind of power. He should be locked up and put away

Can you give us the criminal charges and what his ministry was busted for? I do not see it. When was the arrest? The Trial date and Judgment? What was the verdict? Who was found guilty and of what charges? How much time were they sentenced to, Guno?

I haven't followed Benny Hinn's ministry for a couple of decades now and am not sure what has been happening with his ministry but by all means bring me up to date here. What were those charges again? I haven't heard anything about this and I know a couple in another city that used to be on his ministry team but I haven't spoken to them in years. So tell us all about it.

Madoff was found guilty. What was Hinn charged with and how much time did he get?

Legal versus moral Jeri

madoff was rightly put in prison for life while this parasite Hinn goes on scamming people of their money while living like a king from the proceeds of those who can ill afford it. 3000 and night hotels 112000 a month for private jets? 6,000 a month for cloths from beverly hills?Even people who worked for him said there is NO validated so called healing

Your defense of him speak volumes about you and your beliefs Jeri
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Ah well. Lot of this shit going around.

Even the Brothers are into the act...

Black Pastors Scandal 5 God Soldiers Who Fell From Grace News One

Mr. H. :slap:

Benny Hinn is the Amway of the religion business. He wants you to sign up to buy his merchandise on a regular basis, and he wants you to get your friends to do the same. All the while making great and lofty promises about the “amazing lifestyle” you will have if you will only keep those donation checks coming in. If you removed all the references to money from his website, all you would be left with would be the Contact Us page. But even that page is used to beg for money. Benny Hinn is a fraud, a charlatan in the classic Elmer Gantry mold. Now comes his latest prophecy about a “global wealth transfer” that will change the world.
Charismatic Faith Healing Fraud Benny Hinn Begs Followers For More Money Now The End Begins Now The End Begins
Legal versus moral Jeri

MORAL? :eek:

YOU dare speak of moral? You are the lowest piece of shit on this board - you LITERALLY have no redeeming qualities. You are a bigot and a hate monger, total fucking scum, and you revel in it.

madoff was rightly put in prison for life while this parasite Hinn goes on scamming people of their money while living like a king from the proceeds of those who can ill afford it. 3000 and night hotels 112000 a month for private jets? 6,00 a month for cloths from beverly hills?Even people who worked for him said there is NO validated so called healing

Your defense of him speak volumes about you and your beliefs Jeri

Madoff is scum, but even he looks ethical compared to you.
Thunderbird: You said these are minor scams.
WOW! Wrong.

You said why not discuss other culture scams, well we do, somone brought up Madoff and nade lightcof it likecyou are doing here and I discussed it was no joking matter what he d8d ruined many lives and charities.
But when discussing theology Christianity happens to be built for scamers to go unscathed due to religious freedoms (a scam artists loop hole)
This is why many of the ministries have former convicts and why a famous bishop once stated "oh what profits this fable has brought us."

Furthermore Christianity is but a mask for the age old baal harvest god scam. Everytime I turn a channel there's a ministry asking for seed money and talking about harvest. IF you could make it where there'd be nobody to discuss regarding these scams then we'd have no choice butcto look elsewhere.
We can't help it that almost all TV evangelists have money lust, especially the one named after money,
Creflo Dollar.
The people who watch these people do so of their own choice. No one mandated they tune in and no one mandates they give money. The people who feel they are fleeced have to have someone to blame. You see it as a scam but aren't infomercials a scam? Those things never work like they do on TV but I see no one flipping about that. That was your choice to watch it and give your money to them. If you do not believe in the message of the evangelist turn it off, no one held anyones feet to the fire to send them money.
See Jeremiah got caught bashing the Bible again, the very same Bible she needs to validate her fishman god.

Not one refutation but plenty of name calling and proof they are to lazy to read or notice the harvest scam all over the Christian broadcasts.
Maybe they deserve to be fleeced?
It's natures way of dealing with the least evolved.
quote:Again Jesus Christ = " Annointed "

Funny how you magically forget that word when
Ezekiel 28:14-15 about Lucifer being deemed
anointed (christ) cherub(guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene)
deemed perfect (sinless).

The only first fallen messiah (anointed) prophet deemed perfect was Jesus therefore no other prophet can or could be deemed Lucifer since they can no longer be the first. DO YOU UNDERSTAND SEQUENCES?
See Jeremiah got caught bashing the Bible again, the very same Bible she needs to validate her fishman god.

Not one refutation but plenty of name calling and proof they are to lazy to read or notice the harvest scam all over the Christian broadcasts.
Maybe they deserve to be fleeced?
It's natures way of dealing with the least evolved.
jerri prolly got/gets fleeced on the regular eh jerri?
Guno, if you cannot find the charges I can take everything you've written here, make copies and send it to his ministry and I'm sure his lawyers can contact you to let you know exactly what is what. If you are posting things that are libel and distributed to destroy his reputation - they will most definitely let you know about that too.

You cannot just make things up about Ministries and then post it as if it is a fact. As I have not followed his ministry in over 20 years now I can tell you I never heard about any arrest for wrong doing.

Either you have evidence of crimes committed and guilty verdicts or you don't. Which is it?

To You Jeri

ayin ha-ra

See Jeremiah got caught bashing the Bible again, the very same Bible she needs to validate her fishman god.

Not one refutation but plenty of name calling and proof they are to lazy to read or notice the harvest scam all over the Christian broadcasts.
Maybe they deserve to be fleeced?
It's natures way of dealing with the least evolved.

What is a fishman? Is that like "I now pronounce you fishman and fishwife?"

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