The benny hinn scam

Thunderbird wrong again, Christianity even admits it at the end of the book Rev 22:16 Morning star is Baal's son.
Look it up. Look up the Baal passion play tablets and myths of baal exact same stories plagiarized and given to his son. Look up the words:
dying god canaanite mythology morning star.
You don't know this stuff because the scam artist taught you baal worship so you could seed their ministry to harvest them lots of moolah!
Your lunatic conspiracy theory sounds interesting. Still waiting for a link to a credible source. Or are you ready to admit you are an uneducated buffoon?
So you admit you are to lazy to cut & paste and search google ? Even Christians can cut and paste their same missionary claims over and over, and you call them slow.
We can conclude you are defending evangelist because you are involved with a ministry and need to claim agnostic as to not make your faith look....well pathetic.
Do you really think you are fooling anyone?
Prove you are agnostic by saying you reject Jesus and showing through a link from a 1 or more year old post where you are proven to be non Christian.
We should question and any theory/faith that does not stand up to question should be viewed with skepticism

Another failing is that they can't seem to explain their faith without quoting their faith. If they cannot articulate in their own words they cannot support their belief. "Because the book says" is not a valid answer. I think most of us are familiar with the book but if you can't explain it then how can you actually believe? It is a bit like someone reciting the periodic table but not being able to explain what it means.

For people of faith, being question will either reinforce their faith or disprove it. If it is not strong enough to be scrutinized then why believe at all? Everything, even the known should be constantly questioned and analyses. We should never stop asking questions. If we were not intended to question then why did we developer brains at all beyond just motor reflex? We would have nothing in life beyond eat and shit, machines not living beings. I see more rational thought in sharks than some posters on the subject of religion.

If you can't speak inelegantly on faith, why are you even in the conversation? Maybe you should be asking more of your own questions? Maybe you need to learn more about your faith?

Reciting a book does not in any prove you understand the book or why it exists in the first place. Most have little or no understanding of the history of their text or of their church/religion. How by any definition is that understanding? It is blind obedience, programing

Scarry thing is he or she claims to be agnostic
which is very suspicious.
It's pretty bad if that's a lie, because it shows how low people will go to fallaciously defend their faith and harass others they can't defend against. What kind of agnostic fight's against their own freedoms and protection?
Hmmmmm...looking up benny i noticed hinn means hospital notice of non coverage... I quess that means after doing one of benny shows any who participated via electricution or any other of his shennanegins if they try to go to the hospital afterwards they will not be covered and if they ask for any money back so they can use it in the hospital i am sure benny like any good organization will inform them that it has been earmarked for general revenue and couldnt returned to sender....
your idol
Here's your idol:

Check mate,
Small mind, big ego. lol

Net worth:

Benny Hinn $40 million
Pat Robertson $100 million
Billy Graham $25 million
Joel Osteen $40 million
Joyce Meyer $8 million

What would Jesus do with $210 million dollars if he showed up wonders.

Would he hoard it and see the millions suffering in poverty and do nothing? Or would be immediately spend it to feed, clothe, and house the poor?

Its easy to see who prays to a golden idol and pretend to be Christians. Even Billy Graham would be cast out as a money changer.

These people are so utterly disgusting how they prey on the poor.
Net worth:

Benny Hinn $40 million
Pat Robertson $100 million
Billy Graham $25 million
Joel Osteen $40 million
Joyce Meyer $8 million

What would Jesus do with $210 million dollars if he showed up wonders.

Would he hoard it and see the millions suffering in poverty and do nothing? Or would be immediately spend it to feed, clothe, and house the poor?

Its easy to see who prays to a golden idol and pretend to be Christians. Even Billy Graham would be cast out as a money changer.

These people are so utterly disgusting how they prey on the poor.

If he make a fish and a few loaves bread feed the multitude, with $210 million he could make extend so it feeds every hungry person in the world.
Render unto Caesar ....... currency is the property of the government, and according the the scriptures not for god. He would probably have expected it be given to feed and care for the poor. He would have no need of cash. God has not need of cash, he can create anything and everything he wants.

Prophets should not profit. Churches are supposed to be non-profit organizations, which is why they are exempt from taxes.
Net worth:

Benny Hinn $40 million
Pat Robertson $100 million
Billy Graham $25 million
Joel Osteen $40 million
Joyce Meyer $8 million

What would Jesus do with $210 million dollars if he showed up wonders.

Would he hoard it and see the millions suffering in poverty and do nothing? Or would be immediately spend it to feed, clothe, and house the poor?

Its easy to see who prays to a golden idol and pretend to be Christians. Even Billy Graham would be cast out as a money changer.

These people are so utterly disgusting how they prey on the poor.

In Joyce's defense she did spend some of that money in order to look like the Joker. So she only has 8 million, but it would be a little bit more if people hadn't complained about her sour face look that made her look mad thus self concious enough to make her change her look to deranged happy clown face.

Out of them all she at least found a niche helping woman and sticks to making people better rather then making them mindless idol worshipers. Kudos to her and her Journey to get to where she is now. She seems much happier now. :)
Hmmmmm...looking up benny i noticed hinn means hospital notice of non coverage... I quess that means after doing one of benny shows any who participated via electricution or any other of his shennanegins if they try to go to the hospital afterwards they will not be covered and if they ask for any money back so they can use it in the hospital i am sure benny like any good organization will inform them that it has been earmarked for general revenue and couldnt returned to sender....

Oooh you accidentally brought up something
what if someone could out his health insurance coverage of himself or his family, wouldn't that be interesting? Why would he/they need coverage? What if someone in his family had disabilty plates for their car?
How would that look & be for exposure?
Net worth:

Benny Hinn $40 million
Pat Robertson $100 million
Billy Graham $25 million
Joel Osteen $40 million
Joyce Meyer $8 million

What would Jesus do with $210 million dollars if he showed up wonders.

Would he hoard it and see the millions suffering in poverty and do nothing? Or would be immediately spend it to feed, clothe, and house the poor?

Its easy to see who prays to a golden idol and pretend to be Christians. Even Billy Graham would be cast out as a money changer.

These people are so utterly disgusting how they prey on the poor.

If he make a fish and a few loaves bread feed the multitude, with $210 million he could make extend so it feeds every hungry person in the world.
Render unto Caesar ....... currency is the property of the government, and according the the scriptures not for god. He would probably have expected it be given to feed and care for the poor. He would have no need of cash. God has not need of cash, he can create anything and everything he wants.

Prophets should not profit. Churches are supposed to be non-profit organizations, which is why they are exempt from taxes.

The multiplication of the loves was not about feeding 5,000 people fish sandwiches out of thin air.

When Jesus said to render unto Caesar the things of Caesar and render unto God the things of God it would have sounded like Jesus was saying to pay roman taxes to the non Jews but to the Jews listening it would have sounded like the exact opposite since their belief was that everything belongs to God and nothing belonged to Caesar.... especially in Israel..
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Agree, it would be like saying pay him what Rome diserves for the road builds and water systems but not the pillaging.
That portion of the Jesus story is based on Yehuda the Galilean tax revolter chrust who died in 6bc and thus lived in the Herod & Lysanias era.
However he's not the one the NT says was the son of Mary stoned and hanged on passover around 85bc.
He's also not the Jordan River follower of John christ Theudas of the AD era christ accounts who's apostles were martyrs and who's brother was James.
The Jesus myth is a trinity of Christs at a minimum, even more if you count Mithra and Christos (Krishna) as christs.
Everytime I see this thread title I keep thinking "Why is there a scandal about "Benny Hill".......and then I hear that theme music in my head again.......
Benny and his ilk lead from behind....They fleece the sheeple and hide behind the idol(Jesus) in doing so....The more slick, charming and well dressed the con man or women is the greater their financial reward..... What pray tell do they need all that money for if they are supposed to be given their reward in the life after death....Silly teaching life after death how does one have life after death when you had life when you lived and death when you die....
Benny and his ilk lead from behind....They fleece the sheeple and hide behind the idol(Jesus) in doing so....The more slick, charming and well dressed the con man or women is the greater their financial reward..... What pray tell do they need all that money for if they are supposed to be given their reward in the life after death....Silly teaching life after death how does one have life after death when you had life when you lived and death when you die....

They should worry more about this life now as if it is the only one they will ever have. This is both our heaven and hell right now. There is not guarantee of anything after death, only vague promises by those with an agenda to control you or fleece you.

Worry about the next life if and when you actually have one. Any judgement will be on what you do with this chance at life.

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