The Best Elizabeth


Asshole shut his mouth off on GB’s sovereignty then he tried to spin his way out of it with threats, opinion and democracy crapola:

President Barack Obama told Britain today that it would have to 'go to the back of the queue' if it leaves the European Union, then tries to negotiate its own trade deal with the United States.

A US-UK trade agreement is not going to happen 'any time soon,' Obama said during a joint news conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron.​


I'm not coming here to fix any votes. I'm not casting a vote myself. I'm offering my opinion, and in democracies everybody should want more information, not less, and you shouldn't be afraid to hear an argument being made.​

Obama infuriates the Brits as he threatens to send UK 'to the back of the queue' if they vote to leave the European Union
Francesca Chambers, White House Correspondent and Euan McLelland and Matt Dathan, Political Correspondent For Mailonline
Published: 08:29 EST, 22 April 2016 | Updated: 17:13 EST, 22 April 2016

Obama threatens to send UK 'to the back of the queue' if it leaves EU

Question: How come assholes are afraid of arguments against democracy?
We are grateful that he has busted another brexit myth. They live in a magical world where everything will just work out fine.Obama just pointed out that it isnt that simple. Great man.
We are grateful that he has busted another brexit myth.
To Tommy Tainant: Another layer of government over the British people is not a myth.
They live in a magical world where everything will just work out fine.
To Tommy Tainant: Individuals and peoples will always end better off when they make their own mistakes.
Obama just pointed out that it isnt that simple.
To Tommy Tainant: Sovereignty is that simple. More so as civilization is finally moving away from conquest for control of territory. Do not kid yourself into thinking that foreign bureaucrats controlling the British people is any better than military control. Those Brits who want to remain in the EU remind me of:

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. Winston Churchill

Obama is the hungriest crocodile of all.
He should stay home. He is a traveling train wreck whenever he goes abroad:

Her insistence came after the president’s helicopters damaged the grass when half a dozen of them landed during his last visit in 2011.

The engines’ heat scorched the grounds and the wheels left divots in one of the UK’s oldest lawns, planted during the reign of Queen Anne in the early 1700s.

One royal source said: “It was a write-off and the Queen was not amused.”​

Queen banned Obama’s fleet of helicopters landing on Windsor Castle lawn
By Alix Culbertson
10:01, Sun, Apr 24, 2016 | UPDATED: 12:32, Sun, Apr 24, 2016

Queen banned Obama’s fleet of helicopters landing on Windsor Castle lawn

Agent 006 & 7/8ths tells me Queen Liz is not without humor. She did allow him to fly his house flag:


He should stay home. He is a traveling train wreck whenever he goes abroad:

Her insistence came after the president’s helicopters damaged the grass when half a dozen of them landed during his last visit in 2011.

The engines’ heat scorched the grounds and the wheels left divots in one of the UK’s oldest lawns, planted during the reign of Queen Anne in the early 1700s.

One royal source said: “It was a write-off and the Queen was not amused.”​

Queen banned Obama’s fleet of helicopters landing on Windsor Castle lawn
By Alix Culbertson
10:01, Sun, Apr 24, 2016 | UPDATED: 12:32, Sun, Apr 24, 2016

Queen banned Obama’s fleet of helicopters landing on Windsor Castle lawn

Agent 006 & 7/8ths tells me Queen Liz is not without humor. She did allow him to fly his house flag:

Fantastic, a whole nothing story based on less than one source. Well done the Express, the brexit mouthpiece and owned by a pornograper.
Asshole shut his mouth off on GB’s sovereignty then he tried to spin his way out of it with threats, opinion and democracy crapola:
Asking to send him over again is a subtle way of telling him where to shove his opinions:

Brexit leaders are thrilled President Barack Obama came out against them, because they are seeing a bounce in the polls.​

Brexit Leader: ‘Keep Sending Obama Over’
BY: Elizabeth Harrington
May 4, 2016 5:01 am

Brexit Leader: ‘Keep Sending Obama Over’
Should the UK bail out of the EU the United Nations crowd will go nuts.
The Chicago sewer rat is sticking his nose in Brexit because it gives the British people the authority to decide the matter of sovereignty. It is the vote itself, not the outcome, that he fears the most. Even if the Brits vote for the EU the American people might start demanding a referendum on getting out of the United Nations. Thai is one vote American traitors do not want to see.
I usually swallow polls with a healthy dose of salt, but this one rings true to me:

With less than two weeks remaining before the voting begins June 23rd…. An update on the continuing poll conducted by UK Independent finds a majority swing away from remain and toward leave in the European Union referendum for Great Britain:

(Via UK Independent) The campaign to take Britain out of the EU has opened up a remarkable 10-point lead over the Remain camp, according to an exclusive poll for The Independent.​

Brexit Countdown – Significant Shift in Polling: Now Most British Want To Exit The European Union…
Posted on June 10, 2016 by sundance

Brexit Countdown – Significant Shift in Polling: Now Most British Want To Exit The European Union…

If anything, United Nations refugees contributes to a Brexit victory. On the plus side a total collapse of the EU should stop a mass migration of Muslims into Europe.

On the negative side the Chicago sewer rat will increase the number of refugees the United Nations has the in pipeline. That is the only pipeline the sewer rat approves of.

NOTE: Should a Democrat win the general election, or either chamber of Congress, Americans will be buried alive by refugees and illegal alien in the next four years as well as kiss their sovereignty goodbye forever. Also note that a Democrat president will pack the Supreme Court with United Nations activists.


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The Chicago sewer rat is sticking his nose in Brexit because it gives the British people the authority to decide the matter of sovereignty. It is the vote itself, not the outcome, that he fears the most. Even if the Brits vote for the EU the American people might start demanding a referendum on getting out of the United Nations. That is one vote American traitors do not want to see.
Passing the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2015 is looking better this morning:

Great Britain voted Thursday to leave the European Union, leaving members of Parliament to navigate uncharted waters in negotiating how and when that dramatic, historic split will take effect.

The nation has been part of the EU for 49 years, but early Friday morning, Nigel Farage, the leader of the U.K. Independence Party, one of the primary forces behind the push for the nationwide referendum, declared it “Independence Day” for Great Britain.

It's Independence Day for Great Britain
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 06/24/2016 @ 12:04 am

It’s Independence Day for Great Britain

There is not much hope the government will allow the American people to vote on withdrawing from the United Nations, but the Brits did open the door for Americans to elect representatives who will push H.R. 75 through Congress.

NOTE: You can put recovering our sovereignty at the top of a long list of reasons to NOT vote for a Democrat in Senate and House races.
A quick perusal of reports on VICTORY in the UK found this:

Britain’s decision to leave the EU should be a cause for celebration here in America. Brexit embodies the very principles and ideals the American people hold dear to their hearts: self-determination, limited government, democratic accountability, and economic liberty. A truly free and powerful Great Britain is good for Europe and the United States.​

Why Americans Should Celebrate the Brexit Vote
Nile Gardiner June 24, 2016

Why Americans Should Celebrate the Brexit Vote

Naturally, I found only one mention of the U.S. leaving the United Nations. Thank you Judi:

‘HUZZAH!” The British word for “WOOHOO!” With a 52%-48% victorious Brexit vote We the people of England have restored their nation to independence.

In the end the EU was…”unsustainable”. Look out United Nations, the same is being said of you!

Brexit Message to U.N.-loving Obama: UK is just the beginning
By Judi McLeod
June 24, 2016

Brexit Message to U.N.-loving Obama: UK is just the beginning

I only watch a tiny bit of TV news, but I am pretty sure you will not hear anything connecting the Brexit victory to the United Nations. Nothing was said before the vote; so there is no reason to expect talking heads will touch it now.

Note: I came across a FOX talking head analyzing the Brexit vote put a sly knock on sovereignty: “Losing sovereignty is debatable.”

Move the cursor to 2:20

What the 'Brexit' vote could mean for the US
There is not much hope the government will allow the American people to vote on withdrawing from the United Nations,
I am not sure if there is a mechanism for referendums in federal elections. If there is, the vote for leaving the United Nations would be more lopsided in favor of leaving than it was in Brexit. A few major cities and maybe one or two disgustingly liberal states would vote to stay in the UN. Add in fools who yearn for another layer of government on top of what this country already has, and I put the vote at 70 percent for dumping the United Nations.

In the final analysis the British Lion roared one more time:

A quick perusal of reports on VICTORY in the UK found this:

Britain’s decision to leave the EU should be a cause for celebration here in America. Brexit embodies the very principles and ideals the American people hold dear to their hearts: self-determination, limited government, democratic accountability, and economic liberty. A truly free and powerful Great Britain is good for Europe and the United States.​

Why Americans Should Celebrate the Brexit Vote
Nile Gardiner June 24, 2016

Why Americans Should Celebrate the Brexit Vote

Naturally, I found only one mention of the U.S. leaving the United Nations. Thank you Judi:

‘HUZZAH!” The British word for “WOOHOO!” With a 52%-48% victorious Brexit vote We the people of England have restored their nation to independence.

In the end the EU was…”unsustainable”. Look out United Nations, the same is being said of you!

Brexit Message to U.N.-loving Obama: UK is just the beginning
By Judi McLeod
June 24, 2016

Brexit Message to U.N.-loving Obama: UK is just the beginning

I only watch a tiny bit of TV news, but I am pretty sure you will not hear anything connecting the Brexit victory to the United Nations. Nothing was said before the vote; so there is no reason to expect talking heads will touch it now.

Note: I came across a FOX talking head analyzing the Brexit vote put a sly knock on sovereignty: “Losing sovereignty is debatable.”

Move the cursor to 2:20

What the 'Brexit' vote could mean for the US
There is not much hope the government will allow the American people to vote on withdrawing from the United Nations,
I am not sure if there is a mechanism for referendums in federal elections. If there is, the vote for leaving the United Nations would be more lopsided in favor of leaving than it was in Brexit. A few major cities and maybe one or two disgustingly liberal states would vote to stay in the UN. Add in fools who yearn for another layer of government on top of what this country already has, and I put the vote at 70 percent for dumping the United Nations.

In the final analysis the British Lion roared one more time:

Oh im a moroccan,"MOOR".
Elizabeth’s Finest Hour


This sounds good, but how does it deal with the United Nations dictating immigration policy regarding refugees.

A spokesman said: “ This Government will be building an immigration system that works for everyone. Once we have left the EU the Government will set our immigration rules.”​

COMMONWEALTH REBIRTH: Brexit Britain to shun EU for QUEEN'S countries in new plans
By Camilla Tominey and Caroline Wheeler
00:01, Sun, Feb 19, 2017 | UPDATED: 08:21, Sun, Feb 19, 2017

COMMONWEALTH REBIRTH: Brexit Britain to shun EU for QUEEN'S countries in new plans

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