The Best Reason To Keep the Mueller Witch Hunt Going Is.....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...the longer it continues the more and more criminal evidence against Democrats / Obama and his former Administration and the more TRUTH continues to come out:

Comey: Unverified classified information cast doubt on AG Lynch's independence in Clinton probe

'The first accounts of James Comey’s forthcoming book were published today and they include a cryptic reference to classified information which, while still unknown to the general public, apparently casts doubt on the independence of former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.'

You mean her meeting with Bubbah on the tarmac could have been a meeting to discuss something other than their grandkids....? (GASP)

Don't worry. This guy will keep it alive...

New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is also salivating over this treasure trove from the Cohen raids. Trump can't pardon his way out of state crimes.

...the longer it continues the more and more criminal evidence against Democrats / Obama and his former Administration and the more TRUTH continues to come out:

Comey: Unverified classified information cast doubt on AG Lynch's independence in Clinton probe

'The first accounts of James Comey’s forthcoming book were published today and they include a cryptic reference to classified information which, while still unknown to the general public, apparently casts doubt on the independence of former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.'

You mean her meeting with Bubbah on the tarmac could have been a meeting to discuss something other than their grandkids....? (GASP)

View attachment 187624
Now this congenital liar uses HOT AIR as a source. Perfect description of him.
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...the longer it continues the more and more criminal evidence against Democrats / Obama and his former Administration and the more TRUTH continues to come out:

Comey: Unverified classified information cast doubt on AG Lynch's independence in Clinton probe

'The first accounts of James Comey’s forthcoming book were published today and they include a cryptic reference to classified information which, while still unknown to the general public, apparently casts doubt on the independence of former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.'

You mean her meeting with Bubbah on the tarmac could have been a meeting to discuss something other than their grandkids....? (GASP)

View attachment 187624
Witch hunt.
The fraud president characterizes this criminal investigation that way... so you HAVE to do the same.
You are a prime example of a true cult member. Here's a pic of Trump's hero.
...the longer it continues the more and more criminal evidence against Democrats / Obama and his former Administration and the more TRUTH continues to come out:

Comey: Unverified classified information cast doubt on AG Lynch's independence in Clinton probe

'The first accounts of James Comey’s forthcoming book were published today and they include a cryptic reference to classified information which, while still unknown to the general public, apparently casts doubt on the independence of former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.'

You mean her meeting with Bubbah on the tarmac could have been a meeting to discuss something other than their grandkids....? (GASP)

View attachment 187624
Witch hunt.
The fraud president characterizes this criminal investigation that way... so you HAVE to do the same.
You are a prime example of a true cult member. Here's a pic of Trump's hero. View attachment 187635
Looks like Comey isn't going to be on Lynch's Christmas card list anymore. HAAA HAAAA
Or Mueller's. HAAA HAAA!
Or Hillary's HAAA HAAAA!
Current and former top FBI officials are turning their backs on Comey.
Every word the mutt says or writes is going to be used against him when he's in a federal court facing numerous criminal charges.
I want the Investigation to go on for as long as possible, because these idiots, in their zeal to try to disrupt our Democracy keep shooting themselves in the foot, and keep exposing the bias, corruption and criminal activities that occurred in The Obama Administration, FBI, DOJ, DNC, and Clinton Campaign.

With each new revelation, The President is justified & vindicated and grows more and more in popularity, and with each exposed act of treachery, we get closer and closer to indictments for everyone involved in the Insurance Policy and The Democrat Party's Collusion with Russia to keep Trump out of The White House.
“Lock her up, lock her up!” ..... I mean , “Lock HIM up, lock HIM up!”.

Lol. Any of this sound familiar ?

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