the Biblical Basis for Socialism Is Undeniable, my friends

Where did Jesus or other biblical figures preach to redistribute wealth through the force of government?
By surrounding himself with the rich women and living off of them. He got the tax out of a fish.


Who bankrolled his ministry?
Luke 8

Women Who Supported Jesus
8 After this, Jesus traveled from one city and village to another. He spread the Good News about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him. 2 Also, some women were with him. They had been cured from evil spirits and various illnesses. These women were Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; 3 Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod’s administrator; Susanna; and many other women. They provided financial support for Jesus and his disciples.
Irrelevant to the topic. Unless you think Jesus was collecting taxes for the government.
Where did Jesus or other biblical figures preach to redistribute wealth through the force of government?
By surrounding himself with the rich women and living off of them. He got the tax out of a fish.


Who bankrolled his ministry?
Luke 8

Women Who Supported Jesus
8 After this, Jesus traveled from one city and village to another. He spread the Good News about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him. 2 Also, some women were with him. They had been cured from evil spirits and various illnesses. These women were Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; 3 Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod’s administrator; Susanna; and many other women. They provided financial support for Jesus and his disciples.
Irrelevant to the topic. Unless you think Jesus was collecting taxes for the government.
Thats exactly what he was doing.
Where did Jesus or other biblical figures preach to redistribute wealth through the force of government?
By surrounding himself with the rich women and living off of them. He got the tax out of a fish.


Who bankrolled his ministry?
Luke 8

Women Who Supported Jesus
8 After this, Jesus traveled from one city and village to another. He spread the Good News about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him. 2 Also, some women were with him. They had been cured from evil spirits and various illnesses. These women were Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; 3 Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod’s administrator; Susanna; and many other women. They provided financial support for Jesus and his disciples.
Irrelevant to the topic. Unless you think Jesus was collecting taxes for the government.
Thats exactly what he was doing.
Oh, good grief.

You think " financial support for Jesus and his disciples" was financial support for the government.

This is why so many people dismiss you.

What government was Jesus collecting taxes for from these women? Why would he not have collected taxes from others in the community, too?
As i began to read Marx and Engels, it reminded me of the biblical messages i grew up with

By then, I had spent several years realizing that things were not right in our society. And now I saw there were other ways to organize an economy that reward people for their work and enable them to sustain themselves. Capitalism was doing that for some, but it was leaving a whole bunch of other people to suffer and die. And I learned that these class issues could not be divorced from race and gender
Insist on a simple plan for a Commune of Heaven on Earth for a mandate of Heaven from communists!
Just another reason to ignore the Bible and any individual or organization that follows it.
Where did Jesus or other biblical figures preach to redistribute wealth through the force of government?
By surrounding himself with the rich women and living off of them. He got the tax out of a fish.


Who bankrolled his ministry?
Luke 8

Women Who Supported Jesus
8 After this, Jesus traveled from one city and village to another. He spread the Good News about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him. 2 Also, some women were with him. They had been cured from evil spirits and various illnesses. These women were Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; 3 Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod’s administrator; Susanna; and many other women. They provided financial support for Jesus and his disciples.
Irrelevant to the topic. Unless you think Jesus was collecting taxes for the government.
Thats exactly what he was doing.
Oh, good grief.

You think " financial support for Jesus and his disciples" was financial support for the government.

This is why so many people dismiss you.

What government was Jesus collecting taxes for from these women? Why would he not have collected taxes from others in the community, too?
Give to Caesar, what is Caesars.
Where did Jesus or other biblical figures preach to redistribute wealth through the force of government?
By surrounding himself with the rich women and living off of them. He got the tax out of a fish.


Who bankrolled his ministry?
Luke 8

Women Who Supported Jesus
8 After this, Jesus traveled from one city and village to another. He spread the Good News about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him. 2 Also, some women were with him. They had been cured from evil spirits and various illnesses. These women were Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; 3 Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod’s administrator; Susanna; and many other women. They provided financial support for Jesus and his disciples.

Have you never heard of people giving donations to support ministries? Or missions support? People support Christian ministries or missionaries WILLINGLY, because they believe in the cause.

That has ZERO to do with government enforced Socialism by the barrel of a gun.

How you can even attempt to equate those two things is mind boggling to me.
Where did Jesus or other biblical figures preach to redistribute wealth through the force of government?
By surrounding himself with the rich women and living off of them. He got the tax out of a fish.


Who bankrolled his ministry?
Luke 8

Women Who Supported Jesus
8 After this, Jesus traveled from one city and village to another. He spread the Good News about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him. 2 Also, some women were with him. They had been cured from evil spirits and various illnesses. These women were Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; 3 Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod’s administrator; Susanna; and many other women. They provided financial support for Jesus and his disciples.
Irrelevant to the topic. Unless you think Jesus was collecting taxes for the government.
Thats exactly what he was doing.
Oh, good grief.

You think " financial support for Jesus and his disciples" was financial support for the government.

This is why so many people dismiss you.

What government was Jesus collecting taxes for from these women? Why would he not have collected taxes from others in the community, too?
Give to Caesar, what is Caesars.
Finish the verse.
Where did Jesus or other biblical figures preach to redistribute wealth through the force of government?
By surrounding himself with the rich women and living off of them. He got the tax out of a fish.


Who bankrolled his ministry?
Luke 8

Women Who Supported Jesus
8 After this, Jesus traveled from one city and village to another. He spread the Good News about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him. 2 Also, some women were with him. They had been cured from evil spirits and various illnesses. These women were Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; 3 Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod’s administrator; Susanna; and many other women. They provided financial support for Jesus and his disciples.

Have you never heard of people giving donations to support ministries? Or missions support? People support Christian ministries or missionaries WILLINGLY, because they believe in the cause.

That has ZERO to do with government enforced Socialism by the barrel of a gun.

How you can even attempt to equate those two things is mind boggling to me.
These jackals aren't even believers. They're wolves in sheep's clothing.
the Biblical Basis for Socialism Is Undeniable, my friends
As i began to read Marx and Engels, it reminded me of the biblical messages i grew up with
As i began to read Marx and Engels, it reminded me of the biblical messages i grew up with

By then, I had spent several years realizing that things were not right in our society. And now I saw there were other ways to organize an economy that reward people for their work and enable them to sustain themselves. Capitalism was doing that for some, but it was leaving a whole bunch of other people to suffer and die. And I learned that these class issues could not be divorced from race and gender

Utter rubbish. Capitalism has lifted billions the world over out of stark poverty for centuries, and the Bible absolutely condemns any and all systems of statist bootlickery.

As i began to read Marx and Engels, it reminded me of the biblical messages i grew up with

By then, I had spent several years realizing that things were not right in our society. And now I saw there were other ways to organize an economy that reward people for their work and enable them to sustain themselves. Capitalism was doing that for some, but it was leaving a whole bunch of other people to suffer and die. And I learned that these class issues could not be divorced from race and gender

Utter rubbish from another brainwashed zombie of the state schools and the prevailing popular culture. You live in a fantasy world.
Where did Jesus or other biblical figures preach to redistribute wealth through the force of government?
By surrounding himself with the rich women and living off of them. He got the tax out of a fish.


Who bankrolled his ministry?
Luke 8

Women Who Supported Jesus
8 After this, Jesus traveled from one city and village to another. He spread the Good News about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him. 2 Also, some women were with him. They had been cured from evil spirits and various illnesses. These women were Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; 3 Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod’s administrator; Susanna; and many other women. They provided financial support for Jesus and his disciples.

I don't follow you. Are you claiming to know that God doesn't exist or that Jesus is not the incarnate God Almighty and the Christ? Please explain.
the Biblical Basis for Socialism Is Undeniable, my friends
the basis for socialism in the 1st century is not from the christian bible - as the errant christian postings prove - it was directly from the religious itinerant that lived a socialist lifestyle and expressed its virtues throughout their tenure and undoubtedly a factor in their crucifixion.
As i began to read Marx and Engels, it reminded me of the biblical messages i grew up with

By then, I had spent several years realizing that things were not right in our society. And now I saw there were other ways to organize an economy that reward people for their work and enable them to sustain themselves. Capitalism was doing that for some, but it was leaving a whole bunch of other people to suffer and die. And I learned that these class issues could not be divorced from race and gender

But the biblical economy is the story of the 3 servants with the 3 pennies. Totally incompatible with socialism. Socialism is like putting the elect of the devil in charge of the world, which Jesus Himself refuted in His 40 day dispute in the desert against the devil, using the Book of Deuteronomy.
Where did Jesus or other biblical figures preach to redistribute wealth through the force of government?
By surrounding himself with the rich women and living off of them. He got the tax out of a fish.


Who bankrolled his ministry?
Luke 8

Women Who Supported Jesus
8 After this, Jesus traveled from one city and village to another. He spread the Good News about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him. 2 Also, some women were with him. They had been cured from evil spirits and various illnesses. These women were Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; 3 Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod’s administrator; Susanna; and many other women. They provided financial support for Jesus and his disciples.
Irrelevant to the topic. Unless you think Jesus was collecting taxes for the government.
Thats exactly what he was doing.
Oh, good grief.

You think " financial support for Jesus and his disciples" was financial support for the government.

This is why so many people dismiss you.

What government was Jesus collecting taxes for from these women? Why would he not have collected taxes from others in the community, too?
Give to Caesar, what is Caesars.
Finish the verse.
17 Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”
They paid their own taxes and he was just concerned about his. Taxes and Church tidings.
Where did Jesus or other biblical figures preach to redistribute wealth through the force of government?
By surrounding himself with the rich women and living off of them. He got the tax out of a fish.


Who bankrolled his ministry?
Luke 8

Women Who Supported Jesus
8 After this, Jesus traveled from one city and village to another. He spread the Good News about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him. 2 Also, some women were with him. They had been cured from evil spirits and various illnesses. These women were Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; 3 Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod’s administrator; Susanna; and many other women. They provided financial support for Jesus and his disciples.

So Jesus preached that government must enact socialism?

Yes all the time.

You're a heretic. Jesus never endorsed using government to squeeze money out of people.

When is your lobotomy?

Matthew 25:31–46 NABRE - “When the Son of Man comes in his - Bible Gateway

(what do you think he's talking about?)
HE is speaking about the MILLENNIAL KINGDOM that will last 1000 years under the MESSIAH's reign. This will transpire after the 7 years of the TRIBULATION, which comes right after the CATCHING AWAY (rapture) of the MESSIAH's CHURCH. These is all yet future events --- though I believe we are getting ever so close to the RAPTURE.
Where did Jesus or other biblical figures preach to redistribute wealth through the force of government?
By surrounding himself with the rich women and living off of them. He got the tax out of a fish.


Who bankrolled his ministry?
Luke 8

Women Who Supported Jesus
8 After this, Jesus traveled from one city and village to another. He spread the Good News about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him. 2 Also, some women were with him. They had been cured from evil spirits and various illnesses. These women were Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; 3 Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod’s administrator; Susanna; and many other women. They provided financial support for Jesus and his disciples.

So Jesus preached that government must enact socialism?

Yes all the time.

You're a heretic. Jesus never endorsed using government to squeeze money out of people.

When is your lobotomy?

Matthew 25:31–46 NABRE - “When the Son of Man comes in his - Bible Gateway

(what do you think he's talking about?)
HE is speaking about the MILLENNIAL KINGDOM that will last 1000 years under the MESSIAH's reign. This will transpire after the 7 years of the TRIBULATION, which comes right after the CATCHING AWAY (rapture) of the MESSIAH's CHURCH. These is all yet future events --- though I believe we are getting ever so close to the RAPTURE.

I don't believe that junk. The rapture was suppose to be sometime soon in the 1st century. Today we have separation of Church and State, but Evangelicals are blurring the line.

Yet I believe Jesus was a socialist's according to the scriptures.
Where did Jesus or other biblical figures preach to redistribute wealth through the force of government?
By surrounding himself with the rich women and living off of them. He got the tax out of a fish.


Who bankrolled his ministry?
Luke 8

Women Who Supported Jesus
8 After this, Jesus traveled from one city and village to another. He spread the Good News about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him. 2 Also, some women were with him. They had been cured from evil spirits and various illnesses. These women were Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; 3 Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod’s administrator; Susanna; and many other women. They provided financial support for Jesus and his disciples.
Irrelevant to the topic. Unless you think Jesus was collecting taxes for the government.
Thats exactly what he was doing.
Oh, good grief.

You think " financial support for Jesus and his disciples" was financial support for the government.

This is why so many people dismiss you.

What government was Jesus collecting taxes for from these women? Why would he not have collected taxes from others in the community, too?
Give to Caesar, what is Caesars.
Finish the verse.
17 Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”
They paid their own taxes and he was just concerned about his. Taxes and Church tidings.
Taxes go to Caesar. Offerings to the Church are to God. Therefore, tell me again how Christianity is like a socialist state. Tell me how the Good Samaritan helped the guy that was mugged.
Where did Jesus or other biblical figures preach to redistribute wealth through the force of government?
By surrounding himself with the rich women and living off of them. He got the tax out of a fish.


Who bankrolled his ministry?
Luke 8

Women Who Supported Jesus
8 After this, Jesus traveled from one city and village to another. He spread the Good News about God’s kingdom. The twelve apostles were with him. 2 Also, some women were with him. They had been cured from evil spirits and various illnesses. These women were Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out; 3 Joanna, whose husband Chusa was Herod’s administrator; Susanna; and many other women. They provided financial support for Jesus and his disciples.
Irrelevant to the topic. Unless you think Jesus was collecting taxes for the government.
Thats exactly what he was doing.
Oh, good grief.

You think " financial support for Jesus and his disciples" was financial support for the government.

This is why so many people dismiss you.

What government was Jesus collecting taxes for from these women? Why would he not have collected taxes from others in the community, too?
Give to Caesar, what is Caesars.
Finish the verse.
17 Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”
They paid their own taxes and he was just concerned about his. Taxes and Church tidings.
Taxes go to Caesar. Offerings to the Church are to God. Therefore, tell me again how Christianity is like a socialist state. Tell me how the Good Samaritan helped the guy that was mugged.

They expect people to support them.

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