The Biden Depression


Platinum Member
Jul 19, 2015
When are the oblivious Corrupt Joe supporters going to realize we have entered a depression? It's just a matter of time until we start overpaying for everything. Corrupt Joe is the inflator president that already has us panicking about important goods we need being overpriced or not even in shelves at stores. We haven't even entered year 1 yet, and already there is over inflation, wars around us starting, illegals mobbing the border, and witnessing the worst VP in American history.

This Biden Depression has just begun, and we have to buckle up to endure it these next couple of years until Republicans take back the house and senate. But it also proves the point for President Trump to run again.
When are the oblivious Corrupt Joe supporters going to realize we have entered a depression? It's just a matter of time until we start overpaying for everything. Corrupt Joe is the inflator president that already has us panicking about important goods we need being overpriced or not even in shelves at stores. We haven't even entered year 1 yet, and already there is over inflation, wars around us starting, illegals mobbing the border, and witnessing the worst VP in American history.

This Biden Depression has just begun, and we have to buckle up to endure it these next couple of years until Republicans take back the house and senate. But it also proves the point for President Trump to run again.
He is down to 36% now. He might get down to the 20s. How long before the lot of them are just thrown out by whatever force is necessary, to throw them out.
I am very happy now that rumpy is gone from office.
Are you happy with doubling the cost of gas at the pumps? How about soaring heating costs? What about barrels of oil going from $40.00 under rumpy to $80.00 dollars a barrel under brain dead Biden? Really??? And this is just the beginning.
How do you feel about bacon @ $13.00 a lb.? And IRS agents salivating over your bank account?

Your orangie rumpy bullshit is costing us all dearly...
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The first Depression with a GDP over 6%.

Holy fucking shit, the alternate universe has completely gone off the rails.

Biden is being a piece of Socialist shit.

His stupid vaccine mandate is causing a massive walk off and layoff of employees in the US. Despicable!

However, the deranged sonofabitch is telling employers to pay more money in wages to get the employees back.

That results is even more inflation.

You can always count on Democrats to fuck up everything they touch. America is turning into a shithole and the stupid Democrats are leading the charge.

China really did a number on the American economy with their bio weapon and then having their man in the White House, didn't they?
Are you happy with doubling the cost of gas at the pumps? How about soaring heating costs? What about barrels of oil going from $40.00 to $80.00 dollars a barrel? And that just the beginning.
How do you feel about bacon @ $13.00 a lb.? And IRS agents salivating over your bank account?

Your orangie rumpy bullshit is costing us all dearly...

That poster is.

That poster is a miserable piece of shit and wants everyone else to be miserable.

You guys don't know what a Depression is, any more than you know what communism is.

Holy crap, I wish I hadn't seen that post.

You're not to be taken serious on political nor economic matters.

I knew Biden would be a fuck up but never dreamed of this magnitude.

We're not in a depression but unless things change a recession is a distinct possibility
The first Depression with a GDP over 6%.

Holy fucking shit, the alternate universe has completely gone off the rails.

I'm sitting here gobsmacked at the retardation of the OP. Seriously gobsmacked. We're looking at full on delusional retardation.
I'm sitting here gobsmacked at the retardation of the OP. Seriously gobsmacked. We're looking at full on delusional retardation.
This is really is one of those times I wish I hadn't clicked on the thread.

Nothing demonstrates the Trumpsters' arrogant ignorance than a "discussion" on economics and markets.

New York has officially entered 5 dollars a gallon. Get ready, folks. It's going to be a mess during the holidays. If we thought lockdowns were bad last year. Wait till the next surge in prices.

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