The Birthday Cake: Pro-Life Story

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
One day David went into work in a very grumpy mood. "What's wrong David?" His best friend Mike asked him.

"I just found out that my wife is having a baby." David told him.

"Well shouldn't you be happy for her? I thought that you both wanted to be parents." Mike pointed out.

"Yeah but I'm scared Mike. I'm nowhere near ready to be a father so I think that I'm going to tell her to get an abortion." David told him.

"You mean that you're going to kill it? You both willingly had unprotected sex right?" Mike questioned him.

"Well yeah." David told him.

"So why on earth would you want to slaughter an innocent unborn child when it's your fault that you're in this mess to begin with?" Mike wondered.

"It isn't a child yet though. It's just simply a fetus. Now get off my back about this!" David hollered angrily at him before storming away.

A few weeks later David was at home baking a cake for his wife when suddenly the doorbell rang. David went to go answer the door and saw Mike standing there.

"Hey David what are you doing?" He asked him.

"Baking a cake for Natasha." David responded while he walked back into the kitchen. Mike followed him and saw the cake batter in a mixing bowl and shoved it down onto the kitchen floor with a shattering crash. "Michael!!! That was supposed to be my wife's birthday cake!!!" He hollered angrily while his Beagle Shiloh started lapping it up. "Why did you do that for!?" He yelled.

"Well, I didn't really think that it would bother you as it wasn't a cake yet." Mike pointed out and that's when suddenly David got the message loud and clear.

"Oh. I see. You're saying that just because a fetus isn't a baby yet doesn't mean that it still isn't valuable as one because it's eventually going to be one." He realized. "Well don't worry Mike, I've learned my lesson and I'm going to take responsibility for my actions." He told him.

"Good and now that you've learned your lesson let me go get Natasha's birthday cake. I just picked it up from the store because I figured that that's what you would be doing and so I was able to plan ahead." Mike told him with a grin before they both walked out to the car together.

Just because a fetus isn't a baby yet it's still developing into one and into an eventual life. Abortion takes the chance to life away. Just like baking a cake. It's not about what the batter is, it's about what it'll eventually become.
One day David went into work in a very grumpy mood. "What's wrong David?" His best friend Mike asked him.

"I just found out that my wife is having a baby." David told him.

"Well shouldn't you be happy for her? I thought that you both wanted to be parents." Mike pointed out.

"Yeah but I'm scared Mike. I'm nowhere near ready to be a father so I think that I'm going to tell her to get an abortion." David told him.

"You mean that you're going to kill it? You both willingly had unprotected sex right?" Mike questioned him.

"Well yeah." David told him.

"So why on earth would you want to slaughter an innocent unborn child when it's your fault that you're in this mess to begin with?" Mike wondered.

"It isn't a child yet though. It's just simply a fetus. Now get off my back about this!" David hollered angrily at him before storming away.

A few weeks later David was at home baking a cake for his wife when suddenly the doorbell rang. David went to go answer the door and saw Mike standing there.

"Hey David what are you doing?" He asked him.

"Baking a cake for Natasha." David responded while he walked back into the kitchen. Mike followed him and saw the cake batter in a mixing bowl and shoved it down onto the kitchen floor with a shattering crash. "Michael!!! That was supposed to be my wife's birthday cake!!!" He hollered angrily while his Beagle Shiloh started lapping it up. "Why did you do that for!?" He yelled.

"Well, I didn't really think that it would bother you as it wasn't a cake yet." Mike pointed out and that's when suddenly David got the message loud and clear.

"Oh. I see. You're saying that just because a fetus isn't a baby yet doesn't mean that it still isn't valuable as one because it's eventually going to be one." He realized. "Well don't worry Mike, I've learned my lesson and I'm going to take responsibility for my actions." He told him.

"Good and now that you've learned your lesson let me go get Natasha's birthday cake. I just picked it up from the store because I figured that that's what you would be doing and so I was able to plan ahead." Mike told him with a grin before they both walked out to the car together.

Just because a fetus isn't a baby yet it's still developing into one and into an eventual life. Abortion takes the chance to life away. Just like baking a cake. It's not about what the batter is, it's about what it'll eventually become.
So, instead of baking the cake, we can just serve the batter? :icon_rolleyes:
I see the paralell but don't find it convincing.

What don't you see convincing about it? How is a baby growing inside a woman's womb all that much different from baking a cake? Btw Brandon Tatum said that himself once, I just turned it into an educational story.
One day David went into work in a very grumpy mood. "What's wrong David?" His best friend Mike asked him.

"I just found out that my wife is having a baby." David told him.

"Well shouldn't you be happy for her? I thought that you both wanted to be parents." Mike pointed out.

"Yeah but I'm scared Mike. I'm nowhere near ready to be a father so I think that I'm going to tell her to get an abortion." David told him.

"You mean that you're going to kill it? You both willingly had unprotected sex right?" Mike questioned him.

"Well yeah." David told him.

"So why on earth would you want to slaughter an innocent unborn child when it's your fault that you're in this mess to begin with?" Mike wondered.

"It isn't a child yet though. It's just simply a fetus. Now get off my back about this!" David hollered angrily at him before storming away.

A few weeks later David was at home baking a cake for his wife when suddenly the doorbell rang. David went to go answer the door and saw Mike standing there.

"Hey David what are you doing?" He asked him.

"Baking a cake for Natasha." David responded while he walked back into the kitchen. Mike followed him and saw the cake batter in a mixing bowl and shoved it down onto the kitchen floor with a shattering crash. "Michael!!! That was supposed to be my wife's birthday cake!!!" He hollered angrily while his Beagle Shiloh started lapping it up. "Why did you do that for!?" He yelled.

"Well, I didn't really think that it would bother you as it wasn't a cake yet." Mike pointed out and that's when suddenly David got the message loud and clear.

"Oh. I see. You're saying that just because a fetus isn't a baby yet doesn't mean that it still isn't valuable as one because it's eventually going to be one." He realized. "Well don't worry Mike, I've learned my lesson and I'm going to take responsibility for my actions." He told him.

"Good and now that you've learned your lesson let me go get Natasha's birthday cake. I just picked it up from the store because I figured that that's what you would be doing and so I was able to plan ahead." Mike told him with a grin before they both walked out to the car together.

Just because a fetus isn't a baby yet it's still developing into one and into an eventual life. Abortion takes the chance to life away. Just like baking a cake. It's not about what the batter is, it's about what it'll eventually become.
Then why, oh why did God kill unborn children in the Great Flood?
One day David went into work in a very grumpy mood. "What's wrong David?" His best friend Mike asked him.

"I just found out that my wife is having a baby." David told him.

"Well shouldn't you be happy for her? I thought that you both wanted to be parents." Mike pointed out.

"Yeah but I'm scared Mike. I'm nowhere near ready to be a father so I think that I'm going to tell her to get an abortion." David told him.

"You mean that you're going to kill it? You both willingly had unprotected sex right?" Mike questioned him.

"Well yeah." David told him.

"So why on earth would you want to slaughter an innocent unborn child when it's your fault that you're in this mess to begin with?" Mike wondered.

"It isn't a child yet though. It's just simply a fetus. Now get off my back about this!" David hollered angrily at him before storming away.

A few weeks later David was at home baking a cake for his wife when suddenly the doorbell rang. David went to go answer the door and saw Mike standing there.

"Hey David what are you doing?" He asked him.

"Baking a cake for Natasha." David responded while he walked back into the kitchen. Mike followed him and saw the cake batter in a mixing bowl and shoved it down onto the kitchen floor with a shattering crash. "Michael!!! That was supposed to be my wife's birthday cake!!!" He hollered angrily while his Beagle Shiloh started lapping it up. "Why did you do that for!?" He yelled.

"Well, I didn't really think that it would bother you as it wasn't a cake yet." Mike pointed out and that's when suddenly David got the message loud and clear.

"Oh. I see. You're saying that just because a fetus isn't a baby yet doesn't mean that it still isn't valuable as one because it's eventually going to be one." He realized. "Well don't worry Mike, I've learned my lesson and I'm going to take responsibility for my actions." He told him.

"Good and now that you've learned your lesson let me go get Natasha's birthday cake. I just picked it up from the store because I figured that that's what you would be doing and so I was able to plan ahead." Mike told him with a grin before they both walked out to the car together.

Just because a fetus isn't a baby yet it's still developing into one and into an eventual life. Abortion takes the chance to life away. Just like baking a cake. It's not about what the batter is, it's about what it'll eventually become.
The problem is, he wanted a cake.
He didn't want a baby.

Not that it matters, it's still his wife's decision, not his.

Mike needs to learn to mind his own business and Dave needs to stop associating with him because who needs a religious crazy in his life?
The problem is, he wanted a cake.
He didn't want a baby.

Not that it matters, it's still his wife's decision, not his.

Mike needs to learn to mind his own business and Dave needs to stop associating with him because who needs a religious crazy in his life?
Yeah, it is the two male idiots deciding while the wife is the one who will be doing the heavy lifting.

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