The Black Addiction


Sep 23, 2010
Jerry McConnell over at Canada Free Press explores the possibility of black Americans not voting for Democrats:

That brave warrior is Lloyd Marcus, a black conservative, and he spoke out against liberal Democrat tyranny in an article titled “The ultimate appeal to persuade fellow blacks to stop voting Democrat” on May 02, 2012 online, in the freedom and democracy loving Canada Free Press ( which touts in its masthead, “Because without America there is no Free World.”

Marcus explains in his article that for years he has struggled to explain to fellow black Americans why they should join him in not voting for Democrats running for office. He gets peeved at liberal black authors and philosophers who say that white America abuses blacks and then call for more government funded programs when all they are looking for are more “government entitlement freebies.”

First let me say that I am all for democratic ideals while I recoil in horror at the thought of living in a democracy. Let me add that I forgive the CFP for its one misstep on the path to good stuff.

Frankly, I doubt if average black Americans will ever stop voting for Democrats. Their support for Democrats has degenerated into an addiction; neither cold turkey nor slow withdrawal will break the dependency.

McConnell goes on to cite Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell:

Marcus identifies two noted black conservatives that are of the same mind and disposition as he, and they frequently speak out at the futility of the black people who wholeheartedly trust those who lead them to believe that Democrats are their saviors while Republicans who are mainly of the conservative value status are going to abuse them.

The two black conservatives Marcus refers to are Professor Walter Williams and Dr. Thomas Sowell. He identifies these two illustrious and caring men showing Williams as an American economist and academic. He is the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, as well as a syndicated columnist.

Marcus lists Dr. Thomas Sowell as an American economist and academic, as well as a syndicated columnist.

Indeed, they are two men worth citing. So much so that in April 2010 in a thread about political carpetbaggers I said:

Here’s a thought. Instead of looking for a New York native to unseat Senator Schumer, how about calling in a carpetbagger. After all, Democrats pioneered the practice. The best known Democrat carpetbaggers are Robert Kennedy and Hillary Clinton; both in NY.

Hell, why stop at one? Bring in two. One to beat Schumer and one to beat Kirsten Gillibrand. She is such a non-entity a corpse could defeat her. So any well-known conservative with legitimate credentials should find her easy pickings.

Wouldn’t it be a kick if Sarah Palin tried? I don’t think she will because she loves Alaska so much. But she could scare the crap out of both Schumer and Gillibrand if she hinted she is considering the option.

Newt Gingrich is another possibility. He would have to scrap plans for a run at the presidency. He’s not going to get the nomination anyway; so he might as well do a little carpetbagging. He has experience, and he has Republican party creds coming out the wazoo.

Michele Bachmann is another conservative possibility. I don’t know if she can hold her seat in the House and run for the Senate. I don’t see why not. Senators run for the presidency without giving up their senate seats.

If nothing else, carpetbagging offers some interesting speculation.

In a later permalink I added:

I want to suggest two conservative black Americans who would do carpetbagging proud:

Thomas Sowell and Walter E. Williams.

Both are professors. Both write a newspaper column, and both are well-known. Williams occasionally sits in for Rush Limbaugh.

Williams’ and Sowell’s journalistic endeavors remind me that Jesse Helms (1821 - 2008) was a journalist before going to Congress, and he turned out quite well.

Naturally, I can’t say if either man would be interested. Still, it doesn’t hurt to ask.”

McConnell closes with this:

It would benefit all black Americans If they would listen to their learned conservative black fellow countrymen such as Marcus, Williams and Sowell.

Black Conservatives Should be Listened To
Jerry McConnell Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Black Conservatives Should be Listened To

Black, white, and the colors in-between should listen to Sowell. My only complaint about his take on intellectuals is that he does not explore the arrogance born of a tax dollar income. I call those who are so afflicted Public Trough Intellectuals. They know everything. They will tell you how to cure every evil in the world except how to chase them away from the public trough in higher education.

Finally, an intellectual without a tax dollar income is no different than the rest of us. Who the hell listens to unemployed college professors; most of us don’t want to listen employed college professors telling us how to save the world. Even if you are charitable when criticizing Public Trough Intellectuals you have to admit that being paid for nothing more than spouting one’s personal views is quite an ego trip.

Here’s a terrific video of Thomas Sowell being interviewed:

[ame=]Thomas Sowell on the second edition of Intellectuals and Society - YouTube[/ame]
My barber is Black and he wants to vote for Ron Paul.

To High_Gravity: I should have said “I doubt if over 90 percent of average black Americans will ever stop voting for Democrats.” Your barber is obviously in the less than 10 percent.
My barber is Black and he wants to vote for Ron Paul.

My barber is Black and he wants to vote for Ron Paul.

My barber is Mexican and he voted for Paul.


To High_Gravity & Two Thumbs: The next time you guys get haircuts ask your barbers how many of their family and friends are voting for a non-Democrat?

I live in PA

bit of a crap shoot when it comes to libs, mods and cons
Jerry McConnell over at Canada Free Press explores the possibility of black Americans not voting for Democrats:

That brave warrior is Lloyd Marcus, a black conservative, and he spoke out against liberal Democrat tyranny in an article titled “The ultimate appeal to persuade fellow blacks to stop voting Democrat” on May 02, 2012 online, in the freedom and democracy loving Canada Free Press ( which touts in its masthead, “Because without America there is no Free World.”

Marcus explains in his article that for years he has struggled to explain to fellow black Americans why they should join him in not voting for Democrats running for office. He gets peeved at liberal black authors and philosophers who say that white America abuses blacks and then call for more government funded programs when all they are looking for are more “government entitlement freebies.”

First let me say that I am all for democratic ideals while I recoil in horror at the thought of living in a democracy. Let me add that I forgive the CFP for its one misstep on the path to good stuff.

Frankly, I doubt if average black Americans will ever stop voting for Democrats. Their support for Democrats has degenerated into an addiction; neither cold turkey nor slow withdrawal will break the dependency.

McConnell goes on to cite Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell:

Marcus identifies two noted black conservatives that are of the same mind and disposition as he, and they frequently speak out at the futility of the black people who wholeheartedly trust those who lead them to believe that Democrats are their saviors while Republicans who are mainly of the conservative value status are going to abuse them.

The two black conservatives Marcus refers to are Professor Walter Williams and Dr. Thomas Sowell. He identifies these two illustrious and caring men showing Williams as an American economist and academic. He is the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, as well as a syndicated columnist.

Marcus lists Dr. Thomas Sowell as an American economist and academic, as well as a syndicated columnist.

Indeed, they are two men worth citing. So much so that in April 2010 in a thread about political carpetbaggers I said:

In a later permalink I added:

I want to suggest two conservative black Americans who would do carpetbagging proud:

Thomas Sowell and Walter E. Williams.

Both are professors. Both write a newspaper column, and both are well-known. Williams occasionally sits in for Rush Limbaugh.

Williams’ and Sowell’s journalistic endeavors remind me that Jesse Helms (1821 - 2008) was a journalist before going to Congress, and he turned out quite well.

Naturally, I can’t say if either man would be interested. Still, it doesn’t hurt to ask.”

McConnell closes with this:

It would benefit all black Americans If they would listen to their learned conservative black fellow countrymen such as Marcus, Williams and Sowell.

Black Conservatives Should be Listened To
Jerry McConnell Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Black Conservatives Should be Listened To

Black, white, and the colors in-between should listen to Sowell. My only complaint about his take on intellectuals is that he does not explore the arrogance born of a tax dollar income. I call those who are so afflicted Public Trough Intellectuals. They know everything. They will tell you how to cure every evil in the world except how to chase them away from the public trough in higher education.

Finally, an intellectual without a tax dollar income is no different than the rest of us. Who the hell listens to unemployed college professors; most of us don’t want to listen employed college professors telling us how to save the world. Even if you are charitable when criticizing Public Trough Intellectuals you have to admit that being paid for nothing more than spouting one’s personal views is quite an ego trip.

Here’s a terrific video of Thomas Sowell being interviewed:

[ame=""]Thomas Sowell on the second edition of Intellectuals and Society - YouTube[/ame]

Thomas Sowell. Another great and wise thinker. :) The Vision of the Anointed is an educational read, by him, as are all his books. Wish he would grant more interviews....

Thomas Sowell. Another great and wise thinker. :) The Vision of the Anointed is an educational read, by him, as are all his books. Wish he would grant more interviews....

To AquaAthena: Thank you for the serious reply. I’m never certain how many viewers look at the videos I post.
Not too long ago Blacks voted 90% for the GOP!

To GHook93: When was that?

To Truthmatters: 12.5 percent of the population cannot sweep anybody into office.

pretending the blacks you metion here are not of that 4 % is silly

To Truthmatters: I do not know who you are talking to? or what you are talking about?
In case you were curious I talked to a friend of mine who is in the Military, he said he is voting for Romney because of the whole Obama gay marriage thing, it seems like Obamas stance on gay marriage did chip away at the base of his black supporters.
In case you were curious I talked to a friend of mine who is in the Military, he said he is voting for Romney because of the whole Obama gay marriage thing, it seems like Obamas stance on gay marriage did chip away at the base of his black supporters.

obama never had 100% of black support to begin with. If there is a disenchantment with obama it might not be limited to voting for Romney but not voting at all.
In case you were curious I talked to a friend of mine who is in the Military, he said he is voting for Romney because of the whole Obama gay marriage thing, it seems like Obamas stance on gay marriage did chip away at the base of his black supporters.

obama never had 100% of black support to begin with. If there is a disenchantment with obama it might not be limited to voting for Romney but not voting at all.

Alot of Blacks don't agree with the gay marriage thing, I hear alot of grumbling about that.

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