The Black Conservative Plantation

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The Black Conservative Plantation

There is plenty of evidence OE. And this is more like the house slave who knows they can curry favor and benefits with the master by supporting the slave masters plan.

And what you don't seem to understand is how racist whites have done things in America. It's called divide and conquer. Owens is not the only one. Ben Carson, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Starr Parker, Nora Wheatley, Clarence Thomas, and Jesse Peterson are just a few.

With all due respect, you've not provided a hint of evidence supporting the slave / plantation rhetoric. As far as I know the worthies above, they are in it on their own volition, conservative, and supporting the GOP's policies. Happens. Just as many working class Whites do, even if they are being hurt by most of the GOP's policies.

And yes, divide and conquer is a large part of their strategy. Thus far, I would contend, it is failing. Emulating, and thus validating, the "plantation" charge does nothing to counter their strategy. I find, if widely implemented, it'd increase divisions and thus work out contrary to your aims.

You don't want to see it. So let me provide you with examples so that you might better be able to understand.

Why Shouldn't I Be Thankful for Slavery?
(Jesse Lee Peterson)

While declaring racism was never real, Peterson is known for frequently making controversial statements about race such as believing apartheid was good, thanking God for slavery, claiming most black people are "mentally retarded" for making babies out of wedlock, advocating sending black youth "back to the plantation and suggesting that whites need to have more children so that "they can help save America and Europe"

He is the host of The Jesse Lee Peterson Show—a national radio show which airs on Newsmax TV, and The Fallen State TV web series.

Published works
From Rage to Responsibility: Black Conservative Jesse Lee Peterson and America Today, with Dennis Prager and Brad Stetson. Paragon House (affiliated with the Unification Church), 2000,

SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America, WND Books (WorldNetDaily), 6331-4. Reprinted, Thomas Nelson, 2005,

The Seven Guaranteed Steps to Spiritual, Family and Financial Success, 2007.

"The ANTIDOTE: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood",
WND Books (WorldNetDaily), (Hardcover), 2015.

So explain why this man has a radio show paid for by white conservative advertisers, has books published only by conservative publishers and gets paid to speak, and is funded primarily by white conservatives.

Jesse Lee Petersen is a buffoon, and can barely assemble an intelligent sentence.

I saw that mumbling lawn jockey at an event that I attended last year, and could not stop laughing at his obvious stupidity.

I actually debated his dumb ass on a radio show. He is an idiot.
What's sad when you look at this from a black perspective is that blacks exist like Peterson Owens, etc. Why should we not distance ourselves from a black person who says slavery helped us?

So, what are you planning to do about their existence?

As to distancing, placed how far above these folks would you consider enough by way of distance?

With all due respect, the one way, the only way to improve things is to get into constructive debates with folks, even with the ones considered uncanny. If you are right, and Peterson and Owens suffer from "internalized racism" (it may well be true, but you in no way proved it), the way to improvement isn't to question their very existence, but some form of healing, as you yourself quoted above.

I repeat, having society itself, Blacks, and also Whites, fractured, pitted against each other across multiple fault lines, makes all easy prey. And, as far as I can see, you are not helping.
What's sad when you look at this from a black perspective is that blacks exist like Peterson Owens, etc. Why should we not distance ourselves from a black person who says slavery helped us?

So, what are you planning to do about their existence?

As to distancing, placed how far above these folks would you consider enough by way of distance?

With all due respect, the one way, the only way to improve things is to get into constructive debates with folks, even with the ones considered uncanny. If you are right, and Peterson and Owens suffer from "internalized racism" (it may well be true, but you in no way proved it), the way to improvement isn't to question their very existence, but some form of healing, as you yourself quoted above.

I repeat, having society itself, Blacks, and also Whites, fractured, pitted against each other across multiple fault lines, makes all easy prey. And, as far as I can see, you are not helping.

I've proven that Peterson and Owens suffer from internalized racism.

Since whites did the fracturing perhaps you need to quit trying to give advice and listen. Whites need to stop perpetuating the lies that create people like Peterson and Owens.
So explain why this man has a radio show paid for by white conservative advertisers, has books published only by conservative publishers and gets paid to speak, and is funded primarily by white conservatives.

That's probably because he agrees with the filth he spouts, and makes a living spouting it. You've not even begun to demonstrate how he is on a plantation. That would require that he's been "captured" (in whatever sense of the word), and serving in this function contrary to his wishes. You didn't.

[Again, no videos on this machine. So, whatever work you do digging them up is entirely lost on me.]

Don't be stupid. He is repeating what he has been told by whites about blacks which has him in a state of mental submission to whites. He is saying blacks are inferior to whites and if you can't understand how that can be compared to him being on a plantation whereby blacks were taught they were inferior beasts whose place was in service to the white man, then you just don't want to see it.

You know, there has always been a cottage industry parting fools and their money, and snake oil salesmen like Jesse Lee Peterson are into it for their own gain - always have been. It may be disheartening to watch blacks joining in on the party, and I sort of understand that. Even if I were to grant "mental submission" with respect to Peterson, it still doesn't prove a thing, and you have no evidence for it anyway. Some folks are just submissive. That's their right, as is to act on it. They're still free to leave at any time, and sell their talent (and their submission) elsewhere. But they don't. Sowell is a case in point. I've rarely seen a highly educated man spout such egregious, obvious crap, consistently, and over many years. I have read quite a bit over the years, and found nothing indicating he doesn't fully stand behind what he spouts.

You have the last word if you want it - but let's agree to disagree on that point. Okay?

You don't want to see the evidence Peterson has the house slave mentality......

I stopped reading here.

Consider your self laughed at, you racist.
Off topic.
Let's talk about the real plantation shall we. We are going to look at black conservatives who participate as part of that plantation. Not all black conservatives are part of this plantation. But these guys are.

Shame you've never been off the plantation. It's all in the mind I guess.

\No. It's called dependancy.

Believe it or not you are dependent on your government to be either good or bad. A government that has been corrupted by money doesn’t have your economic interest in mind. And you vote for the party for the rich.

You must be comfortable with your station in life.

This dependency talk is bullshit. Our government throughout our history has passed laws that benefit the people. Those laws were passed to solve problems.

So yes stupid, we are all dependent on government solving problems that need solving

Global warming, labor laws, tax fairness, social programs, minimum wage, regulations.

These problems that government solved all had a chance to work themselves out. They didn’t so the government had to step in.

I know crazy right?

Democracy, not free market capitalism, created the middle class
Watch the video.

The Black Conservative Plantation

There is plenty of evidence OE. And this is more like the house slave who knows they can curry favor and benefits with the master by supporting the slave masters plan.

And what you don't seem to understand is how racist whites have done things in America. It's called divide and conquer. Owens is not the only one. Ben Carson, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Starr Parker, Nora Wheatley, Clarence Thomas, and Jesse Peterson are just a few.

With all due respect, you've not provided a hint of evidence supporting the slave / plantation rhetoric. As far as I know the worthies above, they are in it on their own volition, conservative, and supporting the GOP's policies. Happens. Just as many working class Whites do, even if they are being hurt by most of the GOP's policies.

And yes, divide and conquer is a large part of their strategy. Thus far, I would contend, it is failing. Emulating, and thus validating, the "plantation" charge does nothing to counter their strategy. I find, if widely implemented, it'd increase divisions and thus work out contrary to your aims.

You don't want to see it. So let me provide you with examples so that you might better be able to understand.

Why Shouldn't I Be Thankful for Slavery?
(Jesse Lee Peterson)

While declaring racism was never real, Peterson is known for frequently making controversial statements about race such as believing apartheid was good, thanking God for slavery, claiming most black people are "mentally retarded" for making babies out of wedlock, advocating sending black youth "back to the plantation and suggesting that whites need to have more children so that "they can help save America and Europe"

He is the host of The Jesse Lee Peterson Show—a national radio show which airs on Newsmax TV, and The Fallen State TV web series.

Published works
From Rage to Responsibility: Black Conservative Jesse Lee Peterson and America Today, with Dennis Prager and Brad Stetson. Paragon House (affiliated with the Unification Church), 2000,

SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America, WND Books (WorldNetDaily), 6331-4. Reprinted, Thomas Nelson, 2005,

The Seven Guaranteed Steps to Spiritual, Family and Financial Success, 2007.

"The ANTIDOTE: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood",
WND Books (WorldNetDaily), (Hardcover), 2015.

So explain why this man has a radio show paid for by white conservative advertisers, has books published only by conservative publishers and gets paid to speak, and is funded primarily by white conservatives.

Jesse Lee Petersen is a buffoon, and can barely assemble an intelligent sentence.

I saw that mumbling lawn jockey at an event that I attended last year, and could not stop laughing at his obvious stupidity.

I actually debated his dumb ass on a radio show. He is an idiot.

I'm sure that you left him
Let's talk about the real plantation shall we. We are going to look at black conservatives who participate as part of that plantation. Not all black conservatives are part of this plantation. But these guys are.

Shame you've never been off the plantation. It's all in the mind I guess.

\No. It's called dependancy.

Believe it or not you are dependent on your government to be either good or bad. A government that has been corrupted by money doesn’t have your economic interest in mind. And you vote for the party for the rich.

You must be comfortable with your station in life.

This dependency talk is bullshit. Our government throughout our history has passed laws that benefit the people. Those laws were passed to solve problems.

So yes stupid, we are all dependent on government solving problems that need solving

Global warming, labor laws, tax fairness, social programs, minimum wage, regulations.

These problems that government solved all had a chance to work themselves out. They didn’t so the government had to step in.

I know crazy right?

Democracy, not free market capitalism, created the middle class
You're too stupid to realize that all things are not binary. Those who produce, captalist and worker alike, are not dependant, rather a class, and especialy the demographic in question, is largely dependant on them. When people feel they are "owed", they almost invariably become parasitic. It was not so with our forebearers, but you perhaps are different.
Watch the video.

The Black Conservative Plantation

There is plenty of evidence OE. And this is more like the house slave who knows they can curry favor and benefits with the master by supporting the slave masters plan.

And what you don't seem to understand is how racist whites have done things in America. It's called divide and conquer. Owens is not the only one. Ben Carson, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Starr Parker, Nora Wheatley, Clarence Thomas, and Jesse Peterson are just a few.

With all due respect, you've not provided a hint of evidence supporting the slave / plantation rhetoric. As far as I know the worthies above, they are in it on their own volition, conservative, and supporting the GOP's policies. Happens. Just as many working class Whites do, even if they are being hurt by most of the GOP's policies.

And yes, divide and conquer is a large part of their strategy. Thus far, I would contend, it is failing. Emulating, and thus validating, the "plantation" charge does nothing to counter their strategy. I find, if widely implemented, it'd increase divisions and thus work out contrary to your aims.

You don't want to see it. So let me provide you with examples so that you might better be able to understand.

Why Shouldn't I Be Thankful for Slavery?
(Jesse Lee Peterson)

While declaring racism was never real, Peterson is known for frequently making controversial statements about race such as believing apartheid was good, thanking God for slavery, claiming most black people are "mentally retarded" for making babies out of wedlock, advocating sending black youth "back to the plantation and suggesting that whites need to have more children so that "they can help save America and Europe"

He is the host of The Jesse Lee Peterson Show—a national radio show which airs on Newsmax TV, and The Fallen State TV web series.

Published works
From Rage to Responsibility: Black Conservative Jesse Lee Peterson and America Today, with Dennis Prager and Brad Stetson. Paragon House (affiliated with the Unification Church), 2000,

SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America, WND Books (WorldNetDaily), 6331-4. Reprinted, Thomas Nelson, 2005,

The Seven Guaranteed Steps to Spiritual, Family and Financial Success, 2007.

"The ANTIDOTE: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood",
WND Books (WorldNetDaily), (Hardcover), 2015.

So explain why this man has a radio show paid for by white conservative advertisers, has books published only by conservative publishers and gets paid to speak, and is funded primarily by white conservatives.

Jesse Lee Petersen is a buffoon, and can barely assemble an intelligent sentence.

I saw that mumbling lawn jockey at an event that I attended last year, and could not stop laughing at his obvious stupidity.

I actually debated his dumb ass on a radio show. He is an idiot.

I'm sure that you left him

I started cutting him off when he spoke. He was reduced to mumbling like you said.
Let's talk about the real plantation shall we. We are going to look at black conservatives who participate as part of that plantation. Not all black conservatives are part of this plantation. But these guys are.

Shame you've never been off the plantation. It's all in the mind I guess.

\No. It's called dependancy.

Believe it or not you are dependent on your government to be either good or bad. A government that has been corrupted by money doesn’t have your economic interest in mind. And you vote for the party for the rich.

You must be comfortable with your station in life.

This dependency talk is bullshit. Our government throughout our history has passed laws that benefit the people. Those laws were passed to solve problems.

So yes stupid, we are all dependent on government solving problems that need solving

Global warming, labor laws, tax fairness, social programs, minimum wage, regulations.

These problems that government solved all had a chance to work themselves out. They didn’t so the government had to step in.

I know crazy right?

Democracy, not free market capitalism, created the middle class
You're too stupid to realize that all things are not binary. Those who produce, captalist and worker alike, are not dependant, rather a class, and especialy the demographic in question, is largely dependant on them. When people feel they are "owed", they almost invariably become parasitic. It was not so with our forebearers, but you perhaps are different.

So whites have been parasitic since 1776.
Let's talk about the real plantation shall we. We are going to look at black conservatives who participate as part of that plantation. Not all black conservatives are part of this plantation. But these guys are.

Shame you've never been off the plantation. It's all in the mind I guess.

\No. It's called dependancy.

Believe it or not you are dependent on your government to be either good or bad. A government that has been corrupted by money doesn’t have your economic interest in mind. And you vote for the party for the rich.

You must be comfortable with your station in life.

This dependency talk is bullshit. Our government throughout our history has passed laws that benefit the people. Those laws were passed to solve problems.

So yes stupid, we are all dependent on government solving problems that need solving

Global warming, labor laws, tax fairness, social programs, minimum wage, regulations.

These problems that government solved all had a chance to work themselves out. They didn’t so the government had to step in.

I know crazy right?

Democracy, not free market capitalism, created the middle class
You're too stupid to realize that all things are not binary. Those who produce, captalist and worker alike, are not dependant, rather a class, and especialy the demographic in question, is largely dependant on them. When people feel they are "owed", they almost invariably become parasitic. It was not so with our forebearers, but you perhaps are different.

There’s some truth to that. One thing I like about republicans making the poor jump through hoops to get welfare is it weeds the ones who don’t really need or deserve it off.

Yes workers feel they should have rights and are owed something. Do you work for someone else? A lot of greeks I know don’t work for someone else and are broker than people realize. What do you do? How you living Malaka?
Shame you've never been off the plantation. It's all in the mind I guess.

\No. It's called dependancy.
Believe it or not you are dependent on your government to be either good or bad. A government that has been corrupted by money doesn’t have your economic interest in mind. And you vote for the party for the rich.

You must be comfortable with your station in life.

This dependency talk is bullshit. Our government throughout our history has passed laws that benefit the people. Those laws were passed to solve problems.

So yes stupid, we are all dependent on government solving problems that need solving

Global warming, labor laws, tax fairness, social programs, minimum wage, regulations.

These problems that government solved all had a chance to work themselves out. They didn’t so the government had to step in.

I know crazy right?

Democracy, not free market capitalism, created the middle class
You're too stupid to realize that all things are not binary. Those who produce, captalist and worker alike, are not dependant, rather a class, and especialy the demographic in question, is largely dependant on them. When people feel they are "owed", they almost invariably become parasitic. It was not so with our forebearers, but you perhaps are different.

So whites have been parasitic since 1776.

Certainly not off your slave minded ass.

You have innovated exactly what since 1776?

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