This Is Why Michelle Obama Won't Run For President

How many times do you need to be told that trump is:
A Life-Long Con Man that has FUCKED people over his entire life.
You really think Bribden hasn't conned YOU? And hasn't fucked people over his entire life?
Most every agency and employer lies to its employees and fucks them over every and any chance they get.
You are a panic.

He throws everyone under the bus, that doesn't kiss his ass and say nice things.
As has Bribden. Bribden even used the DOJ to harrass media companies these past few years pressuring them not to report news that was unfavorable to Bribden. Isn't that tyranny? Oppression? A constitutional violation crossing freedom of speech AND freedom of the press rocking the very grounds of democracy? Yet you are SO CONNED that you just cannot admit the facts.

And you want this immature Lying, Cheating Con Man to lead our Nation.
I know what Trump did for America all during 2017, 18 and 19. Those were great years. Why do you want more war, more incompetence, more super high inflation, more government oppression, more invasion of our border, more promotion of child abuse and women from sex deviants from a guy whose family has been taking millions in bribes for years from our enemies? You really want your country run by a crooked senile fart while secret unelected unknown people in the shadows really run the country for him?

All this BS you believe about trump being American-First is just that....BullShit.
Except he actually DID put America first all while he was in office.
Joe Biden puts Ukraine first, throwing away 200 billion dollars on a lost cause of trying to save the border of some small Soviet satellite country that COULD have been used to help the sick and poor here or help rebuild our 20,000 failing bridges, etc, or secure control of our border.
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See? I know these people.

So you know yourself? Interesting that you really believe that.

PS, MacCheese, stuff is "proven" to a jury all the time later found that they got it wrong, totally wrong, that is why so many people are later acquitted of crimes when these charges are later revisited, releasing them from prison.

Real easy to find someone guilty when you instruct a jury to make up and imagine their own crime, and that they all don't even have to agree.

Sheesh are you a braindead puppet.
So you know yourself? Interesting that you really believe that.

PS, MacCheese, stuff is "proven" to a jury all the time later found that they got it wrong, totally wrong, that is why so many people are later acquitted of crimes when these charges are later revisited, releasing them from prison.

Real easy to find someone guilty when you instruct a jury to make up and imagine their own crime, and that they all don't even have to agree.

Sheesh are you a braindead puppet.
And another one.
People like Harvey Weinstein donate to people like Hillary and Michelle Obama.

Why does a sexual predator like Harvey Weinstein donate to people like the Obamas and the Clintons?

Because they have a lot in common.

Michelle says that Harvey Weinstein is a wonderful human-being, despite the fact that people who worked for him said he was a disgusting human-being.

I'm sure Michelle doesn't want her private lifestyle to come out into the open, because people go to prison for what she and Barack get away with all of the time.
If you even think about writing a tell-all book about Michelle and might end up face down in 3 feet of water.

Plus and this is a biggy.Both Michelle and Barack would not
even entertain questions as to how and when they paid off
their College educations.Not until after Barack won in 2012
was their any admissions from the two { Michelle and Barack }
about how they arranged or paid for their Princeton and
Harvard educations.Plus Barack and his Occidental college
years.How it was paid for and how he went from a small almost
unknown california college like Occidental into Columbia U.
Or Michelle Obama's Princeton senior thesis.
" Princeton Educated Blacks and the Black Community ".
Never forgetting Hillary's Clinton's Senior thesis { also 90 some
words } whilst at Wellesley College ...
" There is Only the Fight " a virtual defense and appreciation of
the Alinsky Model.Or Saul Alinsky.
A favorite among those who use and reuse
- Rules for Radicals - a guide for Community Organizing.
Or how to play Nasty.
If you believe this to be true, then this is the state of American politics. Perhaps the corrupted in other positions in D.C. and around the nation should be known to us all. And they are not. To you, Joe is so innocent. Jill such a flower. Hunter a role model for us all. If Michelle runs and was President, she and her husband would be attacked everyday a thousand times worse than what you would read of today.

I despise ALL Politicians.
Bidens, Clintons, and Trumps are all corrupt.

Why do you take the words I use to call trump out for what he truly is, so personal?
trump doesn't care about you, he has proven that ad nauseam.
Remember when he was complaining about the heat at a rally, and he said..." I don't care about you, I just want your vote."
I guess this ^^^ was trump being honest, but you will say he was just kidding, or joking, or some lame excuse for trump saying what he does, but this time it was directed at his cult, and he told the cult how he felt, and of course, you have an excuse for trumps words.

I see it, you refuse.
People like Harvey Weinstein donate to people like Hillary and Michelle Obama.

Why does a sexual predator like Harvey Weinstein donate to people like the Obamas and the Clintons?

Because they have a lot in common.

Michelle says that Harvey Weinstein is a wonderful human-being, despite the fact that people who worked for him said he was a disgusting human-being.

I'm sure Michelle doesn't want her private lifestyle to come out into the open, because people go to prison for what she and Barack get away with all of the time.
If you even think about writing a tell-all book about Michelle and might end up face down in 3 feet of water. one gives a shit about that any more than they did with Lewinski sucking off Slick Willy. This is why reps lose...stupidity.

rep confused dumbfounded.jpg
People like Harvey Weinstein donate to people like Hillary and Michelle Obama.

Why does a sexual predator like Harvey Weinstein donate to people like the Obamas and the Clintons?

Because they have a lot in common.

Michelle says that Harvey Weinstein is a wonderful human-being, despite the fact that people who worked for him said he was a disgusting human-being.

I'm sure Michelle doesn't want her private lifestyle to come out into the open, because people go to prison for what she and Barack get away with all of the time.
If you even think about writing a tell-all book about Michelle and might end up face down in 3 feet of water.

The Skunk Ape has two kids.

I want to see pictures of a pregnant Skunk Ape. Where are they? I've never seen them.

Neither has anybody else.


That's just one thing. What about her no-show job in Chi-Town that paid her hundreds of thousands?

How well did she know Bernie Dohrn, of the "Fork Salute". Look it up.

I hope she does run. It will be a massacre.

dimocraps are scum
New York State

My buddy in NY State used to call the place Cuomostan. The state of tyranny and oppression. Either way, Trump's "felonies" were built from a legal theory that countless legal experts all said were baseless, built from a misdemeanor that had long expired the statute of limitations.

Thing is, charging a president with a crime should demand the HIGHEST proof for the good of the office, instead, now, you've taken a president and tried to weaponize the law against him running him through the wringer based on the LOWEST of standards. Just remember that when the ball bounces back against Joe Bribden and the democrats now.
You really think Bribden hasn't conned YOU?
Your question was about trump, not biden.
Fuck Biden, Trump and the Clintons, they all lied to us.

I will NEVER vote for trump because he is in FACT a Lying, Life-Long Con Man that has fucked over a majority of the contractors that he did business with YET you will call it 'smart' and you refuse to see that he will fuck you and any other person over in a moment, without hesitation.
Give him that power, and he will continue to abuse his power.
The Cult is giving him that power and I will never be involved in a cult.
trump is a Lying Life-Long Con Man. FACT.

Stick to your own question, it was about voting or not voting for trump.

New York State Has Issued Nearly 9,800 Felony Charges of Falsifying Business Records Since 2015

Data shows 9,794 cases involving state penal law 175.10, or falsifying business records in the first degree, have been arraigned in both local and superior New York state courts since 2015.
Never heard of Ex Post Facto, huh?
The Skunk Ape has two kids.

I want to see pictures of a pregnant Skunk Ape. Where are they? I've never seen them.

Neither has anybody else.


That's just one thing. What about her no-show job in Chi-Town that paid her hundreds of thousands?

How well did she know Bernie Dohrn, of the "Fork Salute". Look it up.

I hope she does run. It will be a massacre.

dimocraps are scum

You ain't gonna see those pics because men can't get pregnant.

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