This Is Why Michelle Obama Won't Run For President

Joe Biden puts Ukraine first, throwing away 200 billion dollars on a lost cause of trying to save the border of some small Soviet satellite country that COULD have been used to help the sick and poor here or help rebuild our 20,000 failing bridges, etc, or secure control of our border.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

Unless you're a country in africa. one gives a shit about that any more than they did with Lewinski sucking off Slick Willy. This is why reps lose...stupidity.

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Fake news.

You Demo-rats couldn't point out the truth in police line-up to save your lives.

No state has banned abortion, and no state will.

You just think your voters are idiots, and in most cases you may be right.
Fake news.

You Demo-rats couldn't point out the truth in police line-up to save your lives.

No state has banned abortion, and no state will.

You just think your voters are idiots, and in most cases you may be right.
Texas and many other red states have implemented a six week limit which effectively bans abortion whether you admit it or not.

The fact that you lie about it speaks to the dishonesty we are dealing with
The Thing is, charging a president with a crime should demand the HIGHEST proof for the good of the office, instead, now, you've taken a president and tried to weaponize the law against him running him through the wringer based on the LOWEST of standards. Just remember that when the ball bounces back against Joe Bribden and the democrats now.
Interesting, since they wrote the articles of impeachment for Joe Biden, before he was even inaugurated.
I will NEVER vote for trump
That is a vote then for a guy far worse, far more corrupt.

Life-Long Con Man that has fucked over a majority of the contractors
My uncle was one of those contractors long ago, met Trump personally, and told me before he died that Trump was a great guy to deal with, and my Uncle was no pushover, he was VP of a big company. So maybe you've been lied to.

Give him that power, and he will continue to abuse his power.
No thanks. Trump didn't abuse his power in office, meanwhile Biden HAS in many ways. I'll take the good guy, Trump.

The Cult is giving him that power and I will never be involved in a cult.
Silly child, the only cult around here is the Left whom has brainwashed you. Standard ploy by the communist Alinsky to misdirect your enemy by accusing them of what you yourself are doing. Like a pickpocket stealing a wallet then getting away by creating a disturbance making police think HE is the victim.

Will you ever learn.

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