The Bloom Is Off The Papal Rose


Sep 23, 2010
If Democrats are honest they will accuse the Pope of declaring war on women:

I’m pretty sure the Pope wants to redistribute everybody else’s wealth:


well he makes more sense than the Kraut. The video contains strong language.
well he makes more sense than the Kraut.

To I.P.Freely: When all is said and done they are both priests.

In spite of that horrible limey accent Murray touched on priests; a subject near and dear to my heart. A cynical distrust of priests and politicians should be encouraged in small children.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson


History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813
Throughout RCC history there have been certain nuns and priests who practiced what is called the interior life, Flanders. The interior life was one of prayer focused on Jesus Christ and the cross. These saints had revelation that Jesus is LORD and accepted Him as Lord. Which led to huge conflicts with the RCC. The RCC wanted to "oversee" and play "mediator" between the saint and God and when that didn't work they started killing them. Michael Molinos was poisoned to death while held in a dungeon by the vatican, Jeanne Guyon was put in prison for 10 yrs by the RCC for loving God too much. ( they had nothing else on her ) Avila came dangerously close to being called out but didn't. John Hus was burned at the stake, so was Savonarolla... the history is all there - although the saints knew of the leadership which all represented the "exterior life" ( a life void of any true spirituality ) they had made vows and were in submission to these men.

This isn't the first time the RCC is coming off the rails over a bad pope.

This pope is a Jesuit who is well versed in Liberation Theology. He was investigated years ago for his involvment with communists and there are news reports of it. The media has taken every opportunity to embellish his reputation and much of it has fallen flat. The Catholics I've met are extremely put off by his plans to validate Sharia as complimentary to Catholicism. He isn't being received well by the people who know what is going on.

The communists and Islamists have been working in tandem together and this seems to be the core of this popes inner circle of friends. Something is very wrong with this picture.

I believe there is a good possibility the Catholic Churches in USA will go independent and depart from the Vatican. Other denominations have done it. The Catholics can do it too. If I were in their position that is precisely what I would do. Immediately!
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The Catholics I've met are extremely put off by his plans to validate Sharia as complimentary to Catholicism. He isn't being received well by the people who know what is going on.

The communists and Islamists have been working in tandem together and this seems to be the core of this popes inner circle of friends. sure come up with some looney nonsense!! .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
If Democrats are honest they will accuse the Pope of declaring war on women:

I’m pretty sure the Pope wants to redistribute everybody else’s wealth:


There is a prophecy from the 1500's by a St. Malachy who said there would be 112 popes and the last one would usher in the anti christ - a terrible time for Christians worldwide.. I believe he was speaking of the tribulation but I've only seen bits and pieces of what this saint had said about it.

This pope is the 112th pope. According to the prophecy he is going to be evil personified and good luck trying to find this on the internet because I've already tried. They have pretty much edited everything including alot of links appearing ( since this pope was installed ) that the prophecy of St. Malachy was a mistake.

Since when has God issued retractions to the Vatican over His prophecies? If St. Malachy was told this by divine revelation then God didn't get anything wrong. The Vatican is trying to hide the truth from the people. I believe the saint because he delivered this news in the time of the 1500's. How could he know there would only be 112 popes and this was the final one?

How would Dumitru Duduman know back in the 90's that there would be a pope who was set to make war against the Protestants? Who would be backed by the govts. of this world to make war against the Protestants? The plans of this pope will far surpass that of the pope that led the Inquisitions burning people at the stake. I hope people are preparing themselves for that reality. I saw a glimpse of it already when the Pope sent his pal Tony to Kenneth Copelands church to announce there is no such thing as a Protestant anymore because the Pope says the Protest is over. That is just a foretaste of what he has planned. Soon it won't be a suggestion but do it or die.
The Catholics I've met are extremely put off by his plans to validate Sharia as complimentary to Catholicism. He isn't being received well by the people who know what is going on.

The communists and Islamists have been working in tandem together and this seems to be the core of this popes inner circle of friends. sure come up with some looney nonsense!! .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

The dialogue between early Muslim Brotherhood member and president of ISNA - Imam Majid and Cardinal Dolan has been ongoing for past 20 yrs. The dialogue based on "A Common Word" - from former pope - has been ongoing for 3 yrs. The document that was pulled the other day - called Understanding Islam - was pulled after some concerned Catholics pointed out that the USCCB never signed off or approved the doc. Everything has been cancelled. The Catholics are fighting back. I'll keep you posted as it appears you are out of the loop on this one.
The dialogue between early Muslim Brotherhood member and president of ISNA - Imam Majid and Cardinal Dolan has been ongoing for past 20 yrs. The dialogue based on "A Common Word" - from former pope - has been ongoing for 3 yrs. The document that was pulled the other day - called Understanding Islam - was pulled after some concerned Catholics pointed out that the USCCB never signed off or approved the doc. Everything has been cancelled. The Catholics are fighting back. I'll keep you posted as it appears you are out of the loop on this one.
Fighting back against what.......having a peaceful dialogue with muslim leaders??

Jeremiah you really are a crazed hater. . :cool:
I'm not going to discuss it with you as it isn't something you'd have any input about. Back to the OP - I believe Flanders has pointed out another reason for serious concern. It would be wise for all Catholics to pay attention. The Catholic people are a loving, precious people and they don't deserve to be duped.
I'm not going to discuss it with you as it isn't something you'd have any input about.
Really?? .......we have had the "Common Word" in our Mosque for several years with no problems.

But in typical Jeremiah the coward want to flee rather than face the truth of your nonsense. . :cool:
Uh......the bloom is not off the rose. The pope has great PR. This is the Catholic church. That hasn't changed one bit.

There is not one shred of interest in Nuns. The fear here is that his followers might get it in their heads that there is inequality. The fear here is that the Pope is a Communist.

There was no outrage when the 84 year old nun Megan Rice was sentenced to 4 years in prison, was there?


That speaks volumes.
Throughout RCC history there have been certain nuns and priests who practiced what is called the interior life, Flanders. The interior life was one of prayer focused on Jesus Christ and the cross. These saints had revelation that Jesus is LORD and accepted Him as Lord. Which led to huge conflicts with the RCC. The RCC wanted to "oversee" and play "mediator" between the saint and God and when that didn't work they started killing them. Michael Molinos was poisoned to death while held in a dungeon by the vatican, Jeanne Guyon was put in prison for 10 yrs by the RCC for loving God too much. ( they had nothing else on her ) Avila came dangerously close to being called out but didn't. John Hus was burned at the stake, so was Savonarolla... the history is all there - although the saints knew of the leadership which all represented the "exterior life" ( a life void of any true spirituality ) they had made vows and were in submission to these men.

This isn't the first time the RCC is coming off the rails over a bad pope.

This pope is a Jesuit who is well versed in Liberation Theology. He was investigated years ago for his involvment with communists and there are news reports of it. The media has taken every opportunity to embellish his reputation and much of it has fallen flat. The Catholics I've met are extremely put off by his plans to validate Sharia as complimentary to Catholicism. He isn't being received well by the people who know what is going on.

The communists and Islamists have been working in tandem together and this seems to be the core of this popes inner circle of friends. Something is very wrong with this picture.

I believe there is a good possibility the Catholic Churches in USA will go independent and depart from the Vatican. Other denominations have done it. The Catholics can do it too. If I were in their position that is precisely what I would do. Immediately!

To Jeremiah: Excellent refresher. I would include Joan of Arc on the list.

Also, Jesuits became the R. C. Ch. goon squad from the time the order was founded:

[ame=]St. Ignatius' Rules for thinking with the Church - YouTube[/ame]​

Rule 13
That we may be altogether of the same mind and in conformity, if the Church shall have defined anything to be black which to our eyes appears to be white we ought in like manner to pronounce it to be black. Saint Ignatius

The Jesuits, more than any other Roman Catholic order, demonstrate how organized religion; i.e., priesthoods, insert themselves between God and the individual. Basically, every priesthood fears alien religious fanatics more than they fear atheists.

Incidentally, Muslim clerics proselytize with violence. In fact, Muslim and Communist priesthoods are the only ones proselytizing with violence.

The dialogue between early Muslim Brotherhood member and president of ISNA - Imam Majid and Cardinal Dolan has been ongoing for past 20 yrs. The dialogue based on "A Common Word" - from former pope - has been ongoing for 3 yrs. The document that was pulled the other day - called Understanding Islam - was pulled after some concerned Catholics pointed out that the USCCB never signed off or approved the doc. Everything has been cancelled. The Catholics are fighting back. I'll keep you posted as it appears you are out of the loop on this one.

Fighting back against what.......having a peaceful dialogue with muslim leaders??

Jeremiah you really are a crazed hater. . :cool:

To Sunni Man: Jeri has it right.

Let me point out that Muslim countries are theocracies; hence, Islam in non-Muslim countries is a political movement more than it is a religion. Implementing Sharia law in non-Muslim countries is only one prong of their political agenda. If there is any dialogue it should pit theocracy against the First Amendment, and the doctrine of Separation of Church & State. Muslims cannot win such a debate. That’s why they will never debate it. Rather than debate they rely on Taqiyya & Kitman to achieve their political aims.

American Catholics must be careful not to buy into an Islamic, or a Roman Catholic, theocracy.

Muslims must abolish the First Amendment by hook or crook even though their is no constitutional Right to be heard —— which is the foundation Muslims claim for dialogue with non-Muslims in the first place. Should Muslims ever succeed in abolishing the First Amendment you can bet your ass “dialogue” with Muslims will vanish forever.

The fear here is that the Pope is a Communist.

To Disir: Let me put it this way. If Francis was NOT a Roman Catholic priest, he would certainly be a member of the Communist priesthood. His comments are proof of his political beliefs even though he dresses them in theology.

There was no outrage when the 84 year old nun Megan Rice was sentenced to 4 years in prison, was there?

To Disir: Nor should there have been. I would have given her a lot longer.

. . . anti-war moralists are more anti-self-defense than they are anti-war. They always talk at the wrong people. They are so diseased with turn-the-other-cheekitis they would preach peace to the Christians instead of the lions.

Megan Rice and her kind are free to turn the other cheek while America’s enemies are shoving bayonets up their rectums, but they have no Right turn my cheek for me. If an enemy combatant kills me I will not die a victim of somebody else’ s sick beliefs.
If Democrats are honest they will accuse the Pope of declaring war on women:

I’m pretty sure the Pope wants to redistribute everybody else’s wealth:


You post a piece of garbage like this written by Maureen Dowd, probably the biggest, loud-mouth liberal next to Huffington and expect us to accept it? :mad:

Find something FACTUAL to post for Pete's sake! :badgrin:
You post a piece of garbage like this written by Maureen Dowd, probably the biggest, loud-mouth liberal next to Huffington and expect us to accept it? :mad:

Find something FACTUAL to post for Pete's sake! :badgrin:

To longknife: You’re right about the Dowd woman. Her column’s title was the only reason I read the article. My goal was to show that Dowd attacking the pope also included an attack on the United Nations; a cardinal sin among liberals. Hence the second link.

Shocking: Pope Demands “Legitimate Redistribution” Of Wealth, Supports United Nations New World Order (Video)
Friday, May 9, 2014 8:20

Shocking: Pope Demands "Legitimate Redistribution" Of Wealth, Supports United Nations New World Order (Video) | Prophecy
You post a piece of garbage like this written by Maureen Dowd, probably the biggest, loud-mouth liberal next to Huffington and expect us to accept it? :mad:

Find something FACTUAL to post for Pete's sake! :badgrin:

To longknife: You’re right about the Dowd woman. Her column’s title was the only reason I read the article. My goal was to show that Dowd attacking the pope also included an attack on the United Nations; a cardinal sin among liberals. Hence the second link.

Shocking: Pope Demands “Legitimate Redistribution” Of Wealth, Supports United Nations New World Order (Video)
Friday, May 9, 2014 8:20

Shocking: Pope Demands "Legitimate Redistribution" Of Wealth, Supports United Nations New World Order (Video) | Prophecy

Fair enough.
You post a piece of garbage like this written by Maureen Dowd, probably the biggest, loud-mouth liberal next to Huffington and expect us to accept it? :mad:

Find something FACTUAL to post for Pete's sake! :badgrin:

To longknife: You’re right about the Dowd woman. Her column’s title was the only reason I read the article. My goal was to show that Dowd attacking the pope also included an attack on the United Nations; a cardinal sin among liberals. Hence the second link.

Shocking: Pope Demands “Legitimate Redistribution” Of Wealth, Supports United Nations New World Order (Video)
Friday, May 9, 2014 8:20

Shocking: Pope Demands "Legitimate Redistribution" Of Wealth, Supports United Nations New World Order (Video) | Prophecy

Oh, for Pete's sake, you have no idea what he would be if he wasn't a Pope. Secondly, have you ever actually thought about asking a few liberals how they felt about the UN? Or do you just make this up as you go?
You post a piece of garbage like this written by Maureen Dowd, probably the biggest, loud-mouth liberal next to Huffington and expect us to accept it? :mad:

Find something FACTUAL to post for Pete's sake! :badgrin:

To longknife: You’re right about the Dowd woman. Her column’s title was the only reason I read the article. My goal was to show that Dowd attacking the pope also included an attack on the United Nations; a cardinal sin among liberals. Hence the second link.

Shocking: Pope Demands “Legitimate Redistribution” Of Wealth, Supports United Nations New World Order (Video)
Friday, May 9, 2014 8:20

Shocking: Pope Demands "Legitimate Redistribution" Of Wealth, Supports United Nations New World Order (Video) | Prophecy

Oh, for Pete's sake, you have no idea what he would be if he wasn't a Pope. Secondly, have you ever actually thought about asking a few liberals how they felt about the UN? Or do you just make this up as you go?

You already know the answer to that.
This pope maybe the last pope= a defector from the faith and become the false prophet for the anti-christ!!! Yes!!! we are living in the last days just before the return of Jesus!!!

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