"The Blues Brothers," could not be made today and John Belushi and Dan Akroyd would be cancelled and may still be cancelled by democrat party fascists


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
John Nolte takes a look at the movie, "The Blues Brothers," and praises it for its freedom.....

Today, this movie could not be made.....and Dan Akroyd and John Belushi would have been fired and dropped by their agents.....this is the fascist way of life with the democrat party in control of our institutions....

Miss Trump yet?

Under the belief it was the movie that would most offend today’s Woketards, last week I wrote about the gloriously inappropriate and problematic Animal House (1978). Finding myself in a Belushi mood, a few days later, I watched his next hit, 1980’s The Blues Brothers, and quickly realized today’s Hitler Youth would hate this one even more — a whole lot more.

You have no idea how blessed I was to come of age in the 70s and 80s, two of the freest decades, not only in our country’s history but in world history. By 1970, Hollywood’s self-censoring Production Code had been dismantled, the great Norman Lear had pushed the boundaries of television with his masterpiece All in the Family, and suddenly nothing and no one was off-limits. There were no more sacred cows. No limits on satire. No protected groups.

And do you want to know the best part? Almost all the satire was good-natured. When a Carlin, Pryor, Lear, and Saturday Night Live took a shot at you, you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself — which is the healthiest of medicines for the human spirit.

This plot might sound simple, but the heresies committed herein against the Religion of Woke are almost too many to count…

I’ll do my best.

  1. A movie based entirely on cultural appropriation…
Jake and Elwood Blues are walking, talking, living, breathing sins of cultural appropriation — white guys who sing the blues. Woke heads would explode 20 minutes into this thing. But allow me to say this…

Cultural appropriation is, by any objective and moral measure, a good thing — a very good thing. The whole idea of America is culture appropriation or “out of many one” — which is our national motto (e pluribus unum). We should all be grabbing hold of the best from everyone else’s culture. On top of laughing at ourselves, cultural appropriation bridges differences and bring us together…

To keep us divided, however, the Hitler Youth of Woke have turned a moral and unifying thing into a sin.

  1. Faith in God and America…
There’s no irony or anything tongue-in-cheek about Jake and Elwood’s mission. While Aykroyd’s dry recitation of “We’re on a mission from God” is hilarious, the brothers truly believe this and, most importantly, so does the movie. Belushi is literally hit with the Holy Spirit in a Christian church (how could he not with James Brown preaching?).

Yes. Yes. Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ… I have seen the light!
And it is also during this moment where Elwood — and again without irony — expresses his love for America.

Reverend Cleophus James [Brown]: Praise God!
Elwood: And God bless the United States of America.
  1. Government is the villain…
Our heroes are out to save a Christian institution from being closed down by the government over property taxes.

  1. The glory of “insensitivity” reigns supreme…
There are fat jokes, sex slave jokes, and at one point, Jake impersonates an Arab trader. Ray Charles repeatedly fires a gun at a kid, Carrie Fisher looks sexy as hell posing with an assault rifle, women run around in bikinis, and people look cool smoking cigarettes.

  1. So much glorious “sexism”…
Carrie Fisher plays a crazed stalker, Aretha Franklin is a nagging wife, Twiggy is left outside a cheap motel waiting for Elwood…

That’s it. That’s all the women are allowed to do.

  1. Nazis played for laughs…
The Nazis, or to be more precise, the “Illinois Nazis” (led by the great Henry Gibson), are played entirely for laughs. This, of course, is the smartest and most effective way to marginalize Nazis — you turn them into a joke. But if this were done today, the cries of That’s not funny! would never cease.

Oh, and there’s even a gay Nazi.

I’ve always loved you.
And now we come to the movie’s most unforgivable act of Woke Heresy….

  1. Race is never mentioned… Not even once.
Although this is a movie populated with black and white characters and premised on the blues, never once is race raised as an issue. The Nazis aren’t even motivated by race. They’re just angry at the Blues Brothers for driving them off a bridge. The “rednecks” aren’t motivated by race. They’re angry over having their gig stolen. A centerpiece scene takes place in a honkytonk. Race is never mentioned.

Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country and western.
Throughout, we see blacks and whites sing, dance, argue, joke, travel, and perform together, all in a spirit of brotherhood.

Like Animal House, and despite its R-rating (only for the occasional F-word), The Blues Brothers is ultimately a very moral movie. This is a story about redemption, brotherhood, recognizing our shared humanity, ignoring skin color, thumbing your nose at authority, accepting responsibility, the futility of grudges, and pursuing a cause greater than self.

Don't blame me, I voted for Trump.
Free Speech, Free Press, Free Thought.
Do you miss Trump yet?

Just like the Nazis missed Hitler in 1946.
Great find. Thanks for showing it to us.

"You have no idea how blessed I was to come of age in the 70s and 80s, two of the freest decades, not only in our country’s history but in world history. By 1970, Hollywood’s self-censoring Production Code had been dismantled, the great Norman Lear had pushed the boundaries of television with his masterpiece All in the Family, and suddenly nothing and no one was off-limits. There were no more sacred cows. No limits on satire. No protected groups.

And do you want to know the best part? Almost all the satire was good-natured. When a Carlin, Pryor, Lear, and Saturday Night Live took a shot at you, you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself — which is the healthiest of medicines for the human spirit."

And this is the, imo, the crux of the matter.
Don't blame me, I voted for Trump.
Free Speech, Free Press, Free Thought.
Do you miss Trump yet?

Just like the Nazis missed Hitler in 1946.
No one missed Hitler---and most didn't vote for the a-hole- He got in with a bunch of behind the scene smoke and mirrors like biden did and like biden then had to have the military build fences and protect his azz because everyone with any brains wanted him out.
Don't blame me, I voted for Trump.
Free Speech, Free Press, Free Thought.
Do you miss Trump yet?

Just like the Nazis missed Hitler in 1946.

Was teh Blues Brothers problematic or a great movie, in your opinion?
Don't blame me, I voted for Trump.
Free Speech, Free Press, Free Thought.
Do you miss Trump yet?

Just like the Nazis missed Hitler in 1946.

Trump stood between the American people and the democrat party fascists...the actual fascists..the ones who burned and looted our cities for 7 months and murdered 30 Americans....who now destroy lives when people voice opinions they don't like, and push racism, misogyny and hate....

The democrat party has been evil since the day it was founded by slave owners.......
Don't blame me, I voted for Trump.
Free Speech, Free Press, Free Thought.
Do you miss Trump yet?

Just like the Nazis missed Hitler in 1946.

Trump stood between the American people and the democrat party fascists...the actual fascists..the ones who burned and looted our cities for 7 months and murdered 30 Americans....who now destroy lives when people voice opinions they don't like, and push racism, misogyny and hate....

The democrat party has been evil since the day it was founded by slave owners.......
Trump is the traitor who thought he could overthrow the US govt. with a mob, he was just as much the fool as Adolf. Those that supported Trump and Hitler were delusional losers and got what they deserved in the end.
Don't blame me, I voted for Trump.
Free Speech, Free Press, Free Thought.
Do you miss Trump yet?

Just like the Nazis missed Hitler in 1946.

Trump stood between the American people and the democrat party fascists...the actual fascists..the ones who burned and looted our cities for 7 months and murdered 30 Americans....who now destroy lives when people voice opinions they don't like, and push racism, misogyny and hate....

The democrat party has been evil since the day it was founded by slave owners.......
Trump is the traitor who thought he could overthrow the US govt. with a mob, he was just as much the fool as Adolf. Those that supported Trump and Hitler were delusional losers and got what they deserved in the end.

Blow it out your ass.........you are just a troll...

See, I was my old battalion commander’s assistant operations officer and I was riding with him in his HUMVEE driving through Los Angeles as it burned in April 1992.

That was a riot.

What happened on Capitol Hill was a few dudes dressed like Conan the Fauxbarian acting like fools and occasionally fighting with the cops while a few hundred other dudes took selfies in the Rotunda.

We were in the 3rd Battalion, 160th Infantry, the first combat arms unit on the street during the LA Riot, a riot brought to you by Maxine Waters and other idiots, by the way. There was burning and looting and dozens we can say with absolute certainty were murdered by the LA rioters, unlike at the Capitol. It lasted for days. You wouldn’t know it from Rep. Stolen Cower, who seems to claim she suffered PTSD from being at the far end of the same ZIP code as the bruhaha, but what happened on January 6 was no “insurrection,” and Republicans need to stop playing along with the Establishment talking point that it was.

The idea of an “insurrection” is to delegitimize all resistance to the garbage Establishment’s reign of error, and to play along is to give credence to its lie and to empower its propaganda.

You have done nothing wrong by rejecting the Establishment narrative. You have done nothing wrong by protesting what you see as a flawed election and a corrupt ruling class. You have a right to protest anything you want, and you don’t need their permission

They hype the happening because they want to make you afraid to speak up. They want to try to make it impossible for you to live in this society if you do not parrot the party line. They won’t say it that way. They will try to wrap themselves in the same flag they were calling a symbol of white supremacy last year to try to seize some sort of moral high ground and shut you up. Like they give a damn about the Constitution. This tiresome “insurrection” and “sedition” palaver is just a ham-handed attempt to turn 74 million Americans – almost none of whom wear Thor drag – into enemies of mom and apple pie, which is weird because they usually hate traditional family structures and non-kale foods.

John Nolte takes a look at the movie, "The Blues Brothers," and praises it for its freedom.....

Today, this movie could not be made.....and Dan Akroyd and John Belushi would have been fired and dropped by their agents.....this is the fascist way of life with the democrat party in control of our institutions....

Miss Trump yet?

Under the belief it was the movie that would most offend today’s Woketards, last week I wrote about the gloriously inappropriate and problematic Animal House (1978). Finding myself in a Belushi mood, a few days later, I watched his next hit, 1980’s The Blues Brothers, and quickly realized today’s Hitler Youth would hate this one even more — a whole lot more.

You have no idea how blessed I was to come of age in the 70s and 80s, two of the freest decades, not only in our country’s history but in world history. By 1970, Hollywood’s self-censoring Production Code had been dismantled, the great Norman Lear had pushed the boundaries of television with his masterpiece All in the Family, and suddenly nothing and no one was off-limits. There were no more sacred cows. No limits on satire. No protected groups.

And do you want to know the best part? Almost all the satire was good-natured. When a Carlin, Pryor, Lear, and Saturday Night Live took a shot at you, you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself — which is the healthiest of medicines for the human spirit.

This plot might sound simple, but the heresies committed herein against the Religion of Woke are almost too many to count…

I’ll do my best.

  1. A movie based entirely on cultural appropriation…
Jake and Elwood Blues are walking, talking, living, breathing sins of cultural appropriation — white guys who sing the blues. Woke heads would explode 20 minutes into this thing. But allow me to say this…

Cultural appropriation is, by any objective and moral measure, a good thing — a very good thing. The whole idea of America is culture appropriation or “out of many one” — which is our national motto (e pluribus unum). We should all be grabbing hold of the best from everyone else’s culture. On top of laughing at ourselves, cultural appropriation bridges differences and bring us together…

To keep us divided, however, the Hitler Youth of Woke have turned a moral and unifying thing into a sin.

  1. Faith in God and America…
There’s no irony or anything tongue-in-cheek about Jake and Elwood’s mission. While Aykroyd’s dry recitation of “We’re on a mission from God” is hilarious, the brothers truly believe this and, most importantly, so does the movie. Belushi is literally hit with the Holy Spirit in a Christian church (how could he not with James Brown preaching?).

Yes. Yes. Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ… I have seen the light!
And it is also during this moment where Elwood — and again without irony — expresses his love for America.

Reverend Cleophus James [Brown]: Praise God!
Elwood: And God bless the United States of America.
  1. Government is the villain…
Our heroes are out to save a Christian institution from being closed down by the government over property taxes.

  1. The glory of “insensitivity” reigns supreme…
There are fat jokes, sex slave jokes, and at one point, Jake impersonates an Arab trader. Ray Charles repeatedly fires a gun at a kid, Carrie Fisher looks sexy as hell posing with an assault rifle, women run around in bikinis, and people look cool smoking cigarettes.

  1. So much glorious “sexism”…
Carrie Fisher plays a crazed stalker, Aretha Franklin is a nagging wife, Twiggy is left outside a cheap motel waiting for Elwood…

That’s it. That’s all the women are allowed to do.

  1. Nazis played for laughs…
The Nazis, or to be more precise, the “Illinois Nazis” (led by the great Henry Gibson), are played entirely for laughs. This, of course, is the smartest and most effective way to marginalize Nazis — you turn them into a joke. But if this were done today, the cries of That’s not funny! would never cease.

Oh, and there’s even a gay Nazi.

I’ve always loved you.
And now we come to the movie’s most unforgivable act of Woke Heresy….

  1. Race is never mentioned… Not even once.
Although this is a movie populated with black and white characters and premised on the blues, never once is race raised as an issue. The Nazis aren’t even motivated by race. They’re just angry at the Blues Brothers for driving them off a bridge. The “rednecks” aren’t motivated by race. They’re angry over having their gig stolen. A centerpiece scene takes place in a honkytonk. Race is never mentioned.

Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country and western.
Throughout, we see blacks and whites sing, dance, argue, joke, travel, and perform together, all in a spirit of brotherhood.

Like Animal House, and despite its R-rating (only for the occasional F-word), The Blues Brothers is ultimately a very moral movie. This is a story about redemption, brotherhood, recognizing our shared humanity, ignoring skin color, thumbing your nose at authority, accepting responsibility, the futility of grudges, and pursuing a cause greater than self.

A that’s that’s total garbage. The blues brothers could be made today. The show that couldn’t is All in the Family. But that’s because trumpkins wouldn’t get that Archie is the joke
"Fascism" puts the state at the center of social and political life. Thus, patriotism and militarism are implicit.
John Nolte takes a look at the movie, "The Blues Brothers," and praises it for its freedom.....

Today, this movie could not be made.....and Dan Akroyd and John Belushi would have been fired and dropped by their agents.....this is the fascist way of life with the democrat party in control of our institutions....

Miss Trump yet?

Under the belief it was the movie that would most offend today’s Woketards, last week I wrote about the gloriously inappropriate and problematic Animal House (1978). Finding myself in a Belushi mood, a few days later, I watched his next hit, 1980’s The Blues Brothers, and quickly realized today’s Hitler Youth would hate this one even more — a whole lot more.

You have no idea how blessed I was to come of age in the 70s and 80s, two of the freest decades, not only in our country’s history but in world history. By 1970, Hollywood’s self-censoring Production Code had been dismantled, the great Norman Lear had pushed the boundaries of television with his masterpiece All in the Family, and suddenly nothing and no one was off-limits. There were no more sacred cows. No limits on satire. No protected groups.

And do you want to know the best part? Almost all the satire was good-natured. When a Carlin, Pryor, Lear, and Saturday Night Live took a shot at you, you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself — which is the healthiest of medicines for the human spirit.

This plot might sound simple, but the heresies committed herein against the Religion of Woke are almost too many to count…

I’ll do my best.

  1. A movie based entirely on cultural appropriation…
Jake and Elwood Blues are walking, talking, living, breathing sins of cultural appropriation — white guys who sing the blues. Woke heads would explode 20 minutes into this thing. But allow me to say this…

Cultural appropriation is, by any objective and moral measure, a good thing — a very good thing. The whole idea of America is culture appropriation or “out of many one” — which is our national motto (e pluribus unum). We should all be grabbing hold of the best from everyone else’s culture. On top of laughing at ourselves, cultural appropriation bridges differences and bring us together…

To keep us divided, however, the Hitler Youth of Woke have turned a moral and unifying thing into a sin.

  1. Faith in God and America…
There’s no irony or anything tongue-in-cheek about Jake and Elwood’s mission. While Aykroyd’s dry recitation of “We’re on a mission from God” is hilarious, the brothers truly believe this and, most importantly, so does the movie. Belushi is literally hit with the Holy Spirit in a Christian church (how could he not with James Brown preaching?).

Yes. Yes. Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ… I have seen the light!
And it is also during this moment where Elwood — and again without irony — expresses his love for America.

Reverend Cleophus James [Brown]: Praise God!
Elwood: And God bless the United States of America.
  1. Government is the villain…
Our heroes are out to save a Christian institution from being closed down by the government over property taxes.

  1. The glory of “insensitivity” reigns supreme…
There are fat jokes, sex slave jokes, and at one point, Jake impersonates an Arab trader. Ray Charles repeatedly fires a gun at a kid, Carrie Fisher looks sexy as hell posing with an assault rifle, women run around in bikinis, and people look cool smoking cigarettes.

  1. So much glorious “sexism”…
Carrie Fisher plays a crazed stalker, Aretha Franklin is a nagging wife, Twiggy is left outside a cheap motel waiting for Elwood…

That’s it. That’s all the women are allowed to do.

  1. Nazis played for laughs…
The Nazis, or to be more precise, the “Illinois Nazis” (led by the great Henry Gibson), are played entirely for laughs. This, of course, is the smartest and most effective way to marginalize Nazis — you turn them into a joke. But if this were done today, the cries of That’s not funny! would never cease.

Oh, and there’s even a gay Nazi.

I’ve always loved you.
And now we come to the movie’s most unforgivable act of Woke Heresy….

  1. Race is never mentioned… Not even once.
Although this is a movie populated with black and white characters and premised on the blues, never once is race raised as an issue. The Nazis aren’t even motivated by race. They’re just angry at the Blues Brothers for driving them off a bridge. The “rednecks” aren’t motivated by race. They’re angry over having their gig stolen. A centerpiece scene takes place in a honkytonk. Race is never mentioned.

Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country and western.
Throughout, we see blacks and whites sing, dance, argue, joke, travel, and perform together, all in a spirit of brotherhood.

Like Animal House, and despite its R-rating (only for the occasional F-word), The Blues Brothers is ultimately a very moral movie. This is a story about redemption, brotherhood, recognizing our shared humanity, ignoring skin color, thumbing your nose at authority, accepting responsibility, the futility of grudges, and pursuing a cause greater than self.

A that’s that’s total garbage. The blues brothers could be made today. The show that couldn’t is All in the Family. But that’s because trumpkins wouldn’t get that Archie is the joke

Did you read the column....did you see the list of things that are in that movie....

There is no way the democrats in Hollywood would make that movie...
"Fascism" puts the state at the center of social and political life. Thus, patriotism and militarism are implicit.


Patriotism and the military are neutral.....it is how they are used that makes them good or evil....when left wingers are in charge of the government they become evil.
John Nolte takes a look at the movie, "The Blues Brothers," and praises it for its freedom.....

Today, this movie could not be made.....and Dan Akroyd and John Belushi would have been fired and dropped by their agents.....this is the fascist way of life with the democrat party in control of our institutions....

Miss Trump yet?

Under the belief it was the movie that would most offend today’s Woketards, last week I wrote about the gloriously inappropriate and problematic Animal House (1978). Finding myself in a Belushi mood, a few days later, I watched his next hit, 1980’s The Blues Brothers, and quickly realized today’s Hitler Youth would hate this one even more — a whole lot more.

You have no idea how blessed I was to come of age in the 70s and 80s, two of the freest decades, not only in our country’s history but in world history. By 1970, Hollywood’s self-censoring Production Code had been dismantled, the great Norman Lear had pushed the boundaries of television with his masterpiece All in the Family, and suddenly nothing and no one was off-limits. There were no more sacred cows. No limits on satire. No protected groups.

And do you want to know the best part? Almost all the satire was good-natured. When a Carlin, Pryor, Lear, and Saturday Night Live took a shot at you, you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself — which is the healthiest of medicines for the human spirit.

This plot might sound simple, but the heresies committed herein against the Religion of Woke are almost too many to count…

I’ll do my best.

  1. A movie based entirely on cultural appropriation…
Jake and Elwood Blues are walking, talking, living, breathing sins of cultural appropriation — white guys who sing the blues. Woke heads would explode 20 minutes into this thing. But allow me to say this…

Cultural appropriation is, by any objective and moral measure, a good thing — a very good thing. The whole idea of America is culture appropriation or “out of many one” — which is our national motto (e pluribus unum). We should all be grabbing hold of the best from everyone else’s culture. On top of laughing at ourselves, cultural appropriation bridges differences and bring us together…

To keep us divided, however, the Hitler Youth of Woke have turned a moral and unifying thing into a sin.

  1. Faith in God and America…
There’s no irony or anything tongue-in-cheek about Jake and Elwood’s mission. While Aykroyd’s dry recitation of “We’re on a mission from God” is hilarious, the brothers truly believe this and, most importantly, so does the movie. Belushi is literally hit with the Holy Spirit in a Christian church (how could he not with James Brown preaching?).

Yes. Yes. Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ… I have seen the light!
And it is also during this moment where Elwood — and again without irony — expresses his love for America.

Reverend Cleophus James [Brown]: Praise God!
Elwood: And God bless the United States of America.
  1. Government is the villain…
Our heroes are out to save a Christian institution from being closed down by the government over property taxes.

  1. The glory of “insensitivity” reigns supreme…
There are fat jokes, sex slave jokes, and at one point, Jake impersonates an Arab trader. Ray Charles repeatedly fires a gun at a kid, Carrie Fisher looks sexy as hell posing with an assault rifle, women run around in bikinis, and people look cool smoking cigarettes.

  1. So much glorious “sexism”…
Carrie Fisher plays a crazed stalker, Aretha Franklin is a nagging wife, Twiggy is left outside a cheap motel waiting for Elwood…

That’s it. That’s all the women are allowed to do.

  1. Nazis played for laughs…
The Nazis, or to be more precise, the “Illinois Nazis” (led by the great Henry Gibson), are played entirely for laughs. This, of course, is the smartest and most effective way to marginalize Nazis — you turn them into a joke. But if this were done today, the cries of That’s not funny! would never cease.

Oh, and there’s even a gay Nazi.

I’ve always loved you.
And now we come to the movie’s most unforgivable act of Woke Heresy….

  1. Race is never mentioned… Not even once.
Although this is a movie populated with black and white characters and premised on the blues, never once is race raised as an issue. The Nazis aren’t even motivated by race. They’re just angry at the Blues Brothers for driving them off a bridge. The “rednecks” aren’t motivated by race. They’re angry over having their gig stolen. A centerpiece scene takes place in a honkytonk. Race is never mentioned.

Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country and western.
Throughout, we see blacks and whites sing, dance, argue, joke, travel, and perform together, all in a spirit of brotherhood.

Like Animal House, and despite its R-rating (only for the occasional F-word), The Blues Brothers is ultimately a very moral movie. This is a story about redemption, brotherhood, recognizing our shared humanity, ignoring skin color, thumbing your nose at authority, accepting responsibility, the futility of grudges, and pursuing a cause greater than self.

A that’s that’s total garbage. The blues brothers could be made today. The show that couldn’t is All in the Family. But that’s because trumpkins wouldn’t get that Archie is the joke

100% correct.

The dumbfuck OP has never heard of Hairspray.
John Nolte takes a look at the movie, "The Blues Brothers," and praises it for its freedom.....

Today, this movie could not be made.....and Dan Akroyd and John Belushi would have been fired and dropped by their agents.....this is the fascist way of life with the democrat party in control of our institutions....

Miss Trump yet?

Under the belief it was the movie that would most offend today’s Woketards, last week I wrote about the gloriously inappropriate and problematic Animal House (1978). Finding myself in a Belushi mood, a few days later, I watched his next hit, 1980’s The Blues Brothers, and quickly realized today’s Hitler Youth would hate this one even more — a whole lot more.

You have no idea how blessed I was to come of age in the 70s and 80s, two of the freest decades, not only in our country’s history but in world history. By 1970, Hollywood’s self-censoring Production Code had been dismantled, the great Norman Lear had pushed the boundaries of television with his masterpiece All in the Family, and suddenly nothing and no one was off-limits. There were no more sacred cows. No limits on satire. No protected groups.

And do you want to know the best part? Almost all the satire was good-natured. When a Carlin, Pryor, Lear, and Saturday Night Live took a shot at you, you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself — which is the healthiest of medicines for the human spirit.

This plot might sound simple, but the heresies committed herein against the Religion of Woke are almost too many to count…

I’ll do my best.

  1. A movie based entirely on cultural appropriation…
Jake and Elwood Blues are walking, talking, living, breathing sins of cultural appropriation — white guys who sing the blues. Woke heads would explode 20 minutes into this thing. But allow me to say this…

Cultural appropriation is, by any objective and moral measure, a good thing — a very good thing. The whole idea of America is culture appropriation or “out of many one” — which is our national motto (e pluribus unum). We should all be grabbing hold of the best from everyone else’s culture. On top of laughing at ourselves, cultural appropriation bridges differences and bring us together…

To keep us divided, however, the Hitler Youth of Woke have turned a moral and unifying thing into a sin.

  1. Faith in God and America…
There’s no irony or anything tongue-in-cheek about Jake and Elwood’s mission. While Aykroyd’s dry recitation of “We’re on a mission from God” is hilarious, the brothers truly believe this and, most importantly, so does the movie. Belushi is literally hit with the Holy Spirit in a Christian church (how could he not with James Brown preaching?).

Yes. Yes. Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ… I have seen the light!
And it is also during this moment where Elwood — and again without irony — expresses his love for America.

Reverend Cleophus James [Brown]: Praise God!
Elwood: And God bless the United States of America.
  1. Government is the villain…
Our heroes are out to save a Christian institution from being closed down by the government over property taxes.

  1. The glory of “insensitivity” reigns supreme…
There are fat jokes, sex slave jokes, and at one point, Jake impersonates an Arab trader. Ray Charles repeatedly fires a gun at a kid, Carrie Fisher looks sexy as hell posing with an assault rifle, women run around in bikinis, and people look cool smoking cigarettes.

  1. So much glorious “sexism”…
Carrie Fisher plays a crazed stalker, Aretha Franklin is a nagging wife, Twiggy is left outside a cheap motel waiting for Elwood…

That’s it. That’s all the women are allowed to do.

  1. Nazis played for laughs…
The Nazis, or to be more precise, the “Illinois Nazis” (led by the great Henry Gibson), are played entirely for laughs. This, of course, is the smartest and most effective way to marginalize Nazis — you turn them into a joke. But if this were done today, the cries of That’s not funny! would never cease.

Oh, and there’s even a gay Nazi.

I’ve always loved you.
And now we come to the movie’s most unforgivable act of Woke Heresy….

  1. Race is never mentioned… Not even once.
Although this is a movie populated with black and white characters and premised on the blues, never once is race raised as an issue. The Nazis aren’t even motivated by race. They’re just angry at the Blues Brothers for driving them off a bridge. The “rednecks” aren’t motivated by race. They’re angry over having their gig stolen. A centerpiece scene takes place in a honkytonk. Race is never mentioned.

Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country and western.
Throughout, we see blacks and whites sing, dance, argue, joke, travel, and perform together, all in a spirit of brotherhood.

Like Animal House, and despite its R-rating (only for the occasional F-word), The Blues Brothers is ultimately a very moral movie. This is a story about redemption, brotherhood, recognizing our shared humanity, ignoring skin color, thumbing your nose at authority, accepting responsibility, the futility of grudges, and pursuing a cause greater than self.

A that’s that’s total garbage. The blues brothers could be made today. The show that couldn’t is All in the Family. But that’s because trumpkins wouldn’t get that Archie is the joke

100% correct.

The dumbfuck OP has never heard of Hairspray.

Moron...it is likely they couldn't do Hairspray today.........the LGBTQZE #FS fascists would ban it too.......

They are trying to cancel the Musical "Grease," you dumb ass..
John Nolte takes a look at the movie, "The Blues Brothers," and praises it for its freedom.....

Today, this movie could not be made.....and Dan Akroyd and John Belushi would have been fired and dropped by their agents.....this is the fascist way of life with the democrat party in control of our institutions....

Miss Trump yet?

Under the belief it was the movie that would most offend today’s Woketards, last week I wrote about the gloriously inappropriate and problematic Animal House (1978). Finding myself in a Belushi mood, a few days later, I watched his next hit, 1980’s The Blues Brothers, and quickly realized today’s Hitler Youth would hate this one even more — a whole lot more.

You have no idea how blessed I was to come of age in the 70s and 80s, two of the freest decades, not only in our country’s history but in world history. By 1970, Hollywood’s self-censoring Production Code had been dismantled, the great Norman Lear had pushed the boundaries of television with his masterpiece All in the Family, and suddenly nothing and no one was off-limits. There were no more sacred cows. No limits on satire. No protected groups.

And do you want to know the best part? Almost all the satire was good-natured. When a Carlin, Pryor, Lear, and Saturday Night Live took a shot at you, you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself — which is the healthiest of medicines for the human spirit.

This plot might sound simple, but the heresies committed herein against the Religion of Woke are almost too many to count…

I’ll do my best.

  1. A movie based entirely on cultural appropriation…
Jake and Elwood Blues are walking, talking, living, breathing sins of cultural appropriation — white guys who sing the blues. Woke heads would explode 20 minutes into this thing. But allow me to say this…

Cultural appropriation is, by any objective and moral measure, a good thing — a very good thing. The whole idea of America is culture appropriation or “out of many one” — which is our national motto (e pluribus unum). We should all be grabbing hold of the best from everyone else’s culture. On top of laughing at ourselves, cultural appropriation bridges differences and bring us together…

To keep us divided, however, the Hitler Youth of Woke have turned a moral and unifying thing into a sin.

  1. Faith in God and America…
There’s no irony or anything tongue-in-cheek about Jake and Elwood’s mission. While Aykroyd’s dry recitation of “We’re on a mission from God” is hilarious, the brothers truly believe this and, most importantly, so does the movie. Belushi is literally hit with the Holy Spirit in a Christian church (how could he not with James Brown preaching?).

Yes. Yes. Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ… I have seen the light!
And it is also during this moment where Elwood — and again without irony — expresses his love for America.

Reverend Cleophus James [Brown]: Praise God!
Elwood: And God bless the United States of America.
  1. Government is the villain…
Our heroes are out to save a Christian institution from being closed down by the government over property taxes.

  1. The glory of “insensitivity” reigns supreme…
There are fat jokes, sex slave jokes, and at one point, Jake impersonates an Arab trader. Ray Charles repeatedly fires a gun at a kid, Carrie Fisher looks sexy as hell posing with an assault rifle, women run around in bikinis, and people look cool smoking cigarettes.

  1. So much glorious “sexism”…
Carrie Fisher plays a crazed stalker, Aretha Franklin is a nagging wife, Twiggy is left outside a cheap motel waiting for Elwood…

That’s it. That’s all the women are allowed to do.

  1. Nazis played for laughs…
The Nazis, or to be more precise, the “Illinois Nazis” (led by the great Henry Gibson), are played entirely for laughs. This, of course, is the smartest and most effective way to marginalize Nazis — you turn them into a joke. But if this were done today, the cries of That’s not funny! would never cease.

Oh, and there’s even a gay Nazi.

I’ve always loved you.
And now we come to the movie’s most unforgivable act of Woke Heresy….

  1. Race is never mentioned… Not even once.
Although this is a movie populated with black and white characters and premised on the blues, never once is race raised as an issue. The Nazis aren’t even motivated by race. They’re just angry at the Blues Brothers for driving them off a bridge. The “rednecks” aren’t motivated by race. They’re angry over having their gig stolen. A centerpiece scene takes place in a honkytonk. Race is never mentioned.

Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country and western.
Throughout, we see blacks and whites sing, dance, argue, joke, travel, and perform together, all in a spirit of brotherhood.

Like Animal House, and despite its R-rating (only for the occasional F-word), The Blues Brothers is ultimately a very moral movie. This is a story about redemption, brotherhood, recognizing our shared humanity, ignoring skin color, thumbing your nose at authority, accepting responsibility, the futility of grudges, and pursuing a cause greater than self.

A that’s that’s total garbage. The blues brothers could be made today. The show that couldn’t is All in the Family. But that’s because trumpkins wouldn’t get that Archie is the joke
All in the Family wouldn't get made..because it is ultimately about reconciliation between the races and the generations. That flavor ain't popular these days.
The Blues Brothers gives full credit where credit is due...do you think Aretha would have appeared otherwise?

As a musician..I'll tell ya that I've never seen any issue between the races and the Blues.

Cultural appropriation is the use of unique cultural contributions without acknowledgement as to their provenance. Blues musicians are totally aware of where the Blues originated...and Jazz...and Early rock.

Last edited:
John Nolte takes a look at the movie, "The Blues Brothers," and praises it for its freedom.....

Today, this movie could not be made.....and Dan Akroyd and John Belushi would have been fired and dropped by their agents.....this is the fascist way of life with the democrat party in control of our institutions....

Miss Trump yet?

Under the belief it was the movie that would most offend today’s Woketards, last week I wrote about the gloriously inappropriate and problematic Animal House (1978). Finding myself in a Belushi mood, a few days later, I watched his next hit, 1980’s The Blues Brothers, and quickly realized today’s Hitler Youth would hate this one even more — a whole lot more.

You have no idea how blessed I was to come of age in the 70s and 80s, two of the freest decades, not only in our country’s history but in world history. By 1970, Hollywood’s self-censoring Production Code had been dismantled, the great Norman Lear had pushed the boundaries of television with his masterpiece All in the Family, and suddenly nothing and no one was off-limits. There were no more sacred cows. No limits on satire. No protected groups.

And do you want to know the best part? Almost all the satire was good-natured. When a Carlin, Pryor, Lear, and Saturday Night Live took a shot at you, you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself — which is the healthiest of medicines for the human spirit.

This plot might sound simple, but the heresies committed herein against the Religion of Woke are almost too many to count…

I’ll do my best.

  1. A movie based entirely on cultural appropriation…
Jake and Elwood Blues are walking, talking, living, breathing sins of cultural appropriation — white guys who sing the blues. Woke heads would explode 20 minutes into this thing. But allow me to say this…

Cultural appropriation is, by any objective and moral measure, a good thing — a very good thing. The whole idea of America is culture appropriation or “out of many one” — which is our national motto (e pluribus unum). We should all be grabbing hold of the best from everyone else’s culture. On top of laughing at ourselves, cultural appropriation bridges differences and bring us together…

To keep us divided, however, the Hitler Youth of Woke have turned a moral and unifying thing into a sin.

  1. Faith in God and America…
There’s no irony or anything tongue-in-cheek about Jake and Elwood’s mission. While Aykroyd’s dry recitation of “We’re on a mission from God” is hilarious, the brothers truly believe this and, most importantly, so does the movie. Belushi is literally hit with the Holy Spirit in a Christian church (how could he not with James Brown preaching?).

Yes. Yes. Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ… I have seen the light!
And it is also during this moment where Elwood — and again without irony — expresses his love for America.

Reverend Cleophus James [Brown]: Praise God!
Elwood: And God bless the United States of America.
  1. Government is the villain…
Our heroes are out to save a Christian institution from being closed down by the government over property taxes.

  1. The glory of “insensitivity” reigns supreme…
There are fat jokes, sex slave jokes, and at one point, Jake impersonates an Arab trader. Ray Charles repeatedly fires a gun at a kid, Carrie Fisher looks sexy as hell posing with an assault rifle, women run around in bikinis, and people look cool smoking cigarettes.

  1. So much glorious “sexism”…
Carrie Fisher plays a crazed stalker, Aretha Franklin is a nagging wife, Twiggy is left outside a cheap motel waiting for Elwood…

That’s it. That’s all the women are allowed to do.

  1. Nazis played for laughs…
The Nazis, or to be more precise, the “Illinois Nazis” (led by the great Henry Gibson), are played entirely for laughs. This, of course, is the smartest and most effective way to marginalize Nazis — you turn them into a joke. But if this were done today, the cries of That’s not funny! would never cease.

Oh, and there’s even a gay Nazi.

I’ve always loved you.
And now we come to the movie’s most unforgivable act of Woke Heresy….

  1. Race is never mentioned… Not even once.
Although this is a movie populated with black and white characters and premised on the blues, never once is race raised as an issue. The Nazis aren’t even motivated by race. They’re just angry at the Blues Brothers for driving them off a bridge. The “rednecks” aren’t motivated by race. They’re angry over having their gig stolen. A centerpiece scene takes place in a honkytonk. Race is never mentioned.

Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country and western.
Throughout, we see blacks and whites sing, dance, argue, joke, travel, and perform together, all in a spirit of brotherhood.

Like Animal House, and despite its R-rating (only for the occasional F-word), The Blues Brothers is ultimately a very moral movie. This is a story about redemption, brotherhood, recognizing our shared humanity, ignoring skin color, thumbing your nose at authority, accepting responsibility, the futility of grudges, and pursuing a cause greater than self.

Blazing Saddles
John Nolte takes a look at the movie, "The Blues Brothers," and praises it for its freedom.....

Today, this movie could not be made.....and Dan Akroyd and John Belushi would have been fired and dropped by their agents.....this is the fascist way of life with the democrat party in control of our institutions....

Miss Trump yet?

Under the belief it was the movie that would most offend today’s Woketards, last week I wrote about the gloriously inappropriate and problematic Animal House (1978). Finding myself in a Belushi mood, a few days later, I watched his next hit, 1980’s The Blues Brothers, and quickly realized today’s Hitler Youth would hate this one even more — a whole lot more.

You have no idea how blessed I was to come of age in the 70s and 80s, two of the freest decades, not only in our country’s history but in world history. By 1970, Hollywood’s self-censoring Production Code had been dismantled, the great Norman Lear had pushed the boundaries of television with his masterpiece All in the Family, and suddenly nothing and no one was off-limits. There were no more sacred cows. No limits on satire. No protected groups.

And do you want to know the best part? Almost all the satire was good-natured. When a Carlin, Pryor, Lear, and Saturday Night Live took a shot at you, you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself — which is the healthiest of medicines for the human spirit.

This plot might sound simple, but the heresies committed herein against the Religion of Woke are almost too many to count…

I’ll do my best.

  1. A movie based entirely on cultural appropriation…
Jake and Elwood Blues are walking, talking, living, breathing sins of cultural appropriation — white guys who sing the blues. Woke heads would explode 20 minutes into this thing. But allow me to say this…

Cultural appropriation is, by any objective and moral measure, a good thing — a very good thing. The whole idea of America is culture appropriation or “out of many one” — which is our national motto (e pluribus unum). We should all be grabbing hold of the best from everyone else’s culture. On top of laughing at ourselves, cultural appropriation bridges differences and bring us together…

To keep us divided, however, the Hitler Youth of Woke have turned a moral and unifying thing into a sin.

  1. Faith in God and America…
There’s no irony or anything tongue-in-cheek about Jake and Elwood’s mission. While Aykroyd’s dry recitation of “We’re on a mission from God” is hilarious, the brothers truly believe this and, most importantly, so does the movie. Belushi is literally hit with the Holy Spirit in a Christian church (how could he not with James Brown preaching?).

Yes. Yes. Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ… I have seen the light!
And it is also during this moment where Elwood — and again without irony — expresses his love for America.

Reverend Cleophus James [Brown]: Praise God!
Elwood: And God bless the United States of America.
  1. Government is the villain…
Our heroes are out to save a Christian institution from being closed down by the government over property taxes.

  1. The glory of “insensitivity” reigns supreme…
There are fat jokes, sex slave jokes, and at one point, Jake impersonates an Arab trader. Ray Charles repeatedly fires a gun at a kid, Carrie Fisher looks sexy as hell posing with an assault rifle, women run around in bikinis, and people look cool smoking cigarettes.

  1. So much glorious “sexism”…
Carrie Fisher plays a crazed stalker, Aretha Franklin is a nagging wife, Twiggy is left outside a cheap motel waiting for Elwood…

That’s it. That’s all the women are allowed to do.

  1. Nazis played for laughs…
The Nazis, or to be more precise, the “Illinois Nazis” (led by the great Henry Gibson), are played entirely for laughs. This, of course, is the smartest and most effective way to marginalize Nazis — you turn them into a joke. But if this were done today, the cries of That’s not funny! would never cease.

Oh, and there’s even a gay Nazi.

I’ve always loved you.
And now we come to the movie’s most unforgivable act of Woke Heresy….

  1. Race is never mentioned… Not even once.
Although this is a movie populated with black and white characters and premised on the blues, never once is race raised as an issue. The Nazis aren’t even motivated by race. They’re just angry at the Blues Brothers for driving them off a bridge. The “rednecks” aren’t motivated by race. They’re angry over having their gig stolen. A centerpiece scene takes place in a honkytonk. Race is never mentioned.

Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country and western.
Throughout, we see blacks and whites sing, dance, argue, joke, travel, and perform together, all in a spirit of brotherhood.

Like Animal House, and despite its R-rating (only for the occasional F-word), The Blues Brothers is ultimately a very moral movie. This is a story about redemption, brotherhood, recognizing our shared humanity, ignoring skin color, thumbing your nose at authority, accepting responsibility, the futility of grudges, and pursuing a cause greater than self.


Blazing Saddles

....on a mission from God.
John Nolte takes a look at the movie, "The Blues Brothers," and praises it for its freedom.....

Today, this movie could not be made.....and Dan Akroyd and John Belushi would have been fired and dropped by their agents.....this is the fascist way of life with the democrat party in control of our institutions....

Miss Trump yet?

Under the belief it was the movie that would most offend today’s Woketards, last week I wrote about the gloriously inappropriate and problematic Animal House (1978). Finding myself in a Belushi mood, a few days later, I watched his next hit, 1980’s The Blues Brothers, and quickly realized today’s Hitler Youth would hate this one even more — a whole lot more.

You have no idea how blessed I was to come of age in the 70s and 80s, two of the freest decades, not only in our country’s history but in world history. By 1970, Hollywood’s self-censoring Production Code had been dismantled, the great Norman Lear had pushed the boundaries of television with his masterpiece All in the Family, and suddenly nothing and no one was off-limits. There were no more sacred cows. No limits on satire. No protected groups.

And do you want to know the best part? Almost all the satire was good-natured. When a Carlin, Pryor, Lear, and Saturday Night Live took a shot at you, you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself — which is the healthiest of medicines for the human spirit.

This plot might sound simple, but the heresies committed herein against the Religion of Woke are almost too many to count…

I’ll do my best.

  1. A movie based entirely on cultural appropriation…
Jake and Elwood Blues are walking, talking, living, breathing sins of cultural appropriation — white guys who sing the blues. Woke heads would explode 20 minutes into this thing. But allow me to say this…

Cultural appropriation is, by any objective and moral measure, a good thing — a very good thing. The whole idea of America is culture appropriation or “out of many one” — which is our national motto (e pluribus unum). We should all be grabbing hold of the best from everyone else’s culture. On top of laughing at ourselves, cultural appropriation bridges differences and bring us together…

To keep us divided, however, the Hitler Youth of Woke have turned a moral and unifying thing into a sin.

  1. Faith in God and America…
There’s no irony or anything tongue-in-cheek about Jake and Elwood’s mission. While Aykroyd’s dry recitation of “We’re on a mission from God” is hilarious, the brothers truly believe this and, most importantly, so does the movie. Belushi is literally hit with the Holy Spirit in a Christian church (how could he not with James Brown preaching?).

Yes. Yes. Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ… I have seen the light!
And it is also during this moment where Elwood — and again without irony — expresses his love for America.

Reverend Cleophus James [Brown]: Praise God!
Elwood: And God bless the United States of America.
  1. Government is the villain…
Our heroes are out to save a Christian institution from being closed down by the government over property taxes.

  1. The glory of “insensitivity” reigns supreme…
There are fat jokes, sex slave jokes, and at one point, Jake impersonates an Arab trader. Ray Charles repeatedly fires a gun at a kid, Carrie Fisher looks sexy as hell posing with an assault rifle, women run around in bikinis, and people look cool smoking cigarettes.

  1. So much glorious “sexism”…
Carrie Fisher plays a crazed stalker, Aretha Franklin is a nagging wife, Twiggy is left outside a cheap motel waiting for Elwood…

That’s it. That’s all the women are allowed to do.

  1. Nazis played for laughs…
The Nazis, or to be more precise, the “Illinois Nazis” (led by the great Henry Gibson), are played entirely for laughs. This, of course, is the smartest and most effective way to marginalize Nazis — you turn them into a joke. But if this were done today, the cries of That’s not funny! would never cease.

Oh, and there’s even a gay Nazi.

I’ve always loved you.
And now we come to the movie’s most unforgivable act of Woke Heresy….

  1. Race is never mentioned… Not even once.
Although this is a movie populated with black and white characters and premised on the blues, never once is race raised as an issue. The Nazis aren’t even motivated by race. They’re just angry at the Blues Brothers for driving them off a bridge. The “rednecks” aren’t motivated by race. They’re angry over having their gig stolen. A centerpiece scene takes place in a honkytonk. Race is never mentioned.

Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country and western.
Throughout, we see blacks and whites sing, dance, argue, joke, travel, and perform together, all in a spirit of brotherhood.

Like Animal House, and despite its R-rating (only for the occasional F-word), The Blues Brothers is ultimately a very moral movie. This is a story about redemption, brotherhood, recognizing our shared humanity, ignoring skin color, thumbing your nose at authority, accepting responsibility, the futility of grudges, and pursuing a cause greater than self.

A that’s that’s total garbage. The blues brothers could be made today. The show that couldn’t is All in the Family. But that’s because trumpkins wouldn’t get that Archie is the joke

100% correct.

The dumbfuck OP has never heard of Hairspray.

Moron...it is likely they couldn't do Hairspray today.........the LGBTQZE #FS fascists would ban it too.......

They are trying to cancel the Musical "Grease," you dumb ass..

Meanwhile back in reality, the cruise I'm taking has Hairspray and Jersey Boys playing every night of the 7 night voyage.

You speak from a position of extreme ignorance as always.
John Nolte takes a look at the movie, "The Blues Brothers," and praises it for its freedom.....

Today, this movie could not be made.....and Dan Akroyd and John Belushi would have been fired and dropped by their agents.....this is the fascist way of life with the democrat party in control of our institutions....

Miss Trump yet?

Under the belief it was the movie that would most offend today’s Woketards, last week I wrote about the gloriously inappropriate and problematic Animal House (1978). Finding myself in a Belushi mood, a few days later, I watched his next hit, 1980’s The Blues Brothers, and quickly realized today’s Hitler Youth would hate this one even more — a whole lot more.

You have no idea how blessed I was to come of age in the 70s and 80s, two of the freest decades, not only in our country’s history but in world history. By 1970, Hollywood’s self-censoring Production Code had been dismantled, the great Norman Lear had pushed the boundaries of television with his masterpiece All in the Family, and suddenly nothing and no one was off-limits. There were no more sacred cows. No limits on satire. No protected groups.

And do you want to know the best part? Almost all the satire was good-natured. When a Carlin, Pryor, Lear, and Saturday Night Live took a shot at you, you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself — which is the healthiest of medicines for the human spirit.

This plot might sound simple, but the heresies committed herein against the Religion of Woke are almost too many to count…

I’ll do my best.

  1. A movie based entirely on cultural appropriation…
Jake and Elwood Blues are walking, talking, living, breathing sins of cultural appropriation — white guys who sing the blues. Woke heads would explode 20 minutes into this thing. But allow me to say this…

Cultural appropriation is, by any objective and moral measure, a good thing — a very good thing. The whole idea of America is culture appropriation or “out of many one” — which is our national motto (e pluribus unum). We should all be grabbing hold of the best from everyone else’s culture. On top of laughing at ourselves, cultural appropriation bridges differences and bring us together…

To keep us divided, however, the Hitler Youth of Woke have turned a moral and unifying thing into a sin.

  1. Faith in God and America…
There’s no irony or anything tongue-in-cheek about Jake and Elwood’s mission. While Aykroyd’s dry recitation of “We’re on a mission from God” is hilarious, the brothers truly believe this and, most importantly, so does the movie. Belushi is literally hit with the Holy Spirit in a Christian church (how could he not with James Brown preaching?).

Yes. Yes. Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ… I have seen the light!
And it is also during this moment where Elwood — and again without irony — expresses his love for America.

Reverend Cleophus James [Brown]: Praise God!
Elwood: And God bless the United States of America.
  1. Government is the villain…
Our heroes are out to save a Christian institution from being closed down by the government over property taxes.

  1. The glory of “insensitivity” reigns supreme…
There are fat jokes, sex slave jokes, and at one point, Jake impersonates an Arab trader. Ray Charles repeatedly fires a gun at a kid, Carrie Fisher looks sexy as hell posing with an assault rifle, women run around in bikinis, and people look cool smoking cigarettes.

  1. So much glorious “sexism”…
Carrie Fisher plays a crazed stalker, Aretha Franklin is a nagging wife, Twiggy is left outside a cheap motel waiting for Elwood…

That’s it. That’s all the women are allowed to do.

  1. Nazis played for laughs…
The Nazis, or to be more precise, the “Illinois Nazis” (led by the great Henry Gibson), are played entirely for laughs. This, of course, is the smartest and most effective way to marginalize Nazis — you turn them into a joke. But if this were done today, the cries of That’s not funny! would never cease.

Oh, and there’s even a gay Nazi.

I’ve always loved you.
And now we come to the movie’s most unforgivable act of Woke Heresy….

  1. Race is never mentioned… Not even once.
Although this is a movie populated with black and white characters and premised on the blues, never once is race raised as an issue. The Nazis aren’t even motivated by race. They’re just angry at the Blues Brothers for driving them off a bridge. The “rednecks” aren’t motivated by race. They’re angry over having their gig stolen. A centerpiece scene takes place in a honkytonk. Race is never mentioned.

Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here?
Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country and western.
Throughout, we see blacks and whites sing, dance, argue, joke, travel, and perform together, all in a spirit of brotherhood.

Like Animal House, and despite its R-rating (only for the occasional F-word), The Blues Brothers is ultimately a very moral movie. This is a story about redemption, brotherhood, recognizing our shared humanity, ignoring skin color, thumbing your nose at authority, accepting responsibility, the futility of grudges, and pursuing a cause greater than self.

A that’s that’s total garbage. The blues brothers could be made today. The show that couldn’t is All in the Family. But that’s because trumpkins wouldn’t get that Archie is the joke

100% correct.

The dumbfuck OP has never heard of Hairspray.

Moron...it is likely they couldn't do Hairspray today.........the LGBTQZE #FS fascists would ban it too.......

They are trying to cancel the Musical "Grease," you dumb ass..

Meanwhile back in reality, the cruise I'm taking has Hairspray and Jersey Boys playing every night of the 7 night voyage.

You speak from a position of extreme ignorance as always.

I just love the song......and you are a clown.

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