To American conservative Christian brothers. Let’s not be the party of anger and resentment like BLM is

Morality comes from our sympathy/empathy with others. The less the 'other' is like us, the less 'moral' we act towards them.

With abortion, we are talking about a spectrum, with no clear dividing points.

So, a real hard-core anti-abortion person believes that once a sperm touches an egg, or perhaps a few minutes thereafter, that's a full-fledged human being.

A real hard-core pro-abortionist would say that a woman has the right to kill her baby, even if it's one hour away from coming out of the womb.

Most people are in between. The more that sperm-in-an-egg starts to resemble a person, the more reluctant we get to kill it. (Leaving aside Nazi types who would cooly kill any human they thought 'unworthy of life'.)

So most of us pick a time -- 16 weeks? -- and draw a line there. But of course it's arbitrary. And, if the baby is severely deformed, if the baby will clearly not live long outside the womb, we are less uneasy about killing it.

But ... it's like the death penalty. It may be necessary, or at least 'just' in some circumstances, but it undermines something we would like to make paramount in society: the sacredness of human life.

Americans are lucky to have a partial answer to this dilemma (as well as to the question of the death penalty): let the people in each state choose. If you don't like their choice, try to change their minds, and if that looks hopeless, move.

The more we separate into wholly 'Red' states and wholly 'Blue' states, the less conflict we will have over these issues.
Morality comes from our sympathy/empathy with others. The less the 'other' is like us, the less 'moral' we act towards them.

With abortion, we are talking about a spectrum, with no clear dividing points.

So, a real hard-core anti-abortion person believes that once a sperm touches an egg, or perhaps a few minutes thereafter, that's a full-fledged human being.

A real hard-core pro-abortionist would say that a woman has the right to kill her baby, even if it's one hour away from coming out of the womb.

Except that never happens. Nobody goes through nine months of morning sickness and all the other pregnancy related problems and says, "Fuck it, just kill the little bastard!"

Third Trimester Abortions make up less than 1% of all abortions performed, and they are only performed if there is a serious risk to the woman's life or the fetus is horribly deformed in some way.

Most people are in between. The more that sperm-in-an-egg starts to resemble a person, the more reluctant we get to kill it. (Leaving aside Nazi types who would cooly kill any human they thought 'unworthy of life'.)

So most of us pick a time -- 16 weeks? -- and draw a line there. But of course it's arbitrary. And, if the baby is severely deformed, if the baby will clearly not live long outside the womb, we are less uneasy about killing it.

Here's the problem with that. I'm fine with a 16 week limit, and beyond that, the Doctor has to justify the action. This is in fact what they do in France and a lot of other western countries. The difference is THOSE countries, the government pays for abortion. They also pay for family leave AND all medical costs related to pregnancy.

In the US, we make poor people choose between a $300.00 abortion and a $10,000 birth with lost wages and wonder why so many of them pick the $300.00 abortion.

But ... it's like the death penalty. It may be necessary, or at least 'just' in some circumstances, but it undermines something we would like to make paramount in society: the sacredness of human life.

There's no justification for the Death Penalty still being a thing in this country. The rest of the world has abolished it. We are in the same company as Communist China and Iran by keeping it.

Americans are lucky to have a partial answer to this dilemma (as well as to the question of the death penalty): let the people in each state choose. If you don't like their choice, try to change their minds, and if that looks hopeless, move.

The more we separate into wholly 'Red' states and wholly 'Blue' states, the less conflict we will have over these issues.
Okay, you started out reasonable, and then you went full fucking retard.

There are no Blue or Red states, there are just shades of purple. And if you fucking retards keep pushing this issue, you will get more and more bluish purple.
Except that never happens. Nobody goes through nine months of morning sickness and all the other pregnancy related problems and says, "Fuck it, just kill the little bastard!"

Third Trimester Abortions make up less than 1% of all abortions performed, and they are only performed if there is a serious risk to the woman's life or the fetus is horribly deformed in some way.

Here's the problem with that. I'm fine with a 16 week limit, and beyond that, the Doctor has to justify the action. This is in fact what they do in France and a lot of other western countries. The difference is THOSE countries, the government pays for abortion. They also pay for family leave AND all medical costs related to pregnancy.

In the US, we make poor people choose between a $300.00 abortion and a $10,000 birth with lost wages and wonder why so many of them pick the $300.00 abortion.

There's no justification for the Death Penalty still being a thing in this country. The rest of the world has abolished it. We are in the same company as Communist China and Iran by keeping it.

Okay, you started out reasonable, and then you went full fucking retard.

There are no Blue or Red states, there are just shades of purple. And if you fucking retards keep pushing this issue, you will get more and more bluish purple.
Yes, it would not be possible to define a pure 'Red' person, or a pure 'Blue' person, in terms that most political people would accept. And that's true for many ways of characterizing people in terms of their beliefs and attitudes. Few people have 'pure' beliefs.

However, don't kid yourself about political polarization in the US. Someone may believe in the Social Security system, may even be a union member, but may also really hate liberal Democrats, and call them 'commies'. And someone may think pure socialism is ridiculous, and that defunding the police is a terrible idea ... but loathe 'Trumpsters' and see them as 'semi-fascist'. (Socialists/Communists on the one hand, and National Socialists, on the other, in Germany, shared a number of anti-capitalist stances. That made no difference.)

Basically, the US is dividing, pretty rapidly, into
(1) those who think it is, and has been, a pretty good country, especially compared to most others; who think marriage is between a man and woman and that non-heterosexual sex, while possibly to be tolerated, is not to be celebrated and taught to our children as normal. In short, those who love their country, and their country as it was. They don't think the main problem of Black people is white supremacy; they don't want effectively open borders.

And on the other side,
(2) Those who think the US was founded in slavery, that most of the Founding Fathers were slave owners, that anti-Black discrimination and oppression suffuses the US today; that hundreds of young unarmed Black men are shot by the police every year, due to racism. In short, that white supremacy defines the US in the past and today. That there are infinite number of genders; that six-year-olds should be exposed to 'Drag Queens' so that the get accustomed very early on to believing that all kinds of sex is normal; that the government should expand its welfare expenditure. And that we should not exclude anyone (except perhaps outright terrorists and criminals) from immigrating to the US.

On both sides, these views are not always fully thought out and the full logical conclusions drawn from them. And, as always with social attitudes, there is a spectrum ... we can always find some people with a mix of 'Left' and 'Right' views. (The war in Ukraine is a huge confuser right now, with the mainstream Left playing the unfamiliar role of 'patriot', and the ranks of the Right being at least dubious about writing a blank check for Ukraine.)

But that there are, increasingly, 'two Americas', is undeniable, or should be. I'm not happy about this, but I'm a believer in always hearing the bad news first, and also a believer in an old Russian phrase, "You can't fool life."

But I'm just an old rightwing white Southern male. I can understand why a progressive would dismiss my rantings.

Here are first, a liberal, and then, a moderate conservative, attesting to this reality:

The U.S. Capitol Riot Was Years in the Making. Here's Why America Is So Divided

America Is Being Pulled Apart. Here's How We Can Start to Heal Our Nation

No one knows the future, but it would seem reasonable to me to follow David French's suggestions (and then some): less centralization, more localization. Let the states decide those emotional issues, and if you don't like what the majority in your state have decided about them, and you don't think you can change their minds, then move.

This isn't a perfect solution. It doesn't solve the foreign policy question (where now a coalition of neo-cons and neo-liberals are in charge, with significant opposition from the rank and file of both Left and Right). It doesn't solve issues where what one state does can affect another state without that state's being able to do anything about it. But it would be a start.

In the meantime ... let liberals and progressives set a shining example for all of us by giving up their guns, in they have any, and publicize the fact with a 'This is a Gun-free Home' sign in their front yards.

Let conservatives make a concession to the gun-control lobby by accepting Lock-Up-Your-Gun laws and carefully-worded Red Flag laws. (Meanwhile, make sure you buy an AR15 and several hundred rounds of ammo for each family member, and, if an 'assault weapons ban' looks imminent, take them on a boating trip and have an accident with them which leaves them deep underwater in a big lake.)

And conservatives should stop trying to prevent 'Blue' states from passing strict gun-control laws. It's 250 years since the Second Amendment was passed. The population is different now. Let the Blue States outlaw guns if they want to. Gun owners in those states can move to Red states, and anti-gunners in Red States can move to Blue states. "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!"
literally no reason to read past that.
:thankusmile: His avatar says it all about what a dumbass he is. He avoids facts when he is taken to school how evil fdr was and what a traiter he was as well.

He is obviously fdrs great grandson the fact when he gets taken to school how corrupt he is he evades the facts.

Must suck being on the deserted island he lives on the fact thousands of hundreds of patriotic Americans have abondoned the democrat party in droves. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry fdrs grandson but the good old days of kennedy are over with.even rfk jr has said thst the party he was once proud of growing up thst his father was part of,that the democrat party he was proud of no longer resembles the party he loved thst his uncle was part of.he is horrified of what it has become.only a dumbass would still embrace that party which has now earned the title Demonrats. :auiqs.jpg: Right The Irish Ram SassyIrishLass lol

But again look at his avatar,says it all about what a dumbass he is Billiejeens :auiqs.jpg:
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Ah, my favorite activity- mocking a Cleetus

Yes, it would not be possible to define a pure 'Red' person, or a pure 'Blue' person, in terms that most political people would accept. And that's true for many ways of characterizing people in terms of their beliefs and attitudes. Few people have 'pure' beliefs.

However, don't kid yourself about political polarization in the US. Someone may believe in the Social Security system, may even be a union member, but may also really hate liberal Democrats, and call them 'commies'. And someone may think pure socialism is ridiculous, and that defunding the police is a terrible idea ... but loathe 'Trumpsters' and see them as 'semi-fascist'. (Socialists/Communists on the one hand, and National Socialists, on the other, in Germany, shared a number of anti-capitalist stances. That made no difference.)

Yes, white people in this country can be awful and stupid... I get that. Most of the people I grew up with are union members who support Trump, who hate, hate hate democrats, and don't realize the ONLY reason they have nice middle class lives despite their limited intellects is because a Democrat fought very hard to get those things for them. These people are largely stupid and I don't have a lot of patience for them.

they spend all their lives hating minorities, gays, or anyone else who is different, while the wealthy chip, chip, chip away at the nice lives they used to have.

Basically, the US is dividing, pretty rapidly, into
(1) those who think it is, and has been, a pretty good country, especially compared to most others; who think marriage is between a man and woman and that non-heterosexual sex, while possibly to be tolerated, is not to be celebrated and taught to our children as normal. In short, those who love their country, and their country as it was. They don't think the main problem of Black people is white supremacy; they don't want effectively open borders.

So essentially, racists and homophobes. You are proving my point.

Since you have the focus on gay people, let's look at that. Do you really think that little Timmy was going to be totally straight and then he saw a drag queen read a story and said "That's the life for me!"

Someone being gay has no effect on your life, but yet you spend all this time being upset about them.

And on the other side,
(2) Those who think the US was founded in slavery, that most of the Founding Fathers were slave owners, that anti-Black discrimination and oppression suffuses the US today; that hundreds of young unarmed Black men are shot by the police every year, due to racism. In short, that white supremacy defines the US in the past and today. That there are infinite number of genders; that six-year-olds should be exposed to 'Drag Queens' so that the get accustomed very early on to believing that all kinds of sex is normal; that the government should expand its welfare expenditure. And that we should not exclude anyone (except perhaps outright terrorists and criminals) from immigrating to the US.

Okay, so essentially, you want a Disney History of America. You think Song of the South was historically accurate before Disney put it in the vault. This country WAS founded in slavery. Most of the Founders WERE slave owners. The police DO shoot hundreds of black men every year. These are... you know.. facts. They might not be facts that impact you because you are a privileged white person, but it DOES effect black people.

As for immigrants, um, dude, unless you are a Native American (and look how well we treated THOSE folks) you are the descendent of immigrants. I find it amusing that it only takes a generation of two in some cases for people to forget that.

On both sides, these views are not always fully thought out and the full logical conclusions drawn from them. And, as always with social attitudes, there is a spectrum ... we can always find some people with a mix of 'Left' and 'Right' views. (The war in Ukraine is a huge confuser right now, with the mainstream Left playing the unfamiliar role of 'patriot', and the ranks of the Right being at least dubious about writing a blank check for Ukraine.)

Actually, there's no confusion at all. Putin was the aggressor in this case. The real problem is the right on the Ukraine, because by supporting Zelensky, we realize just how badly Trump fucked up coddling Putin for four years.

But that there are, increasingly, 'two Americas', is undeniable, or should be. I'm not happy about this, but I'm a believer in always hearing the bad news first, and also a believer in an old Russian phrase, "You can't fool life."

But I'm just an old rightwing white Southern male. I can understand why a progressive would dismiss my rantings.

And that's the problem. Generations of inbreeding!

Okay, that was a cheap shot, but not that cheap. The problem with your part of the country is that you've always been mean, racist, and stupid. In a sane world, the rich slaveowners would have said, "Let's have a civil war" and the average southerner who didn't own slaves would say, "Fuck that, I don't own a slave and I really don't care." Except the rich convinced your slightly less inbred ancestors that if black people were freed they might date your sister or something. So off to dutifully catch bullets you went.

I mean, at least the Germans are smart enough to be embarrassed about the whole Hitler thing.

No one knows the future, but it would seem reasonable to me to follow David French's suggestions (and then some): less centralization, more localization. Let the states decide those emotional issues, and if you don't like what the majority in your state have decided about them, and you don't think you can change their minds, then move.
Nope. This more of the same shit. Let me have this little corner of the country where I can happily be a bigot. Where we keep "those people" in their place. Blacks on the back of the bus, gays in the closet and women in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant.

Here my solution. Sit down and shut up, and with any luck, you won't be the embarrassment to your descendants that your ancestors are today.


Funny, I'm willing to be everyone in that picture would have agreed with your rant.
I am a Democrat. I am a Catholic but many of my views fall in line with conservative Christians like the event Jellicle throughout this country. Being against abortion and Being for racial equality.

On the other hand you have the Black Lives Matter crowd. BLM believes that America is “systematically racist”, that the cops are racist, that white people are poor and privileged , that blacks have been 400 years of slave in America. This view betrays the global liberal mindset the truth that slavery was always a worldwide issue…as much as 1.5 million white Christians were enslaved by African black slave masters in the post Middle Ages. So here we are in 2023 it’s time for some civic nationalism American people can get along with each other and we can realize in this time of history that we can respect each other’s history because there’s so much diversity to history when it comes to Africa and Europe.

blm believes in yelling at police officers, they go to college campuses and yell at and shut down the free-speech of conservative speakers. They’re capable of launching physical attacks against people who wore Donald Trump hats ….we saw this many times in the 2020 blm riots. And today the BLM crowd are the types of people who shut down free-speech on social media, they have banned various conservatives from social media. We saw what happened to the NFL coach Jack del Rio who simply compared the January 6 protesters to the BLM protesters and he was fined $100,000 for doing that….. there does not exist any single example of a pro BLM celebrity person making a similar statement and getting fined. This is because the NFL the NBA and much of the media is on the side of BLM affectively they’re on the side of the far left.

The nature of the far left is to Be the party of resentment. They resent America, they resent the police. This is why Republicans and conservatives need to answer this with not resentment but with friendliness strength and honor. People can act friendly but also with strength. So when a Democrat uses the F word against Donald Trump, when a Democrat uses the B word or calls women who are Republicans nasty names…… The response of conservatives should not be to call Democrats rude names.

The way to win this thing is to maintain focus. Just continue to let the other side act deranged and more and more Americans will vote Republican. See far left Democrats rely on the few Republicans who have nothing to bring to the table accept personal attacks, and following and liking personal attack messages on Twitter and social media. What we need are Republicans and conservatives who can bring some context to the table and who can actually help fix the economy.

A republican person who says “F Hillary Clinton” and has no ideas on how to fix our economy doesn’t help us. And there are some Republican politicians who basically are able to get popular by complaining about Democrats. That’s a problem just as it is as we have Democratic politicians who are able to get popular by complaining that America is racist and that the Republicans are racist without bringing forward ideas to fix our economy.

It’s sort of like your favorite sports team. I voted mostly Republican in the midterms. And the results were upsetting for me. I expected the Republicans to take the Senate and the House but that did not happen. So now it’s a matter of thinking maybe we need some change in the republican atmosphere…. as in we need different Republican politicians?

The lesson is that the American people by and large reject the type of resentment politics where you get these people on the media and the radio who are yelling into the microphone trying to rile people up. They’re calling Hillary Clinton names, they’re calling Donald Trump names it doesn’t really get anyone anywhere. We need American politicians whatever party they come from to be out there talking about getting us better jobs, national healthcare , improve social security, actually talking about kitchen table issues instead of discussing issues that dont affect Americans.

So this is the opportunity for Republicans to take a chance and to actually start criticizing BLM in the open. To be more critical of the far left wing groups. Republicans need to put up charts and diagrams in front of the American public showing them how they can fix the economy and bring inflation way down. And as part of their argument republicans can say Hey look at us America we not only reject the far left who tries to insult America by saying America is racist, but we also actually have plans to improve our economy. So it has to be a two-sided strategy for Republicans….. Republicans need to stand up for the history and legacy of America but they also have to stand up for the American middle class which is something that Dwight Eisenhower would have done that’s for sure.

Your rant would have more value if you didn't pack it with Republican lies about Black Lives Matters and liberals.

You deny how racism and violence affect other people, because your experience isn't the same as theirs. Surprise, surprise, surprise. The white MAN thinks everybody else is a whiny bitch with no real problems.\

Unless and until you can accept that YOUR view isn't necessarily valid or true for everyone, there is NOTHING to talk about with you.
Except that never happens. Nobody goes through nine months of morning sickness and all the other pregnancy related problems and says, "Fuck it, just kill the little bastard!"

Third Trimester Abortions make up less than 1% of all abortions performed, and they are only performed if there is a serious risk to the woman's life or the fetus is horribly deformed in some way.

Dr Martin Haskell who was one of the few doctors performing late term abortions and devised the Intact dilatation and extraction method was asked in Congressional testimony what were the reasons he performed them. At the top of his list was "maternal indications".

When asked to explain this he went on to note the age of the mother. That is, a young woman of say 15 would hide her pregnancy from her parents until it no longer could be hidden. In many cases this ran into late second, early third term. The procedure was then banned.

But we have discussed this in the past.
Dr Martin Haskell who was one of the few doctors performing late term abortions and devised the Intact dilatation and extraction method was asked in Congressional testimony what were the reasons he performed them. At the top of his list was "maternal indications".

When asked to explain this he went on to note the age of the mother. That is, a young woman of say 15 would hide her pregnancy from her parents until it no longer could be hidden. In many cases this ran into late second, early third term. The procedure was then banned.

But we have discussed this in the past.

We did? Because I tend to ignore a lot of what you say.

I don't think there's a 15 year old who could hide a pregnancy from their parents until the third trimester and then afford a late abortion, which is a pretty expensive procedure. This was more virtue signaling from Congress.

To American conservative Christian brothers. Let’s not be the party of anger and resentment like BLM is​

I was not even aware that "BLM" is a political party, or affiliates itself with any political party or politician.

It has been antagonistic to politicians of both parties.

Nor is "anger and resentment" exclusive to these social activists, of course. Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, and others wallow in such sentiment.

They are not political parties either, but have aligned with a particular politician, and are being prosecuted and convicted for criminal activities on his behalf.
Nothing could top BLM anger. They are either participating in or justifying the destruction of cities and immigrant businesses on the the statistically rarest of occasions when a white police officer shoots a black suspect.
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The creator of BLM was a con artist who admitted she srarted BLM to enrich herself. To date she has bought 1 ir 2 mansions and a security fence around one. After making 'enough' she left BLM and passed it on to some domestic terrorist, and the group became nothing more than domestic terrorists.
Nothing could top BLM anger. They are either participating in or justifying the destruction of cities and immigrant businesses on the the statistically rarest of occasions when a white police officer shoots a black suspect.
The all-to-frequent incidents of white police officers shooting black suspects cannot be justified by insisting they are statistical anomalies. Each is adjudicated on its own merits.

Violence that has marred BLM protests has been condemned by Democrats and Republicans alike, of course. E.g.,

Joe Biden on May 31, 2020 in a written piece on Medium sympathized with the mistreatment of people of color, writing that “protesting ... brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response.” But he added: “Burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”
In June, 2020, Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, the House majority whip, said violence was hijacking the social justice movement: “Peaceful protest is our game. Violence is their game. Purposeful protest is our game. This looting and rioting, that’s their game. We cannot allow ourselves to play their game.”
In June, 2020, former President Barack Obama praised the BLM protests as they went nationwide, in a piece for Medium. But he wrote: “Let’s not excuse violence, or rationalize it, or participate in it. If we want our criminal justice system, and American society at large, to operate on a higher ethical code, then we have to model that code ourselves.”
I was not even aware that "BLM" is a political party, or affiliates itself with any political party or politician.

It has been antagonistic to politicians of both parties.

Nor is "anger and resentment" exclusive to these social activists, of course. Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, and others wallow in such sentiment.

They are not political parties either, but have aligned with a particular politician, and are being prosecuted and convicted for criminal activities on his behalf.

I hope you’re having a nice day brother. I am a Democrat as you can see by my avatar I’m a proud Franklin Roosevelt Democrats. Blm Has a mass influence on the Democratic Party. We all recall back in 2020 Nancy Pelosi along with other Democrats taking a knee. Many Democrats have worn BLM attire. Democratic politicians and activists have appeared at BLM rally’s. Americans don’t forget this and we won’t forget the immoral handling by the Jan 6 committee of how the January 6 protesters were treated compared to the BLM rioters. Dozens of different BLM riots in one summer if not more compared to one event January 6.

Today’s Democrat Party claim to fame is to say “ Republicans are racist , misogynistic and want to take away your rights”. It goes back to 2020 with BLM riots with George Floyd and the anti-police behavior. Go back to the summer of 2020 every day on CNN and MSNBC the police were being insulted American history was being insulted unimaginable things were being said about white people in general by pro blm anchors on left-wing media…. One way argue this played a role in influencing the BLM riders to burn down police stations to attack police to murder people, to commit unspeakable acts that Republicans don’t do. There’s no comparing the violence of the far left to anything that conservatives and Republicans have done in the past few years. 100 years ago it was different and we had issues with the right wing now there’s issues with the left-wing

There is the the defunding of police forces and calling policeman “peace officers”. … it all started back in the summer of 2020 this was when Democrats were calling for legislation to change America for the worse.

My issues with BLM is in part due to their destruction of historical statues across this country. They are hypocritical they don’t say anything about Africans of history who owned slaves. It’s a common sense issue for me. BLM promotes division

I would say civilized countries don’t have room for groups called white lives matter or Black Lives Matter.
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It’s easy for wealthy people or retired folks to support a groups like BLM. BLM leaders get millions of dollars from rich white people who are CEOs of companies that pay low class wages that don’t benefit this country. That’s what is in large part going on here. Elite rich white people don’t want their companies attacked so they write big checks to BLM. that’s certainly happened in the summer of 2020 and numerous cases …We saw a major sports venues like the NBA the MLB give into BLM and put BLM signs all throughout its stadiums ….this was an embarrassment to this country. Nobody in this country affectively wanted to see that. This was an attack on American culture and it was an attack on multiculturalism. It’s no different than some group of Americans to say you know what we’re gonna do we’re gonna single out Muslims because of Al-Qaeda we’re gonna tell people about Muslim supremacy and we’re going to use words like a Muslim supremacy just like BLM uses words like white supremacy so much.

Can you imagine if a white politician use the word black supremacy just like Democrats do today with the term white supremacy. Democrats need to clean up their language… This will be a major lesson for Democrats in the 2024 election

the elite wealthy class of today does not produce the jobs that it did in the past.
back in the past we had great men. That’s why we had companies like general motors Ford, and Bethlehem Steel that offered millions of jobs to Americans of all colors and backgrounds right out of high school that could set them for life. Look at how bad this country is today. We need better leader ship in this country

for a poor Man or working class man whether they’re black or white they don’t want to hear some rich politician on television telling them how racist America is. and for many leading Democrats they keep on talking about how bad minorities have it about how bad LGBT have it about how we must strive for equal rights for all. But the thing is we already have equal rights for all and it’s obvious that race politics is becoming a smokescreen for how bad our economy is. And it hasn’t stopped ….. just look at Hollywood in the Golden Globes and how they are using council culture and woke Ness.. …. but the ratings is showing the American people reject this.
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I hope you’re having a nice day brother. I am a Democrat as you can see by my avatar I’m a proud Franklin Roosevelt Democrats. Blm Has a mass influence on the Democratic Party. We all recall back in 2020 Nancy Pelosi along with other Democrats taking a knee. Many Democrats have worn BLM attire. Democratic politicians and activists have appeared at BLM rally’s. Americans don’t forget this and we won’t forget the immoral handling by the Jan 6 committee of how the January 6 protesters were treated compared to the BLM rioters. Dozens of different BLM riots in one summer if not more compared to one event January 6.

Today’s Democrat Party claim to fame is to say “ Republicans are racist , misogynistic and want to take away your rights”. It goes back to 2020 with BLM riots with George Floyd and the anti-police behavior. Go back to the summer of 2020 every day on CNN and MSNBC the police were being insulted American history was being insulted unimaginable things were being said about white people in general by pro blm anchors on left-wing media…. One way argue this played a role in influencing the BLM riders to burn down police stations to attack police to murder people, to commit unspeakable acts that Republicans don’t do. There’s no comparing the violence of the far left to anything that conservatives and Republicans have done in the past few years. 100 years ago it was different and we had issues with the right wing now there’s issues with the left-wing

There is the the defunding of police forces and calling policeman “peace officers”. … it all started back in the summer of 2020 this was when Democrats were calling for legislation to change America for the worse.

My issues with BLM is in part due to their destruction of historical statues across this country. They are hypocritical they don’t say anything about Africans of history who owned slaves. It’s a common sense issue for me. BLM promotes division

I would say civilized countries don’t have room for groups called white lives matter or Black Lives Matter.
I am not aware of any Democratic politician ever indicating support for any violence that has marred BLM protests. In fact, it has been consistently condemned by Democrats, and by BLM spokespersons as well.


I am unaware of when and where the Democratic Party ever proclaimed "Republicans are racist, misogynistic and want to take your rights away." It sounds as gross and simplistic a misrepresentation as a pretense that "BLM is a political party that advocates violence," but if you have a source for your attribution, please provide it.
I am a Democrat. I am a Catholic but many of my views fall in line with conservative Christians like the event Jellicle throughout this country. Being against abortion and Being for racial equality.
So you think the problems in the US are caused by people who don't want to be:
Beaten to death
Tased to death
Choked to death or
Shot to death

For the "crime" of being Black?

I'm pretty sure the problem is in your mirror.
Both are a part of this country though. Evangelical conservative Christians represent a huge portion of voters. As for the BLM vote its at least a few million Americans.


Speaking of resentment. When somebody says they are for abortion how does somebody who is anti-abortion react. ? Well it should not be in a spiteful resentful way it should be with dignity one could say. That’s part of the point of this thread

I know of no one who is "for abortion"
I know lots of people who believe a woman's right to control her own reproductive processes should be protected.
I know lots of people who consider women to be little more than breeding stock.

Once again, the problem is in your mirror.

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