The Bullyboy Biden Performance


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
In last night's VP debate it was obvious that Biden was allowed to continually interrupt and talkover Ryan when it was Ryan's turn to talk. Folks, that shouldn't happen, the moderator should've warned about that. Ryan, to his credit, kept his cool and remained professional, something Biden did not do. But what's going to happen if it turns out the the Obama/Biden ticket gets a bump out of this? If it looks like keeping your cool and remaining professional doesn't work, then future debates could devolve into shouting matches where the candidates abandon civility altogether. You can be aggressive without resorting to bullyboy tactics, we don't need to see that in debates at this level.
As long as the MSM is hosting the debates, there will never be an impartial moderator.
Yea, the gang up on Ryan throughout the debate was a spectacle and a bad signal to Americans everywhere that the Main Sleaze liberal media will do whatever it takes to get their guy the Presidency. Republicans can no longer accept these liberal shrills. Enough already!
How many conservative sore loser threads does this make? I've lost track.
In last night's VP debate it was obvious that Biden was allowed to continually interrupt and talkover Ryan when it was Ryan's turn to talk. Folks, that shouldn't happen, the moderator should've warned about that. Ryan, to his credit, kept his cool and remained professional, something Biden did not do. But what's going to happen if it turns out the the Obama/Biden ticket gets a bump out of this? If it looks like keeping your cool and remaining professional doesn't work, then future debates could devolve into shouting matches where the candidates abandon civility altogether. You can be aggressive without resorting to bullyboy tactics, we don't need to see that in debates at this level.

Maybe they should just debate on a message board, they can post their ideas without talking over each other like we do here.
I was watching Morning Schmoe this morning when all of the liberal talking heads literally stated, We give Joe Biden a pass because we all know and love him," in referring to his NASTY and crazy behavior.
So you're ok with the joker being your vice president? LOL!

So if Republicans start acting like Kerry and Biden in debates, they will just be circuses. That sounds good to you?
In last night's VP debate it was obvious that Biden was allowed to continually interrupt and talkover Ryan when it was Ryan's turn to talk. Folks, that shouldn't happen, the moderator should've warned about that. Ryan, to his credit, kept his cool and remained professional, something Biden did not do. But what's going to happen if it turns out the the Obama/Biden ticket gets a bump out of this? If it looks like keeping your cool and remaining professional doesn't work, then future debates could devolve into shouting matches where the candidates abandon civility altogether. You can be aggressive without resorting to bullyboy tactics, we don't need to see that in debates at this level.

Maybe they should just debate on a message board, they can post their ideas without talking over each other like we do here.

Hey...that would be fun! Then we can respond too!!! I like that idea... :clap2:
I think our computers would CRASH! Lol!
Y'all are upset that Biden responded to Ryan's lies in the same way we respond to your lies. That is, by laughing at them.

A morally healthy person responds to a serial liar by laughing at him. Most people know that. Republicans, take comfort in having a lock on the narcissist/sociopath demographic.
Y'all are upset that Biden responded to Ryan's lies in the same way we respond to your lies. That is, by laughing at them.

A morally healthy person responds to a serial liar by laughing at him. Most people know that. Republicans, take comfort in having a lock on the narcissist/sociopath demographic.
Did Biden vote for or against the war?

Does the Catholic Church support Obamacare?

Be careful with your answers. You will wind up laughing at a serial liar.

Unless, of course, you're not morally healthy.
In last night's VP debate it was obvious that Biden was allowed to continually interrupt and talkover Ryan when it was Ryan's turn to talk. Folks, that shouldn't happen, the moderator should've warned about that. Ryan, to his credit, kept his cool and remained professional, something Biden did not do. But what's going to happen if it turns out the the Obama/Biden ticket gets a bump out of this? If it looks like keeping your cool and remaining professional doesn't work, then future debates could devolve into shouting matches where the candidates abandon civility altogether. You can be aggressive without resorting to bullyboy tactics, we don't need to see that in debates at this level.

Maybe they should just debate on a message board, they can post their ideas without talking over each other like we do here.

Hey...that would be fun! Then we can respond too!!! I like that idea... :clap2:
I think our computers would CRASH! Lol!

They definently couldn't do the debate here, the board would over heat.
Y'all are upset that Biden responded to Ryan's lies in the same way we respond to your lies. That is, by laughing at them.

A morally healthy person responds to a serial liar by laughing at him. Most people know that. Republicans, take comfort in having a lock on the narcissist/sociopath demographic.

Joe Biden was laughing his ass off as Paul Ryan talked about millions of Americans being out of work and the economy grinding along at a 1.3% growth rate. If THAT is a source of humor for our Vice President then it's time he found another profession.

We need serious answers to serious problems...not someone who thinks the subject is a joke.
Y'all are upset that Biden responded to Ryan's lies in the same way we respond to your lies. That is, by laughing at them.

A morally healthy person responds to a serial liar by laughing at him. Most people know that. Republicans, take comfort in having a lock on the narcissist/sociopath demographic.

And what the heck was Biden babbling about when he said he voted against the wars? Is he that far gone that he's forgotten that he in fact voted FOR them? This guy is a heartbeat away from the most important job on the planet? God help us all...
Many times on various networks I see two opposing people interrupting and talking over one another, trying to advance their viewpoints. As a viewer I end up understanding neither, but I do have a disatisfaction with both individuals and the network who allows it to happen. We are not well served as voters when we see a debate such as the one last night where one party is at a disadvantage over the other and one side doesn't get equal opportunity to present their arguments. I am not sure who won the debate, but I know who lost - we did, especially if future debates follow this kind of unprofessonal conduct. Further, it displays a lack of confidence in the voters' ability to recognize the best course of action or direction the country should take. When Biden or any other candidate acts that way, it also shows a lack of confidence in their own viewpoint, as well as a lack of integrity.
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Y'all are upset that Biden responded to Ryan's lies in the same way we respond to your lies. That is, by laughing at them.

A morally healthy person responds to a serial liar by laughing at him. Most people know that. Republicans, take comfort in having a lock on the narcissist/sociopath demographic.

And what the heck was Biden babbling about when he said he voted against the wars? Is he that far gone that he's forgotten that he in fact voted FOR them? This guy is a heartbeat away from the most important job on the planet? God help us all...

I'd rather have Biden than Obama, he's far less a threat to us.

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