Thoughts On The Debate Between Trump vs Biden and Trump vs Wallace

The debate may have been such a hot mess last night that it may have dissuaded undecided voters from having any part in the election.

If that’s Trump’s intent, he’s smarter than I thought. But overall I think he’s just a bully.

Well from a purely entertainment perspective, it was VERY entertaining, you had two men who are over the age of 70 years in age and they were shouting over each other and you had Biden calling Trump a "clown" and telling him to "shut up man", I mean it was VERY entertaining, it was like a completely bizarro episode of "The Odd Couple" or something.
The one entertaining moment might be the shut up man line. And if that’s as memorable as it gets, Biden won. But I question anyone who called that entertaining. Nauseating is a better description.

I don't think Biden won, I also don't think Trump won. I don't think Biden won over ANY Undecideds with his performance and I don't think Trump won over ANY Undecideds with his performance and so we would call that a Draw and BOTH Candidates still being on Square One.

Now individual Polls MIGHT show some movement either way, but I think essentially it won't mean anything.
After seeing Trump’s behavior, you don’t think some undecided voters might not want to support him and therefore vote for Biden?

I don't think the Undecided voters are that excited by Biden either, I think they are concerned if Biden is up to the job, YOU might NOT choose to NOTICE how FRAIL and SICK Biden looks but trust me the Undecideds are NOTICING it.

I think there is a great possibility that many of the Undecideds will either NOT bother voting OR they will vote Third Party.
How would you know what undecided voters are thinking?

The narrative is that Biden is mentally incapable of a coherent thought and if that’s the argument, he did just fine.
A fact that mentally ill Liberals cannot absorb...
There are no undecided voters.
Then the debates are pointless.
The debate may have been such a hot mess last night that it may have dissuaded undecided voters from having any part in the election.

If that’s Trump’s intent, he’s smarter than I thought. But overall I think he’s just a bully.

He had no choice but to be a Bully. Wallace attempted to shut him out. It didn't work.

The debate may have been such a hot mess last night that it may have dissuaded undecided voters from having any part in the election.

If that’s Trump’s intent, he’s smarter than I thought. But overall I think he’s just a bully.

He had no choice but to be a Bully. Wallace attempted to shut him out. It didn't work.


He interrupted Biden constantly. Doesn’t have anything to do with Wallace.
The debate may have been such a hot mess last night that it may have dissuaded undecided voters from having any part in the election.

If that’s Trump’s intent, he’s smarter than I thought. But overall I think he’s just a bully.

Well from a purely entertainment perspective, it was VERY entertaining, you had two men who are over the age of 70 years in age and they were shouting over each other and you had Biden calling Trump a "clown" and telling him to "shut up man", I mean it was VERY entertaining, it was like a completely bizarro episode of "The Odd Couple" or something.
The one entertaining moment might be the shut up man line. And if that’s as memorable as it gets, Biden won. But I question anyone who called that entertaining. Nauseating is a better description.

I don't think Biden won, I also don't think Trump won. I don't think Biden won over ANY Undecideds with his performance and I don't think Trump won over ANY Undecideds with his performance and so we would call that a Draw and BOTH Candidates still being on Square One.

Now individual Polls MIGHT show some movement either way, but I think essentially it won't mean anything.
After seeing Trump’s behavior, you don’t think some undecided voters might not want to support him and therefore vote for Biden?

I don't think the Undecided voters are that excited by Biden either, I think they are concerned if Biden is up to the job, YOU might NOT choose to NOTICE how FRAIL and SICK Biden looks but trust me the Undecideds are NOTICING it.

I think there is a great possibility that many of the Undecideds will either NOT bother voting OR they will vote Third Party.
How would you know what undecided voters are thinking?

The narrative is that Biden is mentally incapable of a coherent thought and if that’s the argument, he did just fine.
A fact that mentally ill Liberals cannot absorb...
There are no undecided voters.
Then the debates are pointless.
No they're not pointless....Trump scored some very big points where nobody was looking last night.... Prescription prices.
Biden had absolutely nothing to say about it just the way all Democrats don't have anything to say about it.
That one issue alone will get Florida for him. It will also pull in a certain percentage of the elderly retired all over the country.

Trump also made sure to bring up Hunter Biden's name..... That's going to be solid poison for Biden going into the polls.

The debate may have been such a hot mess last night that it may have dissuaded undecided voters from having any part in the election.

If that’s Trump’s intent, he’s smarter than I thought. But overall I think he’s just a bully.

He had no choice but to be a Bully. Wallace attempted to shut him out. It didn't work.


He interrupted Biden constantly. Doesn’t have anything to do with Wallace.

It had everything to do with Wallace..... The format was laid out in a manner tilted towards Biden's weaknesses.
Trump broke through that format and highlighted Biden's weaknesses anyway. Yeah sure he was rude and boorish.... That was the only way for him to beat the tag team of debaters that was working against him. What you fail to realize is that he had a target audience... I believe it was Florida. Turns out the Hispanics there loved his performance.

Trump also made sure to bring up Hunter Biden's name
Yes, he brought up Hunter Biden by interrupting Joe Biden talking about the honorable military service of his son Beau Biden and then pretending like he had never heard of him.
Trump also made sure to bring up Hunter Biden's name
Yes, he brought up Hunter Biden by interrupting Joe Biden talking about the honorable military service of his son Beau Biden and then pretending like he had never heard of him.
Wallace was never going to bring it up.... And it needed to be brought up. I'm surprised Trump withheld the horrible detail about Hunter stealing Beau's wife.... I'm sure it crossed his mind.

Trump - for whatever reason - showed up ready to burn the place down. Who knows why he might think that would look good.

Wallace did what he could, but this would have required some kind of physical restraint.

Trump also made sure to bring up Hunter Biden's name
Yes, he brought up Hunter Biden by interrupting Joe Biden talking about the honorable military service of his son Beau Biden and then pretending like he had never heard of him.
Wallace was never going to bring it up.... And it needed to be brought up. I'm surprised Trump withheld the horrible detail about Hunter stealing Beau's wife.... I'm sure it crossed his mind.

Because it wasn’t relevant to the campaign.

Either way, it demonstrates Trump’s bully behavior
First thing, I do not know what Section of the forum I should be posting this in, I am usually in the know about what Sections we should be posting threads in but this time I'm not sure. So mod's feel free to move this thread from Current Events into whatever other Section you think it would be better and/or more appropriate in Meister AyeCantSeeYou Coyote etc etc I am hoping this thread can remain civil and that there can be a constructive discussion, I would prefer if the thread did not descend into name calling and arguing.

Okay so my moral support is always and has always been with The Donald and I know that Biden and Co. would be not only a disaster for America but also a disaster for the Western World - for one thing the return to Military Intervention and the starting of New Wars in The Middle East and also the continuation of the Perpetual War Agenda.

From a purely Rightist Partisan perspective The Donald was great, he was full of energy and confidence and he got his points in and answered well and slapped Biden around where he should have. I understand WHY The Donald was interrupting all the time, he knew that Chris Wallace was NOT going to bring attention to things about Joe Biden and the takeover of The Democrat Party by the Far Left and Joe Biden insisting HE was The Democrat Party was absurd, he has ZERO to do with the Agenda of The Democrat Party, the Radical Leftists have hijacked and are running that party now.

The Donald's combative approach during the Debate will have played very well to The Donald's Base, to those ALREADY supporting him and so on this he succeeded very well.

I feel though that The Donald missed a great opportunity to appeal to the more IMPORTANT group of voters he NEEDS to bring to vote for him, this is the Independents, they are NOT Partisan, they are OUTSIDE the Base and I think The Donald's combative approach in the Debate will have been a turn off for them, they MIGHT also not be that impressed with Joe Biden's performance either, yes Biden didn't make any mega gaffes but very very often he appeared confused and rambling and several times didn't even KNOW what question he was answering and Chris Wallace had to TELL him what he was talking about was NOT what the question was about.

IF there is to be a Second Debate, and who knows IF this will happen after the mess of the Debate last night, then The Donald must not repeat how he was last night, he must be less combative, he must NOT interrupt as often and he must stick to just a handful of points and hammer away at them, these points in my opinion should be:

The Riots/Violence/Looting and the deliberate Standing Down of Democrat Mayors and Governors so the Riots/Violence/Looting can continue and The Donald should point out that IF Biden and Co get in then ALL of America will look like Portland, Seattle etc

The next point to hammer is The Donald should keep asking Biden to CONDEMN BLM and The Donald should LITERALLY refer to BLM as Black SUPREMACISTS.

The next point to hammer is Law and Order, the Democrats have gone AGAINST Law and Order and are ALLOWING feral mobs of BLM and their hangers on to do WHATEVER they want. The Democrats have shown a TOTAL HOSTILITY to the POLICE and Law Enforcement and The Donald needs to hammer away at this, there IS a reason why hardly ANY Law Enforcement have endorsed Biden/Harris.

The next point to hammer is when COVID-19 is mentioned again and Biden attempts to say 200,000 deaths are The Donald's fault then The Donald needs to keep bringing up the New York Governor DELIBERATELY putting peoples with Coronavirus in elderly peoples Care Homes, because this contributed a huge percentage of the COVID-19 death total.

The other point to hammer away at is that Biden is on board with the Agenda to destroy American Suburbs by eliminating Single Family Homes and flooding the American Suburbs with low cost housing to be filled by the EXACT types who hang around with the BLM Crowd. The Donald needs to basically FRIGHTEN the Independents and the Undecided into actually understanding how this Democrat plan would basically RUIN their lives and the lives of their children, how nice decent American Suburbs will be transformed into crime ridden Shit Holes full of all types of crime and danger and drug dealing and gang shootings ie. that peaceful American Suburbs will start to look like the WORST parts of Detroit and the WORST parts of Chicago etc

On The Donald performing and playing to his Base with his Debate performance I give him 10 out of 10.

On The Donald reaching out to the Independent voters who are undecided with his Debate performance I give him 2 out of 10.

As it stands in general The Donald is stuck somewhere on 43%-44% and this is not anything to get alarmed about, we must remember that in 2016 he got 46% of the Popular Vote and that was ENOUGH to win the Electoral College Vote. So The Donald only actually needs about 2% of the Independents and the Undecided Vote to get him in 2020 to the same 46% which again would be ENOUGH to again win the Electoral College Vote.

My last point is that Chris Wallace the Moderator was VERY unprofessional, he NEVER interrupted Joe Biden, he on occasion laughed along with Joe Biden and he frequently got into ACTUALLY DEBATING The Donald, it was SUPPOSED to be Trump vs Biden it was NOT supposed to be Trump vs Biden and then a second Debate between Trump vs Wallace.

I know that some on the Right will NOT like some of the things I have commented because they think you should not criticise, but NO actually that's what the Leftists do, they are Rubber Stamps who NEVER criticise ANY Leftist politician etc we on the Right are supposed to offer CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM of Rightist politicians, we praise them when we agree they are doing good, but at the times we think they have missed an opportunity and/or there is room for improvement on something we are supposed to offer CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM on how they can improve on an issue and/or on a point or in this case on how they can improve next time on appealing to the Independents and the Undecided voters.

You do NOT win by JUST playing to your Base, you win by WINNING over to YOUR side ENOUGH Independents and Undecideds and The Donald IF there is a Second Debate MUST play NOT to the Base again but he MUST play COMPLETELY to the Independents and Undecideds and get JUST ENOUGH of them to consider voting for him on November 3, this is MORE IMPORTANT than The Donald playing to his Base, his Base are ALREADY going to vote for him, it's the Independents and Undecided he NEEDS at least 2% of, he NEEDS to play to THEM.

A decent post.

You're making a huge assumption that the same "2 percent" he needs will be in the same states that delivered him the Presidency in 2016.

Here is what the stats show:

In 2016:
Michigan. Trump got 2,279,543 votes. Hillary got 2,268,839 votes. 10,704 difference
Pennsylvania. Trump got 2,970,733 votes. Hillary got 2,926,441 votes. 44,292 difference
Wisconsin. Trump got 1,405,284 votes. Hillary got 1,382,536 22,748 difference

Since 2016:
Michigan elected a democratic party governor
Wisconsin elected a democratic party governor
Pennsylvania elected a democratic party governor as an incumbent.

Wallace did as good a job as anyone could have done. The blob was out of control.

Yes Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania might all have elected Democrat Governor's since 2016 but all three still have Republican Controlled State Legislatures. Also the below ALL THREE States illustrate by YEARS that their populations PREFER Republicans in CONTROL of their State Legislatures.

Michigan - Democrat Governor and both Chambers of their State Legislature Republican:

View attachment 395185

Wisconsin - Democrat Governor and both Chambers of their State Legislature Republican:

View attachment 395188

Pennsylvania - Democrat Governor and both Chambers of their State Legislature Republican:

View attachment 395187

I have been reading more parts of The United States Constitution and there is something very interesting I have found and this is that under The United States Constitution IF an Election Result drags on weeks after the Election Date then the STATE LEGISLATURES in whatever State STILL has NOT REPORTED a Winner can APPOINT their OWN set of ELECTORS to cast that States Electoral College Votes for X and that the State GOVERNOR can NOT VETO these APPOINTED by The State Legislature ELECTORS.

Eg. It's NOW November 29 2020 and Pennsylvania is STILL counting all these Mail-In Ballots, many have no matching signatures to signatures on file and EVERYONE from The Biden Campaign to The Trump Campaign are all arguing in various Courts. LEGALLY under The United States Constitution, The State Legislature of Pennsylvania UNDER FULL Republican CONTROL can meet and ELECT their OWN set of ELECTORS who then will go and cast ALL of Pennsylvania's Electoral College Votes for Donald Trump and Mike Pence and there is ZERO the Pennsylvania Democrat GOVERNOR can do to STOP that from happening as under The United States Constitution the GOVERNOR of the State has NO POWER to Veto it or anything.

You missed the point.

I'm not certain how it is in those 3 states but in every state I've lived in, the upper and lower chambers of the legislature are not state-wide. Governors are. And electors are allocated on a state wide basis in most states.
The CNN put Biden as the winner by 60-28.

That's all that matters. Biden appealed the middle, Trump turned off the middle.

Now, debates only change a few votes. Thing is, Trump can't afford to lose any, being how far behind he is. This election cycle is interesting because the needle hasn't moved for three months. Making any change in public opinion is extremely difficult for either side. People's opinions are locked in. Since the needle moves so slowly, Trump needed to start moving that needle in his direction right now to have a chance. Instead, he pushed it in the opposite direction.
There are no undecided voters.

There are. Not as many this time, but they're there. And they always break against the incumbent party candidate, as they tend to want something new. Hence, more trouble for Trump.
I didn't like the way Trump behaved.

I thought Biden was a flaccid dick.

I thought Wallace wasn't prepared for what went down.

The whole thing sucked and I think Trump blew key opportunity.

Still voting for him though.
I didn't like the way Trump behaved.

I thought Biden was a flaccid dick.

I thought Wallace wasn't prepared for what went down.

The whole thing sucked and I think Trump blew key opportunity.

Still voting for him though.
When one is allotted their time, the other's mike should be silenced.
As an american citizen I am insulted by the debacle last night. Neither candidate displayed american ideals. I lost all respect for both.

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