The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?

What does that have to do with the Intent and Purpose of the law and how it must be constructed, if there is any latitude.

Nothing. It's a simple question. Trying to figure you out. You are new here... Did you create an introduction?
Seems more like a fallacy of diversion due to a lack of a clue and a Cause. Why not just read the statements of the argument?

No. You never created an intro, I don't know who you are. I'm trying to figure it out.
No argument, just diversion; i got it.

You made 1 statement and it just came out of nowhere. Explain it and then do a intro thread. We want to know who you are. We care and respect new posters that do this.
You claim that, but obviously don't care about discovering sublime Truth (value) through argumentation.
Nothing. It's a simple question. Trying to figure you out. You are new here... Did you create an introduction?
Seems more like a fallacy of diversion due to a lack of a clue and a Cause. Why not just read the statements of the argument?

No. You never created an intro, I don't know who you are. I'm trying to figure it out.
No argument, just diversion; i got it.

You made 1 statement and it just came out of nowhere. Explain it and then do a intro thread. We want to know who you are. We care and respect new posters that do this.
You claim that, but obviously don't care about discovering sublime Truth (value) through argumentation.

I'm simply asking you to explain yourself. Another words I'm caring. wtf? God I hope this isn't a day like yesterday......................Just explain yourself. Shouldn't be difficult.
So let's determine of markets need government regulation by examining only markets that were government regulated. Yeah, that's perfectly logical.
What do you mean ^^^
When have markets not subject to government regulation ever existed?
I've met both types in both parties, there is no perfect party, The GOP through the past has never once destroyed any parts of the welfare state..the Dems have not destroyed capitalism.....I went to college, both secular and religious, both sides will discuss a philosophy or an idea, but it does not force one to choose or become subjugated to an idea...

See, this is the last refuge of the dimocrap scumbag who has been defeated in debate -- "They're Both The Same"

See it all the time.

They ARE NOT the same.

One party is filled with dishonest, lying scum with dishonest lying scumbags that care only about themselves making up the bulk of their voting block, and the other Party is made up of Patriots who care about the Country.

Run away little liar.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. There is NEVER a reason to vote for one. They are ALL the same.

Might as well vote for a National Socialist
I never get tired of the simple minded, false dichotomies.
I've met both types in both parties, there is no perfect party, The GOP through the past has never once destroyed any parts of the welfare state..the Dems have not destroyed capitalism.....I went to college, both secular and religious, both sides will discuss a philosophy or an idea, but it does not force one to choose or become subjugated to an idea...

See, this is the last refuge of the dimocrap scumbag who has been defeated in debate -- "They're Both The Same"

See it all the time.

They ARE NOT the same.

One party is filled with dishonest, lying scum with dishonest lying scumbags that care only about themselves making up the bulk of their voting block, and the other Party is made up of Patriots who care about the Country.

Run away little liar.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. There is NEVER a reason to vote for one. They are ALL the same.

Might as well vote for a National Socialist
I never get tired of the simple minded, false dichotomies.
Some people are only smart enough to give their one cents worth..
Seems more like a fallacy of diversion due to a lack of a clue and a Cause. Why not just read the statements of the argument?

No. You never created an intro, I don't know who you are. I'm trying to figure it out.
No argument, just diversion; i got it.

You made 1 statement and it just came out of nowhere. Explain it and then do a intro thread. We want to know who you are. We care and respect new posters that do this.
You claim that, but obviously don't care about discovering sublime Truth (value) through argumentation.

I'm simply asking you to explain yourself. Another words I'm caring. wtf? God I hope this isn't a day like yesterday......................Just explain yourself. Shouldn't be difficult.

Here is our "mission statement":

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

It seems, the government is there to enable our mission.

There is no Appeal to Ignorance of the Intent and Purpose of the law.

I explained myself the first time. Why does it seem you didn't care enough to become more well informed, the first time?
No. You never created an intro, I don't know who you are. I'm trying to figure it out.
No argument, just diversion; i got it.

You made 1 statement and it just came out of nowhere. Explain it and then do a intro thread. We want to know who you are. We care and respect new posters that do this.
You claim that, but obviously don't care about discovering sublime Truth (value) through argumentation.

I'm simply asking you to explain yourself. Another words I'm caring. wtf? God I hope this isn't a day like yesterday......................Just explain yourself. Shouldn't be difficult.

Here is our "mission statement":

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

It seems, the government is there to enable our mission.

There is no Appeal to Ignorance of the Intent and Purpose of the law.

I explained myself the first time. Why does it seem you didn't care enough to become more well informed, the first time?

I was going to ask you AFTER you answered MY question. Thank you for finally explaining. Now answer my question please on what you think about feminism and the role of woman in today society and the effects it has on other including the family or I'll start a thread on it.
This is my civic story and i can stick to it. Our federal Constitution was Intelligently Designed to be both gender and race neutral, from Inception.
LOL. Well, this book was written in the 18th century. It was a contemporary to Adam Smith's two great books, with the Wealth of Nations being commonly thought the first real economics work. Smith also wrote a book in which he discussed the emotional basis of decision making, or when something is not purely in one's self interest. So, maybe this book is not so contrary to Smith, though I admit I don't go back much further than Marx in economics as it just doesn't seem that relevant to me. But you have on one hand Adam Smith and his natl laws

Adam smiths natural rights ChaCha
And the contrary that private actions, legal and illegal, can be regulated by the amount of good they convey.
This is my civic story and i can stick to it. Our federal Constitution was Intelligently Designed to be both gender and race neutral, from Inception.

LMAO. Is that why women were not given the right to vote in the initial COTUS? INTELLIGENT DESIGN?
What are you smoking? Give it up.
It was a misapplication of States' rights and a failure of the general government to more faithfully execute Article 4, Section 2 upon any appeal to that rational choice of law in Any conflict of laws arising under the authority of the United States.
This is my civic story and i can stick to it. Our federal Constitution was Intelligently Designed to be both gender and race neutral, from Inception.

LMAO. Is that why women were not given the right to vote in the initial COTUS? INTELLIGENT DESIGN?
What are you smoking? Give it up.

It was a misapplication of States' rights and a failure of the general government to more faithfully execute Article 4, Section 2 upon any appeal to that rational choice of law in Any conflict of laws arising under the authority of the United States.

For Jeremy Bentham the answer was happiness which he defined as the overall happiness created for everyone affected by an action.
"I. The business of government is to promote the happiness of the society, by punishing and rewarding. That part of its business which consists in punishing, is more particularly the subject of penal law. In proportion as an act tends to disturb that happiness, in proportion as the tendency of it is pernicious, will be the demand it creates for punishment. What happiness consists of we have already seen: enjoyment of pleasures, security from pains."
Jeremy Bentham An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation Chapter VII Library of Economics and Liberty
The business of government is to perform the essential functions of government.
Stable currency, national defense, legislation necessary to promote the welfare of the people, hear grievances...Just exactly what is written in the US Constitution.
The business of a Democrat controlled government is to make it as hard as possible for a business in the private sector to succeed.
The purpose of a Democrat controlled government is to impose as many taxes as possible in order to force people to be dependent
on government thereby keeping Democrats in power.
Yet businesses do better under Democratic control
"control".....You lefties just cannot help yourselves.
Unless you people have your fingers in every pie, you feel lost.

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