The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?

omg, now I'm going to barf.

I don't need or WANT anyone to PROMOTE anything for me and my life.
I think we are all "Capable" of doing that all on OUR OWN.
Then tax breaks for business should end?

Taxes for businesses should end, it's double taxation. The owners of the business already pay taxes on their earnings.
this title is pure Socialist/communist propaganda folks.

GOVERNEMT was for one thing and that was to PROTECT us. Not become your fikken cheerleader, nanny, mommy and daddy.

You want to REMAIN free and live in a free country?

We HAVE to gut this government down to size or continue having them RUN US OVER
If rights are human artifacts, and we have no rights without enforcement, isn't government required for rights to have any utility?

I lost you there George.

The rights are Life, Liberty, Property and to Pursue Happiness.

The Founding Fathers believe that government should secure - protect - those rights.

But government is not supposed to steal from "A" and give to "B" in order to give those rights "utility".


Those 'rights' are considered 'Natural Rights' by the Founders. Rights that NO man and NO government can limit or take away.

Originally, John Locke worded them as 'Life Liberty and Property'.

Property because all men were entitled to enrich themselves as a result of their own labor and that when ANY government tried to limit ANY of those Natural Rights, that men could, and should, rebel.

Well, unless you're a dimocrap scumbag. And that's all they do.

Quite simply, they steal money from people who work for it and give it to people who vote dimocrap.

Ahh, so those that don't vote democrat and are registered GOP members never have taken welfare?

Of the 46% of American Households who didn't pay taxes in 2011 What percentage of them would you say vote dimocrap scum and what percentage vote Patriotic Republican?

Seriously, you blithering fucking juvenile moron....

You go into any ghetto, any hillbilly neighborhood, any College Campus and tell me how many of those people don't pay taxes and I can guarantee you that a VAST majority of the ones not paying INCOME taxes are voting dimocrap scumbag.

I understand that some old people don't pay taxes, and that's okay. They don't work because they CAN'T work.

But adolescent pukes like you don't understand, and REFUSE to understand, the difference between those that CAN'T work and those that WON'T work.

This is why I despise dimocrap scum. Everything you do, every argument you make -- Is a lie.

Everything about you and your party is just one big lie.
I vote for both parties, dip shit, now crawl back into that pigeon hole you love....with your unabated hate...You are some of the crab walkers that we veterans hate to see we wasted anytime defending a nation with your type in it, but there are bigger and better things in this world than your soap box...

Eat shit, puke.

You don't like the facts I'm laying out for you? Suck on it.

As to the Veteran angle? I'm a Veteran, myself.

With a CIB.

Piss off. You and people like you shame other Veterans. Fucking REMF
No they don't

They believe in helping people who need help


Fascists, aka, "liberals" believe in using VIOLENCE to force others to share their wealth
Tell that to dead strikers...

tell that to dead strike breakers (scabs). Whats your point? Libs always resort to violence to force their socialism and marxism on others.

liberals suck, every fricken one of em.,
And repubs along with rich folks have halo's and harps, doing good deeds to earn their wings....The only thing that sucks is that you can say that far away...

we are not talking as much about individuals as about philosophies. Some liberals are good people, some conservtives are bad people. But the majority of liberals do not live in the real world, they live in a fantasy created by academics who have never had to deal with reality.

as to what I can say, I say what I say near or far. My beliefs are solid and based on experience and reality. If you disagree, thats just fine, you have the right to be wrong.
I've met both types in both parties, there is no perfect party, The GOP through the past has never once destroyed any parts of the welfare state..the Dems have not destroyed capitalism.....I went to college, both secular and religious, both sides will discuss a philosophy or an idea, but it does not force one to choose or become subjugated to an idea...
this title is pure Socialist/communist propaganda folks.

GOVERNEMT was for one thing and that was to PROTECT us. Not become your fikken cheerleader, nanny, mommy and daddy.

You want to REMAIN free and live in a free country?

We HAVE to gut this government down to size or continue having them RUN US OVER
This is the same govt. that Bush has been the same since Reagan....nothing,,has ,,,changed,but the faces...
I lost you there George.

The rights are Life, Liberty, Property and to Pursue Happiness.

The Founding Fathers believe that government should secure - protect - those rights.

But government is not supposed to steal from "A" and give to "B" in order to give those rights "utility".


Those 'rights' are considered 'Natural Rights' by the Founders. Rights that NO man and NO government can limit or take away.

Originally, John Locke worded them as 'Life Liberty and Property'.

Property because all men were entitled to enrich themselves as a result of their own labor and that when ANY government tried to limit ANY of those Natural Rights, that men could, and should, rebel.

Well, unless you're a dimocrap scumbag. And that's all they do.

Quite simply, they steal money from people who work for it and give it to people who vote dimocrap.

Ahh, so those that don't vote democrat and are registered GOP members never have taken welfare?

Of the 46% of American Households who didn't pay taxes in 2011 What percentage of them would you say vote dimocrap scum and what percentage vote Patriotic Republican?

Seriously, you blithering fucking juvenile moron....

You go into any ghetto, any hillbilly neighborhood, any College Campus and tell me how many of those people don't pay taxes and I can guarantee you that a VAST majority of the ones not paying INCOME taxes are voting dimocrap scumbag.

I understand that some old people don't pay taxes, and that's okay. They don't work because they CAN'T work.

But adolescent pukes like you don't understand, and REFUSE to understand, the difference between those that CAN'T work and those that WON'T work.

This is why I despise dimocrap scum. Everything you do, every argument you make -- Is a lie.

Everything about you and your party is just one big lie.
I vote for both parties, dip shit, now crawl back into that pigeon hole you love....with your unabated hate...You are some of the crab walkers that we veterans hate to see we wasted anytime defending a nation with your type in it, but there are bigger and better things in this world than your soap box...

Eat shit, puke.

You don't like the facts I'm laying out for you? Suck on it.

As to the Veteran angle? I'm a Veteran, myself.

With a CIB.

Piss off. You and people like you shame other Veterans. Fucking REMF
Nice try, now genuflect and give up to Christ that which you hate..
I've met both types in both parties, there is no perfect party, The GOP through the past has never once destroyed any parts of the welfare state..the Dems have not destroyed capitalism.....I went to college, both secular and religious, both sides will discuss a philosophy or an idea, but it does not force one to choose or become subjugated to an idea...

See, this is the last refuge of the dimocrap scumbag who has been defeated in debate -- "They're Both The Same"

See it all the time.

They ARE NOT the same.

One party is filled with dishonest, lying scum with dishonest lying scumbags that care only about themselves making up the bulk of their voting block, and the other Party is made up of Patriots who care about the Country.

Run away little liar.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. There is NEVER a reason to vote for one. They are ALL the same.

Might as well vote for a National Socialist
I've met both types in both parties, there is no perfect party, The GOP through the past has never once destroyed any parts of the welfare state..the Dems have not destroyed capitalism.....I went to college, both secular and religious, both sides will discuss a philosophy or an idea, but it does not force one to choose or become subjugated to an idea...

See, this is the last refuge of the dimocrap scumbag who has been defeated in debate -- "They're Both The Same"

See it all the time.

They ARE NOT the same.

One party is filled with dishonest, lying scum with dishonest lying scumbags that care only about themselves making up the bulk of their voting block, and the other Party is made up of Patriots who care about the Country.

Run away little liar.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. There is NEVER a reason to vote for one. They are ALL the same.

Might as well vote for a National Socialist
Their is no law or philosophy which does not allow me to vote for any party that has a candidate, if you don't like it, tough doo-doo..but you do try hard at spamming and trolling, but those people are the losers, they do not have the ability to rationally and calmly put forth ideas..and are virtually left out of the operation, because the majority of folks don't like assholes around...
A gargantuan welfare/warfare police state where the motherfuckers decide what rights we may have
If rights are human artifacts, and we have no rights without enforcement, isn't government required for rights to have any utility?

I lost you there George.

The rights are Life, Liberty, Property and to Pursue Happiness.

The Founding Fathers believe that government should secure - protect - those rights.

But government is not supposed to steal from "A" and give to "B" in order to give those rights "utility".


Those 'rights' are considered 'Natural Rights' by the Founders. Rights that NO man and NO government can limit or take away.

Originally, John Locke worded them as 'Life Liberty and Property'.

Property because all men were entitled to enrich themselves as a result of their own labor and that when ANY government tried to limit ANY of those Natural Rights, that men could, and should, rebel.

Well, unless you're a dimocrap scumbag. And that's all they do.

Quite simply, they steal money from people who work for it and give it to people who vote dimocrap.

Ahh, so those that don't vote democrat and are registered GOP members never have taken welfare?

GOP welfare recipients are typically war profiteers.

The OP is nonsense. The rational purpose of government is to enforce a rule of law so that people can be free and left alone to pursue their own lives. What makes one person happy may make another person miserable. Happiness is personal, not public policy.
A gargantuan welfare/warfare police state where the motherfuckers decide what rights we may have
If rights are human artifacts, and we have no rights without enforcement, isn't government required for rights to have any utility?

I lost you there George.

The rights are Life, Liberty, Property and to Pursue Happiness.

The Founding Fathers believe that government should secure - protect - those rights.

But government is not supposed to steal from "A" and give to "B" in order to give those rights "utility".


Those 'rights' are considered 'Natural Rights' by the Founders. Rights that NO man and NO government can limit or take away.

Originally, John Locke worded them as 'Life Liberty and Property'.

Property because all men were entitled to enrich themselves as a result of their own labor and that when ANY government tried to limit ANY of those Natural Rights, that men could, and should, rebel.

Well, unless you're a dimocrap scumbag. And that's all they do.

Quite simply, they steal money from people who work for it and give it to people who vote dimocrap.

Ahh, so those that don't vote democrat and are registered GOP members never have taken welfare?

GOP welfare recipients are typically war profiteers.

Not that kind, I am talking Food stamps, AFDC etc..medicaid, you know.. I have no problem with relief if it is really warranted, I have no hate for those that ask, I do not have envy of the rich or those on welfare. I make do with what I have from gardening and collecting, and try to make it last...I believe the US is a blessing to humans and how govt's have treated the common folk, compared to the past...There will always be greed, it is just as much a sin to be a lazy as it is to have accumulated to much wealth....I worry about myself and what I am doing more than I care about what someone else is doing...hating will result in one thing for the holder,,hypertension and early death..
One party is filled with dishonest, lying scum with dishonest lying scumbags that care only about themselves making up the bulk of their voting block, and the other Party is made up of Patriots who care about the Country.
For "Patriots who care about the Country," Republicans sure act like Democrats when they get in power.
The role of government is to allow the PURSUIT of happiness, not to guarantee that everyone will find it.

The role of government is to get out of the way of business and let the free market, supply and demand, and individual hard work drive success (or failure).

"just get the hell out of my way" John Galt to the government in Atlas Shrugged.

Prior to FDR the presumption of government was to produce the conditions for the "pursuit of happiness." FDR said, "why stop there, the federal government can produce happiness" ( understood as material well-being ) thus the New Deal, road to socialism and ruination of the principles the Founders spent much time on, in their famous U.S. Constitution, that is now almost up in flames. Obammy is fast closing it out, completely. We poor hard-working sucking taxpayers.
The role of government is to get out of the way of business and let the free market, supply and demand, and individual hard work drive success (or failure).
What happens when markets fail or fall victim to manipulation by elites?
"In economics, market failure is a situation in which the allocation of goods and services by a free market is not efficient. That is, there exists another conceivable outcome where a market participant may be made better-off without making someone else worse-off. (The outcome is not Pareto optimal.)

"Market failures can be viewed as scenarios where individuals' pursuit of pure self-interest leads to results that are not efficient – that can be improved upon from the societal point of view.[1][2] The first known use of the term by economists was in 1958,[3] but the concept has been traced back to the Victorian philosopher Henry Sidgwick.[4]"
Market failure - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Who are these 'elites' you speak so frequently of?

I want names, not some Kafkaesque accusations then run away and hide like a child casting a stone.

Who are they?

The only manipulation going on, now or ever, was through government.

Governments come and go and with them, the 'elites'.

Government is at the heart of everything wrong with civilization, not business

I totally agree with you.
That is why the Founders of this Nation gave us a Constitution that is run by the people not the elites. We the people have to get back control of our government not have the government in control of us the people.
All of our Federal Legislature , President and Vice President are part of the top 1%.
They are the elites.
Prior to FDR the presumption of government was to produce the conditions for the "pursuit of happiness." FDR said, "why stop there, the federal government can produce happiness" ( understood as material well-being ) thus the New Deal, road to socialism and ruination of the principles the Founders spent much time on, in their famous U.S. Constitution, that is now almost up in flames. Obammy is fast closing it out, completely. We poor hard-working sucking taxpayers.

Just so you know, that's a George Will quote describing FDR, It's not an FDR quote.
The role of government is to allow the PURSUIT of happiness, not to guarantee that everyone will find it.

The role of government is to get out of the way of business and let the free market, supply and demand, and individual hard work drive success (or failure).

"just get the hell out of my way" John Galt to the government in Atlas Shrugged.

Prior to FDR the presumption of government was to produce the conditions for the "pursuit of happiness." FDR said, "why stop there, the federal government can produce happiness" ( understood as material well-being ) thus the New Deal, road to socialism and ruination of the principles the Founders spent much time on, in their famous U.S. Constitution, that is now almost up in flames. Obammy is fast closing it out, completely. We poor hard-working sucking taxpayers.

Yep, yep, yep.

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