The Canadian government is going to waste taxpayers' money giving cervical cancer screenings to men

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
At what point do we as a society stop enabling mental illness?

If the Canadian government is going to spend money and medical resources providing cervical cancer screenings to people who don't have a cervix, can they be held responsible for injuries, suffering, deaths associated with the people who couldn't get in to see a doctor, because that doctor was busy looking up a guy's asshole trying to find his cervix?

At what point do we as a society stop enabling mental illness?

If the Canadian government is going to spend money and medical resources providing cervical cancer screenings to people who don't have a cervix, can they be held responsible for injuries, suffering, deaths associated with the people who couldn't get in to see a doctor, because that doctor was busy looking up a guy's asshole trying to find his cervix?

Dubious link
At what point do we as a society stop enabling mental illness?

If the Canadian government is going to spend money and medical resources providing cervical cancer screenings to people who don't have a cervix, can they be held responsible for injuries, suffering, deaths associated with the people who couldn't get in to see a doctor, because that doctor was busy looking up a guy's asshole trying to find his cervix?

Canadians have become the joke of the world and they’re damn proud of it….ask Donald H and Dragonlady
At what point do we as a society stop enabling mental illness?

If the Canadian government is going to spend money and medical resources providing cervical cancer screenings to people who don't have a cervix, can they be held responsible for injuries, suffering, deaths associated with the people who couldn't get in to see a doctor, because that doctor was busy looking up a guy's asshole trying to find his cervix?

If this is about women pretending to be men being uncomfortable asking for cervical cancer screening, I can understand this.

If this is about men pretending to be women wondering about it, then it's just crazy.
The confusion is from the fact that dems consider women who transition to a man to be a man... they are not men of course but to troll the right they will refer to them as men... I don't care if some sick doctor cuts a chunk of flesh off your ass and makes it into a makeshift penis and attaches it to you... you are still a woman....
If this is about women pretending to be men being uncomfortable asking for cervical cancer screening, I can understand this.

If this is about men pretending to be women wondering about it, then it's just crazy.

My understanding is that a "trans woman" is a man pretending to be a woman. It occurs to me now that the loons making up shit like this may not even themselves understand what they're saying.
The confusion is from the fact that dems consider women who transition to a man to be a man... they are not men of course but to troll the right they will refer to them as men... I don't care if some sick doctor cuts a chunk of flesh off your ass and makes it into a makeshift penis and attaches it to you you are still a woman....

You can never become the opposite sex, just a sad facsimile of the opposite sex. Using a term like gender is just to confuse the situation.

The situation is even more retarded than that, because now the claim is if a man keeps his twig and berries but identifies as a woman, then he is a woman, and straight men and lesbians better consider him a woman, or else.
My understanding is that a "trans woman" is a man pretending to be a woman. It occurs to me now that the loons making up shit like this may not even themselves understand what they're saying.

Usually, but since they are making up new definitions and sub-variants by the day, who the fuck knows any more?
You can never become the opposite sex, just a sad facsimile of the opposite sex. Using a term like gender is just to confuse the situation.

The situation is even more retarded than that, because now the claim is if a man keeps his twig and berries but identifies as a woman, then he is a woman, and straight men and lesbians better consider him a woman, or else.
Yep you are right.... and men who transition to a "woman" can still get prostrate cancer...
IF this is true and they are doing cervical cancer screenings on people who do not have nor have ever had a cervix, of course it is stupid. So I seriously question the source.

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