The cancer of Islam was at war with US as early as American Revolution

US hypocracy or corruption has its own story but every nation in the world, every political system has its own as well, But that in no way takes away from the threat from Radical Islam. It seems you cant even address it without first putting down the US. For all our faults we are still the best system, not because we have been perfect, but because we have a system that is designed to correct itself, balance its power, and basicaly its more the Idea of America that makes us different from other countries, which is why people typically in the past wanted to come here.

THey didn't invade our country, we invaded theirs. mutliple times. Now I know some of you have been shitting your pants at the thought of the Scary Muslim hiding under your bed since 2001, but the fact is, we keep fucking with them and wonder why it blows back on us.

Radical Islam stands for everything against personal freedom and liberty, take a fucking look at what they are doing in their own back yard. When you see that philosophy start to spread accross the world, you should at least stop and notice.

Islam has been around since the seventh century and they control less territory today than they did in the MIddle Ages. So they kind of suck at this world conquest thing. At least since Suliman the Great, anyway.

I get the joke about the clown makeup,..... but I just had to ask

Oh, good, I was starting to think you were retarded. Oh, wait, no, I still think that.

Yeah, its not our problem until ISIS roots itself in so deep that they actually become a soverign nation and start exporting terrorism to the US. Try finding a friend in the middle east then, they'll remember that we dont back up our allies, and we abandon our friends, and people who stuck their necks out to help us.

I have to ask the question, why aren't our allies, whom we've sold BILLIONS in military equipment to, despite them all being scary Muslims, aren't taking care of the problem themselves?

We spent 25 BILLION training and equipping the Iraqi Army, and they dropped their weapons and stripped off their uniforms the minute ISIL approached. These are the guys you want us to go bail out now?

I dont think anyone around here is shitting in their pants, that is solely YOUR projection. i do feel a bit bad however for people around the world who are going to die and are dying. hey so those scary Muslims pose no threat ? so does that mean we can stop monitoriing people who come into our country from that region? is that what your saying? hey they're nothing to worry about. Just because people have concerns, doesnt mean they hate Muslims or are really afraid of them. If someone had recognized Hitler for what he was in the early days and done something about it, maybe the holocaust could have been averted.'Never again', right.

Obviously Iraquis wernt ready yet for us to leave yet. If you notice we had troops stationed in Germany ever since WW2 and there was a reason for it
You are psychotic, so would rather whip up conspiracy theories about a tiny minority like Jews than acknowledge the actions of a group that numbers well over a billion. There are some medications that would help you, but they do no good unless you actually take them.

If a billion people were really the crazy fanatics you make them out to be, we'd have a lot more trouble than we actually do.

Fact is, people of all religions do crazy shit. You guys get all worked up about some cartoonists getting shot in France (where mass shootings are relatively rare) but we have mass shootings in this country about every other week, and every time we have one, you have the NRA rushing to the ramparts making sure no one ever suggessts something crazy like "background checks" or "waiting periods".
I dont think anyone around here is shitting in their pants, that is solely YOUR projection. i do feel a bit bad however for people around the world who are going to die and are dying. hey so those scary Muslims pose no threat ? so does that mean we can stop monitoriing people who come into our country from that region? is that what your saying? hey they're nothing to worry about. Just because people have concerns, doesnt mean they hate Muslims or are really afraid of them. If someone had recognized Hitler for what he was in the early days and done something about it, maybe the holocaust could have been averted.'Never again', right.

Obviously Iraquis wernt ready yet for us to leave yet. If you notice we had troops stationed in Germany ever since WW2 and there was a reason for it

Uh, guy, the reason why no one "recognized" Hitler was because they were more terrified of Stalin. You see, the rich people in the West were cool with Hitler, he let rich people keep their shit if they weren't Jewish. In fact, up until 1939, people looked at Hitler and Mussolini and the Generals in Japan and thought to themselves, "Well, at least they're keeping them Commies under control". Until they turned on them.

Come to think of it, that's the same way we got into the mess we have in the Middle East. We armed Bin Laden, and when he was killing the "Commies", he was a "Freedom Fighter". Ronald Reagan said so.

We armed Saddam because he wasn't one of the Crazy Shi'ite Muslims. He was a nice sensible Sunni.

France has a problem with it's muslims for the same reason we have a problem with our Mexicans. We create an underclass within our society, and then wonder why it turns violent occasionally. Although to be fair, we aren't doing stupid things like the French did like try to ban Hijabs when no one was really wearing them.
The 9-11 terrorists (some of them illegally in the US) were attending flight school in the U.S. while Clinton was bombing a defenseless country in Europe.
I think Clinton was very busy enhancing his musical experience; enjoying Monica playing the flute for him.
The 9-11 terrorists (some of them illegally in the US) were attending flight school in the U.S. while Clinton was bombing a defenseless country in Europe.
I think Clinton was very busy enhancing his musical experience; enjoying Monica playing the flute for him.

The one time Clinton tried to do something about Bin Laden, in August 1998 when he bombed Afghanistan and Sudan, the GOP Made cracks about the "Aspirin Factory" and how Clinton was "Wagging the Dog" to distract attention from his sex scandals, which the GOP obviously considered more important.
you have the NRA rushing to the ramparts making sure no one ever suggessts something crazy like "background checks" or "waiting periods".
It would be advisable for you to update your database about back ground checks and waiting periods as a requirement to purchase a firearm. Ah… my mistake, mea culpa… mea maxima culpa… you were referring to black powder firearms.
It would be advisable for you to update your database about back ground checks and waiting periods as a requirement to purchase a firearm. Ah… my mistake, mea culpa… mea maxima culpa… you were referring to black powder firearms.

Guns are still too easy to get. Period.

When you have a situation where Loughner and HOlmes and their ilk can't walk into gun stores and buy themselves a small arsenal, then get back to me.

Or do you only care when mass shootings are done by Muslims in other countries?
It would be advisable for you to update your database about back ground checks and waiting periods as a requirement to purchase a firearm. Ah… my mistake, mea culpa… mea maxima culpa… you were referring to black powder firearms.

Guns are still too easy to get. Period.

When you have a situation where Loughner and HOlmes and their ilk can't walk into gun stores and buy themselves a small arsenal, then get back to me.

Or do you only care when mass shootings are done by Muslims in other countries?
OMG! you still find the gun at fault! It is the person operating the gun! Civil airplanes are not considered to be a threat to commit mass murder right? Oh.. yes, I just remembered, it depends on who pilots them. Look for underlying issues within yourself. To simplify it for you: it is your fear of death. When you overcome that fear with the realization that we start dying at the moment of our birth you will see things differently. Or, maybe you embrace ideology leading to totalitarianism. Germany and the Soviet Union implemented total gun control immediately after their dictators gained control over those countries in the 1920s and 1930s respectively.
I dont think anyone around here is shitting in their pants, that is solely YOUR projection. i do feel a bit bad however for people around the world who are going to die and are dying. hey so those scary Muslims pose no threat ? so does that mean we can stop monitoriing people who come into our country from that region? is that what your saying? hey they're nothing to worry about. Just because people have concerns, doesnt mean they hate Muslims or are really afraid of them. If someone had recognized Hitler for what he was in the early days and done something about it, maybe the holocaust could have been averted.'Never again', right.

Obviously Iraquis wernt ready yet for us to leave yet. If you notice we had troops stationed in Germany ever since WW2 and there was a reason for it

Uh, guy, the reason why no one "recognized" Hitler was because they were more terrified of Stalin. You see, the rich people in the West were cool with Hitler, he let rich people keep their shit if they weren't Jewish. In fact, up until 1939, people looked at Hitler and Mussolini and the Generals in Japan and thought to themselves, "Well, at least they're keeping them Commies under control". Until they turned on them.

Come to think of it, that's the same way we got into the mess we have in the Middle East. We armed Bin Laden, and when he was killing the "Commies", he was a "Freedom Fighter". Ronald Reagan said so.

We armed Saddam because he wasn't one of the Crazy Shi'ite Muslims. He was a nice sensible Sunni.

France has a problem with it's muslims for the same reason we have a problem with our Mexicans. We create an underclass within our society, and then wonder why it turns violent occasionally. Although to be fair, we aren't doing stupid things like the French did like try to ban Hijabs when no one was really wearing them.

just about all you wrote is fairly true----if one excludes your
last paragraph. "WE" did not create a Mexican underclass
in the USA-------in fact Mexico did. Desperate Mexicans come to the USA ------and are here illegally....thus crime.
Muslims migrated to France based on a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to get out of their arab shit holes----
they are not illegal in France-----France did not MAKE
them an underclass------they came that way
Agreed, they use th esame arguments the radical islamist use in doing so. i dont even know if they realize this

They don't realize much else, either.

Take one completely uneducated person, add in a dash of paranoia, a heaping cup of resentment, mix thoroughly with an extremely conformist nature and inability to reason, and expose to internet sites calculated to take advantage of their naivete and voila!

Nature abhors a vacuum, and the vacuum between their ears is then filled by the propaganda they read.
OMG! you still find the gun at fault! It is the person operating the gun! Civil airplanes are not considered to be a threat to commit mass murder right? Oh.. yes, I just remembered, it depends on who pilots them.

Okay, if you want to go there. What happened after 9/11? We put metal detectors and full body scanners in place. We replaced the minimum wage Rent-a-cops with a professional TSA, we put steel doors on the cockpits of airplanes. In short, when something was used as a tool for mass murder, we took steps to make sure that never happened again.

But every time there is a mass shooting, we have the NRA hitting the mattresses making sure that no one passes any more restrictions on guns or tightens background checks.

To simplify it for you: it is your fear of death. When you overcome that fear with the realization that we start dying at the moment of our birth you will see things differently.

Yes, most sensible people fear death. Because there's nothing after you die.

Or, maybe you embrace ideology leading to totalitarianism. Germany and the Soviet Union implemented total gun control immediately after their dictators gained control over those countries in the 1920s and 1930s respectively.

Uh, guy, Nazi Germany had LOOSER gun laws than the Weimar regime that proceeded it. And gun laws in Germany are tighter TODAY then they were between 1933 and 1945. SO you really do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
just about all you wrote is fairly true----if one excludes your
last paragraph. "WE" did not create a Mexican underclass
in the USA-------in fact Mexico did. Desperate Mexicans come to the USA ------and are here illegally....thus crime.
Muslims migrated to France based on a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to get out of their arab shit holes----
they are not illegal in France-----France did not MAKE
them an underclass------they came that way

well, no, actually, rich Americans created a Mexican underclass by hiring them. They wouldn't come here if they didn't know jobs were waiting.
just about all you wrote is fairly true----if one excludes your
last paragraph. "WE" did not create a Mexican underclass
in the USA-------in fact Mexico did. Desperate Mexicans come to the USA ------and are here illegally....thus crime.
Muslims migrated to France based on a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to get out of their arab shit holes----
they are not illegal in France-----France did not MAKE
them an underclass------they came that way

well, no, actually, rich Americans created a Mexican underclass by hiring them. They wouldn't come here if they didn't know jobs were waiting.

better to leave them starving?
Or leave them in their own countries.

Point is, they lower the wages of American working folks, and we have enough of our own unemployed.
Or leave them in their own countries.

Point is, they lower the wages of American working folks, and we have enough of our own unemployed.

there are advantages and disadvantages ----no doubt.
not having Mexican labor might also raise prices
for essential products
Okay, if you want to go there. What happened after 9/11? We put metal detectors and full body scanners in place. We replaced the minimum wage Rent-a-cops with a professional TSA, we put steel doors on the cockpits of airplanes. In short, when something was used as a tool for mass murder, we took steps to make sure that never happened again.
uh..oh… spinmeister. I referred to the human factor in using lifeless tools (guns) machinery (airplanes) illustrating that it is the subhuman who is responsible and not a lifeless article but you knew that unless you are total moron OR A PAID professional message board lib spinning on issues.
Yes, most sensible people fear death. Because there's nothing after you die.
Not to fear death doesn't equal to seeking death. I do not do bungee jumping and such. Self preservation is the basic instinct most of us have. I feel sorry for you fearing the inevitable such as "death." You need to take up philosophy. Maybe you find something in reference that it is necessary to have catabolism to have anabolism and realize that there is more to life than physical manifestation.
Uh, guy, Nazi Germany had LOOSER gun laws than the Weimar regime that proceeded it. And gun laws in Germany are tighter TODAY then they were between 1933 and 1945. SO you really do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
Yeah… they were stricter if you read below why. You see, spinmeister, you leave the causation out according to your agenda.
"The 1919 Treaty of Versailles[edit]
From 1918 to 1920, with the defeat of Germany in World War I, the nation was forced to accept a series of devastating reparations after signing the Treaty of Versailles. The defeated Weimar government agreed to payments it did not have the ability to make, which would eventually lead to the 1920s inflationary depression. The treaty had stipulations to disarm the government. Fearing inability to hold the state together during the depression, the German government adopted a sweeping series of gun confiscation legislation against the citizens prior to completely disarming the German military. Article 169 of the Treaty of Versailles explicitly targeted the state: "Within two months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, German arms, munitions, and war material, including anti-aircraft material, existing in Germany in excess of the quantities allowed, must be surrendered to the Governments of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers to be destroyed or rendered useless."[1]"
OMG! you still find the gun at fault! It is the person operating the gun! Civil airplanes are not considered to be a threat to commit mass murder right? Oh.. yes, I just remembered, it depends on who pilots them.

Okay, if you want to go there. What happened after 9/11? We put metal detectors and full body scanners in place. We replaced the minimum wage Rent-a-cops with a professional TSA, we put steel doors on the cockpits of airplanes. In short, when something was used as a tool for mass murder, we took steps to make sure that never happened again.

But every time there is a mass shooting, we have the NRA hitting the mattresses making sure that no one passes any more restrictions on guns or tightens background checks.

To simplify it for you: it is your fear of death. When you overcome that fear with the realization that we start dying at the moment of our birth you will see things differently.

Yes, most sensible people fear death. Because there's nothing after you die.

Or, maybe you embrace ideology leading to totalitarianism. Germany and the Soviet Union implemented total gun control immediately after their dictators gained control over those countries in the 1920s and 1930s respectively.

Uh, guy, Nazi Germany had LOOSER gun laws than the Weimar regime that proceeded it. And gun laws in Germany are tighter TODAY then they were between 1933 and 1945. SO you really do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
uh..oh… spinmeister. I referred to the human factor in using lifeless tools (guns) machinery (airplanes) illustrating that it is the subhuman who is responsible and not a lifeless article but you knew that unless you are total moron OR A PAID professional message board lib spinning on issues.

Oh, is that what you were doing? Because it seems like you nuts want to blame a religion for murder, but not the guns used to do it. My point was that after 9/11, we actually took steps to keep it from happening again. Sandy Hook, not so much.

Yeah… they were stricter if you read below why. You see, spinmeister, you leave the causation out according to your agenda.
"The 1919 Treaty of Versailles[edit]

Had nothing to so with why Weimar had strict gun control laws. Weimar had strict gun control laws because they had mobs of Communists, Nazis and Anarchists in the street having street battles.

Then Hitler came to power and revoked most of the gun control laws. Because he wasn't really afraid of Germans overthrowing him. And he was right. They took those guns and they fought the Allies to the bitter end.

In the end, the guy who had to take all the guns away from German Citizens? My hero, Dwight D. Eisenhower.
uh..oh… spinmeister. I referred to the human factor in using lifeless tools (guns) machinery (airplanes) illustrating that it is the subhuman who is responsible and not a lifeless article but you knew that unless you are total moron OR A PAID professional message board lib spinning on issues.

Oh, is that what you were doing? Because it seems like you nuts want to blame a religion for murder, but not the guns used to do it. My point was that after 9/11, we actually took steps to keep it from happening again. Sandy Hook, not so much.

Yeah… they were stricter if you read below why. You see, spinmeister, you leave the causation out according to your agenda.
"The 1919 Treaty of Versailles[edit]

Had nothing to so with why Weimar had strict gun control laws. Weimar had strict gun control laws because they had mobs of Communists, Nazis and Anarchists in the street having street battles.

Then Hitler came to power and revoked most of the gun control laws. Because he wasn't really afraid of Germans overthrowing him. And he was right. They took those guns and they fought the Allies to the bitter end.

In the end, the guy who had to take all the guns away from German Citizens? My hero, Dwight D. Eisenhower.
hahaha… you are fucking delusional. Your eyes are bloodshot with anger when facts do not match your fantasies and agenda, therefore, you cannot see in the quote why the Weimar Republic disarmed citizenry. What a fucking nutcase… Take a cold shower and one of these :chillpill: those may help with your vision.
Your hero is Eisenhower and you hate Patton. Interesting.
During the American Revolution, the Islamic pirates attacked American ships, captured and beheaded hostages, and demanded ransom for their terrorist criminal activities, because they believed their "religion" sanctioned it.

Ring a bell, anyone?

In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

"It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once."

Jefferson reported the conversation to Secretary of Foreign Affairs John Jay, who submitted the Ambassador's comments and offer to Congress. Jefferson argued that paying tribute would encourage more attacks.

Just curious. Did they take their slaves with them on the trip? And were we done murdering all the American Indians by 1785? And were we done stealing all the land we stole from the Mexicans by then?

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