The Case For Aid to Catholic Schools

And the couple with 6 kids paid less because of all the deductions they get for having all those rug rats.

That doesn't sound fair to me.

No it is not, and the first thing one needs to learn is life is not fair.

I went to a Catholic School (thanks Mom, Dad and God). I learned that one early on. Apparently, according to the Nuns, ya work hard and pray hard and if you're lucky, you get blessed. And if you get blessed, you be thankful and pay it back. Worked for me.

this has to be one of the dumbest things I have read. do you realize this is exactly how religion keeps people enslaved?
can we start funding scientologist or satanic schools now too? what about muslim? have to fund them all once you start the catholic ones.
They already have publicly funded Muslim charter schools and are set to open a Hebrew one.

The Hebrew Language Academy Charter School's school will open two years after the debut of a controversial Arabic-themed public school, also in Brooklyn, and as school districts around the nation grapple with issues of religion and culture.

...... Controversy arose more recently in Minnesota, where The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit last month over the Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy, a Muslim charter school with two campuses in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.

The ACLU contends that the Minnesota school violates the constitutional separation of church and state by permitting prayer sessions during school hours and by giving preference to Muslim clothing rules. Female teachers, for example, have to be covered from neck to wrist and ankle.

Hebrew charter school to open in NYC next fall - 2/01/09 - New York News and Tri-State News -

Maybe the Catholic schools just need to rename themselves: "Roman/Latin Academies". It will be interesting to see how the ACLU does in this case. If they lose, then those Irish/Italian/Polish schools should get ready to bid on those charters.
The majority of school-age children in private school attend parochial schools. Questions about the Constitutionality of government aid to parochial schools involve the Church-State intersection, and when the priority changed from ‘equity’ to the “child-benefit theory,” centering on achievement, the situation had to be revisited.

Under the "child-benefit theory," government aid has been provided to the students of parochial schools, rather than to the schools themselves; by means of this compromise, the constitutional provision against aid to religious institutions is circumvented. In a number of cases, however, the U.S. Supreme Court has decided against state laws providing such aid to parochial schools, claiming that they violate the principle of separation between church and state. parochial school: Definition from

"Government Aid?"

Do Catholic Schools need Surplus Cheese?
We all know how enthused the people on this thread who hate the separation of church and state would be if we were talking about state-funded muslim schools. :woohoo:
One obvious consequence of the integration of church and state is that the state gains free license to interfere in religious issues as it sees fit. You'd think that this would occur to them, especially since most of them have plenty to say about the "evils" of state interference. :eusa_think:

This is the primary concern I have here.

I have no issue with money going to parochial schools if you have a voucher program (which is another issue entirely). If you're going to institute vouchers to allow parents to send kids where they want, then you have to let parents send kids to the schools they want to send them to.

The issue is that if I run a parochial school, do you really want to accept the government's money when you know that strings are attached. Our local congregation was looking at starting up a Lutheran school and the issue of whether to apply for government aid was a hotly debated issue.

In the end, we decided to forego government monies for just this reason.
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