The catholic priest is really a nice person


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Restless gun
The orthodox priest too but the orthodox church is in another city/town and I dont have a drivers license and car to go there regulary. But I want to go regulary to church, maybe not every sunday but regulary. Earlier this year I wanted to convert to catholicism and was in touch with the catholic priest but now I changed my mind, he said I still can go to catholic mass even if I dont step out of the orthodox church. Thats nice, he also said he likes it that Im interested in the theology studies (the studies are roman-catholic theology i start in november or fall). Thats how I could please my mum, that I wont convert to catholicism just let me go sometimes to mass.

Sehr geehrter Herr Mortimer (Mortimer is inserted by me instead of my real name)!

Selbstverständlich können Sie auch gerne in die kath. Messe gehen, ohne aus der orth. Kirche auszutreten. Kein Problem.

Derzeit braucht man beim Hinein- und Hinausgehen aus der Kirche eine Maske. In der Kirche selber nicht.

In der Kirche ist der Abstand von 1m einzuhalten.

Freut mich, dass Sie Interesse am Fernstudium haben.

Ich wünsche Ihnen alles Gute!

Liebe Grüße
In fall I start catholic theology studies. Distance studies.

Dear Mortimer
Some positive points about Catholic theology, teaching and history
1. Thomas Aquinas reconciled the secular Greek ethics with recognized Catholic theology, based on Aristotle's ethics. Before that, the Greeks were considered apostasy outside the church teachings and not from God. After arguing these were consistent and complementary with Catholic church teachings, they were accepted as natural laws also coming from God but given to the Greeks as secular gentiles.
2. Since then, Merton and other priests studied Buddhism and argued this is consistent and complementary as well.
3. The practices of exorcism and deliverance are coming back into public demand and interest. I believe this area is critical to both mental health and criminal justice reform.
4. The area of Liberation Theology, Peace and Justice outreach especially in Latino communities and Spanish speaking countries is huge. And I believe the Catholic church will play the biggest role in restitution, recovery and reform of slave and drug trafficking, immigration politics and worker issues of land ownership, cooperative economics and equal protections.

Some areas that still cause conflicts
A. The issue of justification and works that still divides other Christian denominations that focus on salvation by faith not following church doctrines
B. The issues of abortion and the death penalty that will require govt reform for separating taxes and jurisdiction, since people of differing beliefs have the right to fund or defund different policies instead of forcing one group's beliefs on taxpayers of opposing beliefs
C. The difference in exorcism/deliverance methods between Catholic priests teaching only their priests have authority, instead of only Christ Jesus having authority, and Catholic priests stepping into that role claiming to dictate, judge and order the process. Versus the way Pentecostal and other healing teams or ministries work by only giving and invoking authority of Christ and never stepping in or assuming that role on behalf of Jesus. This is a very critical difference that determines either safe or dangerous intercession. We need to study this medically and scientifically to document spiritual healing, and both the safe and unsafe methods in order to save lives.
D. Addressing the sexual abuse and healing needed, as well as restitution to victims. Again, I see the Catholic church and leaders playing the biggest role in setting up Restorative Justice policies and programs both in America and other countries affected by drug and sex trafficking. Since spiritual healing will help both victims and offenders with recovery and sustainable programs to prevent criminal abuses in the future.

CC: Blackrook
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The fact that the Romantic Catholic Gay and Bi – Sexual Church has paid out nearly $ FOUR BILLION dollars worldwide, in just a few short years

Nearly $ 281,611,817 Eighty - Two - Million has been paid out - on child sex abuse cases - just in the year - 2019

What if it was a Protestant or some other Non Denominational organization or even the Hebrew State of Israel that existed as Gay and Bi – Sexual organization themselves and they had paid out nearly $ FOUR BILLION dollars worldwide, in just a few short years for abusing and raping little children ?

Would not Roman Catholics have the moral compass and the moralistic values and Godly and FAMILY principles to discuss and speak out and say something and try and DO SOMETHING about this ?

Catholics get offended when people mention these facts and, their message is that - if another organization was raping and molesting and hurting thousands of little children - the Catholic community would keep silent and never speak out and speak about it and just turn their heads and show respect to child rapists and child abusers.

$ FOUR BILLION dollars worldwide, in just a few short years for their very own homosexual Catholic community to rape and pillage and abuse and molest thousands of little children.

if the state of Israel had paid $ FOUR BILLION dollars for abusing and raping and molesting and harming little children, the Pope would be on the TV and Media and Radio speaking all about it. Just like he does when Israel has to protect itself from bombs and rockets and accidently kills innocent civilians in a war against terrorists.

This is what Anti Jewish and Anti Israeli truly is - again - a one way street.

If Americans were not on the radios, on the TVs, on the media and speaking out about the acts of ROME - what Catholics would defend little Children ? What Popes, Priests or Bishops would be there to make sure that pedophiles were brought to justice and that children were protected ?

NONE WOULD and NONE HAVE without millions of Americans - like myself - speaking up and eXXXposing the nature of the Church Of Rome.

It should be a crime to even set a foot into a Roman catholic institution, if it was a protestant organization, it would be illegal to be associated with the organization.

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