The Child Bill and Hillary Had Because Of Polling Benefit Leaves 2020 Door Open


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In an interview years ago Hillary was asked about her and bill's decision to have a baby. Hillary stated that they had seen how polling numbers showed that voters preferred candidates with children because it sends a message that they support families and family values.

Now jump ahead to today, where liberals are urging Chelsea Clinton, the child Hillary pretty much declared they only had because of the political polling benefit, to possibly run for the Presidency.


Chelsea has no experience, has never been in politics, and the only real job she has ever had is collecting and cashing paychecks from the Clinton Foundation. But she's 'leaving the door open' for a 2020 run.

If Bill and Hillary didn't even really want her, what makes her think Americans do?


"Good one!"

Chelsea Clinton leaves door open for possible 2020 White House run

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