Gravitation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I could post hundreds more.. Gravity is a theory.. Nice try though..
Melting ice cap, melting glaciers (disappearing rivers and lakes)
The ice caps are melting due to global warming.. Pics speak a thousand words..
I am here because of evolution.. Creation is a joke unless you can offer real proof to the contrary..
Now I am done educating you.. Not that you are even smart enough to learn something..
My OP is spot on in every word!! Deal with it!!
I suppose there is no doubt that you came from an ape. However, the rest of us are human. "Them's the facts, deal with it!!
No one, not even Christians look upon science as a bad thing. It is a good thing. However, I am not so quick to take everything they call fact as concrete. There are dead people who took medications because they believed science was safe. Them pills had a problem that science missed.
Creation is so far beyond the reach of science that science cannot even speculate on it. The only thing that science will ever discover is what God designed. Don't get me wrong, science tells me just how amazing God's creation is. I am glad science can see so far, but that far is close compared to how far God has created.
So, Tell us all what you know over and over, but your lack of knowledge speaks louder than these empty posts of yours.
With that said, The God that created all loves you. He knows what science cannot discover, that you need Him. He is available to meet your needs, but you cannot ever see that as long as you are fighting against Him.
You need to research what you are talking about, rather than just search for sites that say what you are saying. They all have holes in them.
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