The complex future of womens sports

The International Skating Union has published new rules for participation in figure skating and speed skating competitions. Now transgender people officially participate in the competitions. The rules for admission to competitions assume that a trans woman (ex-man) provides a certificate that his testosterone level is below 5 nmol/l for a year before the tournament and he can keep his dick. Trans man (ex-woman)it does not provide a certificate, a statement is enough. Probably because all 50 genders are equal.

I propose the following solution to the problem. Allow two athletes (representatives of any of the 50 genders)to perform as one, if they consider themselves a single person, and add up their performance points!!! Victory and profit are guaranteed!!

Normal people need to leave from everywhere, where this filth appeared.
Pathology cannot be equated in rights with the norm, while this blurs the very concept of the norm.
If normal people swallow it again, then that's it, the end of sport.
The claw is stuck - the whole bird is lost.

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