The Conservative Nanny State

Retard warning, Read the above at the risk of your brain draining out of your nose on to the floor.

Why? I hope you realize that the Conservative parties do in fact rely on heavy subsidies from the government for successful buinesses like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Blackwater, and so on.

Your not denying that are you? Do you realize that the money we spend on these companies can feed the country many times over?
Your fundamental logic flaw, as in all liberals, is the absolutely fallacy that business has a social purpose. You go into business for one and only one make money. There is NO OTHER PURPOSE for business. Business that makes money for it's owners, STAYS IN BUSINESS, hires people, pays top dollar for help, has the best benefits, etc...
That is the problem. The relationship between business and society should not be divided so distinctly. They have social responsibilities to not pollute, to offer products that do not harm others and so on.

But if you must cling to that false notion that business and society must be divided and that businesses must be held up in capitalist glory above the needs of the people...why must we allow them to receive our tax dollars?
Socialism doesn't work at all. But then we should just ignore that reality and try it again, right?
Neither system in of itself works. Socialism was corrupted by powerful men. Capitalism has been corrupted by powerful men.

We need a mixture of socialism, capitalism and democracy. Anything less than that is economic tyranny.
Then you don't know what you're talking about when you talk about Walmart and how horrible it is. How many people do you know who actually work there?
My wife worked there for years too. They simply are not a good neighbor as they avoid paying taxes whenever a township allows, pay just above minimum wage and yet way below a livable wage, demand mothers work peak hours so they have no quality time with children & family, work people under 40 hours to avoid overtime & benefits. Should I go on?
That's not my experience. My nephew and my daughter in law work there. (Well, in the case of daughter in law, worked. She's a stay at home mom now).

They both worked full time and overtime, one stocking and other as a department head. Their hours were regular, they were treated well, and enjoyed work. The small town where the Walmart is loves it. It hires oodles of people who would otherwise be on welfare.
While I agree that Wal-Mart doesn't just higher Salaried employees, there aren't many business that provide great benefits for part-time employees, and some that don't provide any at all. So you can't really go by part-time benefits when comparing businesses. Every business has different, smaller, benefits for part-timers. I think what Zoomie is saying is that if you go by salaried employees, they're in line with the other large companies. Now as far as hiring illegal immigrants, that's a different story. :)

His point, as I saw it, was that companies that make lots of money pay their employees well. That is simply not necessarily true.
That's not my experience. My nephew and my daughter in law work there. (Well, in the case of daughter in law, worked. She's a stay at home mom now).

They both worked full time and overtime, one stocking and other as a department head. Their hours were regular, they were treated well, and enjoyed work. The small town where the Walmart is loves it. It hires oodles of people who would otherwise be on welfare.

The people who were pushed out of the Mom & Pop stores?
But don't you know, Wal Mart makes lots of money, and the socialists think they shouldn't be.

And who were is a socialist and thinks that?

They should be hiring fewer people, housing them in Wal Mart tenements and providing them with a free clinic, run by doctors with addiction issues.

Well all that would be great. But I'll settle for them allowing their workers to unionize and paying them a living wage.
I'm sure unions would improve Wal Marts just like they've improved our schools.
I'm sure unions would improve Wal Marts just like they've improved our schools.

Perhaps if schools didn't have to recruit from poorly trained recent college graduates in programs like "teach for America" they might do better.

And really...unions aren't going to improve Walmart, they are going to improve how Walmart treats its employees.
Perhaps if our liberal schools actually taught the teachers something worth knowing, we'd have a higher quality of teacher.
Perhaps if schools didn't have to recruit from poorly trained recent college graduates in programs like "teach for America" they might do better.

And really...unions aren't going to improve Walmart, they are going to improve how Walmart treats its employees.

No, they'll require higher pay, fewer firings, and more insurance.

The result will be poorer service, higher costs, and lay offs.
Perhaps if our liberal schools actually taught the teachers something worth knowing, we'd have a higher quality of teacher.

What would those things "worth knowing" be? That Neanderthals lived to 300 years of age, that dinosaurs and cavemen coexisted?
You know that I didn't say that, right? And that the more you follow me around ridiculing me for saying, the more idiotic you look?
Isn't that what I said? Better treatment.

Right because the more someone gets paid the lazier they get. Wait, what?

If you combine a higher salary and reduce accountablity you reduce the quality of the service. YOu also effectively reduce the workforce and end up with hiring freezes and all sorts of interesting things.

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