The Continuing Decline Of A Now-Leftist Organization

How about you admit you don’t actually know what it is?

Everybody knows, 000IQ....except you.

…or, explaining what a mistake it is to support Democrat policies.

1. Critical Race Theory, in the definition proposed in the 1993 book Words That Wound, co-authored by Mari Matsuda, Charles Lawrence III, Richard Delgado, and Kimberlè Crenshaw:

"Critical race theory recognizes that racism is endemic to American life. Rather than seeing racism as aberrational, CRT scholars see it as the norm.

Critical race theory expresses skepticism toward dominant legal claims of neutrality, objectivity, color blindness, and meritocracy.

More important, as critical race theorists we adopt a stance that presumes that racism has contributed to all contemporary manifestations of group advantage and disadvantage along racial lines, including differences in income, imprisonment, health, housing, education, political representation, and military service. Our history calls for this presumption….whites must simply defer to the voices of their non-white peers."

2. The simplest rebuttal is this statement of America’s Creed, which is the opposite of CRT.

…the creed embodies “the political principles of liberty, equality, democracy, individualism, human rights, the rule of law, and private property.” Samuel P. Huntington’s Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity, p.46

3. A detailed and step-wise dismembering of the aberrant anti-humanity Critical Race Theory, by James A. Lindsay, begins here:

“ Critical Race Theory believes racism is present in every aspect of life, every relationship, and every interaction.

…the usual way society does business, the common, everyday experience of most people of color in this country,”

… what they mean by “racism” isn’t even what most people think racism means. It is not prejudice based upon race or believing some races to be superior or inferior to others that they mean by “racism.” It is, instead, the “system” of everything that happens in the social world and beyond that results in any disparity that works in the favor of “racially privileged” groups (on average) or any “racially oppressed” person claiming they experience racial oppression.

… people who take up Critical Race Theory to look for racism in everything until they find it.

In the workplace that adopts Critical Race Theory, this means that it’s only a matter of time until someone with that worldview finds out how your entire company and its culture is “racist.” At that point, they will cause a meltdown that forces everyone to take sides and demand a reorganization of the entire (now divided) office culture and management.

In schools, it will mean teaching our children to think this way and always be looking for racism in every situation and interaction. In our personal relationships, it means that friends and even family members—especially our kids who have already been educated with Critical Race Theory ideas that have been incorporated in our schools—will eventually call each other out and reject one another, because tolerating racism is also considered a form of racism t

hat would have to be discovered and stopped.”

Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

This is the binary system into which the Left has plunged America: to vote Democrat is to endorse Critical Race Theory....,

.....and vice versa.
Fuck off, schmendrick.....Every time I think that you cannot possibly be more idiotic and banal, you manage to pull it off.
As usual, you shoot blanks when pressured

Kind of like your sex life

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