The country and the people win...."We're all socialists now!". That's fair capitalism. Liberal SC?


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Finally, the Finland PM's quote is safe, and all the help for millions of us, in fact ALL of us, AND the economy are safe. The GOP rants and rave get totally ridiculous. Hillary/Sanders 2016!

Are Scalia, Alioto, and Thomas now the moot Faux Noise/Trolls etc of the SC? Could be, the nutjob RW is being kicked to the curb. TY, Age of Information/ Social media.
The hardcore Left laughed at and mocked the Righties who said the Left was after socialism. Yet look at this thread.

The hardcore Left is laughing and mocking people for saying the Left wants to control people with political correctness. Yet look at the news.

While I agree with the Left on more issues, it's this constant, blatant, insulting dishonesty that I won't give in to.

Socialism is just fair, well regulated capitalism. My father the doctor was quietly for socialized medicine since 1940. Somewhere, he is very happy.

You still think socialism is communism, cold war dinosaur. The rest of the world thinks you're nuts. Welcome to the real world. Socialism is ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC. End of story.
You still think socialism is communism, cold war dinosaur. The rest of the world thinks you're nuts.
Nice straw man argument to illustrate my point about dishonesty.

Perfect, thanks. I think you people literally can't help yourselves.

Oh, and thanks also for confirming my first sentence.

Sometimes this is just too easy.

Social democracy is regulated capitalism, folks, and you who don't like it need to get the fuck over it.
Social Democracy is a term invented solely to stop American ugly American hater dupes from going batshytte at the very mention of the term socialist.

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