The coverage on Covington kids in inexcusable despite apologies


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
For so many reasons, the narrative pushed this weekend by the likes of CNN and other MM outlets and pundits shows how far gone the “media” is. These are not journalists, they are clearly activists, and I don’t see how even those on the left can deny it anymore. Not only was the narrative flat out wrong, it was an even more perverse lie since the actions of those kids was actually commendable (let’s rememeber we’re talking about high school boys here) in the face of two separate groups trying to clearly provoke them. The media had the full clips of what happened, and there’s no doubt they poured over it trying to look for any snippet to make these kids look bad. Their goal was clear, they wanted to push the narrative that the pro life movement was made up of bad people. The best they could come up with was BS from actual bad people, that targeted and tried to provoke a bunch of kids to make them look bad. When you’re taking the side of people trying to prey on and provoke high school for a political agenda, something is terribly off. Here’s the craziest part, no one is saying shit about the actual pieces of shit that were in the video, the Black Israelite cult. WTAF? If these loons were any part associated with the right to life march, they’d be deemed by the media as the poster boys for the march. But they’re not, they are despicable, and no one is saying shit about it.

Even today I heard commentary by NBC I think, still trying to pretend like this is a he said she said type scenario now. As if this is some sort of “what really happened? We’ll never know I guess”. Are you kidding me? We know exactly what happened, Bc there is 2 hours of this shit on camera. But again they’re activists, not journalist. I hope those on the left start taking these clowns with a grain of salt because this is proof that they don’t care about truth, they care about the agenda. So much so that they’re willing to inflict havoc on these kids lives pushing this agenda and have zero remorse doing so.
For so many reasons, the narrative pushed this weekend by the likes of CNN and other MM outlets and pundits shows how far gone the “media” is. These are not journalists, they are clearly activists, and I don’t see how even those on the left can deny it anymore. Not only was the narrative flat out wrong, it was an even more perverse lie since the actions of those kids was actually commendable (let’s rememeber we’re talking about high school boys here) in the face of two separate groups trying to clearly provoke them. The media had the full clips of what happened, and there’s no doubt they poured over it trying to look for any snippet to make these kids look bad. Their goal was clear, they wanted to push the narrative that the pro life movement was made up of bad people. The best they could come up with was BS from actual bad people, that targeted and tried to provoke a bunch of kids to make them look bad. When you’re taking the side of people trying to prey on and provoke high school for a political agenda, something is terribly off. Here’s the craziest part, no one is saying shit about the actual pieces of shit that were in the video, the Black Israelite cult. WTAF? If these loons were any part associated with the right to life march, they’d be deemed by the media as the poster boys for the march. But they’re not, they are despicable, and no one is saying shit about it.

Even today I heard commentary by NBC I think, still trying to pretend like this is a he said she said type scenario now. As if this is some sort of “what really happened? We’ll never know I guess”. Are you kidding me? We know exactly what happened, Bc there is 2 hours of this shit on camera. But again they’re activists, not journalist. I hope those on the left start taking these clowns with a grain of salt because this is proof that they don’t care about truth, they care about the agenda. So much so that they’re willing to inflict havoc on these kids lives pushing this agenda and have zero remorse doing so.
/-----/ This just in:
Lawyer For Covington Catholic HS Families Threatens Lawsuits Against Media Unless They Retract False Stories
Thanks to the sloppy, one-sided reporting of the malicious, agenda-driven media, a group of Catholic high school teenagers and their families have become the subjects of threats and harassment from a hateful online outrage mob. Their only sins? Being white, Catholic, and supporters of the president.
For so many reasons, the narrative pushed this weekend by the likes of CNN and other MM outlets and pundits shows how far gone the “media” is. These are not journalists, they are clearly activists, and I don’t see how even those on the left can deny it anymore. Not only was the narrative flat out wrong, it was an even more perverse lie since the actions of those kids was actually commendable (let’s rememeber we’re talking about high school boys here) in the face of two separate groups trying to clearly provoke them. The media had the full clips of what happened, and there’s no doubt they poured over it trying to look for any snippet to make these kids look bad. Their goal was clear, they wanted to push the narrative that the pro life movement was made up of bad people. The best they could come up with was BS from actual bad people, that targeted and tried to provoke a bunch of kids to make them look bad. When you’re taking the side of people trying to prey on and provoke high school for a political agenda, something is terribly off. Here’s the craziest part, no one is saying shit about the actual pieces of shit that were in the video, the Black Israelite cult. WTAF? If these loons were any part associated with the right to life march, they’d be deemed by the media as the poster boys for the march. But they’re not, they are despicable, and no one is saying shit about it.

Even today I heard commentary by NBC I think, still trying to pretend like this is a he said she said type scenario now. As if this is some sort of “what really happened? We’ll never know I guess”. Are you kidding me? We know exactly what happened, Bc there is 2 hours of this shit on camera. But again they’re activists, not journalist. I hope those on the left start taking these clowns with a grain of salt because this is proof that they don’t care about truth, they care about the agenda. So much so that they’re willing to inflict havoc on these kids lives pushing this agenda and have zero remorse doing so.
/-----/ This just in:
Lawyer For Covington Catholic HS Families Threatens Lawsuits Against Media Unless They Retract False Stories
Thanks to the sloppy, one-sided reporting of the malicious, agenda-driven media, a group of Catholic high school teenagers and their families have become the subjects of threats and harassment from a hateful online outrage mob. Their only sins? Being white, Catholic, and supporters of the president.
Good I was hoping for this.

I really want to hear from somebody on here try to explain how this wasn’t malicious intent by the media. Because it clearly is. If this was some crazy kids on a leftist cause actually mocking a NA person...they would’ve blurred the faces out. But they didn’t. Instead they talked about how much they wanted to punch this kid in the face...When there’s a old guy out there actively lying about this who was trying to provoke high school KIDS. They make excuse after excuse for adults in Antifa who drop kick cops trying to keep order while their backs are turned, and yet this kid is the one they want to punch in the face. This is the kid they put out there and prepped him and his family for a social media shit storm that was completely false. And they knew it. No excuse. Heads need to roll for this type of shit, because there had been real damage done.
For so many reasons, the narrative pushed this weekend by the likes of CNN and other MM outlets and pundits shows how far gone the “media” is. These are not journalists, they are clearly activists, and I don’t see how even those on the left can deny it anymore. Not only was the narrative flat out wrong, it was an even more perverse lie since the actions of those kids was actually commendable (let’s rememeber we’re talking about high school boys here) in the face of two separate groups trying to clearly provoke them. The media had the full clips of what happened, and there’s no doubt they poured over it trying to look for any snippet to make these kids look bad. Their goal was clear, they wanted to push the narrative that the pro life movement was made up of bad people. The best they could come up with was BS from actual bad people, that targeted and tried to provoke a bunch of kids to make them look bad. When you’re taking the side of people trying to prey on and provoke high school for a political agenda, something is terribly off. Here’s the craziest part, no one is saying shit about the actual pieces of shit that were in the video, the Black Israelite cult. WTAF? If these loons were any part associated with the right to life march, they’d be deemed by the media as the poster boys for the march. But they’re not, they are despicable, and no one is saying shit about it.

Even today I heard commentary by NBC I think, still trying to pretend like this is a he said she said type scenario now. As if this is some sort of “what really happened? We’ll never know I guess”. Are you kidding me? We know exactly what happened, Bc there is 2 hours of this shit on camera. But again they’re activists, not journalist. I hope those on the left start taking these clowns with a grain of salt because this is proof that they don’t care about truth, they care about the agenda. So much so that they’re willing to inflict havoc on these kids lives pushing this agenda and have zero remorse doing so.
Calling for those on the left to take anything that they think makes Republicans or the president look bad is not going to happen. There are those that are hoping that the economy will fail, that Trump will die or be impeached. Rachel Maddow is putting forward the idea that the reason Trump has done a partial shutdown of the government was to force the FBI to sell government secrets the Russia and China then they can all be imprisioned. They were cheering for the fellow that suggested the young adults be run through a wood chipper. If those on the right have completley lost their minds.
For so many reasons, the narrative pushed this weekend by the likes of CNN and other MM outlets and pundits shows how far gone the “media” is. These are not journalists, they are clearly activists, and I don’t see how even those on the left can deny it anymore. Not only was the narrative flat out wrong, it was an even more perverse lie since the actions of those kids was actually commendable (let’s rememeber we’re talking about high school boys here) in the face of two separate groups trying to clearly provoke them. The media had the full clips of what happened, and there’s no doubt they poured over it trying to look for any snippet to make these kids look bad. Their goal was clear, they wanted to push the narrative that the pro life movement was made up of bad people. The best they could come up with was BS from actual bad people, that targeted and tried to provoke a bunch of kids to make them look bad. When you’re taking the side of people trying to prey on and provoke high school for a political agenda, something is terribly off. Here’s the craziest part, no one is saying shit about the actual pieces of shit that were in the video, the Black Israelite cult. WTAF? If these loons were any part associated with the right to life march, they’d be deemed by the media as the poster boys for the march. But they’re not, they are despicable, and no one is saying shit about it.

Even today I heard commentary by NBC I think, still trying to pretend like this is a he said she said type scenario now. As if this is some sort of “what really happened? We’ll never know I guess”. Are you kidding me? We know exactly what happened, Bc there is 2 hours of this shit on camera. But again they’re activists, not journalist. I hope those on the left start taking these clowns with a grain of salt because this is proof that they don’t care about truth, they care about the agenda. So much so that they’re willing to inflict havoc on these kids lives pushing this agenda and have zero remorse doing so.

Guess what......

If there anything good to come of this, perhaps a few people will wake up and realize how utterly despicable and morally bankrupt our media has become.

These modern day brownshirts need to be exposed and dealt with before they hurl our entire country into their fascist abyss.
For so many reasons, the narrative pushed this weekend by the likes of CNN and other MM outlets and pundits shows how far gone the “media” is. These are not journalists, they are clearly activists, and I don’t see how even those on the left can deny it anymore. Not only was the narrative flat out wrong, it was an even more perverse lie since the actions of those kids was actually commendable (let’s rememeber we’re talking about high school boys here) in the face of two separate groups trying to clearly provoke them. The media had the full clips of what happened, and there’s no doubt they poured over it trying to look for any snippet to make these kids look bad. Their goal was clear, they wanted to push the narrative that the pro life movement was made up of bad people. The best they could come up with was BS from actual bad people, that targeted and tried to provoke a bunch of kids to make them look bad. When you’re taking the side of people trying to prey on and provoke high school for a political agenda, something is terribly off. Here’s the craziest part, no one is saying shit about the actual pieces of shit that were in the video, the Black Israelite cult. WTAF? If these loons were any part associated with the right to life march, they’d be deemed by the media as the poster boys for the march. But they’re not, they are despicable, and no one is saying shit about it.

Even today I heard commentary by NBC I think, still trying to pretend like this is a he said she said type scenario now. As if this is some sort of “what really happened? We’ll never know I guess”. Are you kidding me? We know exactly what happened, Bc there is 2 hours of this shit on camera. But again they’re activists, not journalist. I hope those on the left start taking these clowns with a grain of salt because this is proof that they don’t care about truth, they care about the agenda. So much so that they’re willing to inflict havoc on these kids lives pushing this agenda and have zero remorse doing so.

Dear sakinago
The same Bible used to teach the students to obey civil authority
and to turn the other cheek when slapped down as an inferior
(so that you ask to address the rebuke as an equal neighbor instead)
ALSO instructs believers to forgive one another, 70 times 7,
no matter how many times they do wrong and ask forgiveness again.

We have a chance to make right by agreeing to receive one another
in the face of wrongdoing instead of rejection and blame which destroys any chance we have.

Christ Jesus ultimately represents the universal power and authority
of Restorative Justice
to bring equal justice and lasting peace to all humanity, by restoring one relation at a time.

Each opportunity, each offer of forgiveness and reconciliation is a Gift from God
we cannot afford to squander. To turn someone away who offers to apologize
is like spitting in the face of God or Jesus. What we do for one another, we do for Him.

What we refuse or deny from one another, we also do unto Him.

We can either agree to embody Justice Mercy and Peace which is the
universal saving grace that Jesus and the Holy Spirit represent collectively.

Or we can deny this and leave ourselves crying for Justice when we just closed the door on ourselves.

Matthew 6:14-15

For if you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.
15But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive yours.
For so many reasons, the narrative pushed this weekend by the likes of CNN and other MM outlets and pundits shows how far gone the “media” is. These are not journalists, they are clearly activists, and I don’t see how even those on the left can deny it anymore. Not only was the narrative flat out wrong, it was an even more perverse lie since the actions of those kids was actually commendable (let’s rememeber we’re talking about high school boys here) in the face of two separate groups trying to clearly provoke them. The media had the full clips of what happened, and there’s no doubt they poured over it trying to look for any snippet to make these kids look bad. Their goal was clear, they wanted to push the narrative that the pro life movement was made up of bad people. The best they could come up with was BS from actual bad people, that targeted and tried to provoke a bunch of kids to make them look bad. When you’re taking the side of people trying to prey on and provoke high school for a political agenda, something is terribly off. Here’s the craziest part, no one is saying shit about the actual pieces of shit that were in the video, the Black Israelite cult. WTAF? If these loons were any part associated with the right to life march, they’d be deemed by the media as the poster boys for the march. But they’re not, they are despicable, and no one is saying shit about it.

Even today I heard commentary by NBC I think, still trying to pretend like this is a he said she said type scenario now. As if this is some sort of “what really happened? We’ll never know I guess”. Are you kidding me? We know exactly what happened, Bc there is 2 hours of this shit on camera. But again they’re activists, not journalist. I hope those on the left start taking these clowns with a grain of salt because this is proof that they don’t care about truth, they care about the agenda. So much so that they’re willing to inflict havoc on these kids lives pushing this agenda and have zero remorse doing so.

Dear sakinago
The same Bible used to teach the students to obey civil authority
and to turn the other cheek when slapped down as an inferior
(so that you ask to address the rebuke as an equal neighbor instead)
ALSO instructs believers to forgive one another, 70 times 7,
no matter how many times they do wrong and ask forgiveness again.

We have a chance to make right by agreeing to receive one another
in the face of wrongdoing instead of rejection and blame which destroys any chance we have.

Christ Jesus ultimately represents the universal power and authority
of Restorative Justice
to bring equal justice and lasting peace to all humanity, by restoring one relation at a time.

Each opportunity, each offer of forgiveness and reconciliation is a Gift from God
we cannot afford to squander. To turn someone away who offers to apologize
is like spitting in the face of God or Jesus. What we do for one another, we do for Him.

What we refuse or deny from one another, we also do unto Him.

We can either agree to embody Justice and Peace which is the
universal saving grace that Jesus and the Holy Spirit represent collectively.

Or we can deny this and leave ourselves crying for Justice when we just closed the door on ourselves.

Excuse me, but the kid DID turn the other cheek in response to the hatred arising from the black contingent and the intentional act of intimidation provided by the aggressive political operative beating a drum inches from his face.
For so many reasons, the narrative pushed this weekend by the likes of CNN and other MM outlets and pundits shows how far gone the “media” is. These are not journalists, they are clearly activists, and I don’t see how even those on the left can deny it anymore. Not only was the narrative flat out wrong, it was an even more perverse lie since the actions of those kids was actually commendable (let’s rememeber we’re talking about high school boys here) in the face of two separate groups trying to clearly provoke them. The media had the full clips of what happened, and there’s no doubt they poured over it trying to look for any snippet to make these kids look bad. Their goal was clear, they wanted to push the narrative that the pro life movement was made up of bad people. The best they could come up with was BS from actual bad people, that targeted and tried to provoke a bunch of kids to make them look bad. When you’re taking the side of people trying to prey on and provoke high school for a political agenda, something is terribly off. Here’s the craziest part, no one is saying shit about the actual pieces of shit that were in the video, the Black Israelite cult. WTAF? If these loons were any part associated with the right to life march, they’d be deemed by the media as the poster boys for the march. But they’re not, they are despicable, and no one is saying shit about it.

Even today I heard commentary by NBC I think, still trying to pretend like this is a he said she said type scenario now. As if this is some sort of “what really happened? We’ll never know I guess”. Are you kidding me? We know exactly what happened, Bc there is 2 hours of this shit on camera. But again they’re activists, not journalist. I hope those on the left start taking these clowns with a grain of salt because this is proof that they don’t care about truth, they care about the agenda. So much so that they’re willing to inflict havoc on these kids lives pushing this agenda and have zero remorse doing so.

Dear sakinago
The same Bible used to teach the students to obey civil authority
and to turn the other cheek when slapped down as an inferior
(so that you ask to address the rebuke as an equal neighbor instead)
ALSO instructs believers to forgive one another, 70 times 7,
no matter how many times they do wrong and ask forgiveness again.

We have a chance to make right by agreeing to receive one another
in the face of wrongdoing instead of rejection and blame which destroys any chance we have.

Christ Jesus ultimately represents the universal power and authority
of Restorative Justice
to bring equal justice and lasting peace to all humanity, by restoring one relation at a time.

Each opportunity, each offer of forgiveness and reconciliation is a Gift from God
we cannot afford to squander. To turn someone away who offers to apologize
is like spitting in the face of God or Jesus. What we do for one another, we do for Him.

What we refuse or deny from one another, we also do unto Him.

We can either agree to embody Justice Mercy and Peace which is the
universal saving grace that Jesus and the Holy Spirit represent collectively.

Or we can deny this and leave ourselves crying for Justice when we just closed the door on ourselves.

Matthew 6:14-15

For if you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.
15But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive yours.
Welp here’s the problem Emily, an acceptance of the very few apologies that have been offered would fall under the “don’t cast pearls before swine” category. For there to be an actual apology offered, there needs to be recognition and remorse of wrong doing. There is none of that going on. This instance is merely one of many that continue to happen. It is the classic, they are only sorry because they were caught. And even now they are not trying to reconcile, but instead scrambling to smear the school digging up the most ridiculous shit they can find to try to claim racism...or whatever else they can. To me, it’s more important that they are held responsible for their barf worthy actions. I truly hope they get their socks sued off because that seems to be the only thing that will wake them up from their irresponsible, activism masquerading as journalism stupor...If that’s even a possibility, which I doubt. It’s what they deserve, there are and have been real serious consequences for their actions. That school had to shut down school and sports events because of death threats. That’s not even including the kids who have been doxed, and whose families are getting harassed. This wasn’t a simple mistake either. This was a purposeful lie.

You do you. I’m not going to accept apologies from people who aren’t actually sorry, have no intention of changing, and are willing to lie and throw high school kids to the wolves just to paint their “enemy” in a bad light. It’s unacceptable.

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