THE Created Image of the Beast


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
When they converted the discovered Mithraic temples into their bascilica churches like the Basilica of San Clemente, they found there Mithraic relics like a sickly man on the cross at the altar. A Mithraic idol predating Christianity and thus reused by the church even though their character is said to be stoned and hanged on a tree.

When Ezekiel 28 talks about the son of perdition, he calls it a "created" image, one that walked the Garden of Eden (ancient Persia) where Mithra was born out of Mythology.

What is a created image? It's not that Lucifer was created in the sense man is created, a created image is a different meaning as in a fabrication of ones persona.

The Image of the Beast mentioned in REV 13:14-15
can mean the actual idol/icon they created in
the cross{mark of death}with a man suffering on it, or the Images we portray in falsely trying to create a history or air about someone. (creating their public image)
The Kennedy’s Camelot image farce was all a staged promotion propaganda media marketing gimick, it was all created image....
George Washington never had a Cherry Tree, the story was for pure image to give him an air about him and teach a lesson about honesty. This is being taught and printed in our history school books even though ironically they have to lie to our kids while teaching about honesty...
Houdini never was traped under the ice as claimed, the whole story was made up to give him a supernatural mysterious image, yet people swear they witnessed it and people act as if these things are fact and true...
Rob and Fab never sang any of the songs for Milli Vanilli, they were used as mere pretty boy images to fool the mass audience...
It's been a well known fact that many don't believe Shakespeare actually wrote those books attributed to him. Facts point to the possibility that an Oxford group of writers thought it a good idea to have a flesh-and-blood author to point to, and paid him to be their image for the books authorship.
Something very similar to the Rob and Fab scam, but do people know about this or research these things or do they just accept whats fed to them? If they would question this whole page of mine's validity without reason, yet accept their own beliefs without researching, then they aren't being rational or honest with themselves and they leave themselves open to these kinds of Image perception deceptions...

Professor Uri Millstein's book “The Rabin File” caused a sensation years ago, because it shattered the myth of Yitzhak Rabin-War Hero. Relying heavily on first hand eye-witness reports, Millstein presented a portrait of Rabin-being a bit of a Coward. The War Hero label was just an image to help sell him to the public...
The Jesus myths borrowed and even designed by imagery of the early scripture and other culture deities is all an illusion, an image thus an Icon is born....
“The Image” is The deceptive compiled Image in order to mask the Beast (aka Lord of Death). They all have something in common by these images, everyone swore by them & were so easily fooled and deceived.
No question------all famous people are embellished. The creation of
Christianity mandated a big shot guy----whose life was full of symbolic
justification for adjusting him to the role just as the creation of the USA required a president who was not just an odd looking person with wooden teeth and an old rich wife-----who just happened to be descended from "upper classniks" in England. ------but I still believe in Robin Hood and Friar Tuck.
the childrens story of the beuty and the beast is so telling the story there is a man named gaston who is beutiful to look upon by the women and the men admire him as well... the twist in the story is there is a man who was transformed into a beast and is loathsome to look at and is hated and the truth is the one who is seen by most as the beast is actually far from that and is noble and good in his own right while gaston the beuty of a man is actually a horrible selfish vain and loathome is not until the veil is removed that their true natures are reve
sled and once the spell is gone people can finally see the truth.... the same could be said for the image that is portrayed around the world for jesus of being sinless, perfect and beutiful without is only after looking deeper and unmasking him that one can see that he is actually the beast and not the beuty...there is alot or truth and not so hidden meaning in simple childrens stories and jesus and the character gaston have much in common...
I don't believe it-----don't blame Jesus for what Rome made of him-----ie the beast is the creation of Rome
There are two "beasts" in Revelation. One is the scarlet colored beast called "BABYLON THE GREAT", which is AMERICA of course. And, the other beast is "the ten horns" called "man of lawlessness" that's upon America. These of course are the African Americans. Thus, "the image of the beast", is the image of African Americans.
Babylon the great could only be Iraq how they were emulating Nebuchadnezar with Saddam or The church
which borrowed the mystery religions Baal, Ishtar, Mithra Zoroaster etc.. and who set themselves higher then God lije the story of the tower of Babylon.

Briget goes on iggy for being a racist and using that racism to reinvent already invented texts to fit their leanings.
There are two "beasts" in Revelation. One is the scarlet colored beast called "BABYLON THE GREAT", which is AMERICA of course. And, the other beast is "the ten horns" called "man of lawlessness" that's upon America. These of course are the African Americans. Thus, "the image of the beast", is the image of African Americans.

Briget-----take a nap
since Jesus was a Jew , right? then all jews must be beasts and the spawn of the devil.
since Jesus was a Jew , right? then all jews must be beasts and the spawn of the devil.

to whom are you addressing your idiotic remark, Penelope? There is no question that Jesus was a jew----in fact a Pharisee jew. The book of revelations seems, very clearly, to establish BABYLON as "the beast" and many Christian scholars establish ROME as "the beast" Jesus, himself, was no beast------ The book of Daniel includes a whole bunch
of beast visions that seem to represent various "nations" or regimes. There is some allusion to a SEVEN HEADED beast in the book of revelations which some Christian scholars are convinced is the seven
hills of Rome. Altogether most "symbol" interpreters seem to insist
that the beasts are evil nations-------some even include Germany and
Russia. Interestingly---Christian scholars insist that Jesus has something to do with the book of Daniel and CERTAINLY with the
book of revelations. IMO---As Christianity evolved in came to consider
ROME a symbol of Jesus----even to the point of creating a legend that
Jesus made a magical TRIP to Rome and by using a star to symbolize
Rome (??) It is all a false construct. -----Rome is a beast---the
real Jesus (if he existed) has nothing to do with Rome and that which
ultimately became chistianity. The BEAST is the first reich (holy roman empire) second reich (holy roman empire) and third reich (holy roman empire)
There are two "beasts" in Revelation. One is the scarlet colored beast called "BABYLON THE GREAT", which is AMERICA of course. And, the other beast is "the ten horns" called "man of lawlessness" that's upon America. These of course are the African Americans. Thus, "the image of the beast", is the image of African Americans.

Briget-----take a nap

Take a nap? That's what's wrong with white America....they're asleep.
since Jesus was a Jew , right? then all jews must be beasts and the spawn of the devil.

Damn Penelope, what part of created image don't you understand?
It's the title of the OP for crying out loud.
How can a created image using Baal/Mithra/Krishna/Esus/Osiris/Horus/
Manny/Moe/&Jack be Jewish anymore then Gumby or Pokey can be called Jewish?

Even the character your church made foefront was not Jewish by birth or beliefs.
And the converged story character was not Jewish by lineage going through a Canaanite non Jewish woman Ahab.

Failed comment at every single level.
Devil for dummies:
Rev says devil=power of death and destruction=Rome & Babylon.
Devil symbol scarlet 2 horn beast (horn=power)=
2 power system under Rome=army & authority used color red. Rome hid the political authrity behind the religious authority=2 horn scarlet system of power=devil.

The mirror opposite to live is the devil so the devil represented as the angel of death, gatekeeper of hades.

Jesus is the gate keeper with the keys to death and hades;
Revelations 1:18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
But Rev 9:1 says that's the fallen star aka Lucifer.
Rev 22:16 admits Jesus is the fallen star aka morning star=lucifer.
There are two "beasts" in Revelation. One is the scarlet colored beast called "BABYLON THE GREAT", which is AMERICA of course. And, the other beast is "the ten horns" called "man of lawlessness" that's upon America. These of course are the African Americans. Thus, "the image of the beast", is the image of African Americans.

Briget-----take a nap

Take a nap? That's what's wrong with white America....they're asleep.

there is no "white America" -----most of America is green. The people
in the USA come in shades of pink and tan and brown. I am very pink---very light pink. If one were to describe me on the basis of skin color as being a member of a "race"-------doing so would be a mistake. Skin
color is a very poor marker of the origin of people because it is MULTI ALLELIC------ie lots of genes involved and the DNA line almost impossible to trace based simply on skin color. Reference to skin color is very
OUT DATED and not at all based in science. It is Hitlerian. -----"white" people like me------BURN IN THE SUN-----it is a handicap
since Jesus was a Jew , right? then all jews must be beasts and the spawn of the devil.

Damn Penelope, what part of created image don't you understand?
It's the title of the OP for crying out loud.
How can a created image using Baal/Mithra/Krishna/Esus/Osiris/Horus/
Manny/Moe/&Jack be Jewish anymore then Gumby or Pokey can be called Jewish?

Even the character your church made foefront was not Jewish by birth or beliefs.
And the converged story character was not Jewish by lineage going through a Canaanite non Jewish woman Ahab.

Failed comment at every single level.

Oh gee and everyone thinks Jesus was a jew, even Irosie. Wasn't his mother jewish, Mary and his Father, your Hellenistic Jews went through pains to show his genealogy in the NT of Matt and Luke. He was from the seed of David. God took a seed from David and implanted it into Mary's womb via the Holy Spirit, and voila , baby Jesus, from the line of David.
There are two "beasts" in Revelation. One is the scarlet colored beast called "BABYLON THE GREAT", which is AMERICA of course. And, the other beast is "the ten horns" called "man of lawlessness" that's upon America. These of course are the African Americans. Thus, "the image of the beast", is the image of African Americans.

Briget-----take a nap

Take a nap? That's what's wrong with white America....they're asleep.

there is no "white America" -----most of America is green. The people
in the USA come in shades of pink and tan and brown. I am very pink---very light pink. If one were to describe me on the basis of skin color as being a member of a "race"-------doing so would be a mistake. Skin
color is a very poor marker of the origin of people because it is MULTI ALLELIC------ie lots of genes involved and the DNA line almost impossible to trace based simply on skin color. Reference to skin color is very
OUT DATED and not at all based in science. It is Hitlerian. -----"white" people like me------BURN IN THE SUN-----it is a handicap

And what, pray tell does any of that have to do with the created image of the beast?
Devil for dummies:
Rev says devil=power of death and destruction=Rome & Babylon.
Devil symbol scarlet 2 horn beast (horn=power)=
2 power system under Rome=army & authority used color red. Rome hid the political authrity behind the religious authority=2 horn scarlet system of power=devil.

The mirror opposite to live is the devil so the devil represented as the angel of death, gatekeeper of hades.

Jesus is the gate keeper with the keys to death and hades;
Revelations 1:18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
But Rev 9:1 says that's the fallen star aka Lucifer.
Rev 22:16 admits Jesus is the fallen star aka morning star=lucifer.
So King David must of been Father Lucifer.
since Jesus was a Jew , right? then all jews must be beasts and the spawn of the devil.

Damn Penelope, what part of created image don't you understand?
It's the title of the OP for crying out loud.
How can a created image using Baal/Mithra/Krishna/Esus/Osiris/Horus/
Manny/Moe/&Jack be Jewish anymore then Gumby or Pokey can be called Jewish?

Even the character your church made foefront was not Jewish by birth or beliefs.
And the converged story character was not Jewish by lineage going through a Canaanite non Jewish woman Ahab.

Failed comment at every single level.

Oh gee and everyone thinks Jesus was a jew, even Irosie. Wasn't his mother jewish, Mary and his Father, your Hellenistic Jews went through pains to show his genealogy in the NT of Matt and Luke. He was from the seed of David. God took a seed from David and implanted it into Mary's womb via the Holy Spirit, and voila , baby Jesus, from the line of David.

When Jesus said that he was the sower of the good seed he was not speaking about impregnating women with sperm.

In the same way the seed of David is not about genealogical lineage.
There are two "beasts" in Revelation. One is the scarlet colored beast called "BABYLON THE GREAT", which is AMERICA of course. And, the other beast is "the ten horns" called "man of lawlessness" that's upon America. These of course are the African Americans. Thus, "the image of the beast", is the image of African Americans.

Briget-----take a nap

Take a nap? That's what's wrong with white America....they're asleep.

there is no "white America" -----most of America is green. The people
in the USA come in shades of pink and tan and brown. I am very pink---very light pink. If one were to describe me on the basis of skin color as being a member of a "race"-------doing so would be a mistake. Skin
color is a very poor marker of the origin of people because it is MULTI ALLELIC------ie lots of genes involved and the DNA line almost impossible to trace based simply on skin color. Reference to skin color is very
OUT DATED and not at all based in science. It is Hitlerian. -----"white" people like me------BURN IN THE SUN-----it is a handicap

And what, pray tell does any of that have to do with the created image of the beast?

I did not say it does-----YOU brought up the concept of "white America"-----which is a concept that I know only as racist shit---
referring to the ideology of some animals who actually believe that
light colored skin is somehow BETTER than dark colored skin
There are two "beasts" in Revelation. One is the scarlet colored beast called "BABYLON THE GREAT", which is AMERICA of course. And, the other beast is "the ten horns" called "man of lawlessness" that's upon America. These of course are the African Americans. Thus, "the image of the beast", is the image of African Americans.

Briget-----take a nap

Take a nap? That's what's wrong with white America....they're asleep.

there is no "white America" -----most of America is green. The people
in the USA come in shades of pink and tan and brown. I am very pink---very light pink. If one were to describe me on the basis of skin color as being a member of a "race"-------doing so would be a mistake. Skin
color is a very poor marker of the origin of people because it is MULTI ALLELIC------ie lots of genes involved and the DNA line almost impossible to trace based simply on skin color. Reference to skin color is very
OUT DATED and not at all based in science. It is Hitlerian. -----"white" people like me------BURN IN THE SUN-----it is a handicap

Like an albino?
Devil for dummies:
Rev says devil=power of death and destruction=Rome & Babylon.
Devil symbol scarlet 2 horn beast (horn=power)=
2 power system under Rome=army & authority used color red. Rome hid the political authrity behind the religious authority=2 horn scarlet system of power=devil.

The mirror opposite to live is the devil so the devil represented as the angel of death, gatekeeper of hades.

Jesus is the gate keeper with the keys to death and hades;
Revelations 1:18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
But Rev 9:1 says that's the fallen star aka Lucifer.
Rev 22:16 admits Jesus is the fallen star aka morning star=lucifer.
So King David must of been Father Lucifer.

who is "father" Lucifer and how do you connect King David to this

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