The Crowd reaction Republicans hope to get for knocking millions off healthcare

It's not like obamacare has been working. It's crashing. Replace it or have nothing.
"Nothing" is the GOP goal. That's why they've spent years sabotaging the ACA.

its not going to crash, if it was the Rubes wouldnt be trying to kill it.
I'm not really sure what the rubes are trying to do these days. They voted to completely repeal the ACA 61 times... but now it looks like they're trying to keep most of it, but in a way that lets Trump claim victory while screwing the old, the young, and the sick. Evil at its worst.
Socialized healthcare only helps progressives, and forces everyone else to pay for shit that will never use or need.

So if you become injured or ill you pledge to never seek treatment then?
I Certainly don't expect anyone else to pay for It..
Your spin on everyone's rates being raised with much less coverage and the rich prospering big time is nothing short of amazing.

Your spin on everyone's rates being raised

Like when Obama promised every family would save $2500 a year but then costs went up instead?
...and you can keep your doctor and plan - in all 57 states and under sniperfire
I kept mine. Course, mine met minimum standards. Republicans don't believe in standards of any kind. They haven't had standards for decades.

You know your cute little videos showing people's responses to something, R-Derp? What they REALLY illustrate is in the first...what the Middle Class was led to believe they would be getting from the ACA (wild cheering for their rates going down by an average of $2,500 per family per year!) and in the second...the stunned reaction when their premiums just kept going up and up and up!
They were always going to go up fool. Anything market based does. They just went up much slower, with greater coverage for millions who never had healthcare before. Don't you follow the news?

Slower? In some States premiums went up over 40%, R-Derp! If rates were always going to go up...explain Barack Obama's claim that the average American family would save $2,500 each year on their premiums? If what you're saying is true...THEN BARRY LIED HIS SKINNY ASS OFF WHEN HE SOLD THE ACA TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!
The GOP leadership is very confused. They assumed that with the announcement of millions of Americans losing their healthcare and billionaires getting hundreds of billions of dollars, the GOP base would have this reaction.


Instead, once it became known that millions would lose their healthcare, many Americans give this reaction:


Gee, R-Derp....would you care to take a crack at explaining why if the ACA is SO guys had to put huge fines in place for anyone who opted out of it?

Why would you have to do that?
Under the Current system, I pay 6,000 a year for healthcare as a retiree. Under the GOP plan, I would pay 24,000 a year for less.

Get the picture?

You didn't answer my question, R-Derp! Explain why if the ACA is so WONDERFUL you need to threaten people with large fines if they opt out of it!
When you can figure out why car insurance is mandatory and still have a question, come back and I'll answer it for you.

Since when are people who don't drive forced to buy car insurance or face large fines? Once again, R-Derp...explain why if the ACA was so wonderful for everyone they had to impose fines on those who chose not to participate? Why would any rational person not sign up if it's as wonderful as you claim?

Since when are people who don't drive forced to buy car insurance or face large fines?

Since when do people not seek treatment when they become ill or injured?

Do you pledge to never seek treatment?
The GOP leadership is very confused. They assumed that with the announcement of millions of Americans losing their healthcare and billionaires getting hundreds of billions of dollars, the GOP base would have this reaction.


Instead, once it became known that millions would lose their healthcare, many Americans give this reaction:

You do realize that someone has to pay for that "free healthcare"?
Whats wrong with an opt in? For those that want to get involved and leave the rest of us the fuck out of it?
Your spin on everyone's rates being raised with much less coverage and the rich prospering big time is nothing short of amazing.

Your spin on everyone's rates being raised

Like when Obama promised every family would save $2500 a year but then costs went up instead?
...and you can keep your doctor and plan - in all 57 states and under sniperfire
I kept mine. Course, mine met minimum standards. Republicans don't believe in standards of any kind. They haven't had standards for decades.
Obama made no mention of minimum standards when lying about Obamacare, did he? He simply stated that if you liked your plan and doctor, you could keep them. Turned out to be a lie. you even know what the minimum standards are and why they were put into existence? It is the equivalent of black ops money gleaned from allegedly paying 1500 dollars for a hammer, 37,000 dollars for a toilet seat. In other words, its budgetary sleight of hand financing to keep the American citizens in the dark.

Obamacare hits the middle class harder than any other class in this country, yet you people defend this failing POS.
"Nothing" is the GOP goal. That's why they've spent years sabotaging the ACA.

its not going to crash, if it was the Rubes wouldnt be trying to kill it.
I'm not really sure what the rubes are trying to do these days. They voted to completely repeal the ACA 61 times... but now it looks like they're trying to keep most of it, but in a way that lets Trump claim victory while screwing the old, the young, and the sick. Evil at its worst.
Socialized healthcare only helps progressives, and forces everyone else to pay for shit that will never use or need.

So if you become injured or ill you pledge to never seek treatment then?
I Certainly don't expect anyone else to pay for It..

So you have 200K for surgery and an ICU stay?
Gee, R-Derp....would you care to take a crack at explaining why if the ACA is SO guys had to put huge fines in place for anyone who opted out of it?

Why would you have to do that?
Under the Current system, I pay 6,000 a year for healthcare as a retiree. Under the GOP plan, I would pay 24,000 a year for less.

Get the picture?

You didn't answer my question, R-Derp! Explain why if the ACA is so WONDERFUL you need to threaten people with large fines if they opt out of it!
When you can figure out why car insurance is mandatory and still have a question, come back and I'll answer it for you.

Since when are people who don't drive forced to buy car insurance or face large fines? Once again, R-Derp...explain why if the ACA was so wonderful for everyone they had to impose fines on those who chose not to participate? Why would any rational person not sign up if it's as wonderful as you claim?

Since when are people who don't drive forced to buy car insurance or face large fines?

Since when do people not seek treatment when they become ill or injured?

Do you pledge to never seek treatment?

I've had health insurance either through private plans I paid for...or through company plans that were part of my salary package since I was in my 20's, Hutch. It's one of the reasons why one works.
The GOP leadership is very confused. They assumed that with the announcement of millions of Americans losing their healthcare and billionaires getting hundreds of billions of dollars, the GOP base would have this reaction.


Instead, once it became known that millions would lose their healthcare, many Americans give this reaction:

You do realize that someone has to pay for that "free healthcare"?
Whats wrong with an opt in? For those that want to get involved and leave the rest of us the fuck out of it?

^ Doesn't even have the most basic understanding of how healthcare works.
If it was worth a shit… It would not have to be forced on to everybody

Like I said, no clue about healthcare.
its not going to crash, if it was the Rubes wouldnt be trying to kill it.
I'm not really sure what the rubes are trying to do these days. They voted to completely repeal the ACA 61 times... but now it looks like they're trying to keep most of it, but in a way that lets Trump claim victory while screwing the old, the young, and the sick. Evil at its worst.
Socialized healthcare only helps progressives, and forces everyone else to pay for shit that will never use or need.

So if you become injured or ill you pledge to never seek treatment then?
I Certainly don't expect anyone else to pay for It..

So you have 200K for surgery and an ICU stay?
Most people don't have to worry about that, but if it comes to that I have plenty of old collectible Colts and Winchesters… I don't have to worry about finances rest of my life neither does my family.
Under the Current system, I pay 6,000 a year for healthcare as a retiree. Under the GOP plan, I would pay 24,000 a year for less.

Get the picture?

You didn't answer my question, R-Derp! Explain why if the ACA is so WONDERFUL you need to threaten people with large fines if they opt out of it!
When you can figure out why car insurance is mandatory and still have a question, come back and I'll answer it for you.

Since when are people who don't drive forced to buy car insurance or face large fines? Once again, R-Derp...explain why if the ACA was so wonderful for everyone they had to impose fines on those who chose not to participate? Why would any rational person not sign up if it's as wonderful as you claim?

Since when are people who don't drive forced to buy car insurance or face large fines?

Since when do people not seek treatment when they become ill or injured?

Do you pledge to never seek treatment?

I've had health insurance either through private plans I paid for...or through company plans that were part of my salary package since I was in my 20's, Hutch. It's one of the reasons why one works.

Every employer offers that benefit?
This lie?

The left will never learn how ALL of the narratives put out by the democrats are lies and we all see through it.

The left wingers like the OP are drowning in their own cesspool of their own shit and I love it.

You are all fucking losers.
I'm not really sure what the rubes are trying to do these days. They voted to completely repeal the ACA 61 times... but now it looks like they're trying to keep most of it, but in a way that lets Trump claim victory while screwing the old, the young, and the sick. Evil at its worst.
Socialized healthcare only helps progressives, and forces everyone else to pay for shit that will never use or need.

So if you become injured or ill you pledge to never seek treatment then?
I Certainly don't expect anyone else to pay for It..

So you have 200K for surgery and an ICU stay?
Most people don't have to worry about that, but if it comes to that I have plenty of old collectible Colts and Winchesters… I don't have to worry about finances rest of my life neither does my family.

Most people do have to worry about that. It happens everyday. When your pelvis is crushed by some idiot who t-boned you, you won't go to the hospital?
Socialized healthcare only helps progressives, and forces everyone else to pay for shit that will never use or need.

So if you become injured or ill you pledge to never seek treatment then?
I Certainly don't expect anyone else to pay for It..

So you have 200K for surgery and an ICU stay?
Most people don't have to worry about that, but if it comes to that I have plenty of old collectible Colts and Winchesters… I don't have to worry about finances rest of my life neither does my family.

Most people do have to worry about that. It happens everyday. When your pelvis is crushed by some idiot who t-boned you, you won't go to the hospital?
Of course I'll go, and I don't expect anyone else to pay for it.
Your spin on everyone's rates being raised

Like when Obama promised every family would save $2500 a year but then costs went up instead?
...and you can keep your doctor and plan - in all 57 states and under sniperfire
I kept mine. Course, mine met minimum standards. Republicans don't believe in standards of any kind. They haven't had standards for decades.

You know your cute little videos showing people's responses to something, R-Derp? What they REALLY illustrate is in the first...what the Middle Class was led to believe they would be getting from the ACA (wild cheering for their rates going down by an average of $2,500 per family per year!) and in the second...the stunned reaction when their premiums just kept going up and up and up!
They were always going to go up fool. Anything market based does. They just went up much slower, with greater coverage for millions who never had healthcare before. Don't you follow the news?

Slower? In some States premiums went up over 40%, R-Derp! If rates were always going to go up...explain Barack Obama's claim that the average American family would save $2,500 each year on their premiums? If what you're saying is true...THEN BARRY LIED HIS SKINNY ASS OFF WHEN HE SOLD THE ACA TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!
Slower? In some States premiums went up over 40%, R
What were the annual average increases in premiums before the ACA?
What are they after?
So if you become injured or ill you pledge to never seek treatment then?
I Certainly don't expect anyone else to pay for It..

So you have 200K for surgery and an ICU stay?
Most people don't have to worry about that, but if it comes to that I have plenty of old collectible Colts and Winchesters… I don't have to worry about finances rest of my life neither does my family.

Most people do have to worry about that. It happens everyday. When your pelvis is crushed by some idiot who t-boned you, you won't go to the hospital?
Of course I'll go, and I don't expect anyone else to pay for it.

How will you pay and how long does the hospital need to carry the cost for your indigent ass? What happens to that cost they carry from uninsured idiots?
I Certainly don't expect anyone else to pay for It..

So you have 200K for surgery and an ICU stay?
Most people don't have to worry about that, but if it comes to that I have plenty of old collectible Colts and Winchesters… I don't have to worry about finances rest of my life neither does my family.

Most people do have to worry about that. It happens everyday. When your pelvis is crushed by some idiot who t-boned you, you won't go to the hospital?
Of course I'll go, and I don't expect anyone else to pay for it.

How will you pay and how long does the hospital need to carry the cost for your indigent ass? What happens to that cost they carry from uninsured idiots?
You read about it all the time - insurance company's screwing over customers… Happens every day.
Insurance is not healthcare
So you have 200K for surgery and an ICU stay?
Most people don't have to worry about that, but if it comes to that I have plenty of old collectible Colts and Winchesters… I don't have to worry about finances rest of my life neither does my family.

Most people do have to worry about that. It happens everyday. When your pelvis is crushed by some idiot who t-boned you, you won't go to the hospital?
Of course I'll go, and I don't expect anyone else to pay for it.

How will you pay and how long does the hospital need to carry the cost for your indigent ass? What happens to that cost they carry from uninsured idiots?
You read about it all the time - insurance company's screwing over customers… Happens every day.
Insurance is not healthcare
Insurance exists to cover you financially if the need arises. It's the responsible thing to do.
Most people don't have to worry about that, but if it comes to that I have plenty of old collectible Colts and Winchesters… I don't have to worry about finances rest of my life neither does my family.

Most people do have to worry about that. It happens everyday. When your pelvis is crushed by some idiot who t-boned you, you won't go to the hospital?
Of course I'll go, and I don't expect anyone else to pay for it.

How will you pay and how long does the hospital need to carry the cost for your indigent ass? What happens to that cost they carry from uninsured idiots?
You read about it all the time - insurance company's screwing over customers… Happens every day.
Insurance is not healthcare
Insurance exists to cover you financially if the need arises. It's the responsible thing to do.
Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, and there's no guarantee that insurance company is going to back anybody… fact

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