The culture police of the left wing

You're the culture police attempting to control people. idiot.

Hardly. People can do what they like within legal limits and without threats and intimidation prevalent on many of our campuses today.
liberals have their brand of thought police, you can't say this, or think THAT. "legals aliens" are a pejorative term. Can't say the "N' word although evey black rapper whosits CAN. Double standards all day long.Illegal aliens threaten me all the time, And a poor black girl called me all sorts racial names, gave me a lecture on race. She called the police when I dared use the "n" word., the dichotomy in the country is mind boggling. I was disturbing the peace, yeah, after telling her to turn her loud ass radio down ,Yeah. Ironic as hell. A major disconnect going on here.
I yelled at a black woman with a loud radio interfering with my business. I like that, when black female with a loud radio has to turn it down so they can give you a lecture about how loud radios are a (black or Hispanic ) cultural thing. And launch into a racial tirade and call you a racist name and all the while pretend to be a victim. And, since I am not perfect, I am minding my own business and not interfering with anyone, I called a name back. Opps. Some black person of the opposite persuasion can do whatever the hell because...RACISM? Enough. I get it. Double standards. All day long till Tuesday.
OK, so let me say this: I was arrested for disturbing the peace. Although the cause was someone with a loud radio preventing me from using my rights , Ironic as hell. Handcuffs and put in the back of a police car. I batted my pretty eyes and played nice. I can't escape the fact people need to be more respectful and and lay off race. Race is becoming such a weak excuse if not a out and out lie.
Let me set this up here for you folks. I just came from the Montbello branch of the DMV. In parking lot in a cross walk next to a police station, mind you. Speed limit 5 MPH. I'm in a cross walk and some black boy with his base nearly deafens small beasts, nearly ran me over. Going like thirty or something. So, I am a little pissed off at the irony of that. Ten minutes later, I go to fill up, the pump stops working. I get on the intercom, and magically just then a black girl with a HUGEMONGOUS loud radio pulls up, going BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM I am so pissed off. I ask her to TURN that shit down. She gets offended, uses race as a hedge, If only I could communicate with her. Loud radios are better than communication with real flesh and blood people.

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